Repairs Rules For FFG Star Wars

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Repairs & Wear

Repairs come in many forms depending on what is being fixed: System Strain, Hull Trauma,
Components, or optional Wear. Repairs can range from simple rebooting of systems to
routine maintenance to major work being done at a starport.

Most repair rules are covered in the Core rulebooks, but they are spread out and sometimes
contradictory. Below you will find the core system summarized (with some house rule
tweaks) along with expanded Spare Parts, Salvage, and Wear rules.


Repair Check p. 2 Source material by Fantasy Flight Games

Damage Control p. 4
Paid Repairs p. 5 Original material by Sturn of FFG Forums
Self Repairs p. 6
Star Ship Repair Rules & Flaws inspired by
Nashable, Talkie Toaster, Venthrac, &
Repair Resources p. 7
Desslok of FFG Forums.
Spare Parts p. 11
Inspired by Operational Costs: A guide for
ship operators by RebelDave &
Wear p. 14
RusakRakesh of FFG Forums.
Equipment p. 18
Editing & review by BradKnowles of FFG
Consolidated Tables p. 20


This is a portion of the greater Vehicle Ops

series of fan-made supplements. Each tries
to provide greater detail to vehicle
operations while not changing any core
book rules, if possible. While each may be
used separately, these supplements will
sometimes refer to each other. See Sturn’s
Stuff for more.


The rules-as-written in the core rulebooks are extensive regarding repairs, but spread out and
sometimes contradictory. The information below tries to bring all of these rules together in
one place with only a few tweaks and optional spare parts to consider.

No matter the type of repair being made, there are similarities regarding the skill check itself.
The basic repair of minor damage is an Easy ( ) Mechanics check. The more damaged
something is the more difficult the task becomes:


Damage Level (hits) Difficulty HT/SS/Wear Damage Gear/Component Penalty
Minor (1) ½ or less
Moderate (2) Exceeds ½
Major (3) Exceeds Un-useable
Destroyed (4) NA Exceeds 2x NA
The Gear/Component Penalty applies to only gear or components which have suffered the
corresponding level of damage. Using them for any purpose applies the penalty until repaired.
Likewise the “hits” value is also for gear or components only. Criticals of the stated damage
level apply this many hits to the gear or component, which are cumulative with future hits. See
Gear/Component Damage in a sidebar below).

There are three types of repairs which are detailed in the following pages: Damage Control,
Paid Repairs, and Self Repairs. All three use Table 1: Repair Skill Checks (above) and Table 2:
Spending Repair Results (on the next page).

Edge of the Empire

Suggestions on spending repair dice results:


Cost Options
One un-cancelled must be used to remove 1 point of HT, SS, Wear or
reduce a component’s or gear’s damage level by one.
Each additional may remove more damage, or reduce time of repair
by 10%.
Reduce required spare parts by 10% each.
Vehicle recovers 1 System Strain while making repairs (only).
Character recovers 1 Strain.
Add to next allies’ check regarding this vehicle.
Free Maneuver, but can’t exceed 2 Maneuvers per turn limit.
Add to your next repair check regarding this vehicle.
Reduce required spare parts used by 10% each.
or Downgrade the difficulty of your next repair check regarding this vehicle.
Upgrade the next repair check regarding this vehicle.
No spare parts are required for a successful repair.
On a failure, immediately discovered what was doing wrong and stopped
repairing – no time wasted on check. Not possible if an Action.
Give a temporary boost to the vehicle, component, or gear.
Increase required spare parts by 10% each.
Vehicle suffers 1 System Strain.
Character suffers 1 Strain.
Vehicle suffers on the next check involving it.
Character suffers on his next check.
Component or gear being repaired disabled for remainder of encounter.
Vehicle receives 1 Wear.
Hull being repaired suffers 1 Hull Trauma.
While removing strain, system overloads causing 1 point of system strain
per silhouette of the vehicle.
A component or gear being repaired suffers Minor damage.
On a failure, spare parts also used up.
On a success, double the required spare parts or the attempt is a failure.
A component or gear being repaired suffers Major damage.
Vehicle receives a new critical hit due to a mishap.



Damage Control is a quick action to correct problems with a vehicle. This includes such things
as rebooting systems, quickly plugging a leak with a nearby object, or rerouting a system
through quick wire splicing.

Damage Control is a single Mechanics Action with difficulty based upon extent of damage
(see Table 1: Repair Skill Checks above). No spare parts are ever needed for Damage Control.

System Strain: Difficulty is determined by the amount of System Strain compared to the
vehicle’s Strain Threshold. Success removes points of System Strain. System Strain Damage
Control is repeatable. Also, automated vehicles systems recover 1 point of System Strain
every day in which no new strain is suffered. Vehicles docked and plugged into the systems
of a Garage or Capital Repair Dock will benefit from their bonus being applied to either the
action or the daily recovery rate (the later with a bonus of 1 point per , see Table 3: Starport
Repair Services).

