2018-ECE-3.1-2 Syllabus
2018-ECE-3.1-2 Syllabus
2018-ECE-3.1-2 Syllabus
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of
Scheme of Scheme of
Instruction Examination
Course Hours per Durat Maximum Cred
S.No Title of the Course week ion of Marks
Code its
16ECC Digital
1 4 - 3 30 70 4
18 Communication
16ECC Integrated Circuits and
2 4 - 3 30 70 4
19 Applications
16ECC Microprocessors and
3 4 - 3 30 70 4
20 Microcontrollers
4 Control Systems 3 - 3 30 70 3
5 Elective-I 3 - 3 30 70 3
16ECC Digital
6 - 3 3 25 50 2
22 Communication Lab
16ECC Integrated Circuits and
7 - 3 3 25 50 2
23 Applications Lab
16ECC Microprocessors and
8 - 3 3 25 50 2
24 Microcontrollers Lab
TOTAL 18 9 - 225 500 24
16ECE01 Computer Organization and Architecture
16ECE02 Engineering Material Science
16EEE04 Electrical Technology
16EEE13 Industrial Electronics
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 4 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 4
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student learn the different techniques involved in digital
transmission of analog signals.
2. To give the student an understanding of the various concepts of information
theory and source coding schemes.
3. To make the student know about the need for error control coding.
4. To facilitate the student to understand various methods of generating and
detecting different types of error correcting codes.
5. To enable the student to interpret the performance of digital modulation
6. To make the student learn various spread spectrumtechniques.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the concept of pulse digital modulation schemes and compare
their performance.
2. Interpret the concept of information theory and apply source coding
3. Demonstrate various error control schemes.
4. Develop the encoding and decoding techniques to detect and correct the
5. Evaluate the performance of digital modulation schemes with probability
of error.
6. Identify and apply spread spectrum modulation techniques.
Digital Transmission of Analog Signals: Elements of a digital communication
system, Uniform quantization, PCM system, Bandwidth requirement of PCM system,
Noise in PCM Systems, Non- uniform quantization, TDM-PCM system. Differential
quantization, Differential PCM system, Delta Modulation, Noise in DM system,
ADM. Comparison of PCM ,DPCM,DM and DM schemes.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Information Theory: Uncertainty, Information and Entropy, Source coding: Source
coding theorem, Shannon – Fano algorithm and Huffman coding. Discrete
memoryless channels, Types of channels, cascaded channels, mutual information,
Channel capacity, Information rate and Information capacity, Rate distortion theory.
Error Control Coding: Need for error control coding, Types of transmission errors.
Linear Block Codes (LBC): description of LBC, generation, Syndrome and error
detection, minimum distance of a block code, error detecting capabilities and error
correcting, Standard array and syndrome decoding.
Binary cyclic codes (BCC): description of cyclic codes, encoding, decoding and
error correction of cyclic codes using shift registers, Convolution codes: description,
encoding, decoding: Exhaustive search method and sequentialdecoding.
Digital Carrier Modulation Schemes: Optimum receiver for Binary Digital
Modulation Schemes, Binary ASK, PSK, DPSK, FSK signaling schemes and their
error probabilities. Introduction to MSK, Comparison of Digital Modulation
Schemes. Introduction to M-ary Signaling Schemes, M-ary coherent PSK, QPSK,
Synchronization methods.
Spread-Spectrum Modulation: Need for spreading a code, generation and
properties of PN sequence. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, Frequency Hopping
spread spectrum systems and their applications.
Synchronization in Spread Spectrum Modulation: Acquisition and Tracking of
Frequency Hopping spread spectrum and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum systems.
Text Books:
1. Sam Shanmugham.K., “Digital and Analog Communication Systems,”
Wiley, 2012.
2. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems,” 4/e, Wiley India, 2011.
3. Herbert Taub, Donald L. Shilling &GoutamSaha, “Principles of
Communication Systems,” 4/e, Tata McGraw-Hill Education 2013.
Suggested Readings:
1. John Proakis, MassoudSalehi,”Digital Communications” 5/e , McGraw-
Hill Higher Education, 2007.
2. R.P. Singh, S.D. Sapre, “Communication Systems”, 2/e, Tata McGraw-
Hill Education, 2008.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 4 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 4
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the concept of Op-Amp and its characteristics.
2. To impart the linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifier.
3. To impart the theory and applications of 555 IC Timer, IC regulator and
4. To introduce the concepts of Data converters.
5. To analyze combinational and sequential circuits with ICs.
6. To introduce the concepts of memories, PLDs.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to:
1. Understand the basic construction, characteristics and parameters of Op-
2. Analyze the linear and nonlinear applications of Op-Amp.
3. Understand the concepts of IC555 timer, IC723 regulator and PLL.
4. Classify and describe the characteristics of different logic families
5. Design the Combinational and Sequential circuits with ICs.
6. Understand the concepts of memories, design of PLD’s.
Introduction to ICs: Integrated circuits classification, Integrated circuit package
types, pin identification and temperature ranges.
