PII: S0378-5122(16)30304-8
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2016.11.013
Reference: MAT 6731
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Clinical settings in knee osteoarthritis: Pathophysiology guides treatment
Joint and Bone Research Unit, Rheumatology Department, Fundación Jiménez Díaz,
Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Support Unit in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Public Health, Epidemiology
and Health Economics, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.
MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK; NHIR
Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
WHO Collaborating Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
Aging Program, National Research Council, Padova, Italy.
Service of Bone Diseases, Geneva University Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva,
Department of Public Health, Epidemiology and Health Economics, University of Liège, Liège,
Corresponding author:
Fax: +34-91-544-2636.
E-mail: gherrero@fjd.es
• Osteoarthritisis the most common chronic joint disorder and its
prevalence increases rapidly during midlife.
The complex nature of the relationships between numerous factors
involved in the etiopathogenesis makes difficult the identification of
osteoarthritisis phenotypes.
• An adequate stratification of patients with osteoarthritisis into particular
phenotypes could optimize the design of individualized treatments.
• Four well-defined clinical phenotypes are proposed in osteoarthritisis:
biomechanical, osteoporotic, metabolic and inflammatory.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common chronic joint disorder and its prevalence increases
rapidly during midlife. Complex interactions of genetic alterations, sex hormone deficit, and
aging with mechanical factors and systemic inflammation-associated metabolic syndrome lead
to joint damage. Thus, the expression of a clinical phenotype in the early stages of OA relies on
the main underlying pathway and predominant joint tissue involved at a given time. Moreover,
OA often coexists with other morbidities in the same patient, which in turn condition the OA
process. In this scenario, an appropriate identification of clinical phenotypes, especially in the
early stages of the disease, may optimize the design of individualized treatments in OA. An
ESCEO-EUGMS (European Union Geriatric Medicine Society) working group has recently
suggested possible patient profiles in OA. Hereby, we propose the existence of 4 clinical
phenotypes – biomechanical, osteoporotic, metabolic and inflammatory – whose
characterization would help to properly stratify patients with OA in clinical trials or studies.
Further research in this field is warranted.
1. Introduction
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a main cause of disability worldwide and even more, aging
population and increasing obesity rates are expected to further rise its burden on the
population and health systems (1). OA is a multifactorial disease where genetic, hormonal,
aging, mechanical and metabolic factors interact by complex molecular mechanisms regulating
the biology of joint tissues, and finally the articular cartilage.
during early stages of the disease, while, advanced OA shows common pathogenic, clinical and
imaging manifestations in late stages becoming a generalized joint disorder (10). Furthermore,
OA often coexist with other morbidities in the same patient, which in turn, condition the OA
process. The variety of all these factors contributes importantly to the difficulties for an
appropriate classification and identification of phenotypes in clinical studies or trials in OA.
3. Clinical phenotypes in OA
The identification of distinct clinical phenotypes, especially in the early stages of the
disease may be of vital importance in the management of OA since it could optimize the design
of individualized treatments. Hereby, we propose the existence of 4 clinical phenotypes whose
characterization would help to obtain relevant progress in the management of OA.
3.1. Biomechanical OA: Mechanical stress is one of the major factors involved in the
development and progression of OA, particularly in weight-bearing joints. High dynamic load,
particularly the knee adduction moment impulse, was related with great loss of medial tibial
cartilage volume (11). Medial knee joint load during walk may be particularly increased in
individuals with varus malalignment and/or medial meniscal damage. Notably, significant
relationships were found between physical activity and cartilage volume loss along 2.4 years,
varying in accordance with baseline cartilage volume (12).
Overweight itself clearly possesses a harmful biomechanical effect on the knee,
although proinflammatory adipokines partially mediate the association between elevated body
mass index (BMI) and knee OA (13). Surrogates for mechanical stress such as weight and fat-
free mass have been strongly associated with knee OA in population-based cohort studies,
even after adjustment for metabolic factors (14-16). A linear relationship has been
demonstrated between weight change and change in tibial cartilage volume and symptoms in
obese adults at 2.3 years follow-up (17). Likewise, weight loss was associated with
improvement of proteoglycan content and reduction of cartilage thickness loss of medial
articular cartilage over 1 year (18). Weight gain was associated with greater cartilage loss,
whilst weight loss was associated with the converse in subjects with meniscal tears, but not in
the larger subgroup without meniscal lesions (19). Patients with a biomechanical profile may
benefit from non-pharmacology therapy (i.e. load-modifying approaches), hyaluronic acid, etc.
