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Received: 16 February 2018 Revised: 13 May 2018 Accepted: 14 May 2018

DOI: 10.1111/cid.12634


Do short implants have similar survival rates compared to

standard implants in posterior single crown?: A systematic
review and meta-analysis
Patricia Tolentino da Rosa de Souza DDS |
Milena Binhame Albini Martini DDS, PhD | Luciana Reis Azevedo-Alanis DDS, PhD

Graduate Program in Dentistry, School of Life

Sciences, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Abstract
Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
Background: Short implants have been presented as an option for posterior rehabilitation in
Luciana Reis Azevedo-Alanis, Graduate cases of poor bone height.
Program in Dentistry, School of Life Sciences,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná,
Purpose: To compare the survival rate of short implants and standard implants when used in
Rua Imaculada Conceição 1155, Curitiba, posterior single crowns, in addition to reporting marginal bone loss, prosthetic failures, and sur-
Paraná, Brazil. gical complications.
Materials and methods: Electronic search (PubMed, LILACS, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and
Web of Science) and hand search were performed to identify all randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) and controlled clinical trials (CCTs) that evaluated both short and standard implants in
posterior single crowns.

Results: Out of 345 articles identified by both electronic and hand search, four studies were
selected (one CCT and three RCTs). The meta-analysis for the survival rate showed that there
was no significant difference between the short implants and the standard ones (P = 1.00;
RR:1.00; CI:0.97-1.03) performed with three RCTs for a one-year follow-up. The mean marginal
bone loss ranged from 0.1 mm to 0.54 mm. Only one study reported the presence of prosthetic
failures and surgical complications.

Conclusions: The survival rate of short implants was similar to the standard ones in posterior
single crowns, for the one-year follow-up period. They also presented low surgical complica-
tions, prosthetic failures and marginal bone loss, being a predictable treatment for single rehabil-
itation in posterior tooth loss.


meta-analysis, short dental implants, single crown, systematic review

1 | I N T RO D UC T I O N There are some options for allowing the use of standard implants
when this situation occurs,4 such as guided bone regeneration,5 onlay
The replacement of missing teeth by osseointegrated implants has and inlay bone graft,6 distraction osteogenesis,7 and nerve lateraliza-
become an effective treatment in the rehabilitation of partially and tion.8 Autogenous grafts, interpositional graft, like sandwich tech-
totally edentulous patients. However, the placement of standard nique, and guided bone regeneration with membranes have a good
implants in some regions may be limited due to poor bone height. success rate but there are also some disadvantages due to donor site
In the posterior region of the edentulous mandible, bone height is morbidity, when autogenous bone is used, increased treatment
decreased due to resorption caused by dental loss, resulting in prox- time and high cost, in addition to some loss of bone graft height
imity of the mandibular canal in relation to the alveolar bone crest. that may occur.5,9–11 The osteogenic distraction is described as an

Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2018;1–12. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

advantageous technique, but its use is rendered unfeasible by the high includes clinical studies with splinted prosthesis.35 A systematic
cost of the appliance. Moreover, the neurovascular bundle lateraliza- review published in 2014 evaluated studies with short implants in sin-
tion presents a high frequency of postoperative complications, such gle crowns, but the failure reported by the authors was not to obtain
as paresthesia.12,13 When tooth loss occurs in the posterior region of randomized or controlled clinical trials.38 From 2014, some random-
the maxilla, ridge resorption, and sinus pneumatization decrease the ized clinical trials with short implants and standard implants were car-
bone height for rehabilitation with standard implants.14 Maxillary ried out in posterior single crowns,39–41 which instigated the
sinus augmentation is a popular technique widely used to increase elaboration of this review.
bone height for posterior implant placement leading to excellent Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate if short
results, and some modifications have been introduced over the years implants (≤ 8 mm) have a success rate similar to standard implants
to minimize morbidity and improve success.15,16 Therefore, low resid-
when used in posterior single crowns. In addition, another objective
ual ridge height has been one of the indications to the alternative use
was to report and analyze, when present in the studies, marginal bone
of short implants in posterior edentulous jaws.
loss, surgical complications, and prosthetic failures.
The use of short implants has been presented as a predictable
option for posterior rehabilitation because it reduces the number of
surgeries, time of treatment and cost, besides reducing complications 2 | M A T E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
and morbidities that may result from the aforementioned surgical pro-
cedures.4,17 In both maxilla and mandible, short implants have demon- In this systematic review, the protocol based on the Preferred Report-
strated an excellent survival rate when compared to standard implants ing Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA)42 was
used in grafted regions; the most frequent use of short implants followed.
occurs in cases that need more than one implant, in splinted prosthe-
sis.18,19 Prospective clinical studies using only short implants in poste-
2.1 | Focus question
rior single crowns, without assessment of standard implants, have
shown good results with a survival rate above 90%.20–22 Systematic Do short implants have similar survival rates compared to standard
reviews have demonstrated excellent clinical performance of short implants in posterior single crown, in a minimum 12-month follow-up
implants in both single crowns and splinted prosthesis.18,19,23,24 period after function?
The use of short implants was conservative at the beginning of the
last decade, being indicated for good quality bone and in splinted pros- 2.2 | Population of studies
thesis. It occurred because the success rate of short implants was lower
Healthy patients rehabilitated with posterior single crowns on dental
than standard implants, due to the fact that their surface was
machined.25 With the development of technology and some studies in implants.

