The PCNC Certification Process - Sept. 1, 2016
The PCNC Certification Process - Sept. 1, 2016
The PCNC Certification Process - Sept. 1, 2016
The applicant organization must have assigned a point person (specified in the Application Form) with whom
PCNC will directly coordinate the evaluation process.
It is only after the four (4) sets of documents submitted to PCNC are assessed and accepted as complete and in
order, will the application for PCNC certification by an NGO/Foundation be considered as active.
arrangements are made by the assigned PCNC Evaluation Associate for the organizational evaluation
of the applicant NGO/Foundation as follows:3
1. Setting of tentative date/s of conduct of evaluation visit..
2. Organizing evaluation team composed of two (2) to three (3) Volunteer Peer Evaluators.
3. Finalizing date/s of evaluation visit as per common availability of evaluation team members, the
applicant NGO/Foundation and PCNC Evaluation Associate who will act as facilitator.
F. In coordination with the applicant’s point person, PCNC Evaluation Team conducts evaluation visit
in the official address of the applicant. Among the activities that will be conducted are as follows:
1. Interviews/focus group discussions with Board Members, management, staff, partners and
beneficiaries of applicant NGO/Foundation
2. Review of relevant documents (refer to the checklist for documents to be reviewed by the PCNC
evaluation team.)
3. Project visit
G. Evaluation Team organizes evaluation findings and:
1. If no adverse findings and/or significant deficiencies have been identified, an evaluation report is
prepared, detailing degree of compliance with the PCNC organizational standards.
2. In case of adverse findings or deficiencies, these will be discussed by the PCNC management
team and the applicant NGO/Foundation is informed and given three (3) to six (6) months to
institute corrective measures. If corrective measures were found to be:
a. Satisfactory, the evaluation report is prepared.
b. Unsatisfactory, the application for PCNC certification is recommended to the PCNC Board
for denial. Applicant is advised to re-apply when deficiencies have been satisfactorily
corrected. This means, submission of updated documents and payment of evaluation dues.
H. PCNC secretariat submits evaluation report to the PCNC Board for deliberation.
I. Based on the evaluation report and the results of the PCNC Board deliberation, the Board approves,
defers or denies PCNC certification of the applicant NGO/Foundation. 4 In case of:
1. Approval of the PCNC certification of the applicant NGO/Foundation:
a. A PCNC certificate of “Good Governance and Management” and Accountability and
Transparency is issued to the applicant NGO/Foundation that meets the minimum and
required organizational standards. This certification is not the equivalent of the “donee
status” certificate that the Bureau of Internal Revenue issues (BIR) after PCNC endorsement.
b. Corresponding documents of the applicant organization are sent to the BIR and endorsed for
issuance of the “donee status”
2 Deferment of approval of PCNC certification, the applicant NGO/Foundation is asked to reply to
concerns raised and/or comply with additional documents required by the PCNC Board. Upon
satisfactory compliance with reasons for deferment, the PCNC certification is issued to the
applicant NGO/Foundation and endorsed to BIR for issuance of the “donee status”.
Using the PCNC designed Organizational Self-Assessment Guide (may be downloaded from the PCNC website),
applicant NGO/Foundation is highly encouraged to conduct organizational self-assessment prior to the conduct of
the PCNC evaluation visit.
Based on the degree of compliance with the organizational standards set by PCNC: first time applicants are given
one (1) or three (3) year certification; an NGO/Foundation re-applying for PCNC certification is given one (1), three
(3) or five (5) year certification and: an NGO/Foundation that re-applies for PCNC certification two (2) years after
the expiration of its last certification will be considered as first time applicant.
c. Denial of PCNC certification, applicant NGO/Foundation is provided with reason/s and
recommendations for improvements. The applicant is encouraged to re-apply, after one (1)
year, for PCNC certification and corrective measures have been put in place.
J. If BIR finds documents of the applicant endorsed by PCNC in order, certificate of “donee status” is
issued by BIR. The “donee status” certificate issued by BIR specifies the inclusive dates that the
NGO/Foundation can receive donor’s tax exempt donations and issue corresponding certificates of
donor’s tax exemption to its local donors.
K. Six (6) months before the expiration of the PCNC/BIR certification, PCNC reminds NGO/Foundation
of the need to start the process of re-applying for PCNC certification to avoid any lapse in the validity
of its “donee status”. In this regard, make sure to inform PCNC of any change in mailing and email
addresses and telephone numbers to make sure you receive the notice.