Sensis Vibe 5.7.2019
Sensis Vibe 5.7.2019
Sensis Vibe 5.7.2019
Data Sheet
Sensis Vibe
Hemodynamic and Electrophysiology Information
and Recording System for Interventional Labs
Sensis Vibe
* Option
** Option, please check combination
2 with 3rd party systems
Ease of Use Procedure data management IT Integration
Sensis Vibe’s core design principle is
Sensis Vibe’s usability concept is Data captured with Sensis Vibe pre-cath,
ease of use at every step of the pro
designed around the idea that physio- during the procedure and after the case
cedure. Starting with a one-stop patient
logical measurements on the acquisition is stored in an institution-adapted Sensis
registration between Sensis and Artis to
side and the documentation of the Information System (SIS) database.
adaptable workflow support programs,
procedure need to be performed Integration with hospital IT infrastructure
an incidental documentation workflow
simultaneously. using industry standard interfaces for
and automated data consistency valida-
FlashDoc* is a redesigned documentation seamless information integration and
tion, Sensis Vibe supports its operators
and data management tool for the inter- reduce clinical and billing errors.*
in focusing on what matters most:
ventional lab. • Demography integration with ADT
patient welfare.
Entries to the flexibly adaptable Sensis systems
Vibe database (Sensis Information • Receives orders
Interventional Suite Integration
System) are made via a single point of • Automatic documentation of consum-
data entry, the QuickAdd field. ables and devices (integration with
On the acquisition unit, the data is then inventory systems)
displayed in a structured, time-stamped • Distribution of reports structured and
CaseLog where details of an event or non-structured
entry can be edited. • Integration with billing systems
Data can also be captured and edited • Archival of acquired signal data on
on satellite Report Workstations*, for PACS (using DICOM)
example in holding areas, inside the Sensis Vibe can transfer data via
examination room or even in offices following interface languages.
distant from the interventional lab. This • ASCII flat file
software turns a PC into a Sensis Vibe • XML
database client. • DICOM
FlashDoc-equipped acquisitions systems • HL7*
and report workstations are equipped
with a Word-based report generator.
A report template is automatically
Sensis Vibe is the central collection point
populated with procedure data at the
for all cath lab data and is therefore
end of a study and can then be edited
tightly integrated with other equipment
with comments on Sensis Vibe systems
in the interventional lab.
or any office PC and sent to other
Artis and Sensis Vibe systems have a
bi-directional interface for the exchange
of patient demographic data, X-ray
snapshots and dose information.
Furthermore, Sensis Vibe can be
operated from table-side via the Artis
control modules. Hardware-wise, both
the HemoBox and the ComboBox are Enterprise-wide integration
* Option 3
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Table of contents
Technical Data 5
Environment 5
Inputs 6
ICEG (with ComboBox) 7
Non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) 8
Respiration (from capnography) 8
Temperature 9
Cardiac output (thermodilution method) 9
Signal input box and catheter input pod 9
Signal outputs 10
QRS trigger 10
Serial communication interfaces (ComboBox only) 10
Ethernet communication interfaces 10
Minimum printer requirements 11
Minimum UPS requirements (uninterruptible power supply) 11
Sensis computer 11
Stimulator interface (for ComboBox only) 12
The Sensis Information System 13
Sensis Master SW Package 13
Sensis Client SW Package 14
Sensis Post-Processing Workstation SW Package 14
Sensis Report Workstation SW Package 14
Sensis Coronary Tree Illustrator (CTI) 14
Sensis Heart Picture Illustrator (HPI) 14
Sensis Information System High-end Master Server 14
Virtual Sensis Information System Virtual Server appliance 15
Sensis HL7 Engine 15
Minimum requirements for the PC with installed Sensis Report Workstation SW packages 15
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Technical Data
Dimensions (H x D x W) approx. Hemo Combo
PC 100 x 338 x 381 mm 100 x 338 x 381 mm
Signal input box 147 x 230 x 80 mm 205 x 335 x 180 mm
Video distribution box n.a. 530 x 390 x 146 mm
UPS* 260 x 337 x 171 mm 260 x 337 x 171 mm
Weight PC 7 kg 7 kg
Signal input box 1 kg 7 kg
Video distribution box n.a. 20 kg
UPS* 16 kg 16 kg
Patient isolation Floating inputs with defibrillation protection (isolated input), type CF or BF
Mains power According to IEC regulations class I
Mains voltage 100 – 120 V; 50/60 Hz ~
220 – 240 V; 50/60 Hz ~
Power consumption Hemo: 250 VA, max.