3.2. Osteoporotic OA: The marked rise in the prevalence of OA in women around
menopause and the presence of estrogen receptors in joint tissues stimulated an interest in
the role of estrogen deficiency in OA (20). In this sense, increasing experimental evidence has
improved our knowledge on the role of estrogen in joint homeostasis. Estrogens beneficially
regulate important cellular events at articular tissues by acting through several complex
molecular mechanisms at multiple levels (20). Different experimental models of OA have
shown that increased remodeling and impaired structure of subchondral bone aggravate
cartilage damage (21,22). In addition, association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in
estrogen receptor alpha with OA has been reported in different populations (23).
Epidemiological and clinical studies have supported a relationship between OA and
estrogen deficiency (20). Beneficial structural effects of therapy with estrogen and particularly
with some SERMs have been reported in several animal models of OA (24). In patients, 50%
inhibition of biomarkers levels of cartilage degradation was described in women with OA
receiving estrogen therapy (25). Recently, population studies have shown that women taking
estrogens had significantly less joint replacement (26), and moreover, estrogen therapy
reduced by almost 40% the revision rates after knee or hip arthroplasty (27). Together, these
data indicate that estrogen deficiency may induce deleterious effect on all joint tissues,
particularly at the subchondral bone where high remodeling may lead to the development of
osteoporotic OA in early postmenopause (28). Patients with this profile potentially may be
particularly responsive to bone active drugs.
3.3. Metabolic OA: Beyond the relationship between metabolic factors and knee OA, the
associations between obesity as well as the metabolic syndrome and its components with
increased hand OA (29), a non weight-bearing joint per se, emphasize the presence of a
specific clinical subtype, metabolic OA. Metabolic factors including high abdominal
circumference, hypertension, high fat consumption, and self-reported diabetes mellitus were
associated with early cartilage degradation measured with T2 relaxation times at the knee in
middle-aged subjects (30). Moreover, the accumulation of MetS components was significantly
associated with the incidence of knee OA (5). The presence of hypertension and diabetes
mellitus was associated with bone loss at subchondral plate in knee OA (31).
Leptin levels were found to explain almost half of the association between elevated body
weight and knee OA (13). Both baseline leptin and change in leptin levels were correlated with
longitudinal cartilage thinning (32). Furthermore, baseline leptin levels were associated with
the presence of osteophytes, synovitis and effusion, cartilage defects, bone marrow lesions
and meniscal tears assessed by MRI 10 years later in middle-aged women (33). In addition,
statin use was related with reduced incidence and progression of knee OA (34). For these
reasons, metabolic OA has been recently proposed as a discrete OA phenotype and fifth
component of Metabolic Syndrome (4). In the same line, diabetes has been regarded as a
causative factor for a new OA phenotype (9). Thus, patients with metabolic OA may potentially
benefit from anti-lipidemic drugs, caloric restriction, etc.
4. Conclusions
Based on the etiopathogenesis of the disease, we propose the presence of four clinical
phenotypes in OA: biomechanical, osteoporotic, metabolic and inflammatory. The recognition
of well-designed phenotypes should help to better orientate research, facilitate trial design,
and define which OA patients are the most likely to benefit from specific treatments. More
research into this field is necessary for a proper design of individualized treatments in OA.
5. Practice points
•The complex nature of the relationships between numerous factors involved in the
etiopathogenesis makes difficult the identification of OA phenotypes.
•An adequate stratification of OA patients into particular phenotypes could optimize the
design of individualized treatments.
•Four well-defined clinical phenotypes are proposed in OA: biomechanical, osteoporotic,
metabolic and inflammatory.
6. Research agenda
•To improve our understanding of the intricate mechanisms involved in the development and
progression of OA.
• To develop an adequate stratification of OA patients into particular clinical phenotypes,
according to the etiopathogenesis of the disease.
•To conduct clinical studies that optimize the design of phenotype-based treatments in OA.
All authors were involved in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual
content, and all authors approved the final version.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest.
This work was partially supported by research grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III
(PI13/00570, PI16/00065) and co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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