Manual de PLT Neil PDF
Manual de PLT Neil PDF
Manual de PLT Neil PDF
Gradio Run
Temperature Run
150 BPD
Jan 1997
Schlumberger Wireline & Testing
Wireline & Testing
B.1 Saturation B-1
B.2 Cementing B-2
B.3 Corrosion B-3
B.4 Appendix – Conditions Promoting Corrosion B-5
C.1 Introduction C-1
C.2 Saturation Monitoring C-1
C.3 Cement Monitoring C-10
C.4 Corrosion Monitoring C-11
Introduction to Production Logging
G.1 Pressure Measurement G-1
G.2 Temperature Measurement Techniques G-4
G.3 Caliper Tools G-8
G.4 Alternative Flow Measurement Devices G-10
Appendix A G-19
G.5 Fluid Sampling G-24
Appendix B G-26
Examples G-28
Wireline & Testing
H.1 Introduction H-1
H.2 Objectives H-1
H.3 Types of Survey H-1
H.4 Data Gathering H-2
H.5 Summary H-5
H.6 After Survey Checks on Data Quality H-5
H.7 Specific Measurements H-6
H.8 Pressure Control Equipment For Production Logging Jobs H-6
J.1 FloView Measurement J-1
J.2 Flagship Project J-17
K.1 Examples K-1
K.2 Answers K-6
Wireline & Testing
(01/97) A-2
Wireline & Testing
Hydrocarbon C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6+
Dry gas .88 .04 .04 .01 .01 .01 C
Condensate .71 .08 .04 .04 .04 .08 BENZENE
Volatile oil .6 .08 .05 .04 .03 .2
Black oil .41 .03 .05 .05 .04 .42
Heavy oil .11 .03 .01 .01 .04 .8 H C C H
Tar/bitumen 1.0 C
Table A1: Hydrocarbon Types H
Fig. A4: Hydrocarbon Structure
(01/97) A-3
Introduction to Production Logging
The table gives some typical values: The pressures in the oil and gas depend on the
gradients (densities) of these fluids. The dif-
GOR API Gravity ference in gradients with the water gradient
Wet gas 100mcf/b 50-70 depends on the specific gravity with respect to
Condensate 5-100mcf/b 50-70 water.
Volatile oil 3000cf/b 40-50
Black oil 100-2500cf/b 30-40
Heavy oil 0 10-30
Tar/bitumen 0 <10
Table A2: Hydrocarbon Classification
API = − 131.5
specific gravity(60 F )
(01/97) A-4
Wireline & Testing
(01/97) A-6
Wireline & Testing
(01/97) A-7
Introduction to Production Logging
The volume change has to be quantified. Sur- reservoir with porosity of 20% contains water
face volumes are measured (production rates); equivalent to 15% of its volume.
these need to be converted to downhole con-
ditions in order to compute how much has
been produced at reservoir conditions and
hence how much is left. This change in vol-
ume between downhole conditions and the
surface is described by the Formation Volume
A.2.5 Saturation
The porosity of a formation has to be split be- A.3 FLUID FLOW
tween the fluids occupying the pore space.
Fluid flow in the casing and/or the tubing de-
Saturation is the name given to the fraction of
pends on the fluids flowing from the reser-
a given fluid.
voir. An oil with a high gas-oil ratio will pro-
Formation saturation is defined as the fraction
duce a lot of gas somewhere on its journey to
of its pore volume (porosity) occupied by a
the surface, a low GOR oil will produce less
given fluid.
gas. If there is water production as well, three
Volume of specific fluid phase flow will exist in the tubing as the gas
Saturation = comes out of solution and two phase (dipha-
Total pore Volume sic) flow in the casing/tubing before the gas
has come out of solution.
Definitions These flow regimes cause problems for meas-
Sw = water saturation. urements.
So = oil saturation.
Sg = gas saturation. Flow in the casing and/or tubing is broken
Sh = hydrocarbon saturation into different regimes from Bubble flow, gas
= So + Sg bubbles in oil, to mist flow, oil droplets in gas
(Figure A13). The actual flow regime encoun-
Saturations are expressed as percentages or tered in the well depends on the flow veloci-
fractions, e.g. Water saturation of 75% in a ties and gas-oil ratio.
(01/97) A-8
Wireline & Testing
turbulent flow. The profile is different and hence so is
the flow measured by the tools
Reynolds number, Nre can be used to deter-
BUBBLE FLOW mine if flow is laminar or turbulent.
N re =
1 10 102 103
is parabolic.
Turbulent flow is characterized by random,
irregular movement of the fluid elements
Reynolds number
Laminar flow
(01/97) A-9
Introduction to Production Logging
Figure A16 illustrates the ratio of average ve- For a given set of conditions, spinner speed
locity to center velocity versus Nre for water is a function of fluid velocity, viscosity, den-
or air in a smooth pipe. sity, blade angle and condition, and bearing
x1000 Reynolds Number
Laminar flow
1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5
Average Velocity
Centre Velocity
4q q
v= =
πd2 A
The velocity a tool sees will depend not only Fig. A17: Flowmeters measure different flowrate de-
on the actual fluid velocity profile, but also on pending on the flow type and also their position in the
tool size (spinner size) relative to pipe size, borehole
tool centering, tool configuration (cages and
centralizers), and whether annular flow is a
factor (in-line spinners and tracer tools). (Fig- A.3.2 Multiphase flow
ure A17). Multiphase flow is a much more complex
phenomena than single phase flow. Unless
Diverter flowmeters do not eliminate all of the fluids are a homogeneous mixture, the
the above problems because of leakage phases will move at different velocities. The
around and through the diverter elements or light phase will move faster than the heavy
petals, but diverter flowmeters can minimize phase because of the density difference be-
some of the problems.
(01/97) A-10
Wireline & Testing
Qh = Yh Qt - Yh (1 - Yh) Vs A
(01/97) A-11
Introduction to Production Logging
Perforation is the most popular method of res- Fig. A20: Shaped charge design
ervoir completion. The objective is to create a
path for flow from the formation to the well
through the casing and cement. The require- It was found that the conical shape produced a
ment is thus for a hole to be made in the cas- depression/hole in a metal target. The addition
ing, cement and into the formation for a short of the liner increased the efficiency of the sys-
distance. Standard perforations have an en- tem. Modern liners are made of powdered
trance hole of about 0.4” and a penetration of metal and leave a powder residue at the end of
around 20”. the perforation. A typical charge has only
about 20 grams of explosive material.
It is made using a perforation gun system.
Slug Jet
Gun systems use three components: 500 m/s
(01/97) A-14
Wireline & Testing
Virgin Zone
Cementing of the casing in place is one of the
most vital operations in the drilling phase. It
is necessary to have a perfect seal between
zones to avoid unwanted fluid production or
Fig. B3: Crossflow from a lower zone to a higher one. reservoir contamination. Cement slurry is
This phenomena happens in any direction. pumped behind the casing to the required
height. It is left to set for some time before
In the case of a production well the thief any other operations.
zones are generally most noticeable when the
well is in a shut-in surface condition. In this The cement quality has to be evaluated before
condition the higher pressure zones will tend the completion and any repairs made at that
to feed fluid into the lower pressure zones.
(01/97) B-2
time. It is also essential to properly evaluate life by providing a breakthrough into the
any measurement in cased hole. wrong zones.
One of the major difficulties in cementing is
the presence of gas zones. These will cause Channeling in producers can lead to the pro-
problems if precautions are not taken during duction of unwanted fluids; i.e., water from
the cement job. wet zones or gas from the gas cap or gas zone.
In some cases this unwanted production can
B.2.1 Channeling render a well totally nonproductive.
Channeling is generally defined as the ability
of fluids to move in the region of the produc- Channeling may occur in three conditions.
tion casing annulus because of a lack of hy-
draulic isolation between the casing and the These conditions are:
cement or the cement and the formation. • Oil or gas well with water channeling up
from a lower zone
• Oil or gas well with water channeling
down from a higher zone
• Oil well with gas channeling down from a
higher zone
Corrosion encountered in the Oil Industry
involves several mechanisms, generally clas-
sified into three main categories:
Unwanted fluid
• Electrochemical Corrosion
• Chemical Corrosion
Bad Cement • Mechanical Corrosion
(01/97) B-3
Introduction to Production Logging
Anode Cathode
Metal ions (M+) Electrolyte Leak
(01/97) B-4
DOWNHOLE Poor Single Collars
Cement Joint oxyg. Form. Solid
TYPE Condt. Move.
OF Metal Casing Casing Fluid B.H.
CORROSION Prop. Anom. Stress Corrosive
Electro- Crevice
H2 S
Chemical C O2
(01/97) B-5
Introduction to Production Logging
B.4.1 Conditions CO2 and about 400 times more corrosive than
• Poor quality cementation: In a poor ce- H2S.
ment job, casing is exposed to saline forma- • Borehole corrosive fluids: Spent acids,
tion water, acting as an electrolyte. Some brines, or H2S and CO2 in the production
shallow formation waters contain dissolved stream can promote chemical corrosion.
oxygen which accelerates corrosion rates.
Non-sulfate resistant cement (construction • Fluid and solid flow: Erosion corrosion is
cement) breaks down rapidly and exposes the caused by high velocity fluids, turbulence,
casing to corrosive aquifer water. sand production.
• Metal properties: Most casings show varia- • Bacterial growth: Anaerobic Sulfate Re-
tion in metallic properties, from joint to joint, ducing Bacteria synthesize H2S and promote
across the same joint, and from joint to collar. chemical and pitting corrosion.
This produces galvanic cells, and is seen on
electromagnetic logs as a variation in joint
conductivity and magnetic permeability. B.4.2 Measures to prevent or remedy
• Casing anomalies: localized casing anoma- Several measures are available to prevent or
lies can promote galvanic and pitting corro- remedy corrosion in completion strings. They
sion. are listed here for information and not dis-
• Corrosion at collars: collars are normally cussed in any details as each one is the do-
stressed and distorted, and present gaps. They main of specialists:
often are starting points for galvanic, pitting,
and crevice corrosion. • Engineering design
• Casing stress: Stressed sections of casing • Selection of materials and alloys
can accelerate corrosion because of their dis- • Coatings
torted lattice structure. Hydrogen cracking • Good cementing
occurs when hydrogen ions diffuse into the • Choice of completion fluids
stressed metal.