Combo: 750 VA, max.
Operating conditions Temperature: + 10 °C to + 35 °C
Relative humidity: non-condensing, 20 – 75 %
Pressure: 70 – 106 kPa
Operation altitude Less than or equal to 3000 meters
Pollution degree 2
Material group IIIb
Overvoltage category II
Oxygen rich environment No
Liquid ingress protection IPX4 (HemoBox) and IPX1 (ComboBox)
* Option 5
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Technical Data
ECG Electrodes R, L, F, N and C1 to C6 (RA, LA, LL, RL and V1 to V6)
Available leads I, II, III, aVR, -aVR, aVF, aVL, V1-V6
Sampling rate 2000 samples/s
Heart rate detection range 15 – 300 beats/min
Cycle length 200 – 4000 ms
High-pass filter 0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.5 Hz
Low-pass filter settings HemoBox 25, 35, 40, 50, 100, 120, 200, 300 Hz
ComboBox 25, 35, 40, 50, 100, 120, 200, 300, 400, 525 [none] Hz
Notch filter 50/60 Hz
Lead-off indication Each lead
Sensitivity 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1000 mm/mV
Input signal range HemoBox ± 600 mV
ComboBox ± 1.2 V
Output signal range ± 30 mV
Noise HemoBox < 20 µVp-p (0.05 Hz to 200 Hz)
ComboBox < 15 µVp-p (0.05 Hz to 200 Hz)
CMRR > 94 dB
Resolution > 1 µV
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Technical Data
ICEG (for ComboBox only)
Catheter input pod For IECG catheter cables with 2 mm touch-proof pins compatible
with Multi-Contact sockets
Electrode inputs 64 or 96
Output AC range ± 30 mV
Output DC range ± 80 mV
Noise < 15 µVp-p (20 - 400 Hz)
Frequency range DC – 525 Hz
Sampling rate 2000 samples/s
Input signal range ± 600 mV, ± 1.2 V for stimulated channels
Resolution (AC) 1 µV
Resolution (DC) 6.25 µV
High-pass filter 0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.5, 1, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 Hz
Low-pass filter 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 525 [none] Hz
Notch filter 50/60 Hz
Bipolar leads Between any 2 inputs
Unipolar leads Referenced to Wilson central terminal or any other ICEG electrode input
Stimulator switching To any ICEG electrode pair
CMRR > 100 dB
Caliper measurement accuracy ± 1 ms
Vital signs alarms Alarms on HR, NBP, SpO2, Respiration, etCO₂ and IBP (arterial line)
Visible alarm in control and examination room, audible alarm in
examination room
Configurable alarm settings for Adult, Pediatric, and Neonatal mode
Invasive blood pressure
Pressure inputs 4
Measurement range – 50 to 400 mmHg (If IBP input is provided from an FFR pressure measurement
device, the measurement range may be further limited by the FFR device.
Please consult the IBP range specifications of the FFR device.)
Transducers 5 µV/V/mmHg
Filters Low pass 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Hz; notch filter 50/60 Hz
Zero balance ± 50 mmHg transducer offset
Range 10, 20, 40, 100, 200 or 400 mmHg
Noise < 0.32 mmHg (DC to 30 Hz)
Frequency range DC to 30 Hz
Accuracy ± 4mmHg or ± 4%, exclusive of transducer
Resolution 1 mmHg
Sampling rate 2000 samples/s
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Technical Data
Non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP)
Pressure range For heart rate 40 – 200 beats/min:
Adult Systolic: 40 – 260 mmHg
Adult MAP: 26 – 220 mmHg
Adult Diastolic: 20 – 200 mmHg
Neonatal Systolic: 40 – 130 mmHg
Neonatal MAP: 26 – 110 mmHg
Neonatal Diastolic: 20 – 100 mmHg
Resolution 1 mmHg
Method of measurement Oscillometric with step deflation
Reading accuracy ANSI/AAMI SP10, EN1060-4, and ISO 81060-2
Oxygen saturation range 0 % – 100 % for heart rates 40 – 200 beats/min
Accuracy 70 % – 100 %: ± 2 digits, ± 3 digits (during patient motion)
Note: Accuracy may depend on the sensor used. Please refer to the instructions for
use provided with the Sensor to be used. Accuracy is expressed as rms, which
means approximately 68 % (1 standard deviation) of the data is within the
accuracy range.