Operational Amplifier: Op-Amp block diagram, ideal Op-Amp Characteristics,
Op-Amp parameters: Input offset voltage, Output offset voltage, input offset and
bias currents, Slew rate, CMRR and PSRR.
Op-Amp Applications : Inverting and Non-inverting amplifiers with ideal and
non-ideal Op-amps, Voltage Follower, Difference Amplifier, Summing Amplifier,
ideal and practical Integrator and differentiator, Voltage to Current and Current to
Voltage converters, Sample and Hold circuit. Comparator, Schmitt Trigger with
and without reference voltage, Triangular waveform generator.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
555 Timer: Functional diagram. Modes of operation: Monostable,
Astablemultivibrators, applications of 555 Timer.
Regulators: Analysis and design of regulators using IC 723.
PLL: Operation, lock range, Capture range, PLL applications: Frequency multiplier
and frequency translator.
Data Converters: Specifications, DAC- Weighted Resistor, R-2R Ladder, ADC-
Parallel / Comparator, Successive Approximation and Dual Slope.
Logic families: Digital IC characteristics. TTL logic family, TTL series and TTL
output configurations: open collector, Totem pole, Tri state logic. MOS logic family,
CMOS logic family and its series characteristics, CMOS transmission gate, CMOS
open drain and high impedance outputs. Comparison of TTL and CMOS logic
Combinational Circuits: Design using TTL-74XX or CMOS 40XX series:
Decoders, drivers for LED, Encoder, priority encoder, Multiplexer and their
applications, Demultiplexer, Digital comparator, Parallel and serial binary adder,
Subtractor circuits using 2’s complement. Carry look-ahead adder, BCD adder.
Sequential Circuits: Design using TTL-74XX or CMOS 40XX series: Synchronous
and Asynchronous counters, Cascading of BCD counters, applications of counters,
Shift register and applications.
Memories: Memory Terminology, ROM, RAM types, Architectures, operation and
applications, Expanding word size and capacity, Introduction to PLD’s, PAL and
Text Books:
1. Ramakant A. Gayakwad, “Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits,” 4/e,
PHI, 2010.
2. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer& Gregory L.Moss, “Digital Systems:
Principles and Applications.” PHI, 10/e, 2011.
Suggested Reading:
1. K.R.Botkar, “Integrated Circuits,” 10/e, Khanna Publishers, 2010.
2. Roy Chowdhury D, Jain S.B, “Linear Integrated Circuits,”4/e, New Age
International Publishers, 2010.
3. Jain R.P., “Modern Digital Electornics.”4/e, TMH, 2011.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 4 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 4
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the architecture and instruction set of 8086 microprocessor.
2. To familiarize the assembly language programming of 8086.
3. To understand the difference between assembler, emulator and debugger.
4. To understand the 8051 microcontroller concepts and applications of
5. To familiarize programming aspects of 8051 both in assembly and C
6. To interface various peripherals to 8051 microcontroller.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Understand the architecture of 8086 microprocessor and 8051
2. Write an assembly language program for different applications by using
instruction set of 8086 microprocessor.
3. Understand different programmable peripheral devices for a given
4. Distinguish between Microprocessor and Microcontroller based systems.
5. Identify and explain the operations of peripherals, typically used with
interfacing microprocessors / microcontrollers.
6. Develop the microcontroller based programs for various applications.
Microprocessors: Introduction to Microprocessor, 8086/8088 Architecture, pin
description, Physical Memory Organization, Minimum mode 8086 system and
timings, Maximum mode 8086 system and timings, Addressing modes, Instruction
formats, Instruction set of 8086.
Assembly language programming using 8086: Assembler directives and operators,
Programs using data transfer, arithmetic, logical, branching and ASCII instructions.
String processing, Stack, Interrupt Structure, Procedures and Macros, Introduction
to assemblers and debugging tools. Brief overview of x86 series microprocessors.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Interfacing with 8086: Semiconductor memory interfacing, Dynamic RAM
interfacing, Interfacing I/O ports, PPI 8255, Modes of operation of 8255.
Special purpose programmable devices: Programmable interval timers (8253/8254),
DMA controller (8257), Serial and parallel data transmission formats, Programmable
communication interface (8251) USART, Programmable interrupt controller (8259).
Microcontrollers: Microprocessors vs Microcontrollers, Internal architecture of 8051
and its pin configuration, Memory organization. Addressing modes and bit
addressable features. 8051 instruction set: Data transfer, arithmetic, logical and
branching groups. Interrupt and I/O port structures and their operations. Basic
assembly language programming with 8051.Introduction to 8051 programming in
C language.
8051 on-chip peripherals and their programming: Timer programming in assembly
and C, serial port programming in assembly and C, Interrupt programming in
assembly and C.
Interfacing with 8051: 8051 interfacing to external memory, Expansion of I/O ports
- Interfacing with the PPI 8255.Interfacing ADC, 7 segment display, LCD module
and Stepper motor with 8051.