• Inhibitors and biocides
• Saline formation fluids: they act as an elec- • Cathodic protection
trolyte and promote electrochemical and
chemical corrosion. Notice that overall corro- • Run tubing and casing patches
sivity of saline solutions increases with salin- • Workover to replace tubulars
ity to about 5% NaCl, and then decreases be- • Tie-back liners
cause of reduced oxygen solubility. Above • Changes in completion
15% NaCl, the saline solution is less corro-
sive than fresh water.
Useful elements to design prevention and re-
• Oxygenated fluids: either meteoric forma- medial programs can be obtained from corro-
tion waters or injection water not treated can sion evaluation and monitoring using wireline
cause electrochemical and chemical attack. logging tools.
Notice that, for carbon steel, oxygen dissolved
in water is about 80 times more corrosive than
(01/97) B-6
(01/97) B-7
Wireline & Testing
tional problem of crossflow may occur if
C.1 INTRODUCTION these zones have lower pressures than the
Monitoring is a term applied to the continual
checking of a parameter. In the reservoir con-
Monitoring would see this problem early in
text applied to production logging this has
the reservoir’s life allowing it to be dealt with
three different types;
in time.
• saturation monitoring WATER AND
• cement monotoring
• corrosion monitoring.
Porosity %
50 0
original water
in place
o Cement quality?
r Fluids ?
i Hole size
n Fig. C3: Factors affecting cased hole monitoring tools
displaced hydrocarbon
A number of unknowns affect both tools;
Both use an electronic source and pairs of de- The fluid term can be expanded to:
tectors measuring gamma rays.
(01/97) C-2
Σ f = Σ w S w + (1 − S w )Σ h
Σ w
Hence if Σw, Σma, Σh and the porosity, φ are
known the saturation Sw can be obtained.
Σ log
The matrix capture cross sections come from An alternative to using charts to find the pa-
the lithology of the formation. One problem is rameters is to use a crossplot of capture cross
the presence of clay. Both the quantity and section, Σ against porosity, φ (Figure C4).
type are important as some clay minerals have
a high capture cross section compared to From equations 1 and 2
sandstone. If φ = 0, the intercept is at Σma.
If φ = 1, and Sw = 0, the intercept is Σh.
The capture cross-section of the hydrocarbon If φ = 1, and Sw = 1, the intercept is Σw
depends on its type, oil or gas, temperature
and pressure and GOR. Charts in the standard
Chart Book can be used to determine the cor-
rect values.
(01/97) C-3
Introduction to Production Logging
∆Sw = Figure C5 shows an example of time-lapse
φ (Σ w − Σ h ) monitoring. The open hole computed log is
displayed with three computed TDT logs that
The matrix term has dropped out.The result- were run over several years. The rise in the
ing saturation is more accurate than a stand- oil/water contact between logs runs is obvi-
alone value. ous. Water fingering has also developed in an
upper high-permeability zone.
The base log has to be run late enough for the
filtrate to have dissipated but early enough so
that depletion is not significant. The match
with the open hole evaluation fixes such prob-
lems as uncertainty with the shale content or
the porosity. The only match is saturation.
(01/97) C-4
(01/97) C-5
Introduction to Production Logging
If the pulsed neutron is used alone (no open centages. The shape of the plot depends on
hole data) the combination of these errors the lithology.
could result in a large discrepancy. Using the
open hole measurement for the porosity is a Sw=0, Yo=100
fisrt step in improving the accuracy of the
technique. The addition of an early monitor-
ing run to compare with the original open hole
C.2.4 Example
(01/97) C-7
Introduction to Production Logging
Fig. C13: Monitoring log run in the field shows oil remaining at the top of the well
(01/97) C-8
(01/97) C-9
Introduction to Production Logging
x100 original GR
Scale effect
Fig. C17: Gamma ray peaks on the log are due to ra-
dioactive scale build-up
Fig. C16: Base log compared to first monitoring log
distinguishes the acid effect
Carbonate reservoirs often exhibit high and
random gamma ray regions in cased hole.
The solution to the acid effect is to run a log Compared to an open hole log these are com-
soon after completion. This log is compared pletely anomalous (Figure C17). The problem
with the open hole saturation (Figure C16). is caused by the build up of radioactive scale
Any difference seen at this stage is due to the on the insides of the casing. This scale is
acid effect. This figure is then used in future formed from barium and strontium salts pre-
jobs to eliminate the erroneous indication of cipated out of produced formation waters. The
water influx. amount of these substances is small and will
not cause a problem for any other evaluation.
(01/97) C-10
The cement bond log-variable density tool Fig. C18: Typical CBL-VDL log. The first track has the
uses a standard sonic tool to make the meas- gamma ray curve for correlation, plus a casing colar
urement. (Refer to Figure 18.) This is the tra- locator. The second track has the cement bond log. In
ditional tool and serves well to identify the this presentation good cement is shown by the shading.
The final track contains the VDL.
quality of the cement job. The amplitude of
the first arrival reflects how much energy has
been absorbed by the casing. If the casing if The VDL looks at the complete wavetrain
free, no cement, most of the signal is re- hence sees further into the casing formation
flected. If the casing is well cemented, little interface. The Variable Density trace is a
signal returns. valuable part of cement bond logging. As it
looks at the entire wave-train it contains in-
It has an added advantage in seeing the bond formation not seen by any other measurement.
from cement to formation, which the other
tools cannot, using the Variable Density Log
(01/97) C-11
Introduction to Production Logging
first arrivals
from casing cement later arrivals from
interface casing formation
(01/97) C-12
internal PAT
corrosion inner casing TGS-MFC
pits & holes (internal)
single casing PAT
external corrosion CET
(01/97) C-13
Introduction to Production Logging
9 5/8 ''
GOOD FAIR TL = Time-Lapse
Fig. C22: Corrosion tool applications
(01/97) C-14
Wireline & Testing
Production logging is the measurement of By the late 1950s and early 1960s the basic
fluid parameters on a zone-by-zone basis to sensor types had been developed as individual
yield information about the type and move- tools. The surveys required a seperate pass to
ment of fluids within and near the wellbore. obtain flowmeter, gradiomanometer, tempera-
ture and so on. 1970 saw the sensors pack-
Production logging is intended primarily for aged together in one tool, meaning a more ef-
measuring the performance of producing ficient single run in the hole. The individual
wells. It provides diagnostic information, pin- measurements still had to be run one at a
points where fluids such as water, oil and gas time. By the end of the decade advances in
are entering a well and gives an indication electronics allowed everything to be recorded
about the efficiency of the perforations. in a single pass across the zone of interest.
This had many advantages not least the sav-
Traditional production logging involves four ings in time.
measurements - flow, density, temperature
and pressure. However, only the flow and Improvements continued through the 1980s to
density readings are used in traditional quanti- the present day with better sensors, especially
tative production logging analysis. Tempera- pressure gauges, and deployment methods.
ture and pressure data have normally been The latest tool uses completely new technol-
used in a qualitative way to compute in-situ ogy to measure a flow profile for the individ-
flow properties and locate zones of entry of ual fluid phases all around the borehole.
fluid into a well.
(01/97) D-1
Introduction to Production Logging
(01/97) D-2
Wireline & Testing
P1 o il
Bad Cement
P2 fluid flow
(01/97) D-3
Introduction to Production Logging
D.4.1 Tools
Production logging tools consist of a number
of sensors which make the measurements in-
side the well (Figure D2). The main types are:
(01/97) D-4
Wireline & Testing
1. Flowmeter
- Determine producing zones
- Stimulation evaluation
- Secondary recovery
- Flow potential evaluation (SIP, Spinners
2. Temperature
- Location of production or injection
- Monitor frac performance
- Gas entry
- Fluid movement behind pipe
- Fluid conversions
3. Fluid Density
- Determine volumetric flow in two
phase flow Fig. D3: A typical production log.
- Show entry points in three phase
4. Pressure
- Well test analysis (kh, skin)
- Reservoir extent, boundaries
- Fluid conversions
- AOF, SIP determination
(01/97) D-5
Introduction to Production Logging
Gamma Ray
(01/97) D-8
Wireline & Testing
V α rps, ω α rps
(01/97) E-2
Wireline & Testing
(01/97) E-3
Introduction to Production Logging
These devices have good fluid sampling char- • Petal Basket Flowmeter Sonde (PBFS–
acteristics because the majority of the fluids A/B/C*)
moving in the casing must go through the
spinner section; however, they may also cre- – Maximum Pressure (psi) 15000
ate pressure drops or changes that can cause – Maximum Temperature (°F) 300
fluid flow outside the casing if zone isolation
(01/97) E-4
Wireline & Testing
– The basket may be opened and closed un-
Mode 4
der surface control.
Types A B C
Weight (lbs) 30 30 30
Makeup Length 86 74 74
OD (in.) 1.69 2.13 2.13
Minimum Flow 50 60 70
Maximum Flow 1500 2770 4500
Table E3: Petal Basket Flowmeter Types. Mo
(01/97) E-5
Introduction to Production Logging
For continuous flowmeters, where revolu- common to find the majority of fluids being
tions per second (rps) are linear with flow contributed by a small percentage of the per-
rate, the technique consists of plotting rps on forations, possibly one or two holes in a zone
the log. For petal-basket flowmeters, where with dozens of perforations.)
revolutions per second (rps) are not linear
with flow rate, the technique consists of plot- E.3.3 Downhole Calibrations
ting flowrate from an appropriate chart on the The ideal response of the spinner is a flowing
log. well would give a straight line plot through
the origin (Figure E8).
Fig. E7: Petal Basket chart converting spinner output All fluids in the well are viscous to some de-
to flowrate.
gree. The effect of this is to “shift” the curves
away from the ideal line (Figure E9). The
E.3.2 Absolute Flow Rates slope of the line remains the same as this is
Spinner rate is a function of fluid viscosity only dependent on the spinner geometry.
and density, in addition to velocity; therefore,
additional care must be taken if absolute Spinner
flowrates, rather than percentage contribu- rps
tions, are desired from the flowmeter data, or
if percentage contributions are desired in an
interval with varying viscosity or density. viscosity
This is true even in single-phase flow. Under
these conditions, the technique used for de- Fluid Velocity
Fluid Velocity
termining absolute flowrates is the use of DOWN UP
downhole calibrations.
