(Affiliated to Anna University-Chennai)
Prepared by
Sewage before being disposed of either in river streams or on land has generally to be treated.
So as to make it safe.
Sewage can be treated in difference ways treatment process are often classified as
1) Preliminary treatment
2) Primary treatment
3) Secondary or (biological) treatment
4) Complete final treatment
Preliminary treatment:
Preliminary treatment consists solely in separating the floating materials (Like dead animals,
tree branches, papers, pieces of rags, wood etc) and also the heavy settle able inorganic solids. It also
helps in removing the oils and greases etc. From the sewage this treatment reduces the BOD of the
waste water, by about 15 to 30%.The process used are screening for removing floating papers, rags,
clothes etc.Grit chambers or detritus tanks: For removing grit and sand Slimming tanks: For removing
oils and greases.
Primary Treatment
Primary treatment consists in removing large suspended organic solids. This is usually this is
usually accomplished by sedimentation on settling basins. The liquid effluent from primary treatment
often contains a large amount of suspended organic material and has a high BOD about (60% of
original).The original solids which are separated out in the sedimentation tanks (in primary treatment)
are often stabilized by an anaerobic decomposition in a digestion tanks or are incinerated. Sometimes
the preliminary as well as primary treatments are classified to gather under primary treatment.
Secondary treatment
Secondary treatment involves further treatment of the efficient, coming from the primary
sedimentation tank. This is generally accomplished through biological decomposition of organic
matter, which can be carried out either under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. In these biological
units, bacteria will decompose the fine organic matter, to produce cleaner effluent. The treatment
reactors, in which the organic matter is decomposed (oxidized) by aerobic bacteria are known as
aerobic biological units; and may consists of
(i) Filters (intermittent sand filters as well as trick long filters).
(ii) Aeration tanks with the feed of recycled activated sludge (i.e., the sludge which I settled in
secondary sedimentation tank, receiving effluents from the aeration tank)
(iii) Exudation ponds and Aerated legions. Since the there aerobic units, generally make use of
Primary settled sewage, they are early classified as secondary units.
The effluent from the secondary biological treatment will usually contain a little BOD (5 to
10% of the original). The organic solids sledge separated out in the primary as wells as in the
secondary settling tank will be disposed of by stabilizing them under anaerobic process in a sludge
digestion tank.
Thus treatment is sometimes called tertiary treatment, and consists in removing the organic
local left after the secondary treatment, and particularly to kill the pathogenic bacteria. Thus
treatment, which is normally carried out by chlorination. Shows diagrammatic sketches of some
standard types of sewage treatment plants
2. Describe the types of screens with need sketch.
Screening is the very first operation carried out at a sewage treatment plant, so as to trap and
remove the floating matter, such as pieces of cloth, paper, wood cork, hair, fiber, kitchen refuge, fecal
solids etc present in sewage. Thus, the main idea of providing screens it to protect the pumps and
other equipments from the possible damages due to the floating matter of the sewage.
Types of screens depending upon the size of the openings and screens may be classified as
1) Course screen
2) Medium screens
3) Fine screens
Coarse Screen:
It is also known as racks and the spacing between the bars (i.e., opening size) is about 50 mm
or more. These screens do help in removing large floating objects from sewage. The material
separated by coarse screens, usually consists of rags, wood, paper etc.
Medium Screen:
The spacing between bars a about 6 to 40 mm. These screens will ordinarily collect 30 to 90
lit of material per million liter of sewage. The screenings usually contain some quantity of organic
material may be dispersed of by incineration of burial. Rectangular Shaped coarse and medium
screens are now – a – days widely used at sewage treatment plants.
Now – a – days these screens are generally kept
inclined at about 30 to 60 to the direction of flow, so as to increase the opening area and to reduce
the flow velocity and there making the screening more effective.
Fine Screens:
Have perforations of 1.5mm to 3mm in size. The installation of there screens prove very
effective and they remove as much as 20% of the suspended solids from sewage. These screens,
however, get clogged very often, and need frequent cleaning. They are, therefore, used only for
treating the industrial waste waters or for treating those municipal waste wasters, which are
associated with heavy amounts of industrial wastewaters.
These screens will considerably reduce the load on further treatment units.
Brasses of Bronze plates or wire mesh are generally used for constructing fine screens. The
metal used to should be resistant to rest and corrosion.
Find screens may be disc or drum type, and are operated continuously by electric motor
(Figure S.K.G Fig no 277)
3. Estimate the screen requirement for a plant treating a peak flow of 60 million liters/day of
246060 sec
Assuming that the velocity through the screen (at peak flow) is not allowed to exceed 0.8
m/sec we have the net area of screen openings reg
0.0694.8 0.87m2.
Using Rectangular steel bars in the screen, hawing 1 cm width and placed at 5 m clear spacing
The gross area of the screen required
0.875 6 1.04cm2Assuming that the screen bars are placed at 60 to the horizontal
1.04 1.04 2
32 3
Hence a coarse screen of 1.2m2 area is required while deigning the screen, we have also to
design its cleaning.
The cleaning frequency is governed by the head loss through the screen. The more the screen
opening are clogged, more will be the head loss through the screen generally not more than half the
screen clogging is allowed to know whether the screen has been clogged and needs cleaning.
The hL through the cleaning screen and half cleaned screen, can be completed as follows
When the screen openings get half clogged then the velocity through the screen
This shows that when the screens are totally clean, the head loss is negligible is about 1.3cm
only whereas, the hL shoots up to about 15 cm at half the clogging. The screens should therefore be
cleaned frequently as to keep the head loss within the allowable range.
4. a grit chamber is designed to remove particles with a diameter of 0.2 mm, specific gravity
2.65. Settling velocity for there particles has been found to range from 0.016 to 0.22 m/sec,
depending on then shape factor, A flow through velocity of 0.3 m/s. Will be maintained by
proportioning weir determine the channel dimensions for a maximum waste water flow of
10,000 cum/day.
Let us provide a rectangular channel section, since a proportional flow wear is provided for
controlling velocity of flow
Setting velocity is b/w 0.016 to 0.022 m/s and hence let is be 0.020 m/s
10.02 50sec
=0.3 x 50
5. Design a suitable grit chamber cum dexterities for a sewage treatment plant getting a dry
weather flow from a separate sewerage system @ 400 l/s. Assume the flow velocity through the
tank as 0.2 m/s and detention period of 2 minutes the maximum flow may be assumed to be
three times of dry weather flow.
=0.2 X (2 X 60) = 24 m
Now assuming that each detritus tank is designed for passing D.W.F, we have
Assuming the water depth in the tank to be 1.2 m, we have the width of the tank
Area of X section
1.22 =1.67 m Say 1.7 m.
