10 CIR Vs Lancaster Case Digest
10 CIR Vs Lancaster Case Digest
10 CIR Vs Lancaster Case Digest
Lancaster Philippines, Inc. (Lancaster) is a domestic corporation established in 1963 and is engaged
in the production, processing, and marketing of tobacco. In 1999, the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR) issued Letter of Authority (LOA) 00012289 authorizing its revenue officers to examine
Lancaster's books of accounts and other accounting records for all internal revenue taxes due
from taxable year 1998 to an unspecified date. After the conduct of examination, the BIR issued a
Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) and subsequently a Final Notice of Assessment (FAN) which
cited Lancaster for deficiency income tax. The deficiency income tax assessment which the BIR issued
against Lancaster was based on the disallowance of expenses reported in FY 1999, or for the period 1
April 1998 to 31March1999.On appeal with the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA), the CTA ordered for the
cancellation and withdrawal of the deficiency income tax assessment issued against Lancaster.
Petitioner appealed the decision citing that the Court of Tax Appeals erred in holding the Revenue
Officers exceeded their authority to investigate the period not covered by the letter of authority.
Whether or not the Revenue Officers exceeded the scope of their authority when they issued the
assessment against respondent.
Yes. The revenue examiners had exceeded their authority when they issued the assessment against
Lancaster. The Letter Of Authority (LOA) No. 00012289 authorized the BIR officers to examine the
books of account of Lancaster for the taxable year 1998 only or, since Lancaster adopted a fiscal
year (FY), for the period 1 April 1997 to 31March1998 only. The Subject LOA specified that the
examination should be for the taxable year 1998 only but the subsequent assessment issued against
Lancaster involved disallowed expenses covering the next fiscal year, or the period ending 31 March
1999. The taxable year covered by the assessment being outside of the period specified in the LOA
in this case, the assessment issued against Lancaster is, therefore, void.