(Note: When interpreting station-type data, viscosity
Fig. E9: The effect of viscosity is to change the spinner flow. These plots (Figures E10, and E11) are
response away from the ideal line. for a stationary fluid and a moving tool, hence
An additional effect of friction on the spinner represent zero flow. In a flowing well the line
start up alters the curve at the beginning. This will be shifted to the left on the plot as the
is the “Threshold” of the tool (figure E10). velocity seen by the tool is now a combination
of the tool velocity plus the fluid velocity, Vf.
(Figure E12).
mechanical viscosity
effects Vf
Fluid Velocity Fluid Velocity Tool Velocity ro
Vf Tool Velocity
increasing DOWN
viscosity Vf
Fig. E11: This is the final plot with tool velocity substi- q = C ∗ Vf ∗ A
tuted for fluid velocity. where,
The down passes in producing wells are posi- C = velocity profile correction factor,
tive revolutions per second (rps). The up commonly 0.83.Better, use chart.
passes are negative, if logged faster than fluid A = Area of flow. Use chart1 to convert
flow, and positive, if logged slower than fluid
Charts are available for all common casing sizes.
(01/97) E-8
Wireline & Testing
(01/97) E-9
Introduction to Production Logging
Typically, a plot is constructed from data just To translate this fluid velocity into the
above a set of perforations, where the flow flowrate the relationship between fluid flow
will be stable. In the data shown in Figure volumes and fluid velocity for a specific cas-
E13, these would be the points labelled A, B, ing inside diameter has to be determined. This
C and D. A straightline function will exist is found by consulting the appropriate chart
with a vertical offset from the origin propor- (see chart at end of this section).
tional to the flowrate at the point where the
data were taken. In this example the casing was 7", 29 lbs/ft
and the velocity for 1000 bbl/day is 18.7
ft/min, hence the flowrates are:
E.3.5 Two-Pass Technique Fig. E16: Two passes of spinner, up and down are
overlain to eliminate the effects of changing viscosity.
For percentage contribution calculations in
varying viscosity conditions, whether from A distinct advantage of this technique is that
multiphase flow or single-phase flow with it cancels the effect of viscosity changes.
multiple viscosities, a special technique called These changes are essentially shifts in rps
the two-pass technique can be applied (Figure readings of the same amount and direction on
E16). This technique consists of running a both passes. Thus, the separation remains in-
continuous flowmeter pass against the flow dependent of viscosity effects.
direction and a flowmeter pass with the flow If the "centerline" is defined as a line halfway
direction, but faster than the maximum fluid between the two curves, a centerline shift to
flowrate. The two passes are then normalized the right is a viscosity decrease; a centerline
and shifted to overlay at the bottom of the shift to the left is a viscosity increase. If abso-
well, where no fluid flow occurs. lute fluid velocity is desired from the two-
pass technique, and if multiple calibration
The amount of separation between the two passes have been run, it can be computed
passes, after shifting, measured in log divi- from the following equation:
sions is linearly proportional to fluid velocity.
One hundred percent flow is at the point of ∆rps
maximum deflection, which is usually above Vf = 0.83
Bu + Bd
all perforations on producing and injection
wells. Thief zones complicate the interpreta-
tion somewhat, but the principle remains the
Bu is the up calibration line slope in rps per
foot per minute.
(01/97) E-11
Introduction to Production Logging
It is impossible to analyze or calibrate flow-
meter spinner data unless information on the
well, fluids and conditions is complete. Hence
the requirements are:
Example E1: Spinner log.
• All Relevant Data
• Cement Bond Logs
• Surface Rates
(01/97) E-12
Wireline & Testing
Example 2
Construct a flowmeter calibration curve from pass zone A, rps zone B, rps cable speed
the following data in zones A and B of the 1 +32 +5 50(down)
3 +35 +11 100(down)
5 +39 +13 120(down)
7 +41 +15 140(down)
2 +19 - 50 (up)
4 +16 - 80 (up)
6 +15 - 100 (up)
Example 3
1) Construct the flowmeter calibration plot
from the following data. Note as there is no
zero flow line this will have to be created.
A pass rps cable speed
1 +8 50 (down)
3 +10 100 (down)
5 +12 150 (down)
2 +2 50 (up)
4 -2 180 (up)
6 -4 220 (up)
7 -6 250 (up)
(01/97) E-13
Wireline & Testing
(01/97) E-1
Wireline & Testing
Example 4
This well is producting gas and liquid at surface.
Given the spinners recorded in the well determine the thief zones and the production zones in this
(01/97) E-13
Introduction to Production Logging
(01/97) E-14
Wireline & Testing
m = log10(NRe)
q(bbl/day) v (ft/s) N C
(01/97) E-15
Introduction to Production Logging
set is taking fluid produced from the lower The shut-in pass below shows the picture
interval. The increase at the top of the latter clearly. Production from the lower perforation
zone is due to production here. is flowing into the second set of perforations.
(01/97) E-17
Wireline & Testing
There are two major types of fluid density spacing slotted housing
tools: 2 feet
floating connecting tube
tercut tool.
(01/97) F-1
Introduction to Production Logging
Assuming no deviation:
P2 = PB = PA + (PB – PA)
PB – PA = ρgh
P2 = PA + ρgh
P1 = PA + (P1 – PA)
P1 – PA = ρsogh
P1 = PA + ρso gh
Fig. F3: Gradiomanometer in a deviated well.
P2 = PA + ρgh•cosθ
P2 – P1 = PA + ρgh – [PA + ρsogh]
P1 = PA + ρsogh•cosθ
P2 − P1
and, = ρcosθ − ρso cosθ
P − P1 P −P
ρ= 2 + ρ so ρ = 2 1 + ρso
gh ghcosθ
(01/97) F-2
Wireline & Testing
Downhole flow rate
ρgradio = ρf (1 + K + F),
K is a kinetic term and "
1/ 1/2
F is a friction term. 10 4
5 4
occur with high flowrates and small casing or Fig. F5: Gradiomanometer friction effect correction
tubing sizes. chart.
dP = Pressure Drop (psi) e = Absolute Roughness (distance between
dL = Length (ft) peaks and valleys)
D = Pipe Internal Diameter
e/D = Relative Roughness (dimensionless)
NRe = Reynolds Number
= 7.742x103Dvr/m
e/D may be obtained from charts.
(01/97) F-3
Introduction to Production Logging
cosθ = AZ / g
Gradiomanometer specifications:
(01/97) F-6
Wireline & Testing
3 0.2 – 1.2
Range (g/cm )
3 0.01
Accuracy (g/cm )
3 1.25
Resolution (g/cm /decade)
Minimum Casing (ins) 5.0
Maximum Casing (ins) 12.0
High energy g-rays from a Cesium (Cs )
chemical source reach the detector through
Compton scattering. The count rate measured
at the detector will depend on the electron
density of the fluid around the tool.
(01/97) F-7
Introduction to Production Logging
vs = vo – vw
Yw + Yo = 1
Water Oil
The water hold up must not be confused with
the watercut which is the rate of water pro-
duction compared to the total production ex-
pressed as a percentage.
(01/97) F-8
Wireline & Testing
The flowrate of the heavy phase (Qw) is equal If Qo is substituted for Qt in the above equa-
to the percentage of the heavy (Yw) multiplied tion the following expression is derived:
by the casing area (A) multiplied by the veloc-
ity of the heavy phase (vw). That is: 0 = YwQo-Yw(1-Yw)vsA
(01/97) F-9
Introduction to Production Logging
Fig. F9: Standard chart for slippage velocity.
ρgradio is influenced by following effects:
∆P ~ρfghcosθ
(01/97) F-10
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(01/97) F-11
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(01/97) F-12
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Example F1
Using the following recorded gradiomanometer data compute the heavy phase hold up above perfo-
rations A and B.
(01/97) F-13
Introduction to Production Logging
Example F2
Gradiomanometer reading is 0.63 g/cc
Deviation = 30˚
Flowrate = 20000 bpd
Casing = 7”, 26#
10 5
5 /8
5/8 "
Downhole flow rate
" "
1 /2 1 /2
5 4
10 4
10 3
1.01 1.02 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.50 2.0
ρgradio / ρ
Example F2: Gradiomanometer Flow Correction Chart.
Correct the gradio reading for the deviation and flow rate.
(01/97) F-14
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(01/97) F-15
Introduction to Production Logging
Segregated Model
CHUM = AYw + B
Parallel Model
CHUM = A/[B•ln(CYw + D) + E]
Dispersed Model
Mixing Laws
(01/97) F-16
Wireline & Testing
G.1.1 Uses of Pressure This class is best typified by the Hewlett-
Packard gauge in which a vibrating quartz
• Well test analysis (kh, skin) crystal is directly exposed to the pressure so
• Reservoir extent, boundaries that the mechanical deformation occurs di-
• Fluid conversions rectly in the transduction device.
All other types of transducers are classified as
• AOF, SIP determination
indirect-exposure devices.
Various types of strain gauge transducers have counted for by the surface acquisition system,
different gauge factors. using the PCOR table.
There are four basic types of strain gauge This unbonded resistive four arm strain gauge
transducers. These four types with their cor- has a built in Resistance Temperature Device
responding gauge factors are shown in Table (RTD).
G1. A rule that applies to these transducers
is: the larger the gauge factor, the higher the
output of the device.
(01/97) G-2
Wireline & Testing
A third order polynomial equation is used to diaphragm, and others have them mounted on
model its response: a beam that is linked to a diaphragm by a push
P(V) = MG + MHV +MIV2 +MJV3
Advantages of this transducer are excellent
long-term stability, excellent accuracy, low
P: Absolute pressure (psi) hysteresis, and high temperature range.
V: Ratio between output and exitation
voltage Disadvantages are low output level and high
Mi: Sensor coefficients costs.
The sensor coefficients are a function of tem- Specifications of the "Alpha" gauge:
perature and are modelled as folows:
pressure rating 17,000 psi
pressure accuracy +/- 17 psi
Mi(Rt) = Mi3 Rt3 + Mi2 Rt2 + Mi1 Rt + Mi0 pressure resolution 0.1 psi
temperature rating 175 degC
Rt : Resistance value of RTD in ohms. Table G2: Alpha gauge specifications.