Hence, use a nitrites tank with 24 m X 1-7 m X 1.2 m size At the top, a free-board of 0.3 m
may be provided, and at the bottom a dead space depth of 0.45 m for collection of detritus may be
Thus, the overall depth of the tank = 1.2 + 0.3 + 0.45 = 1.95 m
The tank will be 1.7 wide up to 1.5 m depth, and then the sides will slope down to form an
elongated through of 24 m length and 0.8 m width at the bottom with rounded corners, as shown in
Detritus tanks:
Detritus tanks are nothing but grit chambers designed to flow with a smaller flow velocity (of
about 0.09 m/s) and longer detention periods (about 3 to 4 mini) so as to separate out not only the
larger grit etc., but also to separate out the very fine sand particles etc.
6. Design a grit chamber for a horizontal velocity of 25 cm/sec and a flow which ranges from a
minimum of 25000 cu-m/day to a maximum of 1,00,000cu-m /day. Average flow is 62500 cu-
m/days. Using Bernoulli’s theorem
But E1 = D
D = 1.55 VC29
Vc at Qmax 1.16X9.81
= 2.71 m/s
2 2
V at Q 2.71
Also yc at C max
Qmax 0.74m
g 9.81
Where W is the throat width 8 W1 ycis the flow area of the throat
W = Q/yc . Vc
W yc Vc bothatQmax
yc V2
W . yc . Vc = Q
Vc = Q/w . yc
yc QW.yc2 g
g. yc . yc2w2 = Q2
D 1.55 VC2g
D = 1.55 yc
Skimming tanks are sometimes employed for removing oil and greeve from the sewage and
placed before the sedimentation tanks. They are, therefore used where sewage contains too much of
grease or oils which include fats, wakes, soaps, fatty acids.
If such greasy and oily matter is not removed from the sewage before if enters further
treatment units, it may form unsightly and odourous scums on the surface of the settling tanks or
interfere with the activated sludge treatment process.
These oil and greasy materials may be removed in a skimming tank, in which air is blown by
an aerating device through the bottom the rising air tens to coagulate and longeal. (Solidify) the
grease and cause it to rise to the surface (being pushed in separate compartments) from where it is
It consists of a long trough shaped structures divided into two or three lateral compartments
by means of vertical baffle walls (having slots in them) for a short distance below the sewage surface
as shown. The baffle walls help in pushing the rising coagulated greasy material into side
compartments (called stilling compartments) the rise of oils and grease is brought above by blowing
compressed air into the sewage from diffusers placed at the bottom of the tank.
The collected greasy materials are removed (i.e. skimmed off) either by hand or by some
mechanical equipment. It may then be disposed of either by burning or burial.
A detention period of about 3 to 5 min is usually sufficient, and t he amount of compressed air
required is about 300 to 6000 m3 per million lit of sewage.
Surface Area = 0.00622 9Vr
g Rate of flow of sewage in m3/day
Vr Minimum rising velocity of greasy material to be removed in m/min
1. What do you understand by unit operations and processes? What is its importance in water
and waste water treatment? Elaborate various types of unit operations used for waste water
The waste water treatment is a bread term that applies to any operation / process or
combinations of operations and processes that can reduce the objectionable properties of water-
carried waste that render it less dangerous and repulsive to man. Waste water treatment is a
combination of physical chemical, biological processes
Methods of treatment in which the application of physical forces predominate are known as
unit operations while methods of treatment in which chemical or biological activities are involved are
known as unit processes.
Following are the important operations which constitute the physical, chemical, biological
unit operations/processes, employed in water and waste water treatment.
1. Gas transfer : Aeration
2. Ion transfer
a. Chemical coagulation
b. chemical precipitation
c. Ion exchange
d. Adsortpion
3. Solute stabilization.
A cj;promatopm
b. Liming
c. Re carbonation
d. Super-chlorination
4. Solid transfer
a. Straining
b. Sedimentation
c. Floatation
d. Futration.
5. Nutrient or molecular transfer
6. Interglacial contact.
7. Miscellaneous operations
a. Disinfection
b. Copper sulphating
c. Fluoridation
d. Thermal desalination.
8. Solid concentration and stabilization
a. Thickening
b. Centrifuging
c. Chemical conditioning
d. Elutriation
e. Biological floatation
f. Vacuum filtration
g. Air drying
h. Heat drying
i. Sludge digestion
j. Incineration
k. Wet combustion
The unit operation approach in water anal waste water treatment has the following advantages
1. It gives better understanding of the processes inherent in the treatment and of the capabilities of
there processes in a chaining the objectives.
2. It helps in the development of mathematical and physical models of treatment mechanisms and the
consequent design of treatment plants.
3. It helps in the coordination of effective treatment procedure to attain desired plant performance and
efficient quality.
2. What do you understand by physical unit operations? Write a note on application of various
physical unit operation employed in waste water treatment.
The physical unit operation in which application of physical forces predominate consist of the
1. Screening
2. Communication
3. Flow equalization
4. Mixing
5. Foliation
6. sedimentation
7. Flotation
8. Estuation
9. Vacuum filtration
10. Micro screening
11. Air drying
Because the physical unit operations were deprival originally from observations of the physical work,
they were the first treatment methods to be used. They form the basis of most process flow sheets in
table gives the applications of physical unit operating on waste water treatment.
Operation Application
1.Screening Removal of coarse and
settle able solids by
surface spraining
3. What is meant by chemical unit processes? Enlist the applications of various chemical unit
processes employed in waste water treatment.
Chemical unit processes are those in which removal of continents are brought about by
chemical activity in the field of waste water treatment, chemical unit operations are usually used in
conjunction with physical unit operation and biological unit processes. The following chemical unit
processes are commonly used for waste water treatment.
1. Chemical precipitation
2. Gas transfer
3. Adsorption
4. Disinfection
5. Combustion
6. Ion exchange
7. Electro dialysis
It should be clearly noted that chemical unit processes are additive processes whereas physical unit
operations and biological unit processes are subtractive processes. This is an inherent disadvantage of
chemical unit operations because there is usually is net increase in the dissolved constitution in the
waste water because of the chemical unit processes. In most of the caser, we add something else.
Another disadvantage of chemical unit processes is that they are all intensive in local operating cost.
Table gives the summary of the applications of chemical unit processes in waste waste treatment.
Process Application
1.Chemical Removal of phosphoresces
precipitation and enhancement of
suspended solids removal
in primary sedimentation.
2.Gas transfer Addition and removal of
3.Adsorption Removal of organics
4.Disinfection Disinfection of disease –
causing organism.
5.De chlorination Removal of total combined
chlorine residuals
6.Misillaneous Achievement of specific
objectives in waste water
4. Design a detritus tank for a DWF of 350 ips in a separate sewage system. Make suitable
assumptions wherever required.
Let us provide 3 tanks attached and running parallel to each other. Hence design discharge for each
tank is
Q = 350 l/s = 0.35 m3/s
Q v 0.350.2 1.75m2
Width of tank =
Making a provision of 6m for inlet and outlet arrangement, the total length of tank = 42m.
Thus each unit of the distribute tank will be 1.5m width and 42m length. Provide of free board of
0.3m. Also, provide a bottom depth of 1.5m for the accumulation of detritus and this depth be
tapered of an angle of 45 as shown in figure.