Hull Trauma: Difficulty is determined by the amount of Hull Trauma compared to the
vehicle’s Hull Threshold. Success removes points of Hull Trauma. Hull Trauma Damage
Control is only allowed once per encounter in which the vehicle takes Hull Trauma. This
represents quick and shoddy jury rigged repairs and Athletics may be used in place of
Mechanics while adding one . The referee may use
or to have the shoddy repairs fail or cause
some problem until regular repairs are made to the Minor: Temporarily disabled, but
vehicle. nothing important damaged.
Damage Control brings it back online,
A mechanic may have to get outside of a vehicle to but a single “hit” of damage is
repair hull trauma. If a Moderate or Major repair, the retained. For components (only) no
referee should apply for Moderate or for need to go to it for damage control
Major if the mechanic can’t get outside of the vehicle and Computer may be used in place
of Mechanics. Multiple Minor hits will
to make the repairs (in combat, in space, etc). If the
up the damage level to Moderate or
vehicle has suffered only Minor hull trauma damage, more.
the repairs may be made from inside the vehicle.
Moderate: Disabled as physical
Components or Gear: Damage control of a damage is taken after taking 2 Minor
component or gear simply brings it back online. hits. Damage control to bring it back
Difficulty is based upon the current damage level of online, but the 2 hits are retained.
the component or gear. Like Hull Trauma, this may
only be attempted once. If brought back online, it will Major: The component or gear is
still suffer any use modifiers depending on its level of heavily damaged and inoperable until
standard repairs are completed.
damage, which is not changed by damage control.
Damage control is useless. Major
Thus, a component or gear with Major or Destroyed damage may also be received after
damage will not be affected by damage control (it’s taking 3 hits worth of lesser damage.
still un-useable or destroyed per Table 1 above). If 4 hits are received, the component
or gear is destroyed.
Fault: Damage control may be attempted to remove a

Edge of the Empire

Fault (see Wear below), but only once and only during the encounter which caused it. If
failed, damage control can’t be repeated – the fault is too difficult to repair quickly. Difficulty
is based upon the fault type.


Actual repairs are much more then damage control. Repairs take time, tools, facilities, and
spare parts to complete. System Strain never needs repairs since time and Damage Control
will remove it. Facilities can be found to repair Hull Trauma, Wear, Components, Gear, and
Faults, for a price. Regardless of size, paid repairs are the most common way vehicles get

Vehicle Paid Repairs require a Garage (silhouette 5 or less) or Capital Repair Dock (silhouette
6+). The grade of the Starport or Garage indicates the amount of hull trauma, wear, or levels
of component damage that is repaired in a day. See Repair Resources below for more details.

Paying for gear to be repaired can sometimes be offered at shops that sale the gear. For
example, you can pay for a blaster to be repaired at most gun shops. Paying for gear to be
repaired usually takes a day. The owner drops the gear off and returns the next day. If the
owner doesn’t trust a shop or wants it done quicker, he’s going to have to repair it himself.

See Table 4: Paid Repairs for cost per Hull Trauma, Wear point, or Component damage level.
It’s important to remember that needed tools, facilities, and spare parts are included in this
cost and thus don’t have to be accounted for separately.


Vehicle Paid Repair Cost
Silhouette Per HT, Wear, Damage Level, or Fault
1 200
2 400
3 600
4 800
5 1,000
6 5,000
7 20,000
8 100,000
9 500,000

Gear: Paid gear repair costs are based upon the value of the item and the extent of the
damage: gear: Minor – 50%, Moderate – 75%, and Major – 100%. Since major damage costs the
same as buying a new item, this is usually never done unless the gear has sentimental value.
Some shops allow damaged gear to be turned in for replacement with a new item. This
typically knocks off 25% from the above expenses (ex: trading a blaster in with Major damage
allows purchase of a new similar blaster at 75% of cost).



Self repairs are done by a skilled mechanic to

save credits or when a repair facility can’t be
found. Hull Trauma, Wear, Components, Gear,
and Faults may be self repaired.

Spare parts are required for repairs (see Spare

Parts below). If the extra detail of spare parts is
not desired, instead use the core suggestion of
500 credits per repair.

Self Repair is a single Mechanics check with

difficulty based upon the extent of damage (see
Table 1: Repair Skill Checks above). A Self Repair
may only be made upon vehicles of Silhouette 5
or less. Other vehicles are so extensive that such repairs must be performed by a repair crew
in a capital repair dock.

Time: For most self repairs, time taken is 1 day per difficulty. For gear and patching (see
below), time taken is 1 hour per difficulty. One repair person is required per silhouette of the
vehicle, or the time for each Self Repair is increased by 1 day (or hour) per missing person.
The mechanic making the repair check is counted in this requirement. A mechanic could
receive help from other PCs or hire a Repair Crew (see Repair Resources below). If the check
is failed, the time is still wasted.