The sensor characterisation is done at the time G.1.5 Vibrating Crystal Transducer
of manufacture and a Master Calibration is In vibrating crystal transducers, a crystal is
done using a dead-weight tester. Corrections forced by external electronic circuits to oscil-
are automatically applied by the software. late at its resonate frequency. When external
stress is applied to the crystal via mechanical
Advantages of this transducer are its excellent linkage to the force-summing element, the
accuracy, insensitivity to temperature and resonate frequency of the crystal shifts in pro-
good long-term stability and good dynamic portion to the stress. In at least one transducer
response, but with reduced measurement ac- of this type the force-summing element is the
curacy and resolution. Disadvantages of this crystal itself.
transducer are sensitivity to shock and vibra-
tion, hysteresis, and limited frequency re- This is a direct-conversion type transducer in
sponse. which the transduction element is also the
force-summing element. The vibrating crystal
Three gauges are available: 5 Kpsi, 10 Kpsi is usually manufactured out of quartz because
and 20 Kpsi. of its excellent elastic properties, long-term
stability characteristics, and ease of vibra-
G.1.4 Current developments tional excitement.
"Alpha" gauge replacement for the strain
gauge. The way the quartz crystal is cut (the orienta-
tion of the crystal faces) determines its reso-
The "Alpha" gauge is a thin film transducer, nant frequency and its sensitivity to pressure
consisting of a resistor pattern making up an and temperature.
active bridge.
a = 3.91x10-3
d = 1.49
(01/97) G-5
Introduction to Production Logging
G.2.4 Case 1 Flowing wells In this case the well is producing gas through
the perforations. Once again the spinner reacts
Liquid to the flow. The temperature exhibits an ini-
tial decrease before increasing as in the liquid
Spinner Temperature case. The perforations are producing liquid
giving a change in the spinner. The tempera-
ture increases above the geothermal gradient
towards an asymtote.
This is due to the adiabatic expansion of the
gas as it entres the borehole.
Spinner Temperature
Spinner Temperature
Water Flow
In the case of a liquid channeling behind the
flow casing the temperature will show an increase
before the spinner reacts to the flow. The lat-
ter device only measures inside the casing
while the temperature sees both inside and
(01/97) G-6
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Spinner Temperature
(01/97) G-7
Introduction to Production Logging
Fig. G10: This shows the standard profile expected Fig. G12: This is the opposite to the previous example
under normal producing conditions. as this time the crossflow is from the lower zone up-
(01/97) G-8
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(01/97) G-9
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(01/97) G-10
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(01/97) G-11
Introduction to Production Logging
(01/97) G-12
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is gas, and the sound attenuates quite rapidly. the noise attenuation dies out, indicating no
A standing column of water begins about further movement up the hole.
8,350 feet, and it will be noticed, that below
the liquid level, the sound attenuates much
slower. G.4.2.3 Channel Flowrate Calculations
From The Noise Tool
Several factors inject inaccuracies into any
calculations involving noise logs; such as, dis-
tance from the noise source, perforation size
and condition, sonde-to-casing contact, a liq-
uid or gas environment, etc. The following
procedures for calculating flowrates were de-
rived by Exxon Production Research Com-
pany (EPRCo).
N*1000 is the corrected peak-to-peak ampli- A leak-rate correlation was established for a
tude of the 1,000 Hz curve. single-phase flow in the casing annulus. Al-
though there is considerable scattering of data
points, a best-fit line gives the equation for
The single phase can be gas or water. Since the straightline segment for ∆p x q:
this relation gives only ∆p x q,an independent
∆p must be used to calculate q.
∆pq = 5 x (N*1000 - 6)
= 30 psi x k cu ft / D
q = 30/∆p = (30 psi x k cu ft/D)/90psi
q = 0.33 k cu ft / D
(01/97) G-15
Introduction to Production Logging
(N*200 − N *600 )− 10
N600 ≅ ∆pq
(01/97) G-16
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As = Cross-section for flow past the tool, ft χ can be referred to as the jet or perforation
The flowrate calculation for this equation is: parameter.
The following technique will allow for the
A 2N*600 3
q = s −6 determination of the percent flow from the
4.10 ρ perforations.
G.4.2.7 Calculation Of Flow From Perfo- 1. Determine N*600 from station reading
rations through the perforated interval.
• Frequency of the noise - Higher frequen- • Contact with the casing - Contact between
cies have a higher rate of attenuation; the sonde and the casing wall acts to in-
crease the distance required for noise from
a source to subside.
(01/97) G-18
Wireline & Testing
Conversion Of Log Noise Levels To Stan-
N = Log value
dard Values
Fm,t = The combined Meter and Tool Gain
The noise level, N, taken from a log must be
multiplied by four normalizing factors to ad- factors, see Table G1
just it to the conditions of the EPRCo stan- FL = Line Factor, corrects for 5/16 in. ca-
dard. bles and larger and for 7/32 in. cables
or smaller
If N* denotes the normalized value, then: FG = Wellbore Geometry Factor, see Table
N* = N x Fm,t x FL x FG
*Listed companies maintain uniformity within ± 3 decibels, that is, within a factor equal to:
Standard measurement sensitivity is 1.0 x 106 std. millivolts/psi (RMS), referred to as normal gain. Most companies
can reduce the gain by a factor of 10.
(01/97) G-19
Introduction to Production Logging
G.4.3 Tracer Tools difference in the two runs will identify where
radioactive materials are present.
G.4.3.1 Tool Theory
Some applications of radioactive tracer log- If radioactive material is present at any point
ging are: other than the perforated intervals, channeling
or vertical fracturing is likely. The detection
• To check for packer, casing, or tubing of channels with ejector tools and nonejector
leaks; tools will be discussed in detail later in this
• To identify channeling; course. Flow profiling with these tools will
• To establish injection profiles on injector be discussed in this section.
• To imply production profiles from injec- Tools in the second category generally consist
tion profiles on production wells during of two basic downhole components. The first
injection testing; and component is a chamber that will hold a small
• To establish flow profiles in low flow ar- amount of radioactive material and will eject
eas of producing wells. (Tracer logging in a controlled amount of this material into the
producing wells requires special consid- borehole. The second component is a multi-
erations. This will be addressed later in ple detector system that can monitor the
this section.) movement and location of the tracer fluid that
has been released. The types of ejectors and
Most of these applications require logging detector systems vary with tool application
techniques and interpretation methods unique and sophistication.
to the problem.
(01/97) G-20
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(01/97) G-21
Introduction to Production Logging
The tool configuration depends on the fluid Dual Tracer Ejector Tool (TEE–EA*)
flow direction. If logging an injection well,
the configuration will normally be one detec- Maximum Pressure (psi) 15000
tor above the ejector and two spaced detectors Maximum Temperature (°F) 350
below. In a producing situation, two detectors Weight (lbs) 38
Makeup Length (in.) 97.4
are placed above the ejector and one detector
is placed below. The purpose of the single Table G8: Tracer Ejector Tool Specifications.
detector on the opposite side of the ejector
from the flow direction is for detecting unex- 3 γ-Ray Detectors
pected flow reversals produced by thief zones
and for identifying channels behind casing, TEE–EA Built-in
where fluid is flowing opposite the direction SGC–R Above or Below
of the wellbore fluids. The purpose of the ATE–CB Built-in
two adjacent detectors is for flow profiling as
a function of flow time between the two de- gamma-Ray Spacers AH–99 (36 ins)
Well-site radioactivity generator
The principle of ejector tracer logging is the
releasing of a radioactive isotope that dis- 99
Technetium 99 (Tc )
solves in the wellbore and becomes part of the
Half-life, t = 6.0 hrs
wellbore fluid. The tracer material moves at
the same velocity as the wellbore fluid. A γ-Ray energy 0.740 MeV
measurement of the elapsed detection time
between the two detectors, along with knowl- Tracer fluid kept 20 – 40 psi above well-bore
edge of the tool configuration, is enough in- pressure. Ejection time variable between
formation for computing fluid flowrate. 20ms and 5.1s.
This assumes, of course, that the tool is not G.4.3.2 Tracer Log Interpretation Using
moving. Unlike the controlled time survey, Data From Nonejector Tools
the tool diameter must be considered in the (Controlled Time Survey)
flowrate computation because it subtracts In terms of flow metering, the primary appli-
from the casing internal cross-sectional area. cation of gamma ray tools without ejectors is
This will be discussed further in the interpre- the controlled time survey. This technique
tation section. consists of placing radioactive material in the
injection fluid stream at the surface with the
The sensitivity of the detectors to gamma rays tool stationary downhole waiting for the ra-
allows the system to monitor radiation dioactive material to pass the detector. When
changes inside the casing wall and outside the increased radiation is observed, the time of
casing near the casing wall. The actual depth day and depth are noted and the tool is moved
of investigation of the gamma ray detector farther downhole. When the radiation is ob-
depends on the type of detector, scintillation served again, the time of day and depth are
or Geiger-Mueller, and the magnitude of the noted once more.
radiation. In most cases, it can be estimated
at one foot. The elapsed time is the travel time required
for the fluid to move the distance between the
Water-, oil-, or gas-soluble tracer materials two depth intervals. This distance over time
can be used. Water soluble material is the can be computed as velocity in feet per min-
most common. ute. The flow volume can be determined
from the appropriate chart for the specific cas-
(01/97) G-22
Wireline & Testing
ing size and weight. This technique is primar- These dimension variables are sometimes
ily used for injection profiling. An actual log combined into a chart (available from the
may or may not be recorded. service company) for a specific tool.
Tracers, in general, are less common under Flowrates calculated from the preceding equa-
production conditions because the presence of tion can be somewhat high. If the percentage
radioactive material at the surface could cause flow profiling is the objective, the foregoing
safety and legal issues. As mentioned earlier, equation is sufficient. If a high degree of ab-
radioactive materials can be logged in produc- solute flow accuracy is desired, a correction
ing wells with special considerations. These chart should be requested from the service
are discussed at the end of this section. company. In the absence of a chart for a spe-
cific tool, the 0.83 factor (similar to the full-
G.4.3.3 Tracer Log Interpretation Using bore flowmeter) is a reasonable approxima-
Data From Ejector Tools tion to use.