5. Design a detritus tank if the dry weather flow of a separate system of sewage scheme is 130
l/s. Assume
(i)The maximum flow to be three time to average
64cm 65m ray
The detritus tank is there 13.5 m x 0.65 x 0.90 m. At the top, a free board of 30 cm and at the
bottom, 45cm. Storage of grit etc should be provided. The tank may be 65 cm wide up to the depth of
120 cm and then the sides will slope down to form an elongated through of 13.5m length and 90 cm
width at the bottom with rounded corners.
For maximum flow three tanks of above dimensions will be required but normally one will be
in use.
6. Design in a preliminary treatment unit the screen and the detritus tanks for 50,000 people.
The dry weather flow is 110 lit / h / day. Assume the maximum flow as 3 times the DWF.
Assume suitably the data not given
Total flow
50000 63.65 l
246060 s
Using one screen with openings of 25mm, at the rate of 1160 cm2per thousand people
Alternatively, the area of the rack may be @ 1.0 cm2 per 100 lit of DWF
= 42755 + 1155 = 43910 = 44000 lit say which is equal to maximum capacity required,
7. Design of circular settling tank unit for a primary treatment of sewage at 12 million lit per
day. Assume suitable values of detention period (Presuming that trickling filters are to follow
the sedimentation tank) and surface loading.
Assuming the normal detention period for such cases as 2 hr and surface loading as 40,000 lit
/ m2 /day
12M.lit 224
Assuming that 80% of water supplied to the city becomes sewage, we have the quantity of
sewage required to be treated per day i.e. (max daily)
Now assuming the detention period in the sewage sedimentation tank as 2 hrs, we have
Q 924.6 2M.lit
0.8M.lit 800cu.m
Now assuming that the flow velocity through the tank is maintained at 0.3 m/min, we have
The length of the tank required
=0.3 x (2 x 60)
=36 m
C/s area pf the tank required Capacity of the tank length of the tank
80036 22.2m2
Assuming the water depth in the tank (i.e effective depth of tank) as 3 m
Area of X - section
223.2 7.4m
Since the tank is provided with mechanical cleaning arrangement no extra space at bottom is
required for sludge zone.
= 3. 5 m
1. The decoy flow of sewage is 3.8 mile l p day and the BOD of the raw sewage is 300 mg/l
Design a single stage Bio filter to produce an effluent having a BOD of 45 mg/l or Less.
Total BOD present in raw sewage per day = 3.8 X 300 kg = 1/40 kg
Assuming that 35% of this BOD is removed in the primary sedimentation tank, we have the
total daily BOD approved to the filter
=0.65 X 1140
=741 kg
Now the total daily BOD present on the effluent (permissible maximum) = 3.8 x 45 kg
= 171 kg
ha m
10, 000
= 0.057 ha –m
= 570 m3
Now using equation who have
10.0044 V .F
0.44 100
1 1.3
F 76.92
0.44 2
F 2.15
F 10.1R I 2
1R I
2.15 10.1R I 2
R = 1.47 (solving by
Thus gives trial)
2. Explain Eucken folder trickling filter equation. Determine the BOD of the effluent from a
loco rate trickling filter that has a diameter of 35 m and a depth of 1.5 m, if the hydraulic
loading is 1900 m3/day and the influent BOD5 is 150 mg/l. Assume the rate consistent as 1.89 d-
1 and = 0.67 (Engg services, 1994)
Eucken folder has developed an equation for measuring the performance of twinkling filters,
on the basis of rate of waste removal. His final equation which helps to compute the BOD removed
by the filter, is given as
yt eKDyo QC2
Where yo --> BOD5 of the influent in terong the filters in mg/l yt BOD5 of the efficient getting out
of the filter in mg/l
K Rate constant /day D Depth of filter in m
QL Hydraulic loading rate per unit area of filter in m3/ day – m2 =Q/A
The values given in the question are yt = BOD5 of the efficient =?
yo = BOD5 of the influences = 150 mg/l
= Depth of filter = 1.5m k = Rate constant per day
=1.89 d-1
QL = Hydraulic loading rate in m3 /d-m2
1900m3 / d
=Area of filter
1.976m3 / d.m2
/ 4(35)2
Substituting the above
Yt 1.891.5
150 (1.976)0.67
(e)1.769 1.796
y 24.89mg / l
Say 25 mg/L
Hence the BOD5 of the filter efficient = 25mg/L
3. Stabilization ponds for a town of 3000 population are provided to operate in serves. The
larger cell has area of 60,000 m2, and the smaller one 30,000 m2. The average daily was to flow
is 900 m3/d containing 200 kg of BOD (222 mg/e)
(i)For series operation, calculate the BOD loadings based on both the total pond area and the
larger cell only.
(ii)Estimate the number days of winter storage available between 0.6 m and 1.5 m water levels.
Assuming an evaporation and seepage loss of 2.5 mm of water per day.
(i)a) BOD Loading based on total pond area
=60,000 m2 + 30,000 m2
=90,000 m2 = 9 hec
Total BOD per day = 200 kg/day
BOD loading in kg/ha/day
200 kg / d /ha 9
=22.2 kg/ha/day
(i)(b) BOD loading based on area of larger cell only Area of larger cell = 60,000 m2 = 6 hac
BOD = 200 kg/day BOD loading on kg/ha/day
200 *6
=33.3 log/ha/day
=225 m3
=120 days.
4.Design the dimension of a septic tank for small colony of 150 persons provided with an
assured water supply from the municipal head works at a rate of 120 lit/p/day assume any data,
you may Reed.
The quantity of water supplied =per capital rate X population
=120 X 150 lit / day
=18,000 l/d.
Assuming the definition time to be 24 hrs, we have the quantity of sewage produced during
the definition period (ie the capacity of the tank)
=14,400 x 24/24
=14,400 lit
Now assuming the rate of deposited sludge as 30 lit/capital/year; and also assuming the period
of cleaning as 1 year, we have
If the ratio of the length to width is kept as 3:1, we have 3.B2 = 12.6
B 4.2= 2.05 m say 3
= 2.10 m
Area of C/s provided = 6 X 2% = 12.6 m2 (same as required) Thus, the dimensions of the specific
tank will be 6m X 2.1 m X (1.5 + 0.3) m over all depth (0.3 m used as free board)
5. Design a septic tank for the following data Number of people = 100 Sewage / capital/day =
100 lit De – sluding period = 1 year Length = width = 4 : 1
Assuming the defention period to be 24 hrs, we have the quantity of sewage produced during
the defention period is the capacity of the tank.
=12,000 x 24/24
=12,000 lit
Now assuming the rate of sludge deposit as 30 lit/capita/year and with the given 1 year period
of cleaning, we have
Assuming the depth of the tank as 1.5 m, the c/s area of the tank
15 = 10 m2
1.5 Using L : B as 4 : 1 (given)
4 B2 = 10
B 2.5 1.5m
c = 4 X 1.5 = 6 m
The dimensions of the tank will be 6 m X 1.5 m X (1.5 + 0.3 m) as overall depth with 0.3 m
free board. Hence, use a tank of size 6 m X 1.5 m X 1.80 m
6. In previous problem, what would be the size of its soak well if the effluent from the septic
tank is to be discharged in it.