Text Books:
1. Ray A.K and Bhurchandhi K.M, “Advanced microprocessor and
peripherals”, 3rd edition, TMH 2012.
2. Ayala K.J,”The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, programming and
Application”, Penram International, 2007.
3. Mazidi M.A, Mazidi J.G and Rolin D Mckinlay, “The 8051 Microcontroller
and Embedded systems using Assembly and C”, 2nd edition, Pearson
education 2007.
Suggested Readings:
1. Douglas V Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing Programming and
Hardware”, revised 2nd edition, THM 2007.
2. Ajay V. Deshmukh, “Microcontrollers – theory and applications”, Tata
McGraw-Hill Companies – 2011.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce various control systems and their equivalent mathematical
models, block diagrams and signal flow graphs.
2. To familiarize with the time response analysis of different systems.
3. To introduce the system analysis using Routh-Hurwitz and root locus
4. To illustrate various frequency domain techniques for the system analysis.
5. To familiarize compensators and controllers of a control system.
6. To introduce the state space analysis of a system.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, a student will be able to:
1. Find the transfer function of a system represented by a block diagram and
signal flow graph.
2. Evaluate the time domain specifications and steady state error of a system.
3. Analyze the stability of a system.
4. Analyze the system in frequency domain.
5. Compare various controllers and compensators.
6. Apply State Space Concept to analyze and design a control system.
Control System Fundamentals: Classification of control systems, Open and Closed
Loop control systems, Block diagram reduction and signal flow graphs, Mathematical
modeling of a Mechanical system and conversion into electrical System.
Time Response Analysis: Transfer function and Impulse Response, Types of Inputs,
Transient Response of first and second order system with different inputs, Time
domain Specifications. Types of Systems, static error coefficients, error series, PD,
PI and PID controllers.
Stability Analysis:Routh-Hurwitz criteria for stability. Root Locus Techniques,
Analysis of typical systems using root locus techniques, Effect of location of roots
on system response.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Frequency Response Analysis: Frequency domain specifications,Bode plot,
Principle of Argument, Nyquist plot and stability criterion, Gain and Phase Margins
from the Bode and Nyquist diagrams.
Lead and Lag compensators.
State Space Analysis: Concept of State, State Variable, State vector and State space.
State space representations of linear time invariant systems, State transition matrix,
Solution of state equation, Controllability, Observability and Design of control
systems using state variable feedback.
Text Book:
1. I.J.Nagrath and M.Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age
International Publishers, 5/e 2012.
2. Benjamin C. Kuo, “Automatic Control Systems”, 7/e, PHI, 2010.
Suggested Reading:
1. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, EEE, 5/e, PHI, 2003.
2. Richard C. Dorf and Robert H. Bishop, “Modern Control Systems”, 11/e
Pearson 2008.
3. GopalMadan, “Digital control engineering”, 1/e, New age publishers, 2008.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. To design and understanding of the different basic components of a
computer system.
2. To understand fixed and floating point arithmetic algorithms.
3. To understand Instruction set, Instruction codes and Assembly Language.
4. To design and synthesize new and better computer architectures.
5. To understand input/output mechanisms.
6. To understand various parts of system memory hierarchy.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Discuss the basic structure and organization of computer system.
2. Apply fixed and floating point arithmetic algorithms.
3. Explain Instruction cycle, register transfer and micro operations.
4. Discuss about RISC/CISC architectures, pipeline and vector processing.
5. Explain Input/output organization.
6. Discuss about Memory organization and Management.
Unit - I
Data Representation and Computer Arithmetic: Introduction to Computer
Organization and architecture, Fixed point representation of numbers, Digital
arithmetic algorithms for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication using Booth’s
algorithm and Division using restoring and non restoring algorithms, Floating point
representation with IEEE standards.
Unit - II
Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction codes, stored program
organization, Computer registers and common bus system, Computer instructions:
Timing and Control, Instruction cycle, Fetch and Decode, Register reference
instructions, Memory reference instructions, I/O and Interrupt: Configuration,
Instructions, Program interrupt, Interrupt cycle, Micro programmed Control
organization, Address sequencing, Micro instruction format.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Unit - III
Central Processing Unit: Introduction, General register organization, Stack
organization, Instruction formats, Addressing modes, Data transfer and manipulation,
Program control, CISC and RISC: Features and Comparison,Pipeline and Vector
Processing: Parallel Processing, Pipelining, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction Pipeline,
Basics of Vector processing and Array Processors.
Unit - IV
Input-Output Organization: Peripheral devices, I/O interface: I/O Bus and
interface modules, I/O versus Memory Bus, Isolated versus memory mapped I/O,
Asynchronous data transfer: Strobe control, Handshaking, Asynchronous serial
transfer, Modes of Transfer: Programmed I/O, Interrupt initiated I/O, Priority
interrupt: Daisy chaining, Parallel Priority interrupt, Input- Output Processor: CPU-
IOP communication, I/O channel.