Profiling with the tracer ejector tools involves
two basic types of logging techniques; these It is important to remember that the flowrate
techniques are: calculated with the preceding equation will be
an average of the flowrates existing at each
• Velocity Shots and detector. The flowrates at the detectors may
not be identical; they, in fact, won't be if a
• Controlled Interval Shots flowrate change occurs within the detector
spacing interval. If a finer vertical resolution
Velocity Shot Interpretation is needed, a technique of using more velocity
The recording of a velocity shot consists of shots within the perforated interval can
ejecting a small slug of radioactive material greatly enhance the vertical resolution. The
into the flowstream and measuring the time increase in time, t, as the tool is positioned at
lapse between detections of this slug by two lower points in the perforated interval allows
separate detectors spaced a known distance the construction of a flow profile with im-
apart. The two detectors eliminate the neces- proved vertical resolution.
sity of establishing the exact entry time of the
slug into the flowstream. The number and Example: If detector spacing is 6 feet, but a
spacing of the velocity shots depend on the 2-foot vertical resolution is desired, the pro-
vertical resolution required in the definition of cedure would be to:
the injection profile. Typically, the velocity
shots are recorded on time drive with the tool Take a velocity shot in the full-flow regime
stationary in the well. The flowrate computa- above the perforations. This will yield the
tion from a velocity shot can be obtained by full-flow velocity, v1.
reading the amount of time (t) required for the
radioactive slug to travel the spacing distance Take a velocity shot with the lowest detector
(d) between the two gamma ray detectors. 2 feet into the top of the perforations. Any
increase in the time between detectors, t, can
The flowrate is then: be fully assigned to the change in flowrate
across the top 2 feet of perforations.
q = d x A/t.
This process will continue in a similar manner
The flowrate in barrels per day can be ex- for all other zones and will give good vertical
pressed in terms of the casing and tool size. resolution over a long interval. The ratio of
velocities in the perforated interval to v1 will
give the factor by which the total flow must
(01/97) G-23
Introduction to Production Logging
G.4.3.4 Tracer Logging In Producing level considered not harmful to humans or the
Wells (Special Considerations) surrounding environment.
Safety in radioactive material handling is a
major consideration when running tracer logs Another interpretation consideration is that
on a producing well. most producing wells are diphasic; therefore,
it is advantageous to have iodine that is solu-
Establishing flow profiles in producing wells ble in each phase. If two types of iodine are
using tracer logging is not highly recom- run, and a fluid density tool is also run, the
mended unless certain conditions are met. tracer can be used to make accurate predic-
tions on the volume and type of fluid produc-
The well should be producing into a closed tion from various zones in a producing well.
gathering system, such as a pipeline or hold-
ing tank, where the radioactive iodine will be For higher flowrates a flowmeter is more ac-
diluted to the extent that authorities would curate than a tracer.
consider it safe before any person could come
into contact with the fluids. If a holding tank For low rates, below approximately 100 B/D,
is used, it should be sealed. The fluids should the tracer is more accurate. These guidelines
be left in storage for at least 60 days, or the are also true for injection logging.
time necessary to allow the iodine to reach a
(01/97) G-25
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(01/97) G-26
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(01/97) G-27
Introduction to Production Logging
Disadvantages are the AC excitation required,
Other Types Of Pressure Transducers
low frequency response, and sensitivity to
shock and vibration.
The various types of transducers are described
in the following paragraphs.
Variable Inductance Transducer
Capacitive Transducer
In the variable reluctance/inductance trans-
ducer a flux linkage bar is mechanically
Pressure displacing the force-summing ele-
linked to the force-summing device. This
ment in this transducer causes a change in ca-
could be a diaphragm, a bellows, or a bourdon
pacitance. If a diaphragm is used, it may be
tube. The flux linkage bar is in the magnetic
one plate of the capacitor, or if a bourdon tube
path of an E-core transformer. When pressure
is used a movable plate may be mechanically
is applied, the displacement causes a change
coupled to the end. Regardless of the method
in the E-core magnetic flux density, resulting
used, the measurement force is reflected by a
in a transformer output proportional to the
change in capacitance. The basic output of
pressure applied.
the capacitive transducer is a frequency sig-
nal, which digitial circuits can use directly.
Advantages of this transducer are its medium
Additional electronic circuits can convert the
level output and rugged construction.
frequency signal into a voltage or current sig-
Disadvantages are the requirement for AC
excitation, poor linearity, and susceptibility to
The advantages of the capacitive transducer
stray magnetic fields.
are excellent frequency response, low hystere-
sis, good linearity, and excellent stability and
Force Balance (Servo) Transducer
The force balance transducer is a closed loop
The disadvantages of the transducer are high
servo system that uses a displacment sensor to
sensitivity to temperature variations and vi-
monitor a force-summing element, such as a
bration, and requirements of additional elec-
diaphragm or bourdon tube. The displace-
tronic circuits to produce a voltage or current
ment sensor, which can be any of the trans-
duction elements used in other types of trans-
ducers, produces a displacement signal
Differential Transformer
proportional to the applied force. The dis-
placement signal causes an actuator to gener-
In the differential transformer type transducer
ate a force opposing the applied pressure force
a transformer core is mechanically linked to
to restore the force-summing element to the
the force-summing element. Displacement of
null position.
the force-summing element produces unbal-
ance within the secondary windings of the
Advantages of this transducer are its high ac-
transformer, yielding two out-of-phase AC
curacy, excellent resolution, high output lev-
signals of amplitude difference proportional
els, and good stability.
to the displacement. Additional electronic
circuitry is required to convert these signals
Disadvantages are its large size, sensitivity to
into usable electrical signals.
shock and vibration, low frequency response,
and requirement for complex electronic cir-
Advantages of this transducer are high output
levels, low hysteresis, and infinite resolution.
(01/97) G-28
Wireline & Testing
Disadvantages are limited life, poor resolu- In this transducer, a thin wire is connected in
tion, large hysteresis, and low frequency re- tension to a force-summing element and is
sponse. caused to vibrate under the influence of a
magnetic field. The frequency of vibration of
Other Strain Gauge types the wire is directly related to the tension in the
wire. The wire can be coupled to the force-
Bonded Foil Transducer summing element so as to cause either an in-
crease or decrease in the tension. Additional
The bonded foil strain gauge transducer, con- electronics are required to maintain oscillation
sists of a printed circuit resistor pattern on an of the wire and, thus, to provide an electrical
insulator that is bonded to the force-summing output. The output can be a frequency signal
element. Deformation of the force-summing converted for direct use by digital circuits.
element results in a change in the resistance of
the bonded foil. Generally, these foil patterns Advantages of the vibrating wire transducer
are used in a full, four-arm active bridge con- are its very high accuracy, low hysteresis, and
figuration. excellent long-term stability.
(01/97) G-29
Introduction to Production Logging
Disadvantages of the vibrating wire trans- long term placement in the well with later re-
ducer are its sensitivity to shock and vibra- trieval. Those that are placed in the well and
tion, temperature sensitivity, and the require- retrieved later (or run in and out of the well on
ments for additional electronics. a slick line with no electrical conductors)
must have memory devices or charts for later
reference. Those used on a wireline usually
SUMMARY readout in real time and are presented a log-
ging film, scaled in psi, in a manner similar to
The foregoing discussion described devices
other logging data.
used for wireline logging applications and for
(01/97) G-30
Wireline & Testing
Example G1
This well was completed as an oil well but not long after starting production the GOR increased
A full set of logs was run with both shut in and flowing passes. The flowing gradio showed a drop
in density in the top 0.5m of the perforations, with the flowmeter showing an increase in flow at this
point. The logs shown are the temperature both shut-in and flowing.
Example G1
The flowing temperature shows the gas entry at the top of the perforations. The shut in passes sug-
gest that this is coming from above. The slope changes on the curves indicate 3931 and another
change around 3924m.
(01/97) G-32
Wireline & Testing
Planning should start with defining the objec- H.3 TYPES OF SURVEY
tives of the proposed survey. Production logs can be acquired in a number
of different modes depending on the require-
H.2 OBJECTIVES ments of the problem and the well status.
• Monitoring Well Performance
• Evaluation Of Completion P erformance H.3.1 Continuous Log v Depth
• Well Problem Diagnosis. • Flow Profiling
• Temperature Survey.
The specific objective will guide the selection
of the sensors to be employed and the logging Record of Pressure, Temperature, Flowmeter
program to be used. and Fluid Density over zones of interest.
The next step is to analyze the downhole ex- Determines a quantitative flow profile in the
pected injection or production rates. This case of monophasic or diphasic downhole
would include the number of phases or fluid fluid flow by using PLQL* (Production Log-
types encountered by the logging tool and also ging QuickLook) interpretation software. For
the well status. This analysis will reveal if the three phase flow qualitative interpretation, for
tool resolution is adequate to define the prob- example, fluid entry points may be possible.
lem and also to select the type of survey to be
run. Gives a temperature profile in real time which
can be used to ascertain fluid movement both
To illustrate, if it were desired to detect a one in front of and behind the casing.
B/D water entry in a two-thousand B/D oil
producer, the tool must have an accuracy of Multiple passes are made: besides being nec-
+0.05%. Downhole flowrates of the various essary for flowmeter calibration these act as
phases must be analyzed to define if a produc- Repeat Sections as for 'conventional' logging.
tion logging sensor is capable of the required
accuracy. Data from multiple passes both up and down
are generally merged into one or more coher-
Additionally, sensors must have adequate ent presentations in order to highlight fea-
temperature and pressure ratings to function tures for interpretation and LQC purposes.
properly in the well. Pressure and amount of
corrosive gases, H2S and CO2, must also be Temperature, Density and Pressure from the
slowest down undisturbed pass are preferred.
They can be combined with a saturation
monitoring tool survey.
(01/97) H-1
Introduction to Production Logging
(01/97) H-2
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Flowing Survey
Made with well flowing (or injecting) with
stable conditions downhole.
Well Shut In
(01/97) H-3
Introduction to Production Logging
Depth logging plus station logging by zone Does the well produce sand or formation
gives: fines?
• check on flowmeter calibration prior to
open well Were frac balls used in the well?
• evidence of crossflow or leaks
• borehole fluid interfaces Can casing deformation be anticipated based
• temperature profile. on the field history?
