Base-Plate Calculation Under Tension.: Article
Base-Plate Calculation Under Tension.: Article
Base-Plate Calculation Under Tension.: Article
Tsavdaridis, KD, Shaheen, M, Baniotopoulos, C et al. (1 more author) (2016) Analytical
Approach of Anchor Rod Stiffness and Steel Base-Plate Calculation under Tension.
Structures, 5. pp. 207-218. ISSN 2352-0124
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Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis1*, Mohamed A. Shaheen2, Charalampos
Baniotopoulos3 and Emad Salem4
Institute for Resilient Infrastructure, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, Leeds,
2, 4
Department of Civil Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
School of Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, Birmingham, UK
Corresponding Author
The analysis of column base plate connections under biaxial moment or when large
numbers of anchor rods are utilised is complicated. Such complex connections are
regularly found in engineering practice, in spite of proposed, up-to-date finite element
modelling techniques and analytical formulations being unsuitable. The lack of suitability
arises from their development for non-practical column base plate idealised
configurations. In the present paper the results of a finite element study of single-headed
anchors under tension are discussed, leading to the derivation of a simple equation that
describes the stiffness of the headed anchor rod embedded in concrete. Furthermore, this
paper suggests a simple and suitable approach to analyse base plate connections
independent of loading scenarios, the number of anchor rods and their arrangement,
taking into account the actual rigidity of the connection. In this study, a three-
dimensional, nonlinear finite element model is developed through the use of the general-
purpose finite element software package ABAQUS. The respective numerical results
were verified against experimental ones.
Key words: base plate; monotonic tension load; anchor rod; holding down bolt;
parametric study; rod stiffness
1. Introduction
It is well known that the design of base plates is of paramount importance. They are one
of the most critical components in steel structures as they control the initial stiffness of
the frame depending upon the type and properties of the assemblage. Inevitably, a few
components of a column base plate in tension are particularly influential in regards to the
stiffness of the connection [1]. Anchor rods are used to transfer the tensile load and/or
shear load to the concrete foundation. Anchor rods are divided into two main categories
according to the method of construction, namely, cast-in-place anchors and post-installed
anchors. Post-installed anchors are placed after the concrete sets. Hence, they are not
recommended for base plates; their design is governed by the manufacturer's
specifications [6]. According to ACI [2], cast-in-place anchorage systems are the headed
rods, the hooked rods (J- or L- rod) and the headed studs, as they are depicted in Fig. 1.
Among the different types of cast-in-place anchors, the most commonly used in
engineering practice is the headed rod/stud. Other types are not very effective in
transferring tension forces, particularly in the case of high-strength rods [5]. The paper is
limited to study the cast-in-place anchor rod with an anchor plate at the end of the
embedment depth (i.e. headed anchor rod).
The mechanism by which the load is transferred from the headed anchor rod to the
concrete foundation involves two stages: (i) the bond between the anchor rod and the
concrete, and (ii) the bearing on the head of the anchor rod. These two mechanisms do
not take place simultaneously. Thus, they can be considered independently [3-4]. The
failure mode of the headed anchor is controlled by various factors including the concrete
strength, steel strength, embedment depth, and edge distance. In the case of the headed
anchor rod subject to tension forces, five different failure modes typically were observed
in past experimental tests [4][12-15], as demonstrated in Fig. 2. Steel failure occurs
through yielding and rapture of the anchor rod. In such a failure mode, the maximum rod
capacity is reached. Pullout failure is characterised by the pulling out of the anchor rod
from the concrete. This may be followed by the formation of a shallow concrete cone as
the head of the anchor approaches the concrete surface. This mode of failure mostly
arises when small anchor head diameters are used, in conjunction with expected high-
stress concentrations [10][11]. Concrete breakout failure is very common in engineering
practice with anchors experiencing such failure prior to the yielding of the steel. The
primary factors affecting this type of failure are the concrete tensile strength, the anchor
head diameter, and the embedment depth. Concrete blowout may also control the design,
particularly when long anchors are positioned near the free edge of the concrete block.