Design of soak-well :
The soak-well or seak pit can be designed by assuming the per collation capacity of the
filtering media, say as 1250 lit per m3 per day.
Sewage out flow = 12000 l/d Per collation rate = 1250 l/m3/d
Volume (of filtering media) required for the
12000 l/d
seak – well 9.6m3
1250 l/m3 / d
If the depth of the seak well is taken as say 2 m, then Area of soak- well required
9.6 4.8m2
7. Estimate the size of a septic tank [ C l/w = 2.25) liquid depth 2m with 300 mm free board).
Desludging intervals in years, and the total trench area (m2) of the perlocation field, for a small
colony of 300 people. Assume water supply of 100 lit/cap/d, waste water flow of 80% of water
consumption, sludge production of 0.04 m3/cap/year and the refention time of 3 days at start
up. Deluding is done when the tank is one-third full of sludge A per collation test indicated an
allowable hydraulic loading of 100 per square metre per day (Gate – 1995)
(i)Size of tank
(ii)Do sludging interval in years
(iii)Total trench area of percolation fields in m2Given:
L/B = 2.25 Dw = 2 m
Free-board = 0.3 m
Population = 300
Water supply = 100 L/c/day
Waste flow = 80% of water supplied Sludge production = 0.04 m3/e/year Retention time = 3 days
Using the above data, we have
Water supply to the colony=100L/c/dX300 persons = 30,000 L/d
Sewage produced in 3 days (ie during retention period)
=3 X 24,000 L/d
=72,000 L = 72 m3
De sludging is done when the tank is filled upto 1/3rd of the capacity.
C) Hence, sludge volume collected is c/3 Capacity (c) = Max sewage volume retained
+ Sludge volume retained
C = 72 m3 + C/3 2/3 C = 72 m3
C = 72 X 3/2 = 108 m3
B2 108 244.5
B = 4.9 m
C = 2.25 X 4.9 = 11.10 m say
(i) Hence, thus tank size =11.1m X 4.9 m X (2 +0.3m) depth sludge volume removed in de sludging
=c/3=36 m2
= 12 m3/year
=1/12 X 36 year
=3 years
(iii) Trench Area required 24, 000 L/d 100 L/m2 / d = 240 m2
1. Septic tanks can be easily constructed and do not require any skilled supervision during construction.
More ever, there is no maintenance problem (except periodical cleaning) as there is no moving part in
2. Their cost is reasonable compared to the advantages and sanitation they offer on rural or urban areas,
where no sewage system has been load.
3. An excellently functioning septic tank can considerably reduce the suspended solids and BOD from
4. The sludge volume to be disposed of is quite less, as compared to that in a normal Sedimentation tank.
The quantity is reduced due to digestion taking place in the tank itself. The reduction in volume is
about 60% and reduction in weight is about 30%
5. The effluent from the septic tank can be disposed of an land in asoak-pit or a cost pool, without mach
6. They are best suited for isolated rural, areas, and for isolated hospitals, buildings etc.
1. If the tank is not properly functioning, which happens many is times then the effluents will be very
foul, dark and even worse than the influent.
3. Leakage of gases from the top cover of septic tank may cause bad smells and environmental pollution.
4. Periodical cleaning, removal and disposal of sludge remain a tedious problem.
5. The working of a septic tank is centre dictable and non-uniform.
UNIT – 4
1. The sewage is flowing @ 4.5 million liters per day from a primary clarofver to a standard rate
trick long filter. The 5-day BOD of the influent is 160 mg/l. the value of the adopted organic
loading is to be 160 gm / m3/ day and surface loading 2000l/m2/dag. Determine the volume of
the filter and its depth. Also calculate the efficiency of this filter unit.
Total 5-day B.O.D present in sewage 1604.5106 Im/ day 103 7, 20, 000 Im /day
Volume of the filter media required
10.0044 u
u organic loading in kg / ha-m/day
1+0.0044 1600
100 100
1 0.176 1.176
ppm or so.
7.During interval It generallyIt is not more
varies between then 15 seconds
3 to 10 minutes and the sewage
the sewage isis thus applied
generally notcontinually
continuously but
is applied at
8.Filter loading Varies between Various
=624 Leg\day
Volume of filter media required
Total BOD removed
Organic loading
624ha m
10, 000
Now the total volume of sewage flowing =3.6 X106 + 3,00,000 lit/day
=3.9X106 lit/day =3.9 MC/day.
A recirculation ratio of /means that the volume of recirculated sewage
® = Original volume = 3.9 M.L day
Total volume is , original recirculated
=2X3.9 M.L / day
=7.8 M.L /day Filter area required
Total flow volume
Surface loading
7.8 ml/d
7.8 hect
7.8 104 m2
=458.8 m2
Dia of the filter tank required
458.84 24.17m //
Hence, use, say, 24m dia tank with area as = 452.16m2 Depth of filter media required
Volume of filter media
Surface area
624m3 / m2 1.38m //
Efficiency of this filter is given
where y--> total organic lading ie total BOd applied to filter in kg/day
V volume of filter in ha – no
0.624ha m
10, 000
f Recirculation factor as given by
1R / I
Here R =I
1 0.1R / I
1+1 2 2
= /(1)2 1.65
(1+0.1)2 1.21
100 100 100
10.004 /1.28 10.34 1.34
BOD of the efficient left
100 74.6
624kg / day
25.4 624
158.49106 mg / l
40.6mg / l
4. Determine the size of high rate trick long filters for the following data.
i)Sewage flow = 4.5 mld
ii)Recirculation ratio = 1.5
iii)BOD of row sewage =250 mg/l
iv)BOD removal in primary tank = 30%
v)Final efficient BOD desired = 30 mg/l
Quantity of savage flowing into the filter per day = 4.5 M.L /day
BOD concentration in raw sewage
=250 mg/l
Total BOD present in raw sewage
=4.5 mlX 250 mg/l
=1125 kg
BOD removed in primary tank = 30%
BOD left in the sewage entering per day on the filter unit = 1125 X 0.7 = 787.5 kg
BOD concentration desired in final efficient = 30 mg/l
Total BOD left in the efficient perday = 4.5 X 30kg = 135kg
10.0044 y /V .F
y= total BOD in kg = 787.15kg
1R / I
(10.1R / I )2
Here R/I = 1.5(given)
F= 1+1.5
2.5 2.5
1.89 //
(1.15)2 1.322
1 0.0044 V 1.89
416.6 0.2
V 0.0044
V0.2 hect m
=2000 m3
1.5 1333.3m2 surface area required = Dia of the circular filter required
1333.34/ = =41.2m
Hence, use a high rate tricking filter coth 41.2m dia, 1.5m deep filter media and WO the recirculation
(single stage) ratio of 1.5.