All this information can be used in equipment
Transient Survey selection to minimize plugging or stoppage or
Made as surface flowrates are changed ie: for sensor operation.
• Build Up as Production is decreased or
stopped. All openhole and cased hole logs should be
• Drawdown as Production is started or in- reviewed prior to the logging operation. This
creased. review will often provide invaluable informa-
• Injection as Injection is started or in- tion that can be used in planning and running
creased. the sensors, and the logs should be available
• Fall Off as Injection is decreased or during the logging operation.
Quite often these logs can be used to estimate
Log vs. time yields Kh, Skin, P*, geometry expected flow profiles from a computer
analysis, such as Nodal design programs. Use
Survey continues until stable trends are ob- of this information can be used in some cases
served. to compare to recorded flow profiles. The
following illustration is an example of situa-
tion where the predicted profile matches the
H.4 DATA GATHERING actual flowmeter. The subsequent illustration
The accompanying form can be utilized to is an example of a production problem de-
organize this data gathering process. It is ex- fined by not matching the predicted profile.
tremely important to provide a detailed well
sketch that indicates the dimension of all as- In some wells base production logs were run
sociated well hardware. This is necessary for to analyze flow profiles and pressures for
log interpretation information as well as for evaluation of completion techniques or to
running the logging equipment. plan stimulation operations. These logs
should also be available.
Christmas tree information is needed for rig-
ging up. Before calling out the logging company, it is
recommended that you run a dummy in the
Other information can be included in the re- well to verify entry into the well. Usually the
marks section of the production logging ques- logging companies will provide a dummy for
tionnaire. Information that could be of sig- this purpose, and the procedure can often
nificance to the logging operation includes: eliminate unnecessary expense if well condi-
tions prohibit descent into the well.
How was the well completed? For instance,
can casing damage be expected if expendable Proper sensor selection is of the utmost im-
guns were used? portance. This is often related to the
flowrates and size of the casing and tubing.
Does the well have paraffin or scale deposits? The correct flow measuring device has to be
(01/97) H-4
Wireline & Testing
The procedure for running the logs should be Flowing runs should be recorded at different
determined before the actual operation to pro- cable speeds in both up and down directions.
vide an efficient job that records sufficient Data should be recorded to establish a good
data for proper interpretation. These proce- response line for the profiles. A minimum of
dures are often determined by the stability of three up and three down runs is required. Af-
the flowrates. Good flow profiles require sta- ter this is accomplished, station readings can
ble flowrates. In some cases wells obtain sta- be recorded at points of interest to aid the in-
ble flowrates in short times, while others re- terpretation.
quire days. If shut-in information is required,
this can often be obtained before the flowing Valuable information can often be obtained
runs, if stable flowing rates can be achieved in by recording data going in the well prior to
a short time after shut in. If this is not the recording flow profiles. This is particularly
case, the flowing profiles should be run first. true of temperature data. In some cases, sta-
tionary data should be recorded at various
If it is determined that flowing profiles should depths in the well. Data of this type can be
be run before static runs to ensure stable flow important for detecting fluid levels and other
conditions, it is imperative that a swab valve functions.
be present so that rig-up of equipment can
done while the well is flowed through the Time allocation is an important consideration.
production line. In all cases, a recording of The jobs can frequently be run more safely
surface pressures should be made during the during daylight. In some cases this may even
entire operation. dictate the time of year an operation can be
(01/97) H-5
Introduction to Production Logging
FLOWING ____________@BH SURFACE FLOWING __________
SHUT-IN _____________@BH SURFACE SHUT-IN ____________
BUBBLE POINT PRESSURE (PB) __________________________
PRESS. USED TO CALCULATE Bo & m* ______________________
FLOWING ____________@BH PB TEMP ____________________
TEMP. USED TO CALCULATE Bo, m, & PB *_________________
*Needed if Bo, PB, and m (oil viscosity) are not available
GRAVITY_________________ DENSITY _______________@BH
G.O.R. ___________________ 1/Bg _______________________
VISCOSITY _______________________________________@BH
SALINITY _________________ DENSITY________________@BH
VISCOSITY _______________________________________@BH
DRAINAGE AREA _________________________________ACRES
DRAINAGE AREA SHAPE FACTOR _________________________
WELLBORE RADIUS _______ft POROSITY __________________
TOTAL COMPRESSIBILITY _______________________________
FORMATION THICKNESS ________________________________
Indicate tubing and casing diameter and grade, position and nature of valves, perforations, deviation, cementation, wellhead connec-
tions, permanent depth datum, and all pertinent data on mechanical arrangement of well.
(01/97) H-6
Wireline & Testing
• Surface pressure
Discuss Logging Program • H2S, CO2 presence
• Temperature and expected duration of
• Why is survey being run? exposure
• Objectives of the survey? • Depth and deviation.
• Contingency or back up plans
• Any other operations e.g. workover or Note that no cables exist which can withstand
logging linked to the present job re- an acid environment more than 1-2%. Cables
sults? will disintegrate rapidly on exposure to even
• Who in the client organisation will take moderate concentrations of HCl acid.
• When are final results to be presented?
• Expected job start date. H.6 AFTER SURVEY CHECKS ON
Know In Advance H.6.1 General Information
- Well sketch with:
• Wellhead pressure • Perforation Details
• Expected GOR • Deviation
• Expected flowrates, BHP and BHT • Casing Sizes and Weights
• Acid, H2S, CO2 content • Completion String, depths and sizes.
• Hydrates possibility
• Well deviation. - Tool sketch with:
• Tool Lengths
Know The Completion String • Tool Measure Points
• Tool OD's
• Minimum restrictions • Accesory description and position
• Liner size • Tool String Weights
• Distance from WEG to top perforation • Spinner type and cage size.
• Distance from bottom perforation to
Hold up Depth - Remarks with:
• Wellhead connection type. • Correlation Log identified
• Production and pressure data
• PVT data
Check The Rig Up • Log Objectives/purpose of survey
• Summary of log technique/method
• Available height • Sequence of events
• Deck space • Comments on unusual or anomalous
• Power point position responses
• Voltage and power rating of supplies • Note of any events affecting interpreta-
• Air supplies and capacity tion
• Crane size and specifications • Summary of results.
• Number of tugger's on rig floor.
H.6.2 Logs versus depth
Cables must be selected to take account of the
well conditions and nature of the fluids. Of • All passes on depth, or depth offset in-
particular interest are: dicated
(01/97) H-7
Introduction to Production Logging
• CCL/ GR present on all passes • Before survey check film made and at-
• Logging speed, direction, and well con- tached
dition indicated in tails for each pass • Fluid density shows expected value in
• Perforations shown on all passes sump; agrees with gradient from ma-
• At least two runs at slow speed (1 up, nometer.
1 down) unless precluded by jetting • Water cut matches measured values
from perfs ± 10%
• For the CPLT the parameter SOM • Up and down passes repeat within
should be set to MANU for depth log- ± 0.02 gm/cc
ging. • Depth of any fluid interfaces noted
• Stationary readings recorded.
H.6.3 Logs versus time
H.7.3 NFD* (nuclear densimeter)
• All readings stable before a rate
change • Shop calibration attached, less than 2
• Depth of tool indicated on station logs. months old.
(01/97) H-9
Introduction to Production Logging
short riser above their BOP for emergency head fishing neck and hold the tool suspended
work on their cable. in the lubricator.
which they are used. On 15,000-psi (WHE- • Select grease tubes to match actual
C) equipment, steel pipe and swivel fittings measured cable diameter over complete
are used instead of rubber hoses. Steel pipe is length of cable
optional for 10,000-psi (WHE-B) equipment;
the figure to the right illustrates a typical set • Purge all hydraulic control lines of air
of pressure equipment for 10,000 psi. before connecting
Grade 150 for -30˚F (-35˚C) to +30˚F (-1˚C) • Use two grease injection points on high
GOR wells. Ensure adequate grease
Grade 1000 for +30˚F (-1˚C) to +70˚F supply and flowtubes, according to local
Grade 7500 for 70oF (21oC) and above For Example:
Inhibitor must be added when H2S is encoun- 0 -5K Liquid 3 flowtubes
tered. 0 -5K Gas 4 flowtubes
5-10K Liquid 4 flowtubes
H.8.6 Wellhead Equipment Pointers 5-10K Gas 5 flowtubes
(01/97) H-11
Wireline & Testing
I.2.2 Flowrate Interpretation The computer can then output a more under-
standable listing of all the data, including:
• Uses Spinner calibration
• Uses input parameters QPL Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4
GASQ 10297.5 6148.17 3019.1 31.680
• Uses Data PL entries OILQ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
For each zone calculate the following quanti- WATQ 732.952 600.648 530.77 0.0
ties and store in the QPL table: rates
QTD 12569.7 7682.77 4009.1 36.370
- Spinner calibration lines: QGD 66.4584 39.7631 19.529 .20420
- Slope, intercept, correlation rates
- Friction corrected fluid density (optional): QOD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
VT 573.013 350.233 182.76 1.6580
FDEN* tot./slip
- PVT parameters: Rs,Bo,Bg1,µ, velocity
VS 0.0 0.0 0.0 136.70
- Expected densities: GASD*, OILD*, MUHH .017892 .017899 .01791 .01794
WATD* BG1 154.947 154.620 154.59 155.13
PVT data
- Holdups: Yw,Yo,Yg (2 phases only) BO 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- Total & Slip velocity: Vt,Vs RS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
YO 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- Downhole Rates: QTD*,QGD*,QOD* Holdups
- Surface Rates: OILQ*,GASQ*,WATQ* YW .058310 .078181 .13239 .97270
PSLO .051632 .053272 .05294 .05321
PINT -687.37 -418.96 -217.1 2.2543
PCC .996942 .999419 .99887 .99996
NSLO 0.0 0.0 0.0 .06177
NINT 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7.249
NCC 0.0 0.0 0.0 .99997
GASD .132650 .132370 .13234 .13281
PVT data
OILD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WATD .990773 .990137 .98969 .98962
FDEN .182688 .199431 .24585 .96623
CDIA 3.9600 3.96000 3.9600 3.9600
QIOP 2.00000 2.00000 2.0000 2.0000
Table I1: Summary Listing for a four zone survey.