Unit - V
Memory Organization: Memory hierarchy, Primary memory, Auxiliary memory,
Associative memory, Cache memory, mapping functions: direct, associate and set
associate. Virtual memory: address mapping using pages, Page replacement, Memory
management hardware: Segmented Page mapping, Memory protection.
Text Books:
1. MorisMano.M.,”Computer System Architecture,” 3/e, Pearson Education,
2. Hamachar, VranesicZyonks, safeazak, “Computer Organization,” 5/e,
McGraw Hill, 2007.
Suggested Reading:
1. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing
for performance,” 7/e, Pearson Education, 2006.
2. John P.Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization,” 3/e,TMH, 1998.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
The course aims to give the students
1. To provide Introduction about different materials and their structural
2. To understand behavior of magnetic materials.
3. To give knowledge about resistors, conducting and super conducting
4. To understand characterization techniques to study the properties of
5. To discuss the applications of different nanomaterial in chemical and
biological fields.
6. To have knowledge of nanomaterials applicable in other fields.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course the student will be able to
1. Classify the materials based on structural properties.
2. Analyze magnetic materials in terms of magnetic moments and domain
3. Compare and contrast Resistors, conductors and super conductors.
4. Apply various characterization techniques to study the properties of
5. Choose appropriate nanomaterials for chemical and biological applications.
6. Identify various nanomaterials for engineering and industrial applications.
Unit – I Introduction
Material Science and Engineering, Classification of Engineering Materials, Levels
of Structures, Structure – Property Relationships in materials.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Text Books:
1. V. Raghavan, “Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course”, 6th
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2015.
2. G. Schmidt, “Nanoparticles: From theory to applications”, Wiley Weinheim
3. Guozhongcao, “Nano Structures and Nano materials”, Imperial college
Reference Books:
1. W.F Smith, Principles of material science and engineering, McGraw Hill,
New York (1994).
2. L.H. Van Vlack - Elements of Materials Science & Engineering – Addison-
Wesley Publishing Company, New York.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
16EE E04
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE6 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. To know the fundamentals of DC Generators and DC motors
2. To study AC generators & Transformers
3. To understand the concepts of poly phase systems.
4. To know the concepts of 1 φ & 3 φ Induction motors.
5. To understand fundamentals of Power system.
6. To understand basics of NCES
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Know the fundamentals of DC Generators and DC motors
2. Study AC generators & Transformers
3. Understand the concepts of poly phase systems.
4. Know the concepts of 1 φ & 3 φ Induction motors.
5. Understand fundamentals of Power system.
6. Know the difference between CES & NCES
D.C. Generators: Constructional details, Simple lap & wave windings, Methods
of excitation, Induced EMF, Basic ideas of armature reaction and commutation,
Characteristics of shunt, series and compound generators and their applications.
DC Motors: Significance of back EMF, Torque developed in motors, three point
starter, Characteristics of shunt, series and compound motors, Speed control of
DC motors.
Poly Phase System: Advantages of three phase system, Star and delta connections,
Relationship between line and phase quantities, Measurement of power by Two
Wattmeter method.
A.C. Generators: Construction, EMF equation, Armature reaction, Synchronous
impedance, Regulation.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Transformers: Single Phase transformer, Construction, Working principle, EMF
equation, Ideal transformer, Phasor diagram under no load and loaded conditions,
OC and SC tests on transformer, Efficiency and regulation.
Induction Motors: Construction, Production of rotating magnetic field, Slip, Slip-
torque characteristics, Starting methods of Induction motors.
Single Phase Induction Motors: Construction, Theory of operation,
Characteristics of shaded pole, Split phase and capacitor motors, Applications.
Power Systems: Basic ideas of thermal, hydro, nuclear and non-conventional
generating systems and layout, Block diagram of power systems, advantages of
non conventional generation systems.
Text Books:
1. H. Cotton, Electrical Technology, CBS Publishers and distributors, 7th
Edition, 2005.
2. V.K.Mehta, Principles of Electrical Engineering, S. Chand and Co, 2nd
Edition, 2004.
3. M.L.Soni, PV Gupta, VS Bhatnagar, A course in Electrical Power,
DhanpatRai and Sons, 4th Edition, 2008.
Suggested Reading:
1. P.V. Prasad, S. Siva Nagaraju, Electrical Engineering: Concepts &
Applications, Cengage Learning, 1st Edition, 2012
2. B.L.Theraja, Electrical Technology Vol.I and Vol.II, S.Chand and Co,
23rd Edition.
3. M.S.Naidu, Kamakshaiah, Electrical Technology, TMH Publications,1st
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objective:
1. To introduce the characteristics of various power semiconductor switches
and their applications.
2. To know the importance of protection, triggering and commutation
techniques of SCR.
3. To make acquainted with the operating principles of AC-DC, DC-DC,
AC-AC and DC-AC converters.
