Design Synthesis
Design Synthesis
Design Synthesis
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• Better product-process coordination: Explicit
evaluation of the product with respect to
manufacturing criteria improves the product's
manufacturability and helps to match the product
with the process capabilities of the firm.
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Design Example
Portable Syringe
A medical supply company retained a design firm to
develop a reusable syringe with precise dosage control
for outpatient use.
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The team described the concepts under consideration
with the sketches shown
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Concepts for Syringes (con’t)
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Overview of Methodology
A two-stage concept selection methodology is
described, although the first stage may suffice for
simple design decisions.
• The first stage is called concept screening and
• The second stage is called concept scoring.
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Concept Screening Matrix ("O" for same as, "+" for better
than and "-" for worse than)
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Revised Syringe Concepts
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Step 5. Select One or More Concepts
The team selected concepts A and E to be considered
along with the revised concept G+ and the new concept
If the screening matrix is not seen to provide sufficient
resolution for the next step of evaluation and selection,
then the concept-scoring stage with its weighted
selection criteria and more detailed rating scheme
would be used.
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Concept Scoring
Concept scoring is used when increased resolution will
better differentiate among competing concepts. In this
stage, the team weighs the relative importance of the
selection criteria and focuses on more refined
comparisons with respect to each criterion.
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Step 1: Prepare the Selection Matrix
The use of hierarchical relations is a useful way to
illuminate the criteria.
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Step 3: Rank the Concepts
Once the ratings are entered for each concept, weighted
scores are calculated by multiplying the raw scores by
the criteria weights. The total score for each concept is
the sum of the weighted scores:
S j = ∑ rij wi
i =1
rij = raw rating of concept j for the ith criterion
wi = weighting for ith criterion
n =number of criteria
Sj = total score for concept j
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You can create two or more scoring matrices with
different weightings to yield the concept ranking for
various market segments with different customer
Here we discuss some of these subtleties and point out
a few areas for caution.
Decomposition of concept quality: The quality of
some product concepts may not be easily decomposed
into a set of independent criteria, or the performance of
the concept relative to the different criteria may be
difficult to relate to overall concept quality
Subjective criteria: Some selection criteria,
particularly those related to aesthetics, are highly
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Caveats (con’t)
To facilitate improvement of concepts:
Making note of any outstanding (positive or negative)
attributes of the concepts. It is useful to identify any
features that could be applied to other concepts, as well
as issues which could be addressed to improve the
concept. Notes may be placed directly in the cells of the
selection matrix.
Where to include cost: Most of the selection criteria
are adaptations of the customer needs. However, "ease
of manufacturing" and "manufacturing cost" are not
customer needs. Remember to include some measure of
cost or ease of manufacturing when evaluating
concepts, even though these measures are not true
customer needs.
Selecting elements of aggregate concepts: Some
product concepts are really aggregations of several
simpler concepts.
Applying concept selection throughout the
development process:
Concept selection is used again and again at many
levels of detail in the design and development process.
For e.g. Concept selection could be used at the most
detailed level of design for resolving decisions such as
the choice of colors or materials.
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Concept selection is the process of evaluating concepts
with respect to customer needs and other criteria,
comparing the relative strengths and weaknesses of the
concepts, and selecting one or more concepts for
further investigation or development.
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• Concept scoring uses weighted selection criteria and
a finer rating scale. Concept scoring may be skipped
if concept screening produces a dominant concept.
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