(01/97) I-2
Wireline & Testing
Step 4
The computer will output a graphic flow pro- • Stored data are then used to produce in-
file: terpretation plots and listings to determine
the current state of the test.
• Log data
• Downhole fluid properties • A wide variety of plots can be produced as
• Interpretation results at downhole con- the test continues.
• Plots and listings are displayed on
• Interpretation results at surface condi- screen,film or printer in concise,easy to
tions. read format.
I.3 WELL TEST QUICKLOOK • Straight lines can be fitted to any part of
HIGHLIGHTS the curve.
• Real-time monitoring and analysis of • Slopes and intercepts are computed for
pressure transient tests using data re- each line, and interpretations can be per-
corded against time with tool stationary . formed using this data as appropriate.
• Selected number of data points stored in • Listings are adjustable in terms of num-
memory as acquisition to tape (permanent ber and frequency of outputs presented.
storage) proceeds.
(01/97) I-3
Introduction to Production Logging
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(01/97) I-8
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Fig. I7: Multiphase flow example using the Water Flow Log in addition to the standard sensors.
(01/97) I-9
Introduction to Production Logging
BS Bit Size
SGSN Strain Gauge Serial Number
PCTS Pressure Correction Temperature
CDAT Calibration Date
PDES Plot Destination
PZOF Presentation Zone Offset used in
the computation of interpretation
TCSH Thru Tubing Caliper Shift
Table I2: Field computation constant mnemonics.
Data Selection
(01/97) I-10
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Introduction to Production Logging
(01/97) I-12
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If any of above have been manually set, then computations will no longer be performed and values
set will be used.
(01/97) I-13
Wireline & Testing
J.1.1 Introduction
Interpretation of PL data and determination of
downhole flow profile under single phase
flowing conditions is usually a straightfor-
ward task. Multiphase flow is a more com-
plex phenomenon, as holdup, slippage veloc-
ity and phase segregation complicate the flow
(01/97) J-1
Introduction to Production Logging
Usually, when the holdup of one phase is tool enhances the capability of the analyst to
small, Gradiomanometer type tools have dif- determine the downhole phase split and water
ficulties providing a reasonable phase split. holdup, and eliminate the uncertainties asso-
The reason is the magnitude of the density ciated with interpretation. The tool hardware
change due to the existence of the second is schematically illustrated in Figure J4.
phase is small and remains within the accu-
racy of the tool (Figure J3). Relative
Friction effects
0 3rd Oil entry
(01/97) J-3
Introduction to Production Logging
(01/97) J-4
Wireline & Testing
J.1.3 Examples
Classical interpretation
techniques under such cir-
cumstances assume hydro-
carbon entry into the well-
bore at these two points,
mainly due to density reduc-
(01/97) J-5
Introduction to Production Logging
To ascertain the performance of FloView as an input into the interpretation model, all PL sensors,
including FloView holdup data were imposed on PLGLOBAL. The summary of interpreted flow
profile is also shown in Figure J9.
Fig. J9: PLGLOB analysis showing the three phase flow in the well. The Flowview image indicates clearly the first hy-
drocarbon entry (red colour).
(01/97) J-6
Wireline & Testing
The fluid images are displayed in the right- string was not rotating during the survey. The
most track, generated from the holdup meas- well deviation, downhole density and individ-
urements from three probes since one probe ual probe holdup data from four passes are
was damaged during the survey. All passes presented Figure J10.
and all probes clearly indicate the first hydro-
carbon entry into the wellbore at XX30 ft. The sensors indicate a stationary column of
Note that the reconstructed water holdup from water below XX45 ft, with an average density
PLGLOBAL, as shown in track-3, is in per- of 1.151 g/cc. A decrease in the measured
fect agreement with the value measured by holdup, accompanied with a reduction of den-
FloView. This increases the confidence in the sity above this depth, indicates the first hy-
interpretation and on the overall hydrocarbon drocarbon entry into the wellbore.
holdup (Yg + Yo). Without the new digital
holdup measurement, the minor density re- The measured holdup from FloView shown in
duction at XX58 ft could have been misinter- tracks 2 to 5, indicate a sudden drop at the top
preted as hydrocarbon entry into the wellbore, of the upper perforation while spinner is indi-
and the overall flow profile would have been cating an increasing trend at that section. The
changed. The current design of the probes reduction of density at this point could be at-
differentiate only water and hydrocarbons. tributed to further reduction of water holdup
However, the hydrocarbon phase was further due to hydrocarbon entry. Since the well is
split into oil and gas, based on the oil and gas producing below the bubble point, gas is en-
holdup values computed from the tering into the wellbore, as the temperature
PLGLOBAL flow model. sensor also shows a cooling effect.
(01/97) J-7
Introduction to Production Logging
Fig. J10: Raw data of FloView recorded density and well deviation.
(01/97) J-8
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Fig. J11: PLGLOB output and the FloView image showing the flow profiles for the fluids.
(01/97) J-9
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(01/97) J-10
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Fig. J12: A biphasic analysis made using a single FloView probe as the others were damaged.
(01/97) J-11
Introduction to Production Logging
The downhole flow profile and FloView fluid density of 1.103 g/cc. Note that the field is
images are shown in Figure J12. The currently under water flood and the water en-
FloView images were generated using probes try is likely to be injection water. The first
1 and 3. Due to damage on probes 2 and 4, hydrocarbon entry into the well was detected
the data from these two probes were not used at XX90 ft, accompanied by a major density
in this evaluation. Probe-3 was also indicating reduction. Temperature and spinner data also
a slightly different response than the actual confirm this behavior. Other fluid entry zones
well behavior across a limited section of the into the wellbore were recognized at XX30-
well. Therefore, the average holdup from XX38 and XX96-XX25 ft. The water entry at
probe-1 for all five passes was used in the in- XX10 ft, which could have been mis-
terpretation model. The existence of a sta- interpreted as oil bubbling within the standing
tionary column of water with an average den- water column was also avoided.
sity of 1.14 g/cc at the bottom of the well,
below XX16 ft is clearly confirmed by all the Example 4
PL sensors. In this example, the PLT + FloView survey
was conducted while flowing the well through
A gradual reduction of density readings ac- a 40/64" choke. The well was not stable at a
companied with a minor temperature drop lower choke size. The flow is bi-phasic and
above XX16 ft, is due to entrance of a lighter the well is vertical. The relative bearing
fluid into the wellbore. Spinner readings con- measurement showed that the string was not
firm existence of a dynamic environment at rotating during the survey. PLT + FloView
this region. Since no bubbles were detected data was available from 6 passes; one of them
by FloView, the fluid entering the wellbore at did not completely cover the interval (pass 1).
this depth can only be water with a lighter
(01/97) J-12
Wireline & Testing
Fig. J13: Analysis of the images shows the initial entry into the wellbore is fresh water.
(01/97) J-13
Introduction to Production Logging
The final flow profile interpretation, together depth, all probes in all passes indicate similar
with fluid images derived from pass 5, are behavior. Above XX00 ft, probe-3 water
shown in Figure J13. A minor reduction in holdup values from passes 1, 2 and 3 show
density at around XX74 ft indicates lighter some fluctuation with higher readings. Even
fluid entry into the wellbore. However, with this discrepancy, the holdup values from
FloView does not show any hydrocarbon this probe were also used in the interpretation,
bubbles at this section. Thus, the fluid enter- because it might be responding to water slugs
ing the wellbore at this point is water of lower within the fluid column. The mean FloView
salinity compared to the standing water at the water holdup values from passes 2,3,4,5 and 6
bottom of the well. Possibly due to downhole were used in the interpretation model. Due to
segregation and/or water recirculation, the noise in the spinner data, a minor incoherency
spinner is subject to noise. This noise is more exists between the spinner derived velocity
significant below XX00 ft where the total ve- and the values calculated by the model. Note
locity is possibly below the spinner threshold that all other sensors reconstruct the model
and not high enough to lift the water column outputs quite well. From this survey, oil entry
completely. Therefore, identification of the points were clearly detected and water entry
minor water entry with the spinner was not with lighter density at the bottom of the well
possible and the combined information from was identified. The FloView data was invalu-
the Gradiomanometer and FloView was use- able in defining the fluid entry points below
ful for the interpretation. The first hydrocar- XX00 since the spinner was below its thresh-
bon entry is seen at XX48 ft, where the old.
FloView starts detecting oil bubbles in the
wellbore. This is confirmed by a reduction of Example 5
density at this point. The interpretation model The production logging survey of this well
is assuming a stationary column of water was carried on while flowing through a
across this interval with oil bubbling through 32/64" choke. Out of a total of 9 runs with
it. Although the observed water holdup is PLT tool, FloView data were collected only
high, the actual flowing water is much on two passes. The well has 13 degrees de-
smaller. The major fluid entry is seen at viation and produces only oil and water. The
XX90-XX06 ft, where a clear increase in the tool string was not rotating during the survey.
spinner is observed. Further reduction of den- The well was not stable during logging; the
sity at this interval could be attributed to an pressure and downhole density values change
increased hydrocarbon holdup. with each successive pass. Similarly, the
FloView holdup values differ from pass 1 to
A sudden reduction of water holdup is clearly pass 2.
identifiable at XX92-XX06 ft. Below this
(01/97) J-14
Wireline & Testing
Fig. J14: This example shows that the lower perforation is not flowing.