When the concrete block dimensions are small in relation to the anchors’ size, or the free
edge distance is small, splitting of the concrete occurs.
Extensive experimental works carried out by Petersen et al. [24] studied the behaviour of
cast-in-place anchors under monotonic shear, cyclic shear, monotonic tension, cyclic
tension, and cyclic combined tension-shear loading. These tests, carried out under
monotonic tension, are now used to validate the FE model developed for the purpose of
the current study. Each examined block includes four anchors cast in plain concrete. One
experimental test, conducted by Petersen et al., was selected to validate the FE model
(specimen: 1292010). The edge distance and embedment depth were selected to capture
the steel failure. Each anchor was loaded and examined separately. Significant interaction
between the cone failures of the first and second anchors tested on the same side of the
block, as revealed by Petersen et al. [24].
According to ASTM F1554, 19mm diameter Grade 55 anchor rods were used in the full-
scale test with a yield stress, fy, equal to 434MPa and an ultimate stress, fu, equal to
524MPa. The width and the length of the plain concrete block are notated in Fig. 4.
Moreover, two tie-down rods were used during the experimental test to fix the concrete
block to the ground floor.
Fig. 4: Geometry of the experimental test
During the experimental tests, each anchor was tested separately. Therefore, only a
quarter of the experimental specimen was modelled and analysed. A three-dimensional
(3D) FE model with material nonlinearity was created using solid elements.
The geometric characteristics of the FE model (S1) are illustrated in Fig. 5. The depth of
the experimental concrete block was equal to 432mm; however the depth used in the
simulation was reduced to 279mm to limit the computational effort and the corresponding
analysis time. A preliminary analysis was performed to ensure that this assumption could
be adopted, and reliable results were obtained. The 19mm diameter of the anchor rod was
modelled as 17mm to approximate the effect of the threaded section.
The concrete block, the rod and the washer were modelled with 8-node linear brick
reduced integration elements (C3D8R). It is worth mentioning that the concrete section
away from the anchor assembly was meshed using coarse brick elements while the region
that expected to yield is refined with finer elements to obtain accurate results.
The bond between the anchor rod and the concrete may fail at an early stage of the load
application. It is therefore assumed that from the initiation of loading [3][16], the tensile
force resisted by the anchor plate and the bond can be neglected [23]. As a consequence
of this phenomenon and suggestions of previous experimental studies, the anchor rod-
concrete bond was ignored during the analysis. This accounts for the mechanism
following the initial failure of the bond, evaluating the force resisted by the bearing
between the steel and the concrete. Surface-to-surface contact interaction was assigned
between the steel and the concrete components, and a finite sliding formulation selected.
The tangential behaviour of the contact interaction was defined as a frictionless
3.1. Material models
A nonlinear material obeying the Von Mises yield criterion and the isotropic hardening
was employed to model the steel components (i.e. anchor and anchor washer). The
material properties used are as follows: (i) Young’s Modulus, E=218GPa, and (ii) ASTM
F1554 Grade 55 anchors with yield stress, fy=434MPa, and ultimate stress, fu=524MPa.
The concrete was modelled by applying the damage plasticity approach. Nominal
concrete material properties are required to model both the elastic and plastic behaviour
in compression and tension, including strain softening and tension stiffening. Therefore,
intensive material testing was required (as previously undertaken) to define the
parameters required for insertion in the FE software [25]. Within the relevant literature
there are a plethora of suggestions discussing the development of concrete behaviour
under compression based on experimental tests [26-29]. The constitutive law for concrete
under compression was calculated using an experimentally verified numerical method
described by EC2 [30]. This approach was utilised to derive the stress and corresponding
strain up to the concrete’s nominal ultimate strain, using only the maximum compressive
strength. The tension softening curve was developed using Equation 1, as proposed by
Hilleborg [31]. The fracture energy of the concrete was taken as equal to 130N/m, and
the tensile strength was calculated according to EC2 [30]:
(w) f t(1 0.5 w) 3 (1)
is the tensile stress, (MPa)
w is the crack opening, (mm)
ft is the tensile strength, (MPa) and
G f is the fracture energy of the concrete, (N/mm)
Fig. 7 compares the tensile force-displacement response of the experimental and the FE
models. It is apparent that the FE model correlates successfully with the experimental test
during both elastic and plastic stages. The maximum tensile force captured by the FE
modelling is equal to the experimental tests (124kN).