oral implantology, the characteristics of the implants were improved so

that the implant acquired better performance. The development of sur- 2.3 | Types of interventions
face treatment and the presence of micro threads in the cervical portion
Test group: short implants (≤ 8 mm) in posterior single crowns in
of the implant have optimized the long-term stability of the implants in
function by means of greater bone-implant contact.26,27 The switching
platform has decreased marginal bone loss,28 and a variety of thread
design and more aggressive implant shape have been developed for bet- 2.4 | Control
ter primary stability in worse bone quality. Thus, the short implant has Control group: implants longer than 8 mm in regions with or without
been gaining more credibility, although it may still present a risk of bone graft, with posterior single crowns in function.
mechanical failure due to a discrepancy in the crown-to-implant ratio,
which in turn may be compensated by a wide diameter.30–32
2.5 | Outcome
There is still a controversy regarding the classification of short
implants. Short implants were classified as those < 10 mm.33,34 More- Primary: survival rate of implants with single crowns;
over, recent studies classify short implants as ≤ 8 mm.35,36 With the Secondary: presence of marginal bone loss, prosthetic failures,
evolution and better performance of these implants, there is a ten- and surgical complications.
dency to include a new class of implants—ultra short
implants ≤ 6 mm.37 In this review, the most actual classification for 2.6 | Inclusion criteria
short implants (≤ 8 mm) will be considered.
Systematic reviews have been conducted to better evaluate and The studies included in this review followed the criteria below:

compare results of studies with both short and standard implants.

Some reviews compared short implants with standard implants using • Randomized clinical trial (RCT) or controlled clinical trial (CCT)
either splinted fixed prosthesis or single crowns;24,36 all of them comparing short implants with standard implants in grafted
reporting favorable results for the short implants. There is also a sys- regions or not, in posterior single crowns;
tematic review reporting excellent performance of the short implants • At least 12 months of follow-up after placement of the crown;
when compared to standard implants in grafted regions, which • Studies published in English.

2.7 | Exclusion criteria was assessed by the two reviewers based on the risk of bias in order
to obtain the quality of the studies.
The studies that included the following items were excluded from this

2.10 | Quality assessment

• In vitro studies;
• Animal studies; The two reviewers independently assessed the quality of the method-
• Retrospective studies; ology used in the review trials using the Cochrane Collaboration's tool
• Cohort studies; that assesses risk of bias in randomized clinical trials.43 The studies
• Case report; were evaluated as low risk, unclear risk and high risk of bias, according
• Studies that considered short implants longer than 8 mm; to the parameters random sequence generation, allocation conceal-
• Studies that had duplicity of patients. ment, blinding of participants and personnel, blinding of outcome
assessment, incomplete outcome data, selective reporting, and other
bias (follow-up time).
2.8 | Search strategy
Electronic search in MEDLINE (PubMed), LILACS, Cochrane Library,
Scopus and Web of Science was carried out covering studies pub-
2.11 | Data extraction and method of analysis
lished in the period between July 1996 and January 2018 to find all
Data from the included studies were collected by a reviewer (P.T.R.S.)
valid prospective studies associated with the subject of short implants
with the use of a data extraction table. A second author (L.R.A.A.)
and single crowns.
checked all data collected from the studies. In case of doubts in data
The search strategy was as follows:
(“dental implants”[Mesh] OR “dental implant” OR “implant” OR collection, a third reviewer (M.B.A.M.) was activated to reach a com-

“implants”) AND (“single crown” OR “single crown implant” OR mon agreement.