Hull Trauma: Difficulty is determined by the amount of Hull Trauma compared to Hull
Threshold. Each un-cancelled removes 1 point of Hull Trauma. Spare Parts are required per
point removed or the success is lost.

A mechanic may have to get outside of a vehicle to repair hull trauma. If a Moderate or Major
repair, the referee should apply for Moderate or for Major if the mechanic can’t get
outside of the vehicle to make the repairs (in combat, hazardous environment, etc). If the
vehicle has suffered only Minor hull trauma damage, the repairs may be made from inside
many vehicles.

Gear & Components: Difficulty is determined by the damage level. Each un-cancelled
lowers the damage level by one. Spare Parts are required per level lowered or the repair is
lost. For gear, Spare Parts used are based on the level of damage and cost of the gear: Minor
– 25%, Moderate – 50%, and Major – 75%.

Wear: Difficulty determined by amount of Wear compared to System Strain Threshold. Each
un-cancelled removes 1 point of Wear. Spare Parts are required per point removed or the
success is lost.

Edge of the Empire

Patching: If a vehicle is inoperable due to exceeding hull threshold (but not yet destroyed), a
Daunting ( ) Mechanics check may be attempted to get the vehicle running
temporarily to limp it home (as suggested by Core rules). This is the proverbial duct tape
rigging of a vehicle. Spare parts are not required for a patch job, but if they are used,
downgrade the difficulty once to Hard ( ) Mechanics. Success does not remove any hull
trauma at all, but allows temporary operation of the vehicle at Speed 1, -3 Handling, and
upgrading of difficulty for all Pilot actions. Power is reduced so much that weapons and
shields are inoperable (even if these components are in good shape). Other components
(computers, sensors, life support, etc.) will be powered. Any further hull trauma taken to the
vehicle immediately makes it inoperable again.

Faults: Difficulty is determined by the fault’s difficulty. A single success is needed to remove
the fault. Spare parts are treated as if removing a component damage level (200 x Silhouette
of vehicle in credits). Note that spare parts may not be needed if the mechanic can instead
get lucky with a Damage Control check.


While a landspeeder’s faulty power converter can be removed and replaced with a common
hydrospanner, larger and more complex vehicles require more equipment and facilities.
Removing a section of hull plating for replacement can’t be done without some sort of lift
assistance. A destroyed sublight engine from a capital ship is not easily tossed aside. Luckily,
equipment and facilities for such can be found at higher grade starports.


Capital Light Heavy
Starport Garage Repair Crews Spare Parts
Repair Dock Lifting Lifting
A Yes Yes Skilled 3 Yes
up to Sihl. 9
B Yes Yes Skilled 2 Yes
up to Sihl. 7
C No Yes Yes Skilled 1 Yes
D No Yes No Unskilled Yes
E No No No No Unskilled No
F No No No No Unskilled No

Basic Tools: Basic tools are required for any repairs. Without tools, the referee may determine
the repair may not be made at all or one to several may be applied. If the attempt may be
considered dangerous (repairing a fusion core), upgrades could be applied instead. Garages and
Capital Repair Docks include tools.

A basic Tool Kit may be purchased for 350 credits (2 rarity) or rented at a settlement or starport
for 50 credits per day.

Capital Repair Dock: Large facilities for capital-sized vehicles are required for silhouettes of 6 or
more when making repairs (only). Capital Repair Docks provide two or three additional System
Strain or Hull Trauma, depending on their quality. Self repairs in a capital repair dock would be a
rare occurrence or very costly.

Capital repair docks may be limited in the silhouette size they may service. For example, a B
Grade Starport can service up to silhouette 7 vehicles only (see Table 4: Starport Repair
Resources above). If no garage is available, a capital repair dock may serve as a garage for
silhouette 1-5 vehicles, but does so as if of one less quality. Self repairs of a silhouette 1-5
vehicle in a capital repair dock also receive a due to the incompatibility of equipment.

Some critical repairs on silhouette 6 or higher vehicles may be made without such a repair dock
at referee’s discretion. For example, repairing the computer system may not require a dock
while repairing a massive sublight engine would.

Only paid repairs are normally available from a Capital Repair Dock since such facilities aren’t for
rent for self repairs. A lucky crew could conceivably gain access to a capital repair dock which
they share loyalties with (rebel agents may be able to use a rare Alliance capital repair dock).

Edge of the Empire

Garage: These facilities serve smaller 1 through 5 silhouette FAR HORIZONS
vehicles from speeders through freighters. A garage is not ERRATA
required to service such vehicles, but they provide extra
benefits above using just basic tools. Garages typically provide In order to coincide with these
one or two additional System Strain or Hull Trauma when repair rules, the Mechanic’s
paying for repairs, depending on their quality. If performing a Garage found on page 83 of
self repair in such a garage, they instead provide one or two Far Horizons should instead
provide a bonus of 1 initially.
automatic . But, the upgrade can be taken
a second time to give a bonus
When performing self repairs, a garage can be rented for 50 of 2. The Garage includes Basic
credits per day. When renting a starport’s landing bay (see Tools and Light Lifting
Vehicle Ops: Star Journeys), access to garage facilities is Equipment.
included on-site.