Tensile force (kN)
FE model
Experimental test
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 7: Comparison of FE model and experimental test results
5. Parametric Studies
An extensive FE study was carried out to investigate the factors that principally affect the
strength and the behaviour of anchor rods subject to pure tensile forces. The concrete
strength, the embedment depth and the anchor rod diameter are defined as the major
factors influencing the behaviour of the anchor rod. The primary variables examined in
this project were three. Namely, the embedment depth, the anchor rod diameter, and the
anchor plate diameter. It is worth noting that no concrete failure is anticipated. According
to the design of such base plates the concrete edge distance provided is suitably
significant to prevent concrete failure. Moreover, the presence of reinforcement within
the specimens enhances concrete’s performance. A series of FE models were developed
to investigate the effect of the three aforementioned variables on the capacity of the
connection. The diameter and thickness of the anchor plate were kept constant in all
models. This enables a study of the connection’s strength with respect to changes in
embedment depth or rod diameter. Similarly, the embedment depth was then kept
constant to study the effect of the diameter of the anchor plate.
All parametric studies were carried out under pure tensile force in terms of displacement.
(The top surface of the anchor was subject to displacement parallel to the axis of the
anchor rod.) The applied displacement was increased incrementally during the analysis
until the failure of the connection. The element types and the material properties of the
anchor rod were the same as those used in the validated model. The cylinder compressive
strength of the concrete used in the parametric study was 25MPa.
Each specimen was represented by a three field identifier as demonstrated in Fig. 9. For
example D20-L400-W70; is the connection with anchor diameter of 20mm, anchor length
of 400mm and diameter of anchor washer plate of 70mm.
120 80
Tensile force (kN)
40 30
D20-L200-W70 20
20 D20-L400-W70 D16-L160-W56
D20-L800-W70 10 D16-L320-W56
0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 2 4 6 8 10
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
Fig. 10: Force-displacement curve (due to steel failure)
If the concrete above the anchor plate is insufficient to resist the applied load, the crack
would extend to the free edge (Fig. 12). The concrete cover is rendered unable to resist
further loading. Fig. 11 presents the force-displacement behaviour of FE models failed
due to concrete pullout and cone failure. Concrete failure only took place for an
embedment depth of 5dr. The anchor rod model with a diameter of 20mm reached an
ultimate stress at failure loads of approximately 280MPa, 35% lower than its yield
strength. An abrupt failure took place for the specimen with embedment depth of 5dr; no
yielding was observed before the descending curve (Fig. 11). This type of failure raises
significant risk issues in engineering practice as it gives no warning prior to the collapse.
It is therefore advisable to select an embedment depth greater than 10dr.
Tensile force (kN)
20 D20-L100-W70
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 11: Force-displacement curve (due to concrete failure)
A typical crack pattern is revealed in Fig. 12. It is apparent that the embedment depth of
5dr caused the breakout and pullout failure of the concrete. The angle of the concrete
cone failure acquired from the analysis was 35°. This is in line with the value suggested
by ACI [2] and CEN/TS [32].
Fig. 12: Concrete cone behaviour using the tensile damage parameter in ABAQUS (D20-L100-
The concrete bearing stress along the depth of the concrete block and in the vicinity of
the anchor rod is depicted in Fig. 13. Concrete stress was recorded at the onset of the
connections’ yielding point. (100kN for the anchor rod with diameter of 20mm, and at
70kN for the anchor rod with diameter of 16mm. The elastic limit was not exceeded and
the tensile force changed slightly beyond the proportional elastic limit. As it was realised,
the maximum bearing stress was reached at the surface of the anchor plate. The stress
reduced gradually and completely vanished along the partial depth (i.e. effective depth)
of the concrete block. Interestingly, the modelled effective concrete depth was
approximately the same when anchors with the same diameter were considered. When
equal embedment depths were considered, the effective concrete depth with anchor
diameter of 16mm was shallower than those with anchor diameter of 20mm. Thus it is
apparent that the depth of the compressive concrete zone correlates with the diameter of
the anchor rod at approximately 10dr.
