Something's Cooking: Adventure Summary

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When Andolyn met Gendrew, it seemed a match made

in heaven. Andolyn was a skilled wizard with a love of a
good meal, looking for an excuse to settle down from
adventuring, while Gendrew was a master chef looking
to create new methods of cooking. Together, they took
up a quiet life of baking and brewing, content to live in
a small cottage on the outskirts of town.
But now one of their experiments has gone horribly
wrong, and the characters must save poor Gendrew

Something’s from his own delicious concoction, while defending

themselves from the inhabitants of the cottage—and
one unwelcome invader.
Any one of these suggestions could be appropriate for
interesting the characters in the adventure.
A short adventure for four 2nd- • The characters overhear a local complaining about
level PCs “those wizards” who live on the edge of town.
“They’re always brewing up something strange,” he
says. “And just this morning, I smelled the foulest
stench yet coming out of the chimney. They’re up to
CREDITS no good, I reckon.”
Design: Andy Collins • The characters are directed to seek out Andolyn to
purchase alchemical substances or potions.
Editing: Kim Mohan
• A patron of the characters has sent them to negoti-
Web Production: Sue Cook ate with Gendrew for the chef ’s services for an
Web Development: Mark Jindra upcoming banquet.
Graphic Design: Sean Glenn, Cynthia Fliege
The cottage of Andolyn and Gendrew is a small, unas-
suming structure about a quarter-mile outside town,
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game by
nestled in a grove of maple trees.
E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edi-
tion of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich 1. Sitting Room (EL 2)
Baker, and Peter Adkison.
This cozy room has a large sofa and an overstuffed
chair facing a fireplace in one corner. A small read-
ing table sits next to a window. A book lies open on
D&D, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and DUNGEON MASTER are registered trademarks owned
the table. Archways open into a dining room on one
by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinc-
tive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
side and a hall on the other.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is Years ago, Andolyn dabbled in animation magic in an
prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. attempt to create various labor-saving devices. Though
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations,
she didn’t pursue the effort very far, a few of her results
places, or events is purely coincidental.
©2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
are here in the sitting room. Unfortunately for the PCs,
the berserk state of the golem in area5 seems to have
affected these items as well. Though normally peaceful
and obedient, the animated objects here are agitated The battered prisoner is Gendrew, Andolyn’s hus-
and attack anyone that approaches them. band. He looks worse off than he actually is, though he
An animated book (Tiny) lies open on the table. It is suffering the effects of the imp’s poison (current Dex
will slam shut on anyone who touches it. It has no spe- 1, normal Dex 8). Anyone investigating his wounds will
cial abilities and no hardness. note that some of the “bloodstains” are actually tomato
The draw cord for the curtains is animated (Tiny) sauce (from the wounds of the calzone golem; see areas
and will attempt to constrict anyone within 5 feet. It 4 and 5).
has no hardness. The books on the shelves deal primarily with two
An animated poker (Small) is leaning up against the topics: arcane lore and cooking. Many have been dam-
fireplace. It will lunge out at anyone approaching it. It aged, but most can be repaired with a little work. The
has hardness 10. wardrobe is full of mundane clothing; a secret compart-
Animated Book: hp 2; see Monster Manual page 17. ment in the bottom (Search DC 20 to find) holds a box
Animated Draw Cord: hp 2; see Monster Manual with six potions: bull’s strength, cat’s grace, cure mod-
page 17. erate wounds, endure elements (fire), jump, and vision.
Animated Poker: hp 5; see Monster Manual page 17. If Gendrew is revived, he tells the PCs about the cal-
zone golem’s berserk rage. He doesn’t know where it is
2. Dining Room now, but warns the characters that it is very strong and
resistant to fire.
Imp: hp 13; see Monster Manual page 48.
This fine dining room has a table set for two (though
Gendrew: hp 12 (normal 28); currently suffering
it could hold up to four). A large picture window
from 13 points of subdual damage; see NPC Statistics.
provides a view of the trees outside. Archways lead
to the sitting room and the kitchen. 4. Kitchen (EL 1)
This room is still intact, because the golem didn’t reach
it before heading to the pantry. The silver candlestick This well-appointed kitchen looks like a disaster
on the table is worth 20 gp. A side cabinet holds a box area. Pots and pans are strewn about, broken crock-
of silverware (12 pieces worth a total of 24 gp). ery lies scattered on the floor, and ingredients of all
kinds are spattered on the walls. A door (presumably
3. Bedroom (EL 2) leading to a basement) has a chair propped in front
of it, holding it closed. The air in this room is
warmer than elsewhere in the cottage.
A large bed dominates this room. Along one wall are
bookshelves above a writing desk. Half-open doors When the imp triggered the calzone golem’s berserk
lead to a wardrobe and water closet, respectively. rage here, it attacked Gendrew and wreaked havoc in
A bloody, battered man lies sprawled across the the room before heading downstairs to the pantry,
bed, tied at the wrists and ankles. A small bat- where it is currently trapped. Anyone searching the
winged humanoid creature is perched on the desk, room can find the following:
idly tearing books to pieces.