The data extraction table was elaborated according to the objec-
“single-tooth” OR “single prosthesis” OR “unitary prosthesis”) AND
tive of this review: the survival rate of the implants was the primary
(“reduced implant length” OR “short length implant” OR “short dental
outcome variable, and marginal bone loss (MBL), prosthetic failures
implant” OR “short implant” OR “ultra-short implant” OR “short
and surgical complications were secondary outcomes variables.
implant length” OR “implant length (≤ 8mm)” OR “short dental implant
maxilla” OR “short dental implant mandible” OR “reduced implants
length” OR “short length implants” OR “short dental implants” OR
“short implants” OR “ultra-short implants” OR “short implants length” 2.12 | Statistical analysis
OR “implants length (≤ 8mm)” OR “short dental implants maxilla” OR The software Rev Man, version 5.3 (Reviewer Manager software: The
“short dental implants mandible”). Nordic Cochrane Center, The Cochrane Collaboration´s, Copenhagen,
The hand search was conducted in the relevant dental journals Denmark) was used to perform the meta-analysis, which was based
(Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Clinical Oral Implants on the Mantel–Haenszel analysis method to evaluate the survival rate
Research, European Journal of Oral Implantology, Implant Dentistry, of the posterior implants.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, International
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, International Journal of Peri-
odontics and Restorative Dentistry, International Journal of Prostho- 3 | RE SU LT S
dontics, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Journal of Dental
Research, Journal of Dentistry, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur- 3.1 | Search and analysis of studies
gery, Journal of Periodontology), and the publications of the last five
In the electronic database, 338 studies were detected, as shown in
years were checked.
Figure 1. After removal of duplicates and addition of studies found by
hand search, 223 articles were carefully evaluated by two indepen-
2.9 | Selection of studies dent reviewers, with the aid of a table containing the criteria of inclu-
Two reviewers (P.T.R.S. and M.B.A.M.) independently evaluated all sion. After discussion between the two examiners and exclusion of
titles and abstracts of the electronic search and used the inclusion cri- studies that did not meet the inclusion criteria of this systematic
teria to select the studies. Based on a table drawn up by the two review, 34 articles were selected. The two reviewers read the 34 arti-
reviewers, after reading the titles and abstracts, a discussion was held cles in full and analyzed for the exclusion criteria. Figure 1 shows all
to reach consensus if the study would be excluded. Studies that did the reasons for exclusion of 30 studies and Table 1 shows these
not present explicit inclusion criteria in the abstract were read in full excluded studies with their reasons.2,25,34,44–69 Finally, four studies
to consider their inclusion or not in the systematic review. In case of were selected for qualitative analysis.39,40,70,71 One article was
doubts after evaluation and selection of the complete studies by the excluded from the quantitative analysis because it was not random-
two reviewers, a third reviewer (L.R.A.A.) was activated to reach a ized and did not have a description of the exact number of implants in
common agreement. Thus, a final list of studies was formed which each evaluated group.39

FIGURE 1 Flow diagram of the search strategy

3.2 | Description of included studies which the implant belongs, preventing the “blinding of outcome
assessment.” However, as MBL was not the primary outcome of this
Table 2 shows the characteristics of the four studies included in this
systematic review, the four studies were considered as low risk. All
systematic review, of which three were RCTs and one was a CCT. In
the studies included in the qualitative analysis obtained a high risk of
total, 269 patients with a mean age of 47.8 years received
bias in “blinding of participants and personnel,” because the operator
311 implants from October 2002 to January 2014. Two studies evalu-
always knows the group to which the patient belong at the time of
ated implants only in the maxilla.70,71 The study by Rossi et al.40 eval-
implant placement to perform an adequate technique. For other bias,
uated implants in both arches as well as the study of Mendoza-Azpur
the follow-up time was evaluated, being considered low risk for the
et al.,39 but the latter did not specify the exact number of implants in
study with 5 years of follow-up, and high risk for the other studies
each arch and in each group.
with 1 and 3 years of follow-up.