Stress (MPa) Stress (N/mm2)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 0
25 50
50 100
Depth (mm)
Depth (mm)
100 200
125 D20-L200-W70 250 D20-L400-W70
150 300
175 350
200 400
a) b)
300 120
400 160
500 200 D16-L320-W56
600 240
700 280
800 320
c) d)
Fig. 13: Concrete bearing stress (measured along the depth near the anchor rod)
Within the design process of column bases, the analytical representation of the structural
response of the anchor rod with an anchor plate is of paramount importance. The
analytical approach is based on the elastic stress distribution laws. As observed in the
parametric study, most of the connection’s capacity was achieved within the elastic
range. This is in line with the majority of structural design procedures, which do not
exceed the elastic limit of the material.
An anchor rod with diameter, dr, and length, Lr, subject to tensile force, P, is considered.
The total displacement, t, of the rod, is equal to the sum of rod displacement, r, and
concrete displacement, c, as described in Equation 2.
t r c (2)
The resulting force in the rod and the concrete are similar and equal to the applied force.
Pt Pr Pc (3)
The anchor rod and the concrete can be represented by spring elements with stiffness, Kr
and Kc, respectively. Since the total displacement is equal to the sum of the rod and the
concrete displacement, the two springs are in series as demonstrated in Fig. 14, and the
total stiffness Kt can be derived as following:
Fig. 14: Mass-spring model of the anchor rod under pure tensile force
Pt P P
r c (4)
Kt K r Kc
As stated in Equation 2, both concrete and anchor rod forces are the same and equal to
the applied force, hence:
1 1 1
Kt K r Kc
Kr Kc
Kt (6)
Kr Kc
E K (7)
and then:
Es Ar
Kr (8)
Ec Ac
Kc (9)
Ec and Es are Young’s Modulus for concrete and steel, respectively, and Lc and Ac are the
stressed lengths and stressed area of the concrete, respectively, as depicted in Fig. 15.
Fig. 15: Effective concrete
E s Ar Ec Ac
Kt (10)
E s Ar Lc Ec Ac Lr
Es Ar Ac
Kt (11)
nAr Lc Ac Lr
where: n
It was observed from the parametric analysis that the maximum stress is found near the
anchor rod, while the stress distribution over the anchor plate was linear, as illustrated in
Fig. 16. The diameter of the effective concrete area was approximately 3.5dr. In addition,
it was concluded that the depth of the effective concrete was approximately ten times the
diameter of the anchor rod, hence:
Es Ar
Kt (12)
0.8nd r Lr
Fig. 16: Stress distribution in concrete in the vicinity of the anchor rod
Table 1 compares the stiffness obtained from the FE analyses and the stiffness calculated
by Equation 12. It is proved that the proposed equation predicts the stiffness of the anchor
rod embedded in concrete accurately.
The stiffness, as estimated by Equation 12, can be used as an input to the available
structural analysis software (such as SAP2000) using a spring coefficient to simplify the
modelling of the base plate connections. To verify the SAP2000 model and illustrate the
use of the derived equation, three different configurations of base plate connections were
modelled. ABAQUS and SAP2000 software was used, and the results were compared.
The tension developed in the anchor rods, the angle of rotation of the base plate, and the
resulting stress in the base plate were the main characteristics compared.
The first model F1 (Fig. 17) was selected from the experimental campaign carried out
and presented by Gomez et al. [34] (test #M1 in phase II). This particular type of base
plate connection has undergone extensive studies [16][18-21][35]. It was thus identified
and used to validate the proposed equation and the FE model. It was examined under
uniaxial moment whilst the compressive force was not applied.
A more intricate arrangement of anchor rods and loading, was considered in models F2
and F3. Both models were examined under biaxial moment and compressive force. These
types of connections were not previously considered by researchers as it was deemed
complicated to apply the component method to such configurations. Fig. 18 and Fig. 19
illustrate the dimensions of model F1 and F2, respectively.