Heavy Lifting Equipment: Heavy lifting equipment can lift up to 4 vehicle silhouette items. Such
equipment is important for repairing (only) vehicles of silhouette 5 or more. If such repairs are
made without heavy lifting equipment, is applied. Some critical component repairs may be
made without this equipment if sensible. Heavy lifting equipment is included in any Capital
Repair Dock. If only Light Lifting Equipment is available (see below), the penalty is reduced to
one .

Heavy lifting equipment is found at any capital repair dock. If no repair dock is available, heavy
lifting equipment may be rented for 50 credits per day.

Light Lifting Equipment: Light lifting equipment can lift up to 2 vehicle silhouette items. Light
lifting equipment is important for repairing (only) vehicles of silhouette 3 or 4. Repairs on
silhouette 3 or 4 vehicles without this equipment applies . Some critical component repairs
may be made without this equipment if sensible. Heavy lifting equipment may also alleviate this
penalty when working on silhouette 3 or 4 vehicles.

Light lifting equipment is included in the cost of a garage rental. If only the lifting equipment is
desired, it may be rented for 20 credits per day.

Repair Crews: When a crew decides to make repairs themselves, local mechanics can be hired
to help for large jobs. The skill of these crews will vary by starport. This extra help can alleviate
any time penalties from not having 1 repairer per silhouette of the vehicle (see Self Repairs
above). They can further help by providing Unskilled or Skilled assistance. Skilled assistance may
be applied if at least one helper is able to do so (has a greater characteristic or skill then primary
Mechanic, as usual). Unskilled assistance only applies if the total repairers exceed the silhouette
of the vehicle.

Unskilled help costs 50 credits per person per day. Skilled help, when available, costs 100 credits
per the person’s skill level per day. Skilled help is considered to have Intelligence equal to skill


Spare Parts: When doing it yourself, spare parts are often required (See Spare Parts below).
These can easily be purchased in most starports if the crew doesn’t wish to scavenge from other
equipment or search for it in a settlement.

Self Repair Example: A transport (silhouette 4) needs to repair 4 Hull Trauma and stops
by a grade C starport. Per Table 4’s Garage entry above, the crew could pay for 1 Hull
Trauma to be repaired each day for 800 credits each (see Table 3: Paid Repairs above).
Instead, the crew’s mechanic decides to save some credits and possibly time by doing it
herself. Each day, garage space is rented for 50 credits. This includes light lifting
equipment which is good enough for the silhouette 4 ship. The ship needs 4 repairers
(number equal to silhouette) to work on it or there will be a time penalty. The mechanic
gets help from 2 other crew members and decides to pay for 2 unskilled laborers found at
the staport for another 50 credits each per day. The mechanic of course has a toolkit
already so tools won’t need to be rented. Spare Parts are needed for each HT to be
repaired equal to 100 x Silhouette, or 400 credits each. These are available at the garage.
Since the 4 HT is less than half damage, the self repair check is only Easy ( ) Mechanics.
To this is added a due to having extra help (over silhouette) and the Starport C gives an
automatic to the check. Thus, a good roll by the mechanic (3 net or more) could
repair all 4 points of HTT in one day. If this is done, the crew only pays for 50 credits for
the garage, 100 credits for help, and 400 credits of spare parts for each point of HT. This
would have a total cost of 1,350 credits and only 1 day of work compared to 3,200 credits
and 4 days in port. Of course a poor crew mechanic could minimize the savings or even
cost the crew more credits and time, if unlucky.

Edge of the Empire


Some repairs require spare parts. Others do not. Repair of Hull Trauma, Wear, Components
and Gear require parts whether being used from your own stores when doing self repairs or
by others for paid repairs. Damage Control and System Strain removal will never require
spare parts. Paid repairs include spare parts in their cost, so they don’t have to be accounted

Spare parts are purchased and used up in a specified amount per successful point or level of
repair. They are not used up on a normal failure. Time is wasted in the failed attempt, but the
spare parts are normally recovered.

For game purposes, spare parts are generic by type. NEW VEHICLE COMPONENTS
There is no need to keep track of whether those
spare parts are for a sublight drive, hull plating, or a Repluslorlifts: If only means of
propulsion, vehicle will crash with
blaster rifle.
severity offset by Pilot check. Difficulty
determined by referee based upon
Spare parts are commonly available at any starport altitude and craft design (wings?). If
of grade D or higher. They may also be found in vehicle has thrusters immediately it
other appropriate places such as a speeder garage wills stay aloft but -1 speed and -2
or a junk yard. Spare parts cost 50 credits, have 1 handling. May require Pilot checks for
encumbrance, and a rarity of 1. even simple maneuvers depending on
streamlining (TIE vs. X-wing).
For simplicity, spare parts are recorded by their
credit value. Thus, a captain who is preparing for Inertial Compensators: When change
speed or perform Evasive Maneuvers, all
the worst might place, “2,000 credits of spare
aboard suffer 1 Strain unless Brace.
parts”, in his ship’s cargo hold. Since spare parts
have an encumbrance of 1 per 50 credits, those Life Support: See effects of loss in
2,000 credits would take up 40 encumbrance Vehicle Ops: Consumables & Expenses.
Power Plant: See effects of loss in
Hull Trauma & Wear Parts: Repair of a point of Hull Vehicle Ops: Consumables & Expenses.
Trauma or Wear requires spare parts in credits equal
to 100 x Silhouette of the vehicle.