4. To understand various voltage control techniques in power converters.
5. To comprehend quadrant operation of various power converters.
6. To recognize various application of power converters.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to:
1. Analyze basic operation of various power semiconductor devices and to
compare their characteristics.
2. Design protection circuit and control circuits for SCR.
3. Analyze the operation principles of different AC-DC, DC-DC, AC-AC,
and DC-AC converters.
4. Identify different voltage control strategies in different converters.
5. Be acquainted with different quadrant operation of power converters.
6. know the practical application of power electronic converters.
Power Diodes and Transistors: Power diode, characteristics, Recovery
characteristics, Types of power diodes, General purpose diodes, Fast recovery
diodes, their applications, Power MOSFET and IGBT.
Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR): SCR-Static characteristics, Two transistor
analogy, Protection of SCRs, Dynamic characteristics, SCR trigger circuits-R, RC
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
and UJT triggering circuits, turn-off methods of SCR, GTO- SCR, Comparison
between SCR and GTO-SCR.
Phase controlled converters: Study of Single-phase half wave and full wave
controlled rectifiers with R, RL, RLE loads, significance of free wheeling diode,
Dual converters - circulating and non circulating current modes.
DC-DC Converters: Principles of Step-down, Step-up, Step UP/Down choppers,
Time ratiocontrol and current limit control, Types of choppers Type- A, B, C, D
and E.
AC-AC Converters:
Principle of operation of Single phase Cyclo-converters and their applications.
Single-phase AC Voltage Controllers with R and RL loads.
Inverters: Principle of operation of Single-phase Inverters, Voltage control
methods, Singlepulse width modulation, multiple pulse width modulation,
Sinusoidal pulse width modulation.
Industrial Applications:
Overview of Switched mode power supplies, Online and offline UPS (block
diagrams), Thyristor controlled reactors, switched capacitor networks, Emergency
light control, automatic water level control, resistance heating, induction and
dielectric heating.
Text Books:
1. Singh.M.D and Khanchandani.K.B, Power Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill,
2nd Edition, 2006.
2. Rashid.M.H. Power Electronics Circuits Devices and Applications.
Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
3. Bimbra.P.S, Power Electronics, Third Edition, Khanna Publishers, 2013.
Suggested Reading:
1. Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, Power Electronics, John Wiley, 1996.
2. P.C.Sen, Power Electronics, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 1st Edition, 2001.
3. G. K. Mithal, “Industrial Electronics”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2000.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
16EC C22
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 50 Marks
CIE 25 Marks
Credits 2
Course Objectives:
1. Carry out experiments on various pulse digital modulation techniques.
2. Perform different line coding techniques.
3. Conduct the experiment to identify errors in cyclic codes
4. Work on convolutional encoder and decoder for controlling the errors.
5. Execute experiments on digital carrier modulation techniques.
6. Study the characteristics of MODEM.
Course outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Experiment with various pulse digital modulation techniques.
2. Examine different line coding techniques.
3. To detect and correct errors in cyclic codes.
4. Assess the errors in convolutional encoder and decoder.
5. Demonstrate digital carrier modulation techniques experimentally.
6. Know the importance of MODEM characteristics.
List of Experiments
1. PCM generation and detection.
2. Data formats / Line coding.
3. Linear Delta Modulation and demodulation.
4. Adaptive Delta Modulation and demodulation.
5. Error detection and correction in cyclic codes.
6. Convolutional encoder and decoder.
7. ASK generation and detection.
8. FSK generation and detection.
9. BPSK generation and detection.
10. QPSK generation and detection.
11. Minimum Shift Keying generation and detection.
12. MODEM characteristics.
Reference Book:
1. Department Laboratory Manual.
Sample Mini Projects:
1. Develop a code for different digital modulation schemes and verify
through simulation.
2. Design different Line coding schemes using logic Gates
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Course Objectives:
1. Tolearn the configurations and parameters of the 741 Op-Amp.
2. To explain the circuits of linear and nonlinear applications of Op-Amp
3. To know the concepts of IC555 timer, IC723 and data converters.
4. To know the various characteristics of TTL and CMOS gates.
5. To learn combinational and Sequential circuits using digital ICS.
6. To know the difference between linear and digital ICs.
Lab Experiments
Part-A: Linear IC Experiments
1. Voltage Follower, Inverting and Non Inverting Amplifiers using Op-Amp.
2. Measurement of Op-Amp parameters
3. Arithmetic Circuits using Op-Amp
4. Waveform generation using Op-Amp.
5. Astable, Monostable multi vibrators using IC555Timer.
6. Low and High Voltage Regulators using IC723.
7. D to A Converter using R-2R ladder.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 50 Marks
CIE 25 Marks
Credits 2
Course Objectives:
1. To develop and understand the assembly language programming concepts
of 8086 Microprocessor.
2. To understand the difference between assembler, emulator and debugger.
3. To Interface different programmable controllers to 8086 microprocessor.
4. To Interface a microcontroller to external input/output devices and perform
its programming.
5. To develop and understand the embedded C programming concepts of
8051 microcontroller.