3.3 | Quality assessment 3.4 | Results of outcomes in the studies

The quality assessment of the included studies is presented in Table 3 For success rate of the implants evaluated in posterior single crowns,
and Figure 2. In the item “random sequence generation and allocation three studies obtained 100% in both groups tested, within the follow-
concealment,” one study was classified as having a high risk of bias up period that ranged from 1 to 5 years. The study by Rossi et al.40
because it was not randomized. For “blinding of outcome had a success rate of 86.7% for the short implant group and 96.7% for
assessment,” “incomplete outcome data,” and “selective reporting,” the standard implant group, totaling 4 short implant losses (3 in max-
the four studies presented low risk. When a radiographic evaluation is illa and 1 in mandible) and 1 standard implant loss (maxilla) in a 5-year
needed to assess bone loss, it is possible to identify the group to follow-up period. About these four short implants failures, one was

TABLE 1 Excluded studies and reasons for exclusions value of MBL resulting in 0.1 mm for both groups. Conversely, the
Only splinted fixed prosthesis in the sample study by Rossi et al.40 with a five-year follow-up presented the high-
Felice et al.63 2015 est mean values for MBL, with 0.52 mm for short implants and
Pistilli et al. 64
2012 0.54 mm for standard implants.
Esposito et al. 65
2011 Only the study by Pohl et al.71 reported the presence of pros-
Esposito et al.66 2011 thetic failures; there were eight loosenings of abutments screw and
Splinted fixed prosthesis and single crown in the sample two decementations of crowns in the short implants, and two loosen-
Pommer et al. 67
2016 ings of abutments and one decementation of crown in standard
Malmstrom et al. 68
2016 implants.
Vandeweghe et al.69 2011 The study by Pohl et al.71 reported a buccal fistula and pro-
Becker et al.44 2013 nounced hematoma in the group of standard implants with bone graft.
Nedir et al. 2004
Naert et al.46 2002
Testori et al.47 2002
Hallman48 2001
The main objective of this systematic review was to compare the sur-
Cune et al.49 2001
vival rate of short implants relative to standard implants in posterior
Teixeira et al.50 1997
single crowns. There was no difference in the survival rate between
Saadoun et al.51 1996
the two groups of implants evaluated in the studies included in this
Retrospective studies
review. Reviews with meta-analysis comparing short implants with
Birdi et al.52 2010
standard implants using splinted prosthesis in the posterior region
Koo et al.53 2010
have also not demonstrated difference in the success rate between
Degidi et al.54 2007
the two types of implants.24,72 However, one systematic review38 that
Polizzi et al.55 2000
compared short and standard implants in single crowns (without RCTs
Case reports
56 included) showed a significant difference between the groups of
Calvo-Guirado et al. 2016
implants regarding implant loss, prosthetic failure and MBL, favoring
Marincola et al.57 2015
the standard implants. Despite of this, short implants still show
Santagata et al.58 2010
acceptable results and reduced rates of biological and prosthetic
Only short implants in the sample
59 failures,38 which corroborates the results of our study. Therefore,
Al-Hashedi et al. 2016
these results may lead us to give more credibility to the use of short
Studies with anterior implants
implants as a safe option for subsequent unitary rehabilitation treat-
Weng et al.25 2003
ment in the posterior region.
Testori et al.2 2001
The meta-analysis of the present study showed that the survival
Short implants classified as < 10 mm
rate of the short implants was similar to the standard implants in pos-
Sullivan et al.60 2001
34 terior single crowns, for the one-year follow-up period. This result is
Deporter et al. 2001
2a in accordance with previous systematic reviews with meta-analysis
Same patients in studies
41 that evaluated the success rate of short (≤ 8 mm) and standard
Schincaglia et al. 2016
implants in grafted regions and in splinted prosthesis for the one-year
Thoma et al.61 2015
follow-up period.19,72 However, the success rate of short implants has
Follow-up less than one year
decreased from 98.7% for the one-year follow-up to 93.6% for the
Zhang et al.62 2017
5-year follow-up, even without a significant difference when com-
aBoth studies (Schincaglia et al., 2015); Thoma et al., 2015) have the pared to the success rate of standard implants.72 Two other system-
same patients that were studied by Pohl et al. (2017), which was
atic reviews that evaluated both short and standard implants
included in this review.
compared all the included studies in the same meta-analysis, apart
from different follow-up periods.24,38 One of the reviews that evalu-
lost before the 1-year follow-up, two failures occurred between the ated the two groups of implants when used in single crowns (with no
second- and third-year of follow-ups, and one loss during the 4-year RCTs) presented a short implant failure of 5.9%, for a median
follow-up period. The control implant was lost during the first year.40 40-month follow-up.38 Another review compared the two groups of
Figure 3 shows the forest plot for the meta-analysis for survival implants in splinted or non-splinted prostheses and showed no signifi-
rate for the 1-year follow-up studies. The random-effect model did not cant difference between the groups for the success rate with follow-
show a statistically significant difference between the groups of short up between 1 and 12 years.24 In our opinion, to evaluate the success
implants and standard implants (P = 1.00; RR: 1.00; CI: 0.97-1.03). rate of implants only studies with the same follow-up period should
The means and standard deviations for MBL, for each group of be included in the meta-analysis, because the time in function of the
implants in the four included studies are summarized in Table 2. The implant can determine different success rates. This trend is observed
study by Guljé et al.70 with a one-year follow-up obtained the lowest in the study by Rossi et al.40 that showed an implant success rate of