Components & Faults Parts: Components and Faults require credits equal to 200 x Silhouette of
the vehicle for each damage level repaired. Faults only have one damage level.

Gear Parts: Gear spare parts are determined by the current level of damage and cost of the
gear: Minor – 25%, Moderate – 50%, and Major – 75%.

Spare Parts Examples: A Silhouette 4 vehicle requires 400 credits in spare parts to repair a
point of hull trauma or wear. But, 800 credits of parts are needed to remove a level of
damage to a component or to remove a Fault.



Spare parts may be scavenged, especially from similar equipment. This is not encouraged and
should be done only in an emergency. For example, in a pinch a mechanic may scavenge a
disabled airspeeder in order to get a landspeeder up and running. Or, a disabled starship with
no spare parts in its cargo hold may be forced to scavenge its sensors in order to get damaged
comms working. A successfully scavenged source is of course destroyed in the process.
Scavenged spare parts are of lower quality then purchased spare parts. Scavenged spare parts
impose a to all checks made with them. If the target of the scavenged parts is so
incompatible that using the parts may be dangerous, the referee may instead upgrade the repair

The difficulty of the scavenged material determines its general quality and amount of parts. For
example, scavenging one landspeeder to repair hull trauma on another landspeeder requires
only an Easy ( ) Mechanics check. But, scavenging an astrogation computer to make repairs to
a sublight drive might be Daunting ( ) Mechanics due to the computer having few parts
the drive might need. When scavenging mechanical or electronic equipment with no set target
for the repairs (general salvaging) the referee should require a default Average ( )
Mechanics, but apply due to not knowing specifically what should be tossed or kept.
Referees should ensure their players don’t abuse this by claiming they didn’t know what they
are going to use the salvage for to receive the Average difficulty, just before repairing something
they knew was damaged which would have had a more difficult scavenge difficulty.

If the item being scavenged obviously can’t be used to make the repair, the referee should
declare it impossible. For example, while parting out a crate of vibroaxes in the cargo hold may
provide enough material to patch up some hull trauma, using the same materials to repair a
sublight drive would be nonsensical.

Scavenge Amount: The source determines the spare JUNK MAN

part credit value available. This is based upon the base While not a flamboyant career,
value of the item and its rarity. Multiply the value in scavenging can be lucrative for a
credits of the item by its Rarity divided by 10. For skilled Mechanic with a knack for
example, a rarity 4 item would yield 40% of its value in finding valuable sources. Since
scavenged parts. Use this method for gear, droids, and purchasing potential items for
entire vehicles. If only a single vehicle component is to salvage would cost more than gain, a
be scavenged, consider its rarity equal to that of its salvager must know where to look
vehicle and its base value is 500 credits per silhouette of and what’s worth his while.
Scavengers often flock to areas
the vehicle. The referee may lower the base value of
where abandoned equipment is
the item due to its age or condition. Current hull trauma
plentiful such as old battlefields or
reduces the base value by 100 credits per silhouette. abandoned outposts. Another
option is to turn to thievery since
Example: An old landspeeder is being scrapped and is completely salvaged gear or vehicles
estimated to have a value of 3,000 credits. With a rarity are more difficult to identify.
of 2, only 20% of its value, 600 credits, could be retained
in spare parts.

Edge of the Empire

Example: The PCs have stumbled upon a Jawa sandcrawler abandoned in a hidden valley near
their Rebel base. Always in need of spare parts for their outpost, they decide to scavenge it
instead of attempting to bring it in to be sold intact. The vehicle has a value of 40,000 credits and
a rarity of 7. 70% of 40,000 credits is 28,000 credits in salvage value.

Scavenge Results: Scavenging spare parts is performed just as a repair check with all the
requirements of tools, self versus paid, requirements such as a repair crew for large silhouette
vehicles, time taken, etc. But, you of course do not need spare parts. Instead of repairing, each
net success grants 500 credits of salvage up to the maximum value of the source. The source is
used up by a like amount. Each net results in 500 credits of the source being destroyed
without any spare parts being salvaged. may be used to add to the next scavenge
attempt from this source or to a repair check using the scavenged spare parts. may add
to the next scavenge attempt from this source or an additional to a repair check using the
scavenged spare parts. A on a success may be used to downgrade the difficulty of the repair
using the parts or provide scavenge without reducing the source during this attempt only. A
may cause something catastrophic to occur as the source is taken apart which could cause injury
or destruction, at least in part, of the scavenge source. Alternately, the referee may decide a
upgrades any repairs made with the parts.