(01/97) J-15
Introduction to Production Logging
Figure J14 shows the interpretation of the The new measurement technique provides
survey. The mean FloView water holdup digital holdup at four different spatial posi-
from pass 2 was used in the interpretation tions in the wellbore with no prior calibration
since it seemed to be the more stable pass. requirements. The measured data can be used
All sensors indicate that the lower perforation quantitatively in PL interpretation and an im-
interval does not contribute to flow. Spinner age of the flow is also generated.
readings indicate a minor increase at about
XX23 ft, accompanied with a minor tempera- The field examples show that the principle of
ture change. As no bubble count is observed local frequency measurement is capable to
at this depth, this behavior is attributed to wa- enhance the domain of production logging
ter entry into the wellbore. The first hydro- interpretation and give a better picture in
carbon entry is recognized at XX08 ft with an complex flow regimes. Water and oil entry
increase in bubble counts and reduction of points were clearly determined in difficult
density. Though the flow was unstable during cases and fluid segregation in deviated wells
the survey, the first hydrocarbon entry into the was identified. The quantitative holdup
well is similar in both FloView passes. measurement was used directly in the inter-
pretation without jetting/venturi or friction
Note that the model water holdup reconstructs effects. The technique of measurement is also
the FloView measured holdup only fairly applicable for horizontal wells to determine
above the upper perforation. The fluid images water holdup in segregated flow conditions.
show increasing oil holdup above this perfora- This technique has shown a significant added
tion, which can be due to well instability. The value in:
Gradiomanometer curve, which is the average
of all passes, shows a better reconstruction in • Deviated wells, where determining pro-
this plot. However, the Gradiomanometer duction profiles are difficult due to
corresponding to the last pass, also indicates phase segregation.
increasing downhole densities above the per- • In wells with high or low water cut
foration confirming FloView readings. where identifying minor fluid entry
Though only one FloView pass out of two points are critical.
was used for the interpretation due to flow • Increasing confidence and reducing am-
instability in the well, hydrocarbon and water biguities in all PLT survey interpreta-
entries were clearly identified. tion.
J.1.4 Summary
(01/97) J-16
Wireline & Testing
Flow regimes
Stratified flows, Identify the flow
downflow, water regime with an im-
sumps, oil and gas aging tool and
traps, three phase measure independ-
flow ently the velocity
and hold-up of each
Sensor response
No single sensor Multiple independ-
has a robust inter- ent measurements
pretation in all of (data redundancy)
the above condi- with different sen-
tions sors for enhanced
confidence in inter-
Uncemented com-
Slotted liners, flow Accurate flow
in the annulus, measurement in
failed ECPs the liner is the
minimum neces-
sary condition for
reliable flow diag-
nosis. Water flow
in the annulus can
also be detected.
Toolstring access
and deployment
Time and cost One run toolstring
which can be de-
ployed in several
stages if required.
(01/97) J-17
Introduction to Production Logging
The hold-up and velocity of each phase must the predicted down-hole densities of the
be measured by the toolstring for accurate two fluids.
flowrate diagnosis. Very small changes in • A slip velocity is produced from the
well deviation can cause large changes in relative densities of the two fluids, the
these quantities independently of any fluid well deviation, and a slip model.
In horizontal wells:-
J.2.2 The Approach to the Problem
• The fluid tends to segregate and the
spinner's response may no longer repre-
In normal production logging operations:-
sent the average velocity.
• The spinner records the average flow
across a portion of the casing cross- • The composition of the fluid cannot
section. now be determined by differential pres-
sure across 21" of tool (although a nu-
• The composition, or hold-up, of the
clear density device does have some ap-
fluid is determined by a density meas-
urement, based on the differential pres-
sure across 21" of the logging tool and
Oil Layer Stagnant Water
Wa ter
J.2.3 The Flagship Service • The Phase Velocity Log, PVL, where a
The solution is a combination of measure- marker fluid is ejected and its time of
ments as follows: flight recorded. Oil miscible and water
miscible markers are selectively ejected
(01/97) J-18
Wireline & Testing
to record the individual segregated difference between water and not water.
phase velocities. This allows analysis of the flow regime,
• The water flow log, RST-WFL, where "Do we have stratified flow?", and
the transit time of activated oxygen is evaluation of the water holdup, Hw.
used to measure the velocity of the seg-
regated water.
Gas detection is still qualitative and based on The conventional spinners are also included
pulsed neutron count rate techniques which as, in favourable flow regimes, they can
date back to the early TDT's. measure total flow rate.
A new model for two-phase segregated flow (A promising technique, still in development,
has been developed. This solves for the water will provide 'Three Phase Holdup' from the
velocity, oil velocity and holdup and the well RST-A).
deviation. If one of these variables is missing
from logging measurements it can be back The Flagship Application (where and where
calculated thus giving redundancy in the data not to use it).
acquisition requirements. The model is cur-
rently valid from approx. 80 to 92 degrees The toolstring sensors and related interpreta-
deviation. tion models have been developed specifically
for stratified flow regimes that are expected to
exist in very high angle and horizontal wells.
(01/97) J-19
Introduction to Production Logging
Typically such flows would only be expected The other techniques have been explained
at deviations over 75 degrees. Results from all elsewhere in the text; the Phase Velocity Log
field trials to date have confirmed this. is a new measurement. The method is similar
to the tracer log however it uses chemical
As deviation decreases the oil-water stratified markers instead of radioactive fluids.
flow changes to become a dispersed bubbly
flow. This flow regime presents a different A chemical marker with high thermal neutron
and more formidable set of logging chal- absorption cross-section (sigma) that will mix
lenges. Whereas individual tools or services only with a specific fluid phase is injected
from the flagship toolstring such as the DEFT into the borehole. Using a tool reacting to the
or WFL are designed for deviated wells, the neutron capture cross-section, the passage of a
full flagship combination is purely for hori- marker past a measure point is detected. The
zontal well logging. fluid velocity is calculated from the time be-
tween injection and detection of marker.
J.2.4 Phase Velocity Log
Record Measurement
Tool Water
Fluid movement
Low Viscosity.
0 100 200 300 400 500
tected when the marker passes the sensor.
The measurement gives the specific fluid ve- 300
tem. The measured flow rate is in excellent Fig. J20: Flow loop tests for two phases,
agreement with the actual rate. oil and water.
J.2.6 Field Tests
Measurements have been made in a number
of horizontal wells where the rates have been
verifiable by other methods.
(01/97) J-21
Introduction to Production Logging
6 00
W at er 4 00 WFL
Vel oci t y
( f pm) 2 00
5 00
Oi l
Vel oci t y
3 00
( f pm)
1 00
4 00 0
Fl ow
Rat es
2 00 0
( BP D)
Wat e r
6 00 7 00 8 00 9 00 1 00 0 1 10 0
Rel a t i v e Dept h
Tracks 3 and 4
show the velocity
(01/97) J-23
Wireline & Testing
K.1 EXAMPLES Questions
1) Using this data predict the direction and
K.1.1 Example 1
extent of any crossflow. How could a quanti-
tative value be given to the crossflow? Bu =
The well is a water injector with an injection
0.053, Bd = 0.058.
rate of 7550 bpd. The casing size is 5.5”.
2) What, if anything, is happening from 2436
The composite shows spinner up and down
to 2438 ft in the shut in condition.
passes and shut in, injection temperature and
two shut in temperatures. The major question
3) What produces the rapid warming seen in
is where are the injected fluids going.
the lower portion of the well between 2415
and 2470?
(01/97) K-1
Introduction to Production Logging
(01/97) K-2
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K.1.2 Example 2
The well is producing oil, 360 bpd, with a high GOR and a slight water cut, <5%. The casing was
set at 467.8 m with an open hole completion below this.
The logs below show:
• shut in and flowing temperature
• shut in flowmeter
• shut in and flowing gradiomanometer
What is the flow profile?
(01/97) K-3
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(01/97) K-4
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(01/97) K-5
Introduction to Production Logging
K.2 ANSWERS The next two shut in passes indicate the oil
leg has gone and the gas water contact is now
K.2.1 Example 1
at 476.5m
The spinner indicates the extent of the cross-
flow to be from 2470.5 to 2414.6 feet. As the
down flowmeter has a higher value than the
The temperature overlays indicate that the
up pass the fluid must be moving upwards.
wellbore from 470 to 477 is distinctly cooler
By logging shut in and/or flowing passes at
in the shut-in state than in flowing conditions.
three different flowrates (minimum) the spin-
The area at 472 is coolest.
ner can be calibrated.
Combining these observations gives the fol-
The average velocity can be estimated as
lowing conclusions:
= (difference between the up and down spin-
From 470-474 the well is producing almost
ners) / (Bu+Bd)
100% gas.
In the shut in state gas only is flowing from
= (0.42)/(0.053+0.058)*.83 = 3.14 ft/min.
472 to 476.5.
The oil must be produced between 475 and
2) According to the shut in temperature passes
472 as the flowing gradio showed no light
theis zone is taking some of the fluid from
phase below 475m.
2469.5 - 2470.5 feet.
Therefore the peak fluid velocity 4) the calibration line for this pass crosses the
= 140 - 67 ft/min = 73 ft/min y-axis at 2 rps. This corresponds to 60 ft/min
using the response line. Hence the flowrate is
Correcting for the shape of the flow to obtain = (60/29.9)*1000*0.83 = 1666 bpd.
the average velocity
K.2.6 Flowmeter Example 4
Average velocity = 73 * 0.83 ft/min The spinners are overlaying below 10408 in-
= 60.6 ft/min dicating zero flow here.
The flowrate in bpd = (60.6/34.4)*1000 The down spinners decrease around 10350’
= 1762 bpd. before increasing again.
Note: There are times when the zero flow The conclusion is that the top of the second
curve cannot be logged due to debris in the set of perforations or the bottom of the third
well, not enough sump or a different viscosity set is taking fluid produced from the lower
fluid below the perforations. In this case the interval. The increase at the top of the latter
line has to be created using the data from the zone is due to production here.
full flow and the threshold of the device. It is
drawn parallel to the full flow and goes The shut-in pass below shows the picture
through the threshold. clearly. Production from the lower perforation
is flowing into the second set of perforations.
K.2.5 Flowmeter Example 3
1) The response curve is drawn both for the K.2.7 Gradiomanometer Example 1
positive and negative quadrants, parallel to 1) Above A the gradio reads 0.53 g/cc. The
line through the data points. It should go maximum reading, at the bottom of the log is
through a threshold. The threshold is com- 1.0 g/cc. Assuming this is the density of the
puted by taking the mid point between the heavy phase and that 0.53 is the density of the
positive and negative lines and moving this to light phase;
the origin.
at point B
2) The calibration line crosses the y-axis at
5rps, this corresponds to 120 ft/min on the Yhp = (0.53-0.53)/(1.0-0.53) = 0
response curve.
The flowrate is thus at point A
ρcor/ρ = 1.027
ρ = 0.72/1.027 = 0.70 g/cc
K.2.9 Temperature Example 1
The flowing temperature shows the gas entry
at the top of the perforations. The shut in
passes suggest that this is coming from above.
The slope changes on the curves indicate
3931 and another change around 3924m.
(01/97) K-8
Wireline & Testing