Amplitude min. 0.3 % modulation
Sensors for use with NONIN sensors only
Respiration (from capnography)
Patent references The capnography component of this product is covered by one or more of the
following US patents: 6,428,483; 6,997,880; 6,437,316, 7,488,229; 7,726,954
and their foreign equivalents. Additional patent applications pending.
Method Microstream non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) spectroscopy to continuously
measure the amount of CO₂ during every breath, the amount of CO₂ present
at the end of exhalation (etCO₂) and during inhalation (FiCO₂), and the
respiratory rate for neonates, pediatric and adult patients.
Respiration rate range 0 – 150 bpm (breaths/minute)
Resolution 1 mmHg
Respiration rate accuracy 0 – 70 bpm: ± 1 bpm
71 – 120 bpm: ± 2 bpm
121 – 150 bpm: ± 3 bpm
Respiration rate resolution 1 breath/minute
etCO₂ range HemoBox with MicroPod: 0 – 150 mmHg
MicroPod Accuracy CO2 partial pressure at sea level:
0 – 38 mmHg ± 2 mmHg, 39 – 150 mmHg ± (5 % of reading + 0.08 x
(reading – 39 mmHg))
Response time 9 s
Note: Accuracy applies for breath rates of up to 80 bpm. For breath rates above
80 bpm, accuracy is 4 mmHg or ± 12 % of reading whichever is greater, for EtCO2
values exceeding 18 mmHg. This is tested according to and is compliant with
capnography standard. To achieve the specified accuracies for breath rates above
60 breaths/minute, the Microstream® FilterLine H Set for Infant/Neonatal
(p/n 006324) must be used.
Resolution 1 mmHg
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Technical Data
Respiration from ECG impedance (for HemoBox only)
Available leads ECG lead I (RA-LA) or lead II (RA-LL)
Base impedance input range 100 – 1500 Ω
Breath detection range Minimum threshold: 200 mΩ
Maximum threshold: 10 Ω
Inspiration:Expiration ratio range Normal breathing: 1:1 – 1:5
Respiration rate range 0 (no breath), 5 – 145 breaths/minute
Respiration rate accuracy ± 2 % or 2 bpm, whichever is greater
Respiration rate resolution 1 breath/minute
Body temperature (for HemoBox only)
Mode of operation Direct mode only
Temperature probes YSI (Measurement Specialties) 400 series
Measurement range 10.0 °C to 45.0 °C (50.0 °F to 113.0 °F)
Accuracy ± 0.1 °C (± 0.2 °F), exclusive of the temperature probe.
(Note: Overall temperature measurement accuracy will also depend on the
accuracy of the temperature probe itself. Please consult the datasheet of the
temperature probe(s) used for accuracy specification)
Minimum measuring time 20 seconds
Cardiac output (thermodilution method)
Injectate temperature – 5 °C to + 27 °C
Measurement range 0.1 to 25 l/min
Blood temperature 25 °C to 43 °C
Blood Measurement Accuracy +/– 0.1 °C exclusive of Swan-Ganz catheter
Injectate Measurement Accuracy +/– 1 °C
Sweep speed
Real-time 400, 200, 150, 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 5 mm/s
Review 400, 200, 150, 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 5 mm/s
Beat-triggered view 400, 200, 150, 100, 50, 25 mm/s (EP only)
ES-triggered view 800, 600, 400, 200, 150, 100, 50, 25, 12.5 mm/s (EP only)
Signal input box and catheter input pod
Catheter input pod cable Catheter input pod to signal input box, 2 m
Cable signal input box to control room /
Sensis PC Max. 30 m
Catheter input pod On tableside Modura rail (10 mm x 25 mm)
Signal input box ComboBox: On tableside Modura rail (10 mm to 25 mm) or on dedicated
holder with Artis installation
HemoBox: On tableside Modura rail (10 mm to 25 mm) or on IV Pole
(diameters 19 mm to 38 mm), standard VESA 75 mounting
interface available
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Technical Data
Signal outputs
Analog output channels 2
Isolation Analog output in signal input box: IEC 60601-1 basic,
only for connection to medical devices
ECG I, II, III, V1 – V6 only
Pressure P1 – P4
ICEG Any bipolar or unipolar (ComboBox only)