Scavenging Example 1: A transport’s Sensors have been damaged and need repaired. There
are no spare parts aboard ship. A poor R4 unit is scavenged for parts and the referee
determines this is Average ( ) Mechanics. The astromech has a potential of 2,475 credits
in salvage (value of 8,250 credits with a rarity of 3). Each success gives 500 credits of
scavenged quality ( ) spare parts.

Scavenging Example 2: A silhouette 4 transport is drifting in space with a heavily damaged

sublight drive and no spare parts to repair it. The crew starts taking apart the ship’s light
laser cannon hoping it will provide enough good spare parts to fix whatever ails the sublight
drive. Due to incompatibility of parts, the referee determines scavenging of the laser cannon
requires Daunting ( ) Mechanics. With a base price of 5,000 credits and 5 Rarity, the
laser cannon can provide 2,500 credits of parts at most. The high difficulty of the scavenge
attempt will probably result in much less than 2,500 credits with 2,400 credits needed
(heavily damaged silhouette 4 component) to complete repairs on the hyperdrive. The crew
may have to scavenge both of its light laser cannons. Also, repairing the sublight drive with
such incompatible parts may be difficult and possibly dangerous so the referee decides to
upgrade the difficulty of the salvage instead of just adding a to the repair check.



Vehicles don’t stay in good condition for long unless they are treated well. Harsh and extended
use wears on all systems of a vehicle. In game terms, this is tracked by reducing the vehicle’s
System Strain Threshold until maintenance is performed (repair of worn parts). While
accumulating a few points of Wear is usually fine, a large amount of Wear will directly affect
operation of the vehicle. Thus it is important to perform maintenance on a vehicle to remove
wear to keep it in top shape.

If these house rules are used, it is suggested they be reserved only for major vehicles such as a
party’s starship.


Any time a vehicle’s System Strain Threshold or Hull As an option, a referee may use a new
Trauma Threshold is exceeded, a point of Wear is quality that represents a vehicle
given. Additionally, Pilot, Mechanic, and Astrogation becoming extensively jury-rigged and
worn-out after repeated repairs. While
checks involving a vehicle or its components resulting
making a repair check to remove Wear,
in or may be spent by the referee to a referee may impose a point of Aged
cause a point of Wear.
on a or . This has no
immediate effect. But, once the
Points of Wear should be recorded on a vehicle’s amount of Aged points exceeds the
sheet near System Strain Threshold. silhouette of the vehicle, it has become
“Aged”: to all checks involving the
EFFECTS OF WEAR vehicle and its components including
repairs. Furthermore, if Aged points
Each time a point of Wear is received two things increase to over double Silhouette, the
immediately happen. First, reduce the vehicle’s is increased to an upgrade in
System Strain Threshold by 1 point. Depending on the difficulty. These penalties may only be
current System Strain for the vehicle, the reduction removed with a complete over-haul of
the vehicle which replaces nearly
of the SST could cause a temporary shutdown of the
everything with new parts and
vehicle. If the SST is reduced to 0 by Wear, the
components. This would be a hard
vehicle is inoperable until maintenance (repair) is decision to make since cost is equal to
performed to reduce Wear. Second, the referee rolls purchasing the vehicle new and takes
on Table 5: System Faults while adding the vehicle’s one month per silhouette. Buying new
current Wear to the roll. If an Astrogation check and putting the old boat out to pasture
resulted in the point of Wear, instead roll on Table 6: may be more sensible.
Hyperdrive Faults. If a fault roll is not applicable to
the vehicle, the result should be, “No fault apparent”.

Edge of the Empire

Wear Example: The Jolly Smuggler’s captain rolls lots of threat on a piloting roll navigating
an asteroid field and the referee assigns 1 Wear to the ship. The System Strain Threshold
of the ship is immediately lowered by 1. A roll is also made on the System Faults table
while adding 3 to the roll since this is the 3rd point of Wear for the Jolly Smuggler. A roll of
62 results in a 65 – A landing gear will not extend all of the way. The referee may reply
with, “No fault apparent”, which is actually the most common roll, or may report a
warning light starts blaring reporting a stuck landing gear. Either way, when the ship later
attempts to land, the problem will become apparent as the craft lands lopsidedly, possibly
shifting the carried cargo in the ship’s hold. This failure will remain until fixed by a Hard
Mechanics repair check per the Severity column of Table 5.

No Fault Apparent: The most common result of a fault check is, “No fault apparent”
reported by the referee. This may occur due to there being no actual new fault, there is a
fault but the problem is not yet realized, or the fault was judged as not applicable to the
vehicle so it was changed to “No fault apparent” by the referee. The last would occur if the
system affected is not present, such as hyperdrive problems for a landspeeder.