6. To control the operation of various peripherals by using 8051
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Write the 8086 assembly language programs on arithmetic, logical
operations and DOS function calls.
2. Know about different assemblers available for programming 8086
3. Understand the advantage of various debugging tools available to program
8086 microprocessor.
4. Write and test embedded C programming on interfacing modules with
5. Learn the hardware and software interaction and integration.
6. Design and develop the 8051 based embedded systems for various
I. List of Experiments
1. Study and use of 8086 microprocessor trainer kit and simple programs
under different addressing modes.
2. Multiplication and division programs.
3. Single byte, multi byte binary and BCD addition, subtraction.
4. Code conversion.
5. Sorting and string search.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Scheme of Scheme of
Instruction Examination
Course Hours per Maximum
S.No Title of the Course Duration Credits
Code week Marks
of SEE
L/T P/D in Hours CIE SEE
Embedded System
1 16ECC25 3 - 3 30 70 3
Digital Signal
2 16ECC26 4 - 3 30 70 4
3 16ECC27 3 - 3 30 70 3
Wireless Mobile
4 16ECC28 3 - 3 30 70 3
5 Elective-II 3 - 3 30 70 3
6 Elective-III 3 - 3 30 70 3
Embedded System
7 16ECC29 - 3 3 25 50 2
Design Lab
Digital Signal
8 16ECC30 - 3 3 25 50 2
Processing Lab
9 16ECC31 - 3 3 25 50 2
Engineering Lab
TOTAL 19 9 - 255 570 25
Elective-II Elective-III
Analog and Mixed Signal
16ECE03 16ITE25 Java Programming
Coding Theory and
16ECE04 16ITE26 Python Programming
16ITE27 Data Structures 16ECE05 CPLD and FPGA Architectures
Numerical methods for 16ECE06 Digital Control systems
16MTE03 Scientific and Engineering
16ECE07 Optical Fiber Communication
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the fundamentals of the embedded system design.
2. To provide in depth understanding - ARM processor fundamentals and
instruction set.
3. To learn architecture details of ARM 7 microcontrollers.
4. To interface various I/O devices to ARM 7 microcontroller.
5. To understand embedded system design environment.
6. To analyze various embedded applications and debugging tools.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Know the fundamentals of the embedded system design.
2. Understand the ARM architecture and its instruction set.
3. Analyze various features of ARM7 microcontroller.
4. Able to interface various I/O devices to ARM 7 microcontroller.
5. Understand the Embedded system design cycle
6. Develop and Debug various embedded system applications.
Introduction to Embedded systems: Embedded systems vs General computing
systems, Classifications, Applications areas, Processor embedded into a system,
Processor selection for embedded system, Embedded hardware units and devices in
a system, Design metrics and Challenges in embedded system design. ARM design
ARM Processor Fundamentals: Register organization, Program Status Register,
Pipeline, Introduction to exceptions.
ARM Instruction set: Data processing instructions, Branch instructions, Load-
Store instructions, Software interrupt instruction, Program Status Register
instructions, Loading constants, and Conditional executions. Introduction to THUMB
instructions: Differences between Thumb and ARM modes, Register
usage.Introduction to ARM C Programming.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
ARM 7 Microcontroller (LPC2148): Salient features of LPC 2148, Pin description
of 2148, Architectural Overview. ARM 7(LPC2148) Peripherals: Description of
General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) ports, Pin control Block. Features, Pin
description, Register description and operation of PLL, Timers, PWM, Interfacing:
LED, Relay, Buzzer, LCD, DAC, DC motor. Communication protocols: Brief
overview on I2C, SPI, and CAN.
Embedded System Design Cycle: Embedded system design and co-design issues
in system development process, Design cycle in the development phase for an
embedded systems. Embedded software development tools: Host and Target
machines, Linker/Locators for embedded software, Embedded software into the
target system.
Debugging tools and Applications: Integration and testing of embedded hardware,
Testing methods, Debugging techniques, Laboratory tools and target hardware
debugging: Logic Analyzer, Simulator, Emulator and In-Circuit Emulator, IDE,
RTOS services, VxWorks features. Case Studies: Embedded system design for
automatic vending machines and digital camera.
Text Books:
1. Raj Kamal, “Embedded Systems-Architecture, Programming and Design,”
3/e, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2015.
2. Andrew N.SLOSS, DomonicSymes, Chris Wright “ARM System
Developers Guide- Designing and optimizing system software” ELSEVIER
1st Edition, 2004.