Scale factor 1 V/mV ± 5 % (ECG and ICEG); 10 mV/mmHg ± 6 % (pressure)
Voltage limits ±4V
Bandwidth 0.5 – 75 Hz (ECG)
40 – 525 Hz (ICEG)
0 – 32 Hz (Pressure)
Output impedance < 100 ohm (max load capacity: 10k ohm/100 nF)
Noise < 35 mVp-p
Max delay 25 ms
QRS trigger
Level Positive, TTL (available in the signal input box)
Isolation IEC 60601-1 basic, only for connection to medical devices
Max delay 25 ms
QRS pulse length 50 ms +/– 0.5 ms
Serial communication interfaces (ComboBox only)
RF ablators Please check combination with 3rd party systems
Ethernet communication interfaces
X-ray systems Siemens Artis systems
Mapping systems
Patient monitors
Hospital network
Material management system Please check combination with 3rd party systems
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Sensis computer
Control room monitors One for real-time waveforms, one for operator dialog
Size, resolution 19“ TFT, 1280 x 1024 pixels
21.3“ TFT, 1600 x 1200 pixels
Exam room monitors One or two for real-time waveforms and/or operator dialog.
Optionally one extra examination room monitor for realtime waveforms.
Size, resolution 19“ TFT, 1280 x 1024 pixels
21.3“ TFT, 1600 x 1200 pixels
Minimum printer requirements
Print resolution (black) ≥ 600 dpi
Printer technology Laser
Processor speed 460 MHz
Printer languages PCL 5, PCL 6 or later, PS Level 3
Network ready The following should be configured on the printer, at a minimum:
100 base T Ethernet standard (or faster), IP address, gateway & DNS setting
Minimum system requirements/
Compatible operating systems Windows 7
Media sizes supported A4, Letter
Standard memory Black 64 MB, color 256 MB
Minimum UPS* requirements (uninterruptible power supply)
Certified according to at least one of
the following standards: UL 1778; EN 62040–1; CSA 22.2 no. 107.3; UL listed
Runtime Minimum of 5 min.
Minimum number of
protected outlets 5
The UPS must be able to output sinus curves in both power and battery modes.
Total Power Rating Hemo: 150 VA (Minimum)
Combo: 750 VA (Minimum)
Types: 100 V – 120 V, 220 V – 240 V; 50/60 Hz
If specific market requires CE label and/or RoHS-conformant
Bar code reader* Maximum radio-frequency band BT Class 1, 433 MHz – 910 MHz
Sensis computer
Minimum computer requirements (used for acquisition system and postprocessing workstation)
CPU Intel Core i5 or equivalent
RAM 8 GByte
Disk drive (Hemo) Main drive: 256 GB SSD
Service drive: 1 TB HDD
Disk drive (Combo) Main drive: 512 GB SSD
Service drive: 1 TB HDD
Network Hemo: 3 x 1000Base-T Ethernet ports
Combo: 2 x 1000BASE-T Ethernet ports
Operating System Microsoft Windows 7
* Option 11
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
* Option 13
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
14 * Option
Sensis Vibe
Technical Data
Minimum requirements for the PC with installed Sensis Report Workstation SW packages
CPU 32 bit (x86) or 64 bit (x64) processor 1 GHz or faster
RAM 32-bit: 1 GB RAM or higher
64-bit: 2 GB RAM or higher
Storage 32-bit: at least 16 GB available hard disk space
64-bit: at least 20 GB available hard disk space
Video card DirectX9 compatible graphics device with drivers supporting WDDM1.0 or
Network Network connection (Ethernet or WLAN)
Free USB port for license dongle
Software Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) Enterprise, Professional, or Ultimate Edition – SP1,
Windows 10 (64-bit)
Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 (32bit Office only)
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Other Dual monitor configuration supported
Can run in parallel with ACOM.PC on same PC
* Option 15
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Some/All of the features and products described herein may not be components.
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Order No. A91AT-11701-30T2-7600 | Printed in Germany | HC AT IR MK 1 0219pdf | © Siemens Healthcare GmbH 2019