Social Policy: Concept, Objectives and Scope; Distinction between Social and Economic Policies;
Values underlying Social Policy; Principles of Social Policy; Sources of Social Policy: Directive
Principles, Fundamental Rights and Human Rights
Approaches to Social Policy: Sectoral, Cross-Sectoral and Convergence; Process of Social Policy
Formulation; Role of Interest Group; Role of Professional Social Workers; Reviewing Social
Policies on Education, Health, Housing and Environment
Social Planning: Concept, Principles and Scope; Sources of Planning: Constitution, Planning
Commission and National Development Council; Decentralized Planning: Panchayati Raj;
Welfare of Children, Women, Youth, Aged and Minorities in India
Social Movements, Social Capital, Civil Society and Social Development; Technology,
Displacement and Development; Role of NGOs in Social Development; Theories of Social
Development: Social Evolution, Sanskritization, Westernization and Modernization; Social
Development in India in Pre- and Post Independence Phase; Current Government Programmes
and Social Development
Sustainable Development: Concept Issues and Perspectives; Global Efforts for Human
Development and Human Development Index; Globalization and Sustainability; Impact and Issue
of Sustainable Social Development in India; Neo-Political Economy and Sustainable
Societies (Registration) Act, 1860; Indian Trust Act, 1882-Registration of a Trust, Duties and
Liabilities of Trustees; Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976; The Cooperative Societies Act,
1. Chowdhry,D.Paul
Social Welfare Administration
Atma Ram & Sons: Delhi 1962
2. Goel S.L; Jain,R.K.
Social Welfare Administration Vol. 2
Deep & Deep Publications: New Delhi 1998
3. Bean,Philip (Edited)
Approaches to Welfare
Routledge & Kegan Paul: London 1983
4. Khan,R.L.
Social Administration in India
Mohira Capital Publishers: Chandigarh 1970
5. Prasad,Rajeswar
Social Administration
Shree Publishing House: Delhi 1982
6. Fernando, Fr. Emmanuel S. Project From Problems
St. Xavier's Church: Mumbai 1998
7. Hart,Roderick P.
Public Communications
Harper & Row Publishers: New York 1975
8. Dale,Reidar
Evaluation Frame Works for Development Programmes and Projects
Sage Publications: New York 1998
9. Encyclopaedia of Social Work in India
Publication Division GOI: New Delhi 1968
Basic Aims of Evaluation; Project Evaluation and Role of Project Evaluation; Monitoring and
Evaluation-Mid-term & Ex-post Evaluation; Hierarchy of Objectives; Characteristics of Good
Appraisal System
1. Fernando, Fr. Emmanuel S. Project From Problems St. Xavier's Church: Mumbai 1998
2. Dale,Reidar
Evaluation Frame Works for Development Programmes and Projects
Sage Publications Ltd.: New Delhi 1998
3. Elhance,D.N.
Fundamentals of Statistics
4. Chandra,Rajan
Modern Computer Architecture
Galghotia Publications Ltd.: New Delhi 1995
5. Rajarama,V.
Fundamentals of Computer
Prentice-Hall: New Delhi 1994
6. Sussams,John E.
How to Write Effective Reports
Gower Publishing Company Ltd.: Hants 1963
7. Saxen, T.P; Chandra, A.
Style Manual Papers in Social Sciences
Metropalitan Book Co.: Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi 1997