TABLE 2 Information and characteristics of the included studies

(patients Implant Outcomes
Author Study dropped length Implant Crown-to- Outcomes standard
(year) design out) Implants (System) diameter implant ratio Bone graft Arch Follow-up short implants implants
Guljé RCT 41 (1) Short 21 Short 6.0 mm Short 4.0 mm Short -not Standard Maxilla 1 year Survival rate: 100% Survival rate: 100%
et al. Standard Standard Standard 4.0 mm reported implants with Lost implants: 0 Lost implants: 0
(2014) 19 11.0 mm Standard -not maxillary MBL: 0.1 mm (SD 0.2) MBL: 0.1 mm (SD 0.3)
(OsseoSpeed reported sinus floor Prosthetic failures: 0 Prosthetic failures: 0
4.0S ASTRA augmentation Surgical complications : 0 Surgical complications : 0
Mendonza-CCT 82 (0) Short 41 Short 5.5 and Short -not Short -not Without graft Maxilla and 1 year Survival rate: 100% Survival rate: 100%
Azpur Standard 7.0 mm reported reported mandible Lost implants: 0 Lost implants: 0
et al. 41 Standard Standard -not Standard -not MBL: 0.44 mm (SD 0.53. MBL: 0.22 mm (SD 0.35.
(2016) 10 and 12 mm reported reported Prosthetic failures: 0 Prosthetic failures: 0
(Superline - Surgical complications : 0 Surgical complications : 0
Pohl RCT 101 (5) Short 61 Short 6 mm Short 4.0 mm Short −1.86 Standard Maxilla 3 years Survival rate: 100% Survival rate: 100%
et al. Standard Standard Standard 4.0 mm Standard −0.99 implants Lost implants: 0 Lost implants: 0
(2017) 68 11, 13 and with maxillary MBL: 0.44 mm (SD 0.56. MBL: 0.43 mm (SD 0.58.
15 mm sinus floor Prosthetic failures: 8 Prosthetic failures: 2
(OsseoSpeed augmentation loosenings of abutment loosenings of abutment
4.0S ASTRA screw; 2 decementations screw; 1 decementations
TECH - of crown of crown
Dentsply) Surgical complications : 0 Surgical complications :
1 buccal fistula ;
1 pronounced hematoma
Rossi RCT 45 (0) Short 30 Short 6.0 mm Short 4.1 mm Short −1.49 Without graft Maxilla and 5 years Survival rate: 86.7% Survival rate: 96.7%
et al. Standard Standard Standard 4.1 mm Standard −0.95 mandible Lost implants: Lost implants: 1 (maxilla)
(2016) 30 10.0 m (SLA® 4 (3 maxilla, 1 mandible) MBL: 0.54 mm (SD 0.56.
Straumann) MBL: 0.52 mm (SD 0.52. Prosthetic failures: 0
Prosthetic failures: 0 Surgical complications : 0
Surgical complications : 0

Abbreviations: RCT, randomized clinical trial; CCT, controlled clinical trial; MBL, marginal bone loss; SD, standard deviation.