When faults are not automatically apparent, they may be revealed through several reasons.
First, use of the system affected may reveal the fault. For example, a jammed door would
become apparent the next time someone tried to use it. Or, or may be used by a
referee to suddenly reveal the result. Second, checks using the system or a related one may
reveal the issue (if just the use doesn’t reveal it anyway). For example, or while
using a vehicle’s computer may result in a strange reading that tells the user the inertial
compensators are out of whack. Or, while using the gunnery station, or may be
spent for the user to notice rotational bearings are about to freeze up.

If the vehicle’s mechanic doesn’t want to just wait until the problem becomes apparent,
possibly during the worst possible moment, faults may be checked for. This is a time
consuming process which is detailed below.

Fault Checking: A crew who suspects problems with their vehicle from a “No fault apparent”
result may examine the entire vehicle or look over just a suspected problem area. This
represents checking connections, checking over mechanical parts, and running systems
diagnostics. The system being checked may not be used during fault checking. Thus, if the
entire vehicle is getting a once-over, it needs to be completely shut down or the components
left powered up will not be examined.

Checking over all or most of the vehicle requires 1 day per silhouette. Like self repairs, fault
checking has a minimum crew of 1 per silhouette, or add 1 day of time per crew missing. If
checking over just one system or component, the base time requirement is 1 hour instead of 1

Fault checking uses Average ( ) Mechanics, but Average ( ) Computer may be justified
for some electrical systems or computer components. Each net success reveals one fault (if
any are actually present) in the area(s) checked. Note that this just reveals what the fault it. It
isn’t repaired by this check.


d100 Severity Result
01-04 NA No fault apparent.
05-08 Easy No fault apparent. An entry hatch or ramp may delay opening or even jam.
09-12 Easy No fault apparent. Life support scrubbers prematurely wearing out. Treat as
double-bunked. If already double-bunked, reduce occupants STT by 1 more.
13-16 Easy No fault apparent. Air lock has failed and is leaking. The airlock can’t be used,
or the ship is slowly venting atmosphere. Or, a hatch may fly open suddenly.
17-20 NA No fault apparent.
21-24 Easy No fault apparent. Faltering deflectors. When hit, shields work, but overload
and shut down. Computer to reset. If no shields, treat as “No fault apparent”.
25-28 Easy Inertial compensators out of whack. When change speed or perform Evasive
Maneuvers, all aboard suffer 1 Strain unless Brace.
29-32 Easy No fault apparent. Electrical brown outs. Referee may use for an electrical
item (controls, door, lights, component) to turn off for 1-3 turns.
33-36 Easy No fault apparent. Component (choose one) has become worn or developed a
problem receiving Minor damage (one hit, to use), but it does not go offline.
37-40 NA No fault apparent.
41-44 Average No fault apparent. Comm antennae needs tuned. Reduce comms range by one
band and upgrade all checks using Comms once, even when communicating.
45-48 Average No fault apparent. Engines running inefficiently, doubling consumables use.
49-52 Average No fault apparent. Rotational bearings going out. This could be in a turret,
cockpit, wings or other large moving part. may cause it to freeze in place.
53-56 Average Sensors have developed “ghosts”. Upgrade all sensor checks once.
57-60 Average A component (choose one) suddenly shuts down. Treat as receiving Moderate
damage (two hits, to use, damage control to repair).
61-64 NA No fault apparent.
65-68 Hard Fault may or may not be apparent. Landing gear will not extend or retract fully.
Ship sits lopsidedly while landing (cargo may shift), or won’t retract after lift-
off (-1 Handling). If not appropriate, a wheel, track, or leg may be loose (-1
Handling) or come apart at an inopportune moment with or .
69-72 Hard No fault apparent. Maneuvering jets, steering, flaps, or some other such device
not responding well. Reduce Handling by 1. Repeatable.
73-76 Hard No fault apparent. Short circuiting throughout vehicle. When the vehicle
suffers any amount of strain, it suffers 1 more.
77-80 Hard Hyperdrive running roughly, increase speed class by 1. Repeatable. If no
hyperdrive, treat as “No fault apparent”.
81-84 NA No fault apparent.
85-88 Hard Engines not at full power. Speed -1. Repeatable.
89-92 Hard Glitch in navicomp upgrades difficulty of Astrogation checks. Repair uses
Computer and parts not required. If no navicomp, treat as “No fault apparent”.
93-96 Hard No fault apparent. Shields need retuning, -1 Defense. Alternatively armor
plating may be rusty or loose, -1 Armor. If none, treat as “No fault apparent”.
97-100 NA No fault apparent.
101-104 Hard Blown capacitors. Can’t draw high power repeatedly. May only move
(Maneuver used), fire energy weapons, or use shields (get hit) in the same
turn. If one happens, the other two can’t occur until the next turn.
105+ NA A component (pick one) blows and is destroyed, causing significant damage to
the ship and possibly a hull breach (HT equal to silhouette x3 and immediately
roll a Critical).

