Modi Sworn-In For The Second
Modi Sworn-In For The Second
Modi Sworn-In For The Second
EDITORIAL But attempts to increase FILM REVIEW
The government is quality in higher education
considering implementing will remain incomplete if
the Right to Education Act quality of education before
(RTE Act) till Class XII. The class eight is going to drop
main reason is that continuously. This is a
the significance of the common understanding,
public education of class which unfortunately did not
eight in the 1950s is no find place in the analysis of
longer worthwhile. All policy makers. The problem
countries agree to provide is the lack of connectivity to
'India' relieves Salman Khan composed in Ali Abbas Zafar.
free, equivalent and the land. If this reduction is
for his fans, who have been If you talk about acting, this
compulsory primary and taken away, those who disappointed with TubLight film is Salman's best film as
complete school education and Race 3 for the last two an actor. In this movie, he
secondary education to all editions, because it is better
will also get the necessary laughs at you, he sings you,
children up to 2030 under than both of them. India and many times you get
the United Nations- skills and will be confident.
is an emotional entertainer bogged down by hoping. This
approved Sustainable ment in which the character of is the best movie at the acting
India, from 1947 to 2010, level of Katrina Kaif.
Goal-IV. has been shown. The Art Department has done
Though much has better than expected. There
been thrown in the story of was a little more effort on the
India, but a lot hascostumes. Enjoying this
happened in the film about movie you can take a family,
70 years sinceyou will not be disappointed.
independence, which is
Cast - Salman Khan, Katrina
shown in the film. The Kaif, Direction Patni, Sunil
painful memories of the Grover and others
partition of the country, the Director- Ali Abbas Zafar
struggle for standing right Manufacturer- Atul Agnihotri
on the feet of a newly born
country, and finally
standing on his feet in
modern India, all of them
are beautifully
Well, we sat in the boat
wearing a life
jacket. The glass which
Just before morning in the
was put in the boat was
morning, I first reached a
a magnifying glass, that
temple was still closed but TRAVEL DIARY is, to show bigger. The
it came very good to come
here. In that very moment ANDAMAN water was crystal
clearer as well, along
our van came and he took
with the big bottom of
us to the beach to show the
the glass in the bottom
sunrise. The sun was rising
of the glass was visible,
but there was a problem
although it was not
that came with us from the
enough clear in the
time of arrival in Andaman.
camera because of
Clouds had suppressed the
sunlight due to it. Apart
sun very badly and were
from Chattano, the
not giving up.
Coral Reef also looked
After seeing the sunrise,
beautiful, but when the
we walked back and left
the hotel by paying money boatman said to walk
to the van. After this we down, we turned away
Here, pigeons wereIt meant that either of and he brought us back
walked towards the market roaming around in a fieldthem have not been
to take breakfast. After with a sad mind.
which was near the templeaddicted to the outside, so
this, we started looking and the cat was also there. there is friendship here,
around and found a very The dogs were alsotheirs.
good view here. strolling there and they After this we took our
were not saying anything luggage from the hotel and
to each other. walked towards Jetty.