3. Steve Furber “ARM System On Chip Architecture” 2/e Pearson education,
Suggested Readings:
1. David E.Simon, “An Embedded software primer”, Pearson Education,2004.
2. ARM 7 (LPC 214x) user manual from Philips semiconductors
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 4 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 4
Course Objectives:
1. Discrete-time signals in the frequency domain using DTFT and DFT.
2. Implementation of the FFT algorithms and its applications.
3. Design digital IIR and FIR filters for the given specifications.
4. The basics of Multirate digital signal processing and its applications
5. DSP processor architecture for the efficient implementation of DSP
6. Decimator and interpolator on DSP Processor.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Understand the concept of DTFT and DFT for signal processing
2. Implement linear filtering using FFT.
3. Design and implement FIR and IIR filters for the given specifications.
4. Interpret the concepts of Multirate digital signal processing and its
5. Demonstrate the design of digital filters using DSP Processor.
6. Examine the functionality of decimator and Interpolator on DSP Processor.
Discrete Fourier Transform: Overview of Discrete Time Fourier Transform
(DTFT), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Properties of DFT, Efficient
computation of DFT-Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms: Radix-2 FFT
algorithms – Decimation in Time, Decimation in Frequency algorithms, Inplace
computation, bit reversal algorithm. Use of FFT algorithms in linear filtering.
FIR Filter Design: Amplitude and Phase responses of FIR filters – Linear phase
FIR filters – Windowing technique for design of FIR filters – Rectangular, Bartlet,
Hamming, Blackman, and Kaiser Windows. Realization of digital filters-Direct
form-I and II, cascade and parallel forms of IIR filters, Realization of linear phase
FIR filter, Finite word length effects.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
IIR Filter Design: Butterworth and Chebyshev approximation, IIR digital filter
design techniques- Impulse Invariant transformation, Bilinear transform techniques,
Digital Butterworth and Chebyshev filters, Spectral transformation techniques.
Comparison between FIR and IIR filters.
Multirate Digital Signal Processing: Introduction -Decimation by a Factor -D,
Interpolation by a Factor -I, Sampling Rate Conversion by a Rational Factor -I/D.
Implementation of Sampling Rate Conversion, Multistage implementation of
Sampling Rate Conversion, polyphase decomposition, Noble Identities, Application
of Multirate Signal Processing.
DSP Processors: Introduction, Difference between DSP and General Purpose
Processor architectures, need for DSP processors. General purpose DSP processor-
TMS320C67XX processor, architecture, functional units, pipelining, registers, linear
and circular addressing modes, instruction set.
Text Books:
1. Alan V. Oppenheim & Ronald W. Schafer, “Digital Signal Processing,”
PHI, 2/e, 2010.
2. John G. Proakis&Dimtris G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing
Principles, Algorithms and Application,” PHI, 4/e, 2012.
3. RulphChassaing, “Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the
C6713 and C6416 DSK”, John wiley& sons, 2005.
Suggested Reading:
1. Sanjit K Mitra,”Digital Signal Processing, A computer based approach”,
TMH, 3/e, 2011.
2. TarunkumarRawat, “Digital Signal Processing”, First edition, Oxford, 2015.
3. Avtar Singh & S. Srinivasan, “Digital Signal Processing Implementation
using DSP microprocessors”, Thomson Brooks, 2/e, 2004.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
redits 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand importance of microwaves and their applications.
2. To analyze and solve wave equations for both guided waves and
3. To learn scattering parameters which are used to characterize microwave
4. To understand the principle and operation of microwave sources.
5. To know various microwave solid state devices and their characteristics.
6. To understand microwave power measurement techniques.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Apply the wave equations and their solutions to analyze the waves between
parallel planes and waveguides.
2. Determine the scattering matrix for various microwave components.
3. Analyze the interaction of electron beam, RF field for various microwave
4. Know the characteristics of IMPATT and TRAPATT diodes.
5. Understand the microwave power measurement techniques.
6. Gain the knowledge on microwave applications.
Introduction to Microwaves: Microwave frequency spectrum, Advantages and
Applications of Microwaves.
Guided Waves: Waves between parallel planes. TE and TM waves. Characteristics
of TE and TM waves,TEM waves. Velocity of propagation, Wave impedance,
Attenuation in parallel plane guides.
Rectangular Waveguides: Rectangular waveguides, TM and TE waves,
Impossibility of TEM wave in waveguides. Power transmission and Power Losses.
Wave Impedance, Attenuation factor and Quality factor of rectangular waveguides.
Circular Waveguides: Solutions of wave equations in cylindrical coordinates,
Characteristics of TM and TE modes.
Microwave Cavities - Rectangular and Circular cavity resonators, Quality factor
and applications of cavity resonator.
Microwave Circuits and Components: Concept of microwave hybrid circuit,
Introduction to scattering parameters. Properties and S-parameters of reciprocal
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Microwave Tubes: Limitations of conventional tubes at microwave frequencies.
Microwave tubes-O type and M type classifications.
O-type tubes: Two Cavity Klystron, Velocity modulation process, Bunching process.
Output Power and Beam loading. Multi cavity Klystron Amplifiers. Reflex Klystron-
Velocity Modulation, power output and efficiency, Electronic Admittance.
Helix TWT: Slow wave structures, Principle of operation and applications of helix
TWT (qualitative treatment only).
M-type tubes: Introduction, Magnetron Oscillators, different types, ð-mode of
operation, frequency pushing and pulling effects and their remedies. Cross field
amplifier and BWO.