Shell elements were used to simulate the structural components of the connections. The
columns and the base plates are modelled using those elements as shown in Fig. 20. The
column height used in the analysis was measured from the centreline of the base plate to
the top of the column. Each component of the column base connections was defined with
appropriate shell thickness. For example, in model F2 and F3, the shell thickness of the
column flange and web are defined equal to the flange and web thickness of HEB220 (i.e.
16mm and 9.5mm).
Three types of boundary conditions were applied to the SAP2000 models. Tension
springs were utilised to represent the anchor rods. Their stiffness was calculated using
Equation 12 before being assigned to the software at the location of the anchor rods in the
Z direction. Shear force was assumed to be carried by the anchor rods. The directions of
the shear actions (i.e., in X and Y directions) were fully restrained at the location of the
anchor rods. The concrete was simulated by compression springs, as it does not carry any
tension forces. The spring stiffness assigned to SAP2000 was calculated based on
ABAQUS analysis output. The ABAQUS bearing stress for concrete was divided by the
vertical deflection at that point. Numerous points were examined along the concrete
stiffness calculation, with the value of concrete stiffness ranging between 120N/mm/mm2
and 170N/mm/mm2. SAP2000 model was examined using both stiffness magnitudes
while it was observed that their effect was negligible. The average stiffness magnitude of
145N/mm/mm2 was thus considered in this study. Fig. 21 represents the springs assigned
to the anchor rods and the base plate. Only compression springs were considered when
defining the area of the spring at the bottom face of the shell elements of the base plate.
The reason for the deviation of the results between SAP2000 and ABAQUS models is
due to the following issues:
The boundary conditions of the base plate in SAP2000 models are applied at
nodes while in ABAQUS there was a contact surface (e.g. base-grout). This might
cause a force concentration at nodes where boundary conditions were applied
which then produces high-stress concentrations.
It is considered that the mesh elements used in SAP2000 might result in high-
stress concentrations. The washer supports the base plate in the vertical direction,
thus, the tension is developed in the anchor rods. The surface of the washer
provides some stress distribution on the base plate. In contrast, no washer was
modelled in SAP2000, and the tension developed in the anchor rod was
concentrated at one point. Conversely, in ABAQUS the steel column transfers its
load onto the contact surface of the base plate and the column while in SAP2000
it distributes the load on a line.
From the review of previous studies, it appears that primarily standard configurations of
column base plate connections with two or four anchor rods were considered.
Alterntively, connections with higher numbers of anchor rods or complicated scenarios of
applied force are rather scanty. This paper proposed to analyse and design column base
connections regardless of complicated arrangements of anchor rods and the magnitude of
the applied forces. The proposed solution was preceded by a parametric study to
investigate the factors affecting the behaviour and strength of a headed anchor rod in
tension using a three-dimensional model in ABAQUS v6.10. The following conclusions
have been drawn.
The embedment depth has a profound effect on the final elongation of the anchor
rod and affects the failure mode. Moreover, it was observed that the initial
stiffness and the strength of the connection were independent of the embedment
depth when the anchor rod rapture controls the connection strength.
The diameter of the anchor plate does not affect the behaviour and strength of the
connection. Nevertheless, a high-stress concentration in the vicinity of the anchor
plate is expected when the small diameter plate is used.
The proposed mathematical equation proves that headed anchor bolts can be
represented by mass-spring models taking into account the stiffness of the rod and
the concrete. The stiffness obtained by the proposed analytical formula with
corresponding FE results is satisfactory.
The stiffness calculated by the proposed equation can be used as an input to the
available structural software (such as SAP2000) using a spring coefficient to
simplify the modelling of the base plate connections. The simplified model gives
remarkable results for tension developed in the anchor rods and angle of rotation
of the base plate. However, as a resutl of certain factors (eg. stress concentration
and boundary condition in SAP2000 models), base plate stress is higher than
expected in the vicinity of stress concentrations, while similar stress magnitudes
were observed in the low stress zones.
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