TABLE 3 Risk of bias assessment of the included studies

Guljé et al. (2014) Mendoza-Azpur et al. (2016) Pohl et al. (2017) Rossi et al. (2016)
Randon sequence generation LOW RISK - A block randomization HIGH RISK - not randomized. LOW RISK - A block randomization LOW RISK - A block randomization
sequence was used. sequence was used. sequence was used.
Allocation concealment LOW RISK - The Randomization was HIGH RISK - not randomized. LOW RISK -The Randomization was LOW RISK - The Randomization
performed at the day of surgery, performed at the day of surgery, was performed at the day of
using a sealed envelope using a sealed envelope surgery, using a sealed envelope
containing the type of treatment. containing the type of treatment. containing the type of treatment.
Blinding of participants HIGH RISK - The blinding of HIGH RISK - The blinding of HIGH RISK - The blinding of HIGH RISK - The blinding of
and personel surgeons is impossible to perform. surgeons is impossible to perform. surgeons is impossible to perform. surgeons is impossible to
The blinding of participants was The blinding of participants was The blinding of participants was perform. The blinding of
attempted. attempted. attempted. participants was attempted.
Blinding of outcomes LOW RISK - Clinical evaluation of LOW RISK - Clinical evaluation of LOW RISK - Clinical evaluation of LOW RISK - Clinical evaluation of
assessment the outcome was performed by the outcome was performed by the outcome was performed by the outcome was performed by
an independent dentist without an independent dentist without an independent dentist without an independent dentist without
knowledge of the group knowledge of the group knowledge of the group knowledge of the group
allocation. allocation. allocation. allocation.
Incomplete outcome data LOW RISK - Losses to follow-up LOW RISK - There was no loss of LOW RISK - Losses to follow-up LOW RISK - Losses to follow-up
were disclosed. patients for final follow-up. were disclosed. were disclosed.
selective reporting LOW RISK - Reported all the LOW RISK - Reported all the LOW RISK - Reported all the LOW RISK - Reported all the
intended outcomes described in intended outcomes described in intended outcomes described in intended outcomes described in
the methodology of this study. the methodology of this study. the methodology of this study. the methodology of this study.
follow-up time HIGH RISK - 1-year follow-up. HIGH RISK - 1-year follow-up. HIGH RISK - 3-year follow-up. LOW RISK - 5-year follow-up.

FIGURE 2 Analysis of the risk of bias

96.7% for either short and standard implants groups with a 1-year both short and standard implants in posterior maxillary implants with
follow-up in contrast to the values of 86.7% and 96.7% for short and splinted prosthesis demonstrated excellent results for survival rate for
standard implants, respectively, for 5 years of follow-up. These results both groups of implants, with no significant difference.18,36 Even sys-
show the difference in the behavior of the implant in function over tematic reviews without meta-analysis have shown similar success rate
the years and the importance of evaluating these implants with a lon- of these posterior region implants when used in splinted prosthesis,
ger follow-up period. resulting in about 95% for standard implants when used in grafted
One of the studies included in the present review reported the regions and 96% for short implants.35 Despite the excellent success rate
occurrence of 4 maxillary implants failures (3 were short implants) in the of the short and standard implants in maxilla, it is important to empha-
first 5 years of follow-up, from the total of 5 implants lost, showing a size the need to perform more RCTs that compare these two groups of
high number of losses in this arch. Because the maxilla has a lower bone implants with clinical follow-up longer than five years.
density than the mandible, it is important to use implants with surface Short implants tend to have higher crown-to-implant ratio than
treatment and with the presence of micro threads in the cervical standard implants. Laboratory studies show more stress of oblique
portion,73 in bone type III and IV. Moreover, the quantitative analysis of forces on short implants when the crown-to-implant ratio approaches

FIGURE 3 Forest plot of comparison—Survival rate for short implants versus standard implants with 12 months after loading