The bat-winged creature is an imp who serves a devil

• Signs of someone being dragged out of the room
toward the hallway (DC 13).
named Woganpuck, an old enemy of Andolyn. He sent
the imp to cause trouble while the wizard was away, and
• Vaguely humanoid-shaped prints (without distinct
toes) circling around the room and ending at the
it has succeeded remarkably. Now it holds Gendrew
closed door (DC 15).
prisoner, torturing him periodically.
The imp will not investigate sounds of combat,
• Small spatters of tomato sauce in a few places in the
room, though no container can be found that might
assuming that any commotion he hears is just the
have once held this (DC 18).
sound of the golem breaking more objects below. It will
immediately attack anyone who opens the door,
A successful Listen check (DC 15) will allow a charac-
though if it sees any female human who looks like a
ter to hear a fire crackling in the stove (which is warm
wizard (robes, staff, etc.), it will mistake her for
to the touch). A small fire elemental lives in the stove,
Andolyn and attempt to flee invisibly.
providing heat for Gendrew’s cooking needs. It cur-
rently hides from the calzone golem trapped in the careers. Gendrew is similarly thankful, and offers to
basement pantry (see area 5) as well as the imp in the prepare a fine feast for the heroes at some later date,
bedroom (see area 3), both of whom are immune to its free of charge.
fiery attacks. It will attack anyone who approaches the Of course, if either one finds any evidence that the
stove. (It isn’t terribly bright, and fears that anyone PCs have been looting their home, Gendrew and
unfamiliar is an enemy.) Andolyn will not be so friendly, instead asking clearly
Small Fire Elemental: hp 9; see Monster Manual for the return of any stolen items and brusquely usher-
page 83. ing the characters out.