5. Determine the size if a high rate trickling filter for the following data.
Flow = 4.5 m/d Recirculation ratio = 1.4
BOD of raw sewage = 250 mg/l
BOD removed in primary clarifier = 251 Final efficient BOD derived = 50mg/l
Calculate also the size of the standard rate trickling filter to accomplish the above requirement
Total BOD present in raw sewage perday
=4.5Ml X 250 Mg/l =1125kg
BOD removed in the primary clarifier =25%
BOD inferring per day in the filter units
=0.75 X 1125 kg
=843.75 kg
Permissible BOD concentration in the efficient = 50m/l
BOD allowed to go into the efficient
=50 mg/l X 4.5 nql
=225 kg
BOD removed by the filter perday = 843.75 – 225 =618.75kg
BOD removed
Efficiency of the filter = Total BOD entering
618.75 100843.75
Now efficiency of the filter is given by
10.0044 y /V .F
y Total BOD applied to the filter per day in kg = 843.75 kg
F Recirculation factor
1R / I
(10.1R / I )2
R 1.4
11.4 2.4 1.85
(10.11.4)2 (1.14)2
10.0044 V 1.85
456 100
10.0044 1.364 //
V 73.3
456 0.364
V 0.0044
456 6853 V
V 45.6 104 m3 665.4m36853
using 1.5m depth of the filter, we have
Area required = 665.4 413.6m2
Dia of the filter tanle required
413.64 23.8m
for an equivalent standard rate filter F =1
843.75 100
10.0044 1.364
V 73.30
843.75 82.78 V
843.75 6853 V
ha m 104 mm2 V= ha.m
104 m3 1231m3
using depth of filter as 1.5m we have
820.84 32.3m
6.A single stage filter is to treat a flow of 3.79 M.L.d of raw sewage BOD of 240 mg/l.It is to be
designed for a loading of 11086 kg of BOD in raw sewage per hence fare metre, and the
recirculation ratio is to be l. what will be strength of the efficient, according to the
recommendation of the National Research Council of U.S.P
Total BOD present in raw sewage = 3.79 MC X 240 mg/l
= 909.6 kg
Now, filter volume required
Total BOD in raw sequence inlog
Given BOD loading rate of 11,086 kg/ha-m
ha m = 0.082 ha-m
Now assuming that 35% of BOD is removed in primary clarified we have
The amount of BOD approved to the filter
=0.65X 909.6 kg
=591.24 kg
Now using equation, we have
V .F
Where y total BOD applied to the filter on kg = 591.24 kg
V Vol of the filter in ha-m
=0.082 ha-m
1R / I
(10.1R /1)2
HereR / I 1
11 2
F /1.21 1.65
10.0044 591.24
100 100
1 0.291 1.291
The amount of BOD left in the efficient
=591.24 ( 1-0.7745) kg
=133.32 kg
BOD concentration in the efficient
Total BOD sewage volume
133.32106 mg / L
35.18mg / L
7. It is proposed to use a two stage plant instated of the single stage plant in previous problem (6).
The total volume of filter medium remains the sama as war in one filter is 0.082 ha-m and each
filter is to contain half of thus material, and each filter is to contain half of this material and the
recirculation ratio is to be for each filter Determined the BOD of the plant of fluent
For each filter F = 1.65
For the first stage filter, the efficiency is given by
10.0044 y /V .F
Y Total BOD applied to filter
= 591.24 kg (from previous problem) V = Volume of filter = 0.082/2 =0.041 ha-m
= 100 70.92% 1.41 percentage of BOD removed in first stage filter, =70.92 %
Amount of BOD left in the effluent from that filter = 591.24 (1-0.7092) = 171.9 kg
0.0044 y
1 1 vF '
1 0.0044 171.9
10.7092 0.0411.65
1.762 = 56.75%
100 56.75
171.9 100
= 74.35 kg
1. Enumerate the two general methods adopted for sewage disposal and explaining the conditions
Disposal by dilution:-
Disposal by dilution is the process whereby the treated sewage or the effluent from the sewage
treatment plant is discharged into a river stream, or a large body of water, such as a lake or sea. The
discharged sewage in due course of time, is purified by what is known as self purification process of
natural waters. The degree and amount of treatment given to raw sewage before disposing it of into
the river stream in question, will definitely depend not only upon the quality of raw sewage but also
upon the self purification capacity of the river stream and the intended use of its water.
The dilution methods for disposing of the sewage can favorably be adopted under the following
1. When sewage is comparatively fresh (4 to 5 hr old) and free from floating and settle able solids. (or
are easily removed by primary treatment)
2. When the diluting water (is the source of disposal) has a high dissolved oxygen (0-0) content.
3. Where diluting waters are not used for the purpose of navigation or water supply for at least some
reasonable distance on the downstream from the point of sewage disposal.
4. Where the flow currents of the diluting waters are favorable, causing no deposition, nuisance or
destruction of aquatic life.
5. When the out fall sewer of the city or the treatment plant is situated near some natural water having
large volumes.
Disposal on land:-
In this method, the sewage effluent (treated or diluted) is generally disposed of by applying it on land.
The percolating water may either soon the water table or is collected below by a system of under
drains. This method can then be used for irrigating crops.
This method, in addition to disposing of the sewage may help in increasing crop yields (by 33% or
so) as the sewage generally contains a lot of fertilizing minerals and other elements.
However, the sewage effluent before being used as irrigation water, must be made safe. In order to
lay down the limiting standards for sewage effluents, and the degree of treatment required, it is
necessary to study as to what happens when sewage is applied on to the land as irrigation water.
The pretreatment process may be adopted by larger cities which can afford to conduct treatment of
sewage when sewage is diluted with water for disposal for irrigation, too large volumes of dilution
water are generally not needed, so as not to require too large areas for disposal.
2. The sewage of a town is to be discharged into a river stream. The quantity of sewage
produced per day is 8 million litres, and its BOD is 250 mg/l. If the discharge in the river is 200
l/s and if its BOD is 6 mg/l. find out the B.O.D. of the diluted water.
Sewage discharge = Qs
8 106
= 200 l/s
B.O.D. of sewage = Cs = 250 mg/l. B.O.D. of river = CR = 6 mg/l. B.O.D. of the diluted mixture
83.21 mg/l
3. In the above problem, what should be the river discharge, if it is desired to reduce the B.O.D.
of diluted water to 20 mg/l.
