An Empirical Study On Factors Influencing The Buying Behavior of Consumers Towards Washing Machine in Balasore Town, Odisha
An Empirical Study On Factors Influencing The Buying Behavior of Consumers Towards Washing Machine in Balasore Town, Odisha
An Empirical Study On Factors Influencing The Buying Behavior of Consumers Towards Washing Machine in Balasore Town, Odisha
Marketing is impossible without buyers and sellers. Buyers or customers are the individuals
and organizations who seek to satisfy their needs and wants. They buy products and services
for the satisfaction of their needs. Sellers or marketers are individuals and organizations who
want to sell products and services which provide satisfaction. What we buy, how we buy,
where and when we buy, how much quantity we buy depend on our perception, self-concept,
social and cultural background and our age and family cycle, our attitudes, beliefs, values,
motivation, personality, social class and many other factors that are both internal and external
to us. While buying, we also consider whether to buy or not to buy and, from which source or
seller to buy. In some societies there is a lot of affluence and, these societies can afford to buy
greater quantities and at shorter intervals. In poor societies, the consumer can barely meet his
barest needs. The marketer therefore tries to understand the needs of different consumers and
having understood his different behaviours which require an in-depth study of their internal
and external environment, he formulates his plans for marketing.
In a recent survey conducted by Euro monitor International among a network of in-country
analysts and in-house researchers around the world revealed interesting consumer preferences
when choosing an automatic washing machine. The survey revealed that the most important
features for consumers were energy and water efficiency, which were followed by features
that increased convenience, such as time-saving features, while design and appearance
features and other more technological advances interested consumers less. This is very telling
for appliance manufacturers, which sometimes forget the importance of innovating to meet
consumer needs, rather than to show off their technological prowess.
The objective of the present study is to analyze the key variables influencing the buying
behaviour of consumers towards washing machine. This study covered the Balasore town,
Odisha. A structured questionnaire was administered to obtain information on selected
variables affecting the buying behavior of the consumers. Finally, the information from 450
consumer respondents representing cross section of population was collected. The data has
been analyzed by the application of appropriate statistical tools. The result reveals that the
factors influencing buying behavior of consumers have significant impact on the brand
preference of consumers towards washing machine. On the basis of the findings, few
important suggestions were offered for the benefit of marketers and consumers.
This Research is mainly dealt with knowing purchase and post purchase behaviour.
This Research is focuses on product output which customer get from the product.
This Research is also focus on changing preference of customers because in today’s time
there are so many best option for customer for every electronic product.
This Research also studies that product are reaching up to the expectation of customer or not.
An electronic product company differentiate its product on different grounds. So we study
that, for which qualities company is advertising, those features that product have or not.
Collection of data
A reconnaissance survey of the study area was undertaken to understand the buying
behaviour of consumers. Based on the information gathered, a detailed schedule was drafted
pre-tested and used in the 10 field survey. Direct personal interview method had been
adopted to collect primary data regarding the characteristics of the sample respondents,
family profile and extent of consultation, influencers and other aspects to the overall
objectives of the study.
The secondary data relating to marketing practices and the like were obtained from the
journals, books and websites.
It is concluded from the study that the manufacturer of the white goods will have to
concentrate more on the sex of the respondents and their opinion on the factors influencing
their Buying, Socio Economic factors, Personal and Psychological factors. The
consumers buying pattern keeps on changing with the introduction of innovation in terms of
product, price, place, promotion, its attributes, the quality, the design, the technology, tools
and the variants in the product. The purchasing behaviour of consumer respondents reveals
that while buying the washing machine they are very much aware of the brand. When there is
availability of new brand with additional features, they prefer to change the brand.
Most of the consumer respondents look for information about the product from television
advertisement. Further, the consumers rely on their known retailers for selecting the product.
In maximum cases, the final decision to purchase the product lies on the consumer
respondents. The study also reveals that the majority of the respondents express their
satisfaction on the performance of the washing machine used by them. It is further observed
from the analysis that the factors influencing the buying behaviour differ from consumer to
consumer. However, the findings confirm that there is a significant association between
factors affecting buying behaviour of consumers and their preference of brand. Keeping in
view the above issues, the marketers should develop suitable marketing strategies to persuade
the consumers to purchase durable products. They have to ensure that they provide a good
showroom ambience, with courteous employees and more variety of brands and models.