Ad10253 FTTH Primer
Ad10253 FTTH Primer
Ad10253 FTTH Primer
Tier 3 operators in the U.S. are already heavily invested
in FTTH networks and will continue to expand their fiber
availability until they reach their entire subscriber base.
Infonetics Research, 2014
Over the past two decades, Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) Nations around the world have identified broadband
access has been viewed as the penultimate goal for broad- deployment as a national priority. The FCC’s National
band communications. Fiber optics provides virtually Broadband Plan set a target to deploy 100 Mbps to 100
limitless bandwidth capacity as communications flow in million homes by 2020. There have been numerous federal
wavelengths of light gliding effortlessly over glass in a subsidies for the rural deployment of FTTH, such as the
noise-free environment. The major hurdle for FTTH $7.2 billion broadband stimulus program, Rural Utilities
deployment has been economics. This includes both the Service (RUS) funding to high-cost areas and the transition
cost of plowing fiber deep in the network all the way to the of the $7 billion per year Universal Service Fund (USF) to
subscriber residence and the cost of the device installed at the Connect American Fund (CAF) funding broadband
the customer premises that terminates the fiber to deliver deployment.
voice and broadband data services. Both have been a chal-
lenge on a cost-per-subscriber basis. Due to these challeng- “FTTH for greenfield deployment
ing economics, FTTH deployments have been somewhat
limited to new neighborhoods (Greenfield) or areas which
would be a no-brainer; the cost
have extensive aerial plant (facilities are carried above for overlays would be as variable
ground over telephone poles). For example, Verizon’s Fiber as possible; and the deep fiber
Optic Service (FiOS) FTTH deployment was largely made would lower the telcos’ outside
possible due to the large percentage of existing aerial plant
plant lifecycle cost.”
and the executive management commitment of $19 billion
to deploy FTTH where the cost burden could be overcome. Mark Wegleitner – Verizon Chief Technology Officer, 2003
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n Integration
level desired with
subscribers served per location. Next the service type— may need Ethernet or older T1/E1 connections for their SBU 2 x T1
ONT other customer-side devices
voice, Internet and video, and the service bandwidth level legacy networking interfaces (e.g. fax machine).
required for each at the customer site determine attributes ILL394A
of the ONT. Lastly, the level of integration the ONT has ONT Integration—Wi-Fi, Residential
Gateway Multiple OLT modules
with other networking devices typically offered by the
service provider will impact the overall ONT design. As discussed earlier, ONTs connect to the customer’s
devices—telephones and the RG where Internet and
ONT Packaging—Houses, vTV are distributed through the home. Home distribution Single-Family Home Options
Businesses, Apartments may be via home phone wiring, Ethernet CAT5 cabling
The type of premises or dwelling to be served greatly or Wi-Fi. As a result, ONTs have become more integrated,
affects the construction of an ONT. A Single Family Unit similar to the transition of Digital subscriber Line (DSL) Optical Network
(SFU) in the U.S. historically has the ONT installed on modems (customer end points) a decade ago. ONTs can IPTV Terminal (ONT)
the outside wall of the home for ease of installation and now include Wi-Fi and complete RG functionality, giving at each home
maintenance. It needs only very short connections from the traditional DSL modem vendor a competitive edge in Indoor
the ONT to the customer’s devices—telephones and the the ONT race. w/ RG STAT WAN
NetVanta 3200
Residential Gateway (RG) where Internet and TV are CATV
distributed through the home. There are typically no Micro ONT for Universal SFU, Integrated Residential
SBU and MDU Applications Outdoor SFU Gateway ONT
more than two phone lines. Small Business Unit (SBU)
Splitter ONT w/ RFoG
ONTs require a greater number of phone lines, multiple In the quest to lower the cost per subscriber, FTTH opera-
data connections and may be built to sit on a desktop. A tors have begun to migrate from outdoor to indoor ONTs. IPTV
MDU is a particularly challenging location. A MDU, such This transition has also been spurred on with reduced RFoG
as an apartment building, requires many dedicated voice, requests for sub Gigabit options—HPNA, MoCA 1.1 and
data and video connections. The distance from where the desire to reduce the comparatively larger power and Outdoor
Central Office SFU ONT IPTV
the ONT is housed can be further than typical interface battery backup of outdoor units. Extending the indoor
cabling can span requiring special connections on the ONT value proposition have been new micro ONTs. These
ONT such as VDSL2. ONTs offer a wealth of advantages. Among these is the
ability to be left at the residence. This makes them ideal for
ONT Services—Voice, Internet and Video MDU applications and eliminates the need for truck rolls Micro
Video service delivery options can vary, thus affecting to retrieve the ONT when tenants change. It also enables ONT
Existing Cable MSO (CATV) Video Indoor ONT
ONT design. There is the more traditional coax cable instant activation for the next resident. Flexibility is
video connection which uses Radio Frequency (RF) to another key attribute. These ONTs simplify and streamline Equipment (RF Video Head End)
deliver video signals. Cable companies like Comcast have installation procedures, improve security and prevent
used this method for years. If a service provider wishes vandalism by being indoor. A third major benefit is that
to migrate from cable or FTTH, they need a method to they are independent of the wireless router. This increases
deliver both Cable TV (CATV) and optical signals to the the life of the ONT, thus improving Return on Investmnet Multi-Dwelling Units (Apartments)
home over optical fiber (RFoG). Greenfield opportunities (ROI) because the ONT does not have to be replaced as
use an Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) video solution. wireless standards evolve. It also eliminates the cost of a
This media delivery method is meant to travel over next- truck roll to upgrade service and most importantly, they Ethernet (CAT) cable or
existing phone lines/coax cable
generation IP access like FTTH. One example of IPTV improve customer satisfaction.
service is CenturyLink PRISMTM TV. Voice services can
Central Office
Outdoor ONT
(Up to 24 units)
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Over the last several years, FTTH standards bodies like the
Broadband Forum have been working on certification testing MARKET LANDSCAPE ADTRAN has gained significant momentum winning more
net new FTTH customers than the competition. ADTRAN
to allow the validation of interoperability between OLT and Initial deployments of FTTH in North America started
ONTs from different vendors. As more and more consumer introduced FTTH to the market coincident with the American
around 2002. Early deployments leveraged BPON technol-
electronic, commodity-market focused vendors enter the ogy and were generally part of either a utility or municipality Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 commonly
market, there is an opportunity to provide the industry higher initiative. There were pockets of interest among telephone referred to as the Broadband Stimulus Act. This legislation
value through the open market. These focused ONT vendors service providers, but these were generally limited to small Tier set aside $7.2 billion to fund broadband stimulus projects
bring the promise of more value to the ONT by delivering more 3 Independent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs). throughout the US. The technology of choice for last-mile
features at a lower price. projects is FTTH. So, in addition to the existing FTTH demand,
The communications equipment makers of FTTH gear in
the early days were startup companies like Optical Solutions, the stimulus act prompted a significant number of new FTTH
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