or exceeds values of 2.0. This may interfere with fatigue of prosthetic difference between regular internal hexagon connections implants
abutments and also result in more MBL. In the present review, and internal hexagon connections implants with switching plat-
this relationship was not found because in the study by Pohl et al.71 form.91,92 In this present review, prosthetic failure was only reported
there was lower bone loss (0.44 mm) and higher crown-to-implant in the study by Pohl et al.71 This good result may be related to the fact
ratio (1.86) compared to the study by Rossi et al.40 which presented that all included studies used implants with internal connection and
more MBL (0.54 mm) with a crown-to-implant ratio of 1.49 for short switching platform: the study by Rossi et al.40 used implants with
implants. Recent studies have shown that there is no relationship internal octagon connection and the other three studies39,70,71 used
between the highest crown-to-implant ratio and the highest implants with internal hexagon connections.
MBL.20,75,76 Studies that evaluated short and standard implants in The use of prosthetic restorations with standard implants in
splinted prosthesis with a 5-year follow-up time presented mean MBL patients with low bone height can be performed with previous surger-
in short implants ranging from 0.41 to 2.97 mm compared to the mean ies of bone grafts, with a success rate of more than 95%.35,93 The gold
MBL for standard implants, which ranged from 0.71 to 3.01 mm. standard for alveolar ridge reconstructions to increase osseous thick-
Even the short implant having a higher crown-to-implant ratio, it did ness and height for subsequent implant rehabilitation has been autog-
not present more MBL. Although the concept of increased mechanical enous bone.9 Although there are excellent results in cases of prior
risk due to unfavorable crown-to-implant ratio is still to be verified, it autogenous graft, this procedure increases the cost of treatment,
should be emphasized that for compensate for the short length the because of the presence of other specialists when there is a need for
most of the short implants are designed with wide diameter, so as to removal of extraoral graft, increases the time of treatment, because of
have an effective overall surface available for the osseointegration. the healing time, increases the number of surgical procedures, and
The long-term stability of short implants is dependent of high bone- may still occur the need of secondary surgery for regrafting in cases
implant contact, with the maintenance of maximum bone anchorage of primary graft loss.4,6,9,36,94 In the present review, there were
and minimal MBL. Our review presents a limitation regarding this eval- reports of surgical complications only in the group of standard
uation because only two studies40,71 reported information about implants in the grafted area.71
crown-to-implant ratio. Thus, we reemphasize the need of more clini- Standard implants in grafted areas have shown decreased survival
cal studies with single crowns in short implants with longer follow-up rates in long-term follow-ups.72 Thus, as the survival rates of the short
periods to evaluate the behavior of MBL. implants were similar to the standard ones in posterior single crowns
The surface treatment of implants, besides providing roughness for the one-year follow-up period as shown in the present
to increase the surface of contact between implant and bone, pro- study,39,40,70,71 and previous surgeries with bone grafts for subse-
vides attraction and adhesion of osteoblasts to accelerate the process quent standard implants placement increase the risk of complications,
of bone healing around the implant, favoring osseointegration and the cost and the time of the treatment,4,9,71 the use of short implants
thus allowing greater stability and longevity of the implant. The may be a feasible alternative for single crown posterior rehabilitation.
four studies included in this review presented excellent surface treat- The low number of studies included in this systematic review with
ments that favored rapid bone healing and surface increase by their short follow-up time, in addition to differences in the outcomes
developed porosity. Two of the four included studies used implants reported in the studies and the absence of assessment of the patients’
with surface with TiO2 blasting.70,71 High performance for implants quality of life and satisfaction are some limitations of this study.
with this surface treatment has been reported with success rate Therefore, the development of more clinical studies with longer
between 95 and 100%.82–85 The other two studies included in the follow-up periods with short implants compared to standard implants
present review used SLA surface implants, treated with sandblasting in posterior single crowns should be reinforced for a strong
and acid etching, with excellent results of both survival rate and conclusion.
MBL.86–88 The two types of surface treatment used in the included
studies provided excellent bone-to-implant contact, contributing to
the longevity of implant stability on function,89 as well as collaborating 5 | CONC LU SION
for reduced values of MBL.
Standard implants with abutments in regular external hexagon In the quantitative analysis, the survival rates of the short implants
connections are well established and have been successfully used were similar to the standard implants in posterior single crowns, for
since the beginning of implantology because of the strong attachment the one-year follow-up period. In the qualitative analysis, the short
of the implant to the prosthesis and acceptable MBL. Con- implants presented low marginal bone loss, prosthetic failure, and sur-
versely, regular external hexagon connection implants tend to have gical complications, in addition to a good survival rate, being a predict-
more MBL (1.17 ± 0.44 mm) than implants with a switching platform able treatment for single rehabilitation in posterior tooth loss.
(0.17 ± 0.54 mm) where the abutment diameter is smaller than the
implant diameter.90 Laboratory studies have shown higher stress in
the coronal part of the implant and on its abutment, with consequent CONFLIC T OF INT E RE ST

more fatigue when using implants with external hexagon with switch- The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest or any
ing platform than implants with regular external hexagon, but with no source of funding in the review.

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