Here C = 20 mg/l
C = CsQs C12Q12
20 (92.59 QR ) 250 92.59 6QR20 92.59 20QR 250 92.59 6QR
QR = 1521 l/s
4. A city discharges 1500 lit per second of sewage into a stream whose minimum rate of flow is
6000 lit/sec. The temperature of sewage as well as water is 20C. The 5 day B.O.D. at 20C for
sewage is 200 mg/l and that of river water is 1 mg/l. The D.O. content of sewage is zero, and that
of the stream is 90% of the saturation D.O. if the minimum D.O. to be maintained in the stream
is 4.5 mg/l, find out the degree of sewage treatment, required. Assume the de- oxygenation
coefficient as 0.3
From the table given at the end of the book, the value of saturation D.O. at 20C is found out as 9.17
10090 9.17
8.25mg l
6000 1500
6.6mg l
DO = initial DO deficit
Now, using equation the first stage BOD of mixture of sewage and stream (L) is given by
L f 1 D
f 1f 1 o
Dcf L
Do 2.57 mg l
DL 4.67 mg l
f kRkD 00.1.3 3
We get
1500 6000
L 31
3 13 12.57
4.67 3 L
L 2 5.14
3 1
14.01 L
L = 21.1 mg/l
New Using
Yt L 110KD .t
Y5 21.11100.15
Where Cs will represent the permissible BOD5 (at 20C of course of the discharged waste water)
Solving, we get
Cs = 68.16 mg/l
Original BOD
5. A city discharges 100 cumecs of sewage into a river, which is fully saturated with oxygen and
flowing at the rate of 1500 cumecs during it’s lean days with a velocity of 0.1 m/s. The 5 – days
BOD of sewage at the given temp is 280 mg/l. Find when and where the critical D.O deficit will
occur in the downstream portion of the river and what its amount is, assume coefficient of
purification of the stream (f) as 4.0, and coefficient of de – oxygenation (KD) as 0.1
9.21500 0 100
1500 100
100 1500
280 100
Y5 = 17.5 m/l
017.684.5 25.58mgl
Now using
L f 1
f 1f 1Do
DC.f L
25.58 3 3 0.58
4 4 1 25.58
DC 4.12mg
1 DO
K f 1
1 3 0.58
t log 4 1
c 10
=16, 460 m
Hence the most critical deficit will occur after 1.905 days and at pt 16.46 km downstream of the pt of
sewage disposal.
6. A Town with a population of 30,000 has to design a sewage treatment plant to handle
industrial as well as almost waste waters of the town. A sanitary survey revealed the following:
Dairy waster of 3 million lit/day with BOD of BOD mg/l and sugar mill waste of 2.4
million lit/d with BOD of 1500 mg/l is produced. In addition domestic sewage is produced of the
rate of 240 lit/ca/d. The per capita BOD of domestic sewage being 72 gm/d. An overall
expansion factor of 10 percent to be produced. The sewage effluents are to be discharged to a
river stream with a minimum dry weather flow of 4500 lot / sec and a saturation dissolved
oxygen content of 9 mg/s. It is necessary to maintain a dissolved oxygen content of 4 mg/l in the
stream. Determine the degree of treatment regd to be given to the sewage. Assume suitable
values of coefficient of de-oxygenation and re – oxygenation.
=72 gm/day
= 240 lit/d
721000 mg
240 l
300mg/ l
7.213 2.4
No of sec in 1 day
12.6 106 l/ s
24 3600
145.8 l/ s
DO of mixture of t = 0 is at start pt
Also, critical D.o deflect is allowable max D.o deflect =Dc = 9-4-0=5mg/l
L f1 Do
f 1f 1
Dcf L
t 2 2x0.31
3 1
5x3 L
using equation
160 4500
Cs = 510.99mg/l
7. In the previous prob determine what should be as direction ration if no treatment was
required. And thus determine the over dk change for such as condition.
When no treatment is required. The value of max. Permissible Bon5 of waste water is Cs should be
719, QRcan then be determined as
160 QR
Hence when the dilution ration is 40 and the minimum river dos charge is 6400 l/s, no treatment will
be required.
8. A waste water efficient of 560 l/s wo/u a BOD =50mg/l Do=3.0mg/l and tempof 230C enters a
river where the flow is 28 m3/sec, and BOD =4.0mg/l and temp of 170c k1 of the waste is 0.10/
day at 200C. The vel of water in the river down stream is 0.18m/s and depart of 1.2m.
determine the following after moving of waste water in the low over water;
i) Combined discharge
ii) BOD
iii) Do and
iv) Temperature
Bon=50mg/l BoD=4.0mg/l
Do=3.0mg/l Do=8.2mg/l
Temp=230C Temp=170C
K1 at 200=0.1 perday
=0.56+28 =28.56m3/sec
50x0.56 4.0x28
28.56140 4.9mg/ l
(iii)Do of mix
3.0x0.56 8.2x28
8.098mg/ l
23x0.56 17x28
17.120 C
9. 125 ciemecs of sewage of a city is discharged in a perennial river which is fully saturated with
oxygen and flows at a minimum rate of 1600 ciemecs with a minimum velocity of 0.12 m/s if the 5
day BOD of the sewage is 300mg/l final out where the oritual do will occur in the river assume.
125x10 1600x9.2
125 1600
8.53mg/ l
125x300 1600x0
125 1600
21.74mg/ l
The coefficient of DO or BOD (KD) Is given in assumption NO. (ii)m to be 0.11 as against its value
of 0.14 computed above on the basis of assumption (iii) Even finally there is some in consistency in
the given data, and the examiner should have given only one of the two assumption is either ii) or iii)
which would have suffice purpose.
Under such difficult situation, 10e may solve the question by using both the values of KD is 0.11 as
well as 0.14. The KD value of 0.14 will, displace the critical pt upstream and will thus provide more
conservative design values.
1 Do
tc log1f 1 f
kD (f 1) L
1 0.67
The distance along the river, where the critical F.O. defilit will occur =S=velocity x time
Hence, critical D.O. difficult will occur at is km downstream of the sewage disposal pt
Hence, critical D.O. difficult will occur at 14km downstream of sewage disposal pt.
10. A treated waste water is discharged at the rate of 1.5 m3/s into a river of minimum 710 to
5m3 /sec. The temperature of river flow and waste water flow may be assumed at 250C The
BOD removal rate constant k is 0.12/d (base 10) . The BOD5 at 250C of the waste water is 200
mg/l and that of the river water upstream of the waste water out full is 1mg/l. the efficiency of
waste water treatment is 80% evaluate the following.
Temperature =T=250C
Water =200mg/l
(i)conc of BOD5 of the maxture if un treated waste water is dischargd into we river
200x1.5 1x5
46.92mg/ l
(ii)BOD5 of the treated waste water is given by c+w=20% of the BOD5 of un treated waste water
C.Q C .Q
C1 Q Q
40x1.5 1x5
10mg/ l
11.In impervious prob(40) found out the ultimate BOD of the river water after is receives treated
waste water.
L=13.35 mg/l
12. A town having population of 40,000 disposes sewage by label treatment. It gets a per copier
assured water supply from water works at a rate of 130d. assuming that the land used for
sewage disposal can absorb 80m3 of sewage per her per day, determine the lane area reqd and
(t) cost at the rate of Rs./ 25,000 per thee make suitable assumptions where needed.
Population =40,000
Rate of water supply =130 c/d/per Total water supplied per day
=52, 00,000lot
416080 52hect
13. A Town disposes sewage by lane treatment. It has a sewage farm of area 150 hect. The area
included an extra provision of 50% for rest and rotation the population of the town being
50,000 and rate of water supply 140 lot/ capita / day. If 75% of the water is converted into
sewage determine the consuming capacity of the soil.