A n d o l y n : Female human Wiz9; CR 9; Medium-size
This basement room looks like it was used as a humanoid; HD 9d4+12; hp 36; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12
pantry, though every shelf and container here has (touch 10, flat-footed 12); Atk +4 melee (1d4–1, dagger);
been smashed to bits. Standing in the center of the SA Spells; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8; Str 8, Dex
room is a six-foot-tall creature that seems to be made 10, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 13.
entirely of pastry. A few reddish smears mar its well- Skills and Feats: Alchemy +15, Concentration +11,
baked crust. Knowledge (arcana) +15, Profession (cook) +6, Spell-
craft +15; Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Won-
The calzone golem will immediately attack anyone it drous Item, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative,
sees. It has a few minor wounds (from the imp), but it Scribe Scroll, Toughness.
will fight to the death. Possessions: Masterwork dagger, arcane scroll of
There is nothing of value left in this pantry; every- summon monster IV, potion of cure serious wounds,
thing has been destroyed by the golem’s fury. However, bracers of armor +2, wand of magic missile (9th-level
an Appraise or Profession (cook) check (DC 15) can caster) (44 charges), wand of unseen servant (21
ascertain that the ingredients stored here were of fine charges).
quality. Spells Prepared (normally 4/5/5/4/2/1, many
Calzone Golem: hp 30 (normal 33); see New Mon- already cast; DC = 12 + spell level): 0— mending,
ster. open/close; 1st—grease, unseen servant; 2nd—arcane
lock, knock, locate object; 3rd—dispel magic, gust of
CONCLUSION wind; 4th—confusion; 5th—major creation.
At some point during the adventure, Andolyn teleports Spellbook: 0—arcane mark, dancing lights, daze,
back to the cottage from her investigations. When this detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare,
happens is up to the DM. If the characters are having ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, open/close,
particular trouble with the calzone golem or the imp, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance;
she can arrive just in time to bail them out. (If this hap- 1st—alarm, burning hands, comprehend languages,
pens, you may want to reduce the XP gained from the endure elements, grease, jump, mage armor, sleep,
encounter.) Otherwise, she shows up just after the unseen servant; 2nd—arcane lock, bull’s strength, cat’s
fighting settles down. She thanks the characters pro- grace, knock, locate object, pyrotechnics, see invisibil-
fusely for rescuing Gendrew and apologizes for the ity; 3rd— dispel magic, gust of wind, hold person,
attacks they endured from the other inhabitants of the secret page, stinking cloud, tongues; 4th—confusion,
house. (She won’t hold any grudges over the destruc- fire shield, improved invisibility, polymorph other;
tion of the fire elemental or animated objects.) 5th—major creation, teleport.
Furthermore, she rewards the PCs by giving them
the box of potions in area 3 (or letting them keep them, G e n d r e w : Male human Exp 5; CR 4; Medium-size
if they found them). If anyone in the party is a wizard, humanoid; HD 5d6+5; hp 28; Init –1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 9
she offers to teach that character one spell. Of course, (touch 9, flat-footed 9); Atk +4 melee (1d4, steak knife);
in addition to these rewards, as a wizard and a maker of AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 8, Con 12,
magic items (potions, scrolls, and wondrous items), Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13.
Andolyn can be a powerful ally to the PCs during their Skills and Feats: Alchemy +10, Appraise +10, Deci-