Edge of the Empire

d100 Severity Result
01-06 NA No fault apparent.
07-13 Easy No fault immediately apparent. Hyperdrive running inefficiently. x2
consumables consumption while jumping. May occur a 2nd time for x4.
14-20 Easy Hyperdrive running roughly, increase speed class by 1. Repeatable.
21-27 NA Hypermatter igniter takes longer to initiate the reaction. The ship seems
to fail to jump, then suddenly does so 1-3 rounds later.
28-34 NA No fault apparent.
35-41 Easy A power transfer conduit overloads. Must repair it before can make a
jump, but the tripped conduit probably saved damage to another
42-48 Easy No fault immediately apparent. Hypermatter is leaking from the
hyperdrive leaving a trail behind the ship. Downgrade any attempts to
detect the ship twice. Any attempts to hide the ship have their difficulty
upgraded twice.
49-55 Easy A power regulator blows, sending a surge into the ship’s systems causing
Minor damage to one of the following: Comms, Transponder, one
Weapon, Life Support, Shields, Astrogation Computer, Artificial Gravity,
OR refer to tables 7-10 or 7-11 on page 245 of EotE Core. The ship still
56-62 Average The hyperdrive overloads on arrival at the destination. It is damaged and
requires repairs to work again. Treat as Moderate damage to Hyperdrive
component. Damage control not possible.
63-69 NA No fault apparent.
70-76 Average A power regulator fails, sending a massive surge into the ship’s systems
causing Moderate damage to one of the following: Comms, one
Weapon, Life Support, Shields, Astrogation Computer, Artifical Gravity,
OR refer to tables 7-10 or 7-11 on page 245 of EotE Core. The ship does
not jump.
77-83 Hard The hyperdrive’s coolant system ruptures while in transit, dropping the
ship to real space. Treat as Major damage to Hyperdrive component.
Damage control not possible.
84-90 NA The hyperdrive blows and is destroyed. The ship does not jump.
91-97 NA The hyperdrive blows and is destroyed soon after making the jump,
forcing the ship back to real space after an undetermined distance.
98-104 NA No fault apparent.
105+ NA The hyperdrive blows and is destroyed, causing significant damage to
the ship and possibly a hull breach (HT equal to silhouette x3 and
immediately roll a Critical). The ship does not jump or drops back to real
space after an undetermined distance.


A list of related or new vehicle gear or attachments from various sources is below. Any house
rule changes are noted in italics.


Gear from other products that may be important to the repairs covered above are
summarized below:

Heavy Loader Arm (Special Modifications, p. 51): The loader arm qualifies as Light Lifting

Repulsor Clamp (Special Modifications, p. 52): This gear can remove one of the from not
having Light Lifting Equipment available. It does nothing to alleviate penalties for not having
Heavy Lifting Equipment available.


The new Cargo Crane attachment can alleviate the requirement of Light or Heavy lifting
equipment when making vehicle repairs. While the Retrofitted Hangar Bay was house ruled
primarily due to Vehicle Ops: Cargo Handling, it does have benefits for making repairs through
use of its modifications.


This attachment adds a crane of varying size to a vehicle. This could be a small crane attached
to a speeder to allow it to pick up small objects or a larger crane for moving massive cargo
containers. Only one object may be picked up. The initial attachment grants a smaller crane
while a Modification Option expands into larger versions. It is only available on silhouette 3
or larger vehicles. If used in an attempt to tow an object (the craned vehicle moves), it does
so at -1 speed and -1 handling. For more easily carrying of objects, see the more expensive
Docking Clamps attachment in Vehicle Ops: Cargo Handling.

Base Modifiers: Light crane which may move vehicle silhouette 2 or larger objects. Qualifies
as Light Lifting Equipment.
Modification Options: 3 Increase Object Size by 1 Silhouette Mods. Object size may not be
more than 1 less then vehicle silhouette. If object size increased to 4+, crane qualifies as
Heavy Lifting Equipment.
Hard Points Required: 1
Price/Rarity: 500 / 2
Source: New

Edge of the Empire

This attachment widens passages, doors, and perhaps removes bulkheads between cargo bays
in order to more easily carry vehicles or large containers within the vehicle’s encumbrance
capacity. Some vehicles already have hangar bays if they carry vehicles by default. This is
separate from the vehicle’s encumbrance capacity, so these vehicles may still benefit from this
attachment if they wish to carry even more vehicles with their cargo bay (encumbrance
Base Modifiers: Allows containers and vehicles 2 silhouettes smaller (instead of 3 smaller).
Encumbrance capacity of the vehicle or container still must be met from the vehicle’s
encumbrance capacity.
Modification Options: 2 Launch Equipment grants reducing encumbrance capacity by 10%
Mods, 3 Repair Equipment grants 1 extra automatic reducing encumbrance capacity by 10%
Hard Points Required: 1
Price/Rarity: 5,000 x Silhouette / 3
Source: Core Edge p. 271, Core Age p. 286, Core Force p. 270


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