=150 hec worth 50% additional reserve Area provided for immediate need
1501.5 100hect
52.5cu.mhe / d
Although, out wardly, both these terms are used as synonyms to each other, yet there is one basic
difference b/w the. This difference is that : in “efficient irrigation” (or broad irrigation ), the chief
consideration is the successful disposal of sewage, while in sewage farming, the chief consideration
in the successful growing of the crops. Hence in broad irrigation, the raw or settled. Sewage is
discharged on vacant land which is provided under neath with a system of properly laid under –
drains. These under –drains basically consist of 15 to 20 cm river process tile pipes, load open
founded at a spacing of 12 to 30m. The efficient collected in these drains after getting filtered through
the 5001 pores is a generally small (as a large quantity gets evaporated) and well stabilized, and can
be early disposal into some natural water courses, without any further treatment. In case of sewage
farming, however the tress is load upon the use of sewage efficient for irrigation crops and increasing
the fertility of the soil. The pre-treatment of sewage in removing the ingredients which may prove
harmful and toxic to the plant is therefore, necessary in this case.
Sewage sickness:
When sewage is applied continuously once. Piece of land, the soil pores or void may get filled
up and clogged with sewage matter retained in them. The time taken for such a clogging will, of
course depend upon the type of $001 and the load prevent in sewage. But when once these voids are
clogged, free circulation for air will be prevented and anaerobic conditions will develop coottion the
pores. Due to those the aerobic de composition of organic matter will stop, and anaerobic
decomposition will start. The organic matter will there, of course, be miner lord but with the
evolution of foul gases live H2S, CO2, CH4. This phenomenon of soil getting clogged is known as
sewage sickness of land.
15. What are the preventive measures of sewage sickness by the land disposal? Describe it.
In order to prevent the sewage sickness of a land, the following preventive measures may be
2.Choice of land
5.Rotation of crops
The sewage should be disposed of, only after primary treatment, such as screening, grit removal and
sedimentation. This will help in removing settle able solids and reducing the B.O.D load by 30% or
so. And as such, soil pores will not get clogged, quickly.
Choice of land:
The piece of land used for sewage disposal should normally be sandy or loamy, dayey lands should
be avoided.
The cannel on which un sewage is being disposed of, can be better drained if a system of under –
drains (ie open joined proper ) is laid below, to collect the efficient; and those will also minimize the
possibilities of sewage sickness.
The land which the sewage being used for disposal should be given rest, periodically by keeping
some extra land as reserve and stand-by for diverting the sewage during the period the first land is at
rest moreover, during the rest period, the land should be thoroughly planned so that it gets broken up
and aerated.
Rotation of crops;
Sewage sickness can be reduced by planting different crops in rotation instead of growing single type
of a crop. This will help in utilizing the fertilizing elements of sewage and help on aeration of soil.
The sewage should not be filled over the area in large depth, but it shocked be approved in this layers.
Greater depth of sewage on a land does not allow the soil to receive the sewage satisfactory and
ultimately results in it clogging.
Sewage –sick land can be improved and made useful by thoroughly plugging and treating the soil,
and exposing it to the atmosphere.
16. A sedimentation tank is treating 4.5 million lit of sewage per day containing 275 ppm of
suspended solids. The tank removes 50% of suspended solids. Calculated the quantity of sludge
produced per day in bulk and lot if (a) moisture content of sludge is 98%
Since suspended solids amount to 275 mg / 2, we have that wf of suspended solids present in sewage
1237.5 kg/ d
Since 50% of solids are removed in sedimentation tank, we have the wt of solids removed in
sedimentation tank
1237.5 10050
618.75 kg/ d
(a) When moisture content of sludge I s98% then 2 kg of solids (dry sludge) will make
= 100 kg of wt sludge
1002 618.75
30937.5 kg 30940 kg
Assuming the specific gravity of wet sludge (sludge) as 1.02, we have unit wt. of sludge
1.021 t /m3
1.02t /m3
wt 30.94
= = =30.33m3
unit wt 1.02
=30.33 cu.m
17.In the same prob (1) Finding out the moisture content of sludge is 96%.
Hence, wt. of, sludge (when its m,c, is 96%) = 15.47 tonnes
if sp – gravity of sludge is 1.02 then Volume of sludge (when its m,c, is 96%)
151.02.47 m3
=15.17 cu.m
18.There is a sewage sludge with volume containing a certain moisture content P1 (%) what will
be the volume of this sludge if its moisture content is reduced to P.(%)
Let the given sewage contains soids = w kg. let its volume to v1 at a moisture content of p1(%) and v
at a moisture content of p(%).
100.w 1 3
V 100.w .1
100 P1 rS
100.w . 1 m3
100 P r
r 100.w .
100 P r
From equation
100 100
100 1P
v 1 v
100 P
19. The moisture content of a sludge is reduced from 95 to 90% in a sludge digestion tank. Find
the percentage decrease in the volume of sludge.
Using equation
v v1 100 P1
100 P
v1 5 /10
Thus, the volume at 90% moisture will be half of that at 95% moisture. Hence the percentage
decrease in moisture will be 50%.
20. Design a digestion tank for the primary sludge with the help of following data:
= 6000 kg / 1 day
Assuming that 65% solids are removal on primary settling tanks, we have wt of solids removed in the
primary settling tank
65%6000 kg/ d
3900 kg/ d
Assuming that the fresh sludge has a m,c, of 95% we have 5 kg of dry solids will make = 100 kg of
wet sludge
v1 780001020 m3 / d
76.47m3 / d
The volume of the digested sludge (V2) at 85% m.c. is given by the formula
v2 v1 5 /15 31 v1
31 76.47 m3 / d
v2 25.49 m3 / d
Now, assuming the digestion period as 30 days, we have capacity of the reqd digestion tank, given by
76.47 2 50.9830
1274.5 1275 m3
deep 16.5 m , with additional hoppered bottom of 1% slope for collection of digested sludge.
21. Raw waste water is entering a treatment plant and contains 250 mg / l suspended solids. It 55% of
these solids are removed in sedimentation.
(a) Find the volume of raw sludge produced per million litre of waste water. Assume that the sludge
(c)If 45% of raw sludge is changed in liquid and gas in the digestion tank, find the volume of digested
sludge per million litre of waste water. Assume that the moisture constant of the digested sludge is
=55% 250 mg / l
=137.5 mg / l
137106.5 106 kg
137.5 kg
Sludge produced will, thus, have 137.5 kg solids, and rest will be water. Now, since the moisture
constant of sludge is 96%, we have 4 kg of solids will produce 100 kg of wet sludge, by joining with
96 kg of water.