pher Script +10, Gather Information +9, Knowledge except that the range is 0 and the effect is a cloud that
(history) +10, Knowledge (local) +10, Profession (cook) spreads in a 5-foot radius, 5 feet high. The Fortitude
+12, Spot +10; Endurance, Great Fortitude, Skill Focus save to negate the effect has a DC of 13.
(Profession [cook]) Heat (Ex): The calzone golem generates so much
Possessions: Masterwork steak knife, potion of cure heat that its mere touch deals additional fire damage.
moderate wounds, potion of endurance, ring of protec- Berserk (Ex): When a calzone golem is struck by a
tion +1, masterwork cookware (+2 circumstance bonus slashing or piercing weapon, it must make a Will save
on Profession [cook] checks). (DC 12), or its elemental spirit breaks free and goes
berserk. The uncontrolled golem begins rampaging,
NEW MONSTER attacking the nearest living creature or smashing some
object smaller than itself if no creature is within reach,
Calzone Golem then moving on to spread more destruction. Once the
Medium-Size Construct golem goes berserk, no known method can reestablish
Hit Dice: 6d10 (33 hp) control.
Initiative: –1 (Dex) Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
Speed: 30 ft. (can’t run) poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to criti-
AC: 13 (–1 Dex, +4 natural) cal hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain,
Attacks: 2 slams +5 melee or death from massive damage.
Damage: Slam 1d8+1 and 1d4 fire Magic Immunity (Ex): Calzone golems are immune
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. to all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects,
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, heat except as follows. Cold-based effects slow them (as the
Special Qualities: Berserk, construct, magic immunity, slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, no saving throw. Fire-based
spurt effects deal no damage but rather harden the golem
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2 temporarily, increasing its natural armor bonus by +1
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 for every 3 points of damage it would otherwise deal
(this hardening fades after 1d4 hours). The golem rolls
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground no saving throw against fire effects.
Organization: Solitary or gang (2–4) Spurt (Ex): If the calzone golem is struck for damage
Challenge Rating: 3 by a slashing or piercing weapon, it spurts out a small
Treasure: None splash of extremely hot juices from the wound. This
Alignment: Always neutral spurt inflicts 1 point of fire damage to all individuals
A d v a n c e m e n t : 7–12 HD (Medium-size); 13–18 HD within 5 feet of the golem.
The calzone golem is a strange construct dreamed up A calzone golem’s body is created from a mixture of fine
by Andolyn and Gendrew and created through a deli- ingredients, including approximately 100 pounds of
cate process that mixes alchemy and bakery in ways flour, 50 pounds of cheese, four gallons of tomato
never before imagined by mortal beings. It looks like a sauce, and large quantities of salt, yeast, and sugar.
doughy humanoid, and smells of cheese and tomatoes. Mushrooms, olives, or other ingredients may be added
to the tomato sauce as desired. Season with oregano
Combat and black pepper to taste. All ingredients must be fresh
As a golem, the calzone golem is incapable of strategy and of the highest quality.
or tactics. Its creator can command it if within 60 feet. The golem costs 10,000 gp to create, including 500
When not directly controlled, most calzone golems gp for the ingredients. Assembling the body requires a
stand as steadfast guardians of kitchens, pantries, or successful Profession (cook) check (DC 15), along with
dining halls. 2 hours of baking at approximately 450 degrees.
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 5 rounds, the cal- The creator must be 9th level and able to cast arcane
zone golem can exhale a cloud of nauseating gas as a spells. Completing the ritual drains 250 XP from the
free action. This is identical with a stinking cloud spell creator and requires burning hands, grease, major cre-
ation, and stinking cloud.

company but deep down, he now knew that his future lay
ABOUT THE AUTHOR in the field he’d been “in” since 1981: the adventure
With a family that includes a newspaper editor, the author gaming industry.
of a correctional law journal, and an online sports editor, After some volunteer work with Wizards of the Coast's
Andy Collins had little hope of escaping a life of writing. Arena League in late 1995, Andy was brought aboard as a
As a child growing up in Olympia, Washington, he was full-time Wizards employee on April 1, 1996. Two years
surrounded by sources of inspiration, from Middle-Earth later he moved from the Organized Play division to Role-
to Star Wars to Carl Sagan's Cosmos. But none of that playing R&D as an editor on the ALTERNITY® team. Since
could prepare him for the strange blue rulebook he then he has dabbled in both design and editing on a vari-
received on his tenth birthday that was full of odd pen- ety of game lines. His professional credits include co-
and-ink drawings and arcane terms such as “hit points” designing the newest version of the Gamma World cam-
and “Armor Class.” Though no one around him realized it paign setting (with Jeff Grubb) and the upcoming Star
at the time, that seemingly innocuous birthday present Wars Roleplaying Game (with Bill Slavicsek), as well as
was to have a profound effect on his life. editing the DARK MATTER™ campaign setting (with
Andy graduated from Stanford University in 1994 Michele Carter), the Tangents sourcebook, and Beyond
with a degree in English. His primary area of focus was Science: A Guide to FX (with Julia Martin). He also co-
medieval and Shakespearean literature, including six starred in “Dial M For Murderousness” and soon will
months of study in Oxford, England. After graduation, he appear in a remake of the 1957 classic film “Gladys the
worked as the office manager of a small business software Groovy Mule.”

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