=96 kg
964 137.5
3300 kg
137.5 3300
= cu.m
unit weight of solids= sp. gravity of solids = 1.2 1000 kg/ m3
0.115 3.3
3.415 cu.m
=3.415 cu. M
34373.415.5 kg/m3
1007 kg/m3
© 45% of raw sludge is changed into liquid and gas, means that 45% of solids are consumed
=10055 137.5 kg
=75.625 kg
since digested sludge contains 90% m.c. we have The volume of digested sludge
1.21000 1000
0.063 0.681
0.744 cu. m
Hence, the volume of digested sludge per million litre of waste water = 0.744 cu.m
22. The sewage of a certain town contains 600 ppm of suspended matter. Assuming that 55% of
this settled down in plain sedimentation tank, and the sludge collected has a water content of
95% calculate has a water content of 95% calculate its quantity per million litre, both in bulk
and weight. Assume sp. Gravity 1.2
=600 ppm
=600 mg / l
=600106 106 kg
=600 kg.
Now, 55% of this matter is settled as sludge, and therefore quantity of sludge solids.
=0.55 600
=330 kg.
The sludge is having 95% m.c. which, means 5 kg of dry solids will made 100 kg of wet sludge.
1005 330
6600 kg of sludge
Hence, the wt. of sludge formed per million litre of sewage = 6600 kg.
wt. of sludge
1020 kg/m3
=1.02 1000
=1020 kg / m3 ]
=6.47 m3
=6.47 cu.m
23.Design a sludge digestion tank for 40,000 people. The sludge content per capita per day is 0.068
kg. The moisture of the sludge is 94% The sp. Gravity of the wet sludge is 1.02 and 3.5 percent of the
digester vol. is daily filled with the fresh sludge, which is mixed with the digested sludge.
94% moisture content means that 6 kg of dry sludge will produce 100 kg of wet sludge.
=100 kg
45333 kg
45.3 t / day
1.0245.3 m3 / day
1.02 t /m3
44.4 m3 / day
44.4 m3 of fresh sludge is added to the tank daily, to fill 3.5% of the digester capacity.
= 44.4 1003.5
1268.9 cu.m
=1268.9 1.3
275 m2
= 257
0.785 =18.7m.
Hence, provide a cylindrical sludge digestion tank, 6m deep and 18.7 in diameter, with an additional
hoppered bottom of 1:1 slope foe collection of digested sludge.
24. A sewage containing 200mg/l of suspended solids is passed through primary setting tanks,
tricking filters, and secondary settling tanks, how much gas will probably be produced in the
digestion of sludge from on million litre of sewage?
Now, assuming that the volatile solids (matter) is reduced by 65% in the sludge by digestion, we have
Volatile matter reduced per million litre of sewage produced per kg of volatile matter reduced, we
have the gas produced per million litre of sewage
25. A sewage containing 200 mg/l of suspended solids is passed through primary settling tank.
The solids from the primary settling tank are digested to recover the gas. Find the likely
volumes of methane and carbon di oxide produced in the digestion of the sludge from 10,000
m3 of sewage. Calculate the fuel value of the gas produced. State clearly the assumption made.
Assuming that 60% of suspended solids are removed in the primary settling tank, we have the
suspended solids removed as sludge.
=60%x200 mg/l
Now assuming that the volatile solids present are 70% of the suspended solids, we have
Further, assuming that the volatile matter is reduced by 65% in sludge digestion, we have
54.610,000x1000 kg.
Now, assuming that 0.9 cu. M of gas is produced per kg of volatile matter reduced, we have
Assuming that the produced gas contains 65% of methoane and 30% of carbon di oxide, we have
Methane produced =0.645x491.4 cu m.
=319.41 cu. M.
Now assuming that the methane in the sludge gas has a fuel value of 36,000 kg/m3, we have
Now, assuming a boiler efficiency of 80% we have the amount of heat that can be furnished by the
= 4.189.2 mkc2
26. (a) calculate the area of land required for drying the sludge from the digestion tank for 40,000
population, designed in qn. No. 8.
(b)The volume of wet sludge from the sewage of 40,000 population was worked out as 44.4m3/day
Let it be spread in 22.5 cm thick layer (ie between 20 to 30 cm thick layer) on under drained said
beds, then
Under tropical Indian conditions, the beds get dried out in about to days and hence taking 2 weeks as
drying time including wet days of rainy season, we can utilize the same bed= 522 26 times in an
year *.
197.3x365 26
2770m2 (say)
Making 100% allowance for space for storage, repairs, and resting of beds, etc, we have
(b) Now, using 15x30 m sized beds, we have the No. of beds required
Hence, use 14 beds, of size 15mx26.4m in plan. The beds should be provided with under drains and
side walls, with typical section and plan as shown in figure.
Droed or dewatered by mechanical means, such as by vacuum filtration or by high speed centrifuges.
In vacuum filtration process, the sludge is first mixed with a consequent such as ferric
chloride and then conveyed to a vacuum filter, consisting of a hollow rotating drum, covered with a
replaceable filter cloth. The drum rotator partly submerging into the sludge. The vacuum created by a
pump within the drum draws the moisture from the sludge through the cloth. The sludge cake which
is formed on the outside of the drum is removed by a scraper as we drum rotates. High – speed
centrifuges: are also used for drying of raw or digested sludges, and are becoming more popular
because of small area requirements. There methods may remove about 50% moisture.
Vacuum filtration or centrifugation of raw sludge is often adopted in situation where sludge is to be
disposed of by incineration (i.e. burning). These mechanical methods of drying are generally used
when the available area is less than there required for sludge drying beds, or where the clomater are
too cold or at places where rains are frequent as not to permit natural drying or as a preliminary to
heat drying for making fertilizer.
28. Determine the liquid volume before and after digestion and percentage reduction for 600 kg
(dry basis) of primary sludge having the following characteristics.
Primary Digested
Solids (%) 6 12
fixed solids
voluble solids
100 35 65
SS 2.5 1.0
100 6 94
SSC 1.266 1
SS1 1.013
V ws 600
9.874 m3
4) Computation of % volatile mater after digestion fixed matter in primary sludge = 0.35 600 =210 kg
Volatile matter after digestion = 0.35 390 (65% of 360 kg has been digested on digestion).
SdsL 1.046
VdsL S .P
336.5 kg
V 2.681m3
29. Design gravity thickens for thickening the combined primary and activated sludge from a
treatment plant for 200,000 populations.
Let us assume / capita settle able solids in primary sludge as 54gm / day and per capita settle able
SS in activated sludge as 31gm / day making a total SS as 54 + 31 = 85 gm / day table 16.1
Let as assume sp. gravity of wet mixed sludge = 1.008 and solids in combined sludge as 3%.
S1 s
562m3 / d
d = 25 425 = 10625 m3 / m2 /d
Balance of 10625 – 562 = 10063 m3 / d is made available by blending with primary or secondary
425 3 24
54.5 hrs
30. Design a sludge drying bed for digested sludge from an activated sludge plant serving
200,000 people.
From cable 16.1, total solids remaining on digested sludge (combined primary activated)
= 57 gm / cap / d
Let us adopt 8m wide 30m long beds with single pt discharge and a bed slope of 0.5%
Assuming 2 months of rainy season in a year and sweets for drying and one week for preparation and
Let us Assume 7%. Solids and sp. Gravity of 1.025, the volume of digested sludge is given by
VSl .S .P
sl s
1.59 m3 / d
159 365