Microwave Solid State Devices: Introduction, Transfer Electronic Devices- Gunn
diode, RWH theory-Differential negative resistance and two valley model theory.
Gunn oscillation modes.Applications of PIN and Varactor diode.
Avalanche Transit time devices: Introduction, IMPATT and TRAPATT diode –
physical structure, negative resistance, power output and efficiency (qualitative
treatment only).
Measurement of Power: Measurements of low, medium and high microwave power.
Basic principles of Reflectometer.
Text Books:
1. E. C. Jordan & Keith G. Balmain, “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating
Systems”, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2006.
2. Samuel Y. Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, 3/e, Pearson
Education, 2003.
Suggested Reading:
1. Rizzi P, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, 3/e, Pearson Education, 2003.
2. Annapurna Das and Sisir K Das “Microwave Engineering” 1/e, 2000,
Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Herbert J.Reich, John G.Skalnik, Philip F. Ordung, Herbert L. Krauss,”
Microwave Principles”, East-West Pvt. Ltd. Madras.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Course Objectives:
1. To make the student understand the wireless communication systems and
features of 4G mobile standards and their comparison with 1G, 2G, 2.5G
and 3G technologies.
2. To give the student an understanding of Cellular system for Mobile.
3. To enable the student to understand the Mobile radio propagation models.
4. To provide the student with an understanding of small scale fading and
diversity reception.
5. To make the student to learn the salient features of various multiple access
6. To make the student to learn concepts of GSM, IS-95 CDMA and OFDM
Course outcomes:
Student will be able to:
1. Compare the technology trends changing from generation to generation.
2. Design a Cellular system for Mobile communications using frequency reuse
for maximum coverage,
less interference and optimum capacity.
3. Apply the large scale path-loss and analyze small scale fading.
4. Choose an appropriate Propagation model for either Outdoor or Indoor
cellular communication.
5. Categorize various multiple access techniques according to the complexity,
installation cost, speed of transmission, channel properties.
6. Analyze the system specifications of either GSM or CDMA based Mobile
Communication Systems and OFDM.
Wireless Communication Systems: Bluetooth, Trends in Radio and Personal
Communications, Comparison of 1G, 2G, 2.5G and 3G technologies. UMTS system
architecture and Radio Interface; Features of 4G, WLAN.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Cellular Concept -System Design Fundamentals : Frequency reuse, channel
assignment strategies, Handoff process, factors influencing handoffs, types of
handoffs, Interference and system capacity, Cross talk, Enhancing capacity and cell
coverage, Trunked radio system, grade of service as per Erlang’s B system.
Mobile Radio Propagation models: Introduction to Radio Wave Propagation,
Free space propagation model, three basic propagation mechanisms, ground
reflection, Diffraction practical link budget design using path loss models, Outdoor
propagation models: Longley Rice model and Okumura model. Indoor propagation
models, partition losses. Small scale multipath propagation: Parameters of mobile
multipath channels, types of small scale fading. Diversity reception methods.
Multiple Access Techniques: Need and concept of multiple access techniques,
communication systems. Applications of multiple access techniques.
Wireless systems: GSM: Services and Features, System architecture, Radio Sub
system, Channel Types, Frame structure and Signal processing. CDMA Technologies:
Digital Cellular standard IS-95 Forward Channel, Reverse Channel. Introduction
to CDMA 2000.
Text Books:
1. Theodore.S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications: Principles and
Practice”, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2010
2. T.L.Singhal “Wireless Communication Systems”, 1/e, TMH Publications,
Suggested Reading:
1. William.C.Y.Lee, “Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: Analog and
Digital Systems”, 2/e, Mc-Graw Hill, 2011.
2. Kernilo, Feher, “Wireless Digital Communications”, PHI, 2002.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course objectives:
1. The concepts of MOS Devices.
2. Characteristic behavior of MOS amplifier in various configurations
3. Different types of Current mirrors and differential amplifiers using
4. Analysis of Two-stage Op-Amp amplifier
5. The analysis of switched capacitors, sample and hold circuits and stability
of Op-Amp.
6. To analyze different types of data converters.
Course Outcomes:
Students will able to:
1. Recall the elementary concepts of MOS device, MOS amplifiers and Op-
2. Classify and relate the performance of different types of MOS Amplifiers,
Current Mirrors, Op-Amps and data converters
3. To Model MOS device under different cases
4. Examine different MOS amplifier configurations, Op-Amp, Data
converters, will be able to distinguish different types of Op- Amp
configurations and their performance parameters.
5. Choose the best configuration for the specifications Slew rate, conversion
6. Design, develop and improve the performance of the data converters and
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Suggested Reading:
1. Paul.R. Gray & Robert G. Major, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated
Circuits, John Wiley & sons. 2004
2. Jacob Baker.R.et.al., CMOS Circuit Design, IEEE Press, Prentice Hall,
India, 2000.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. Mathematical models of various channels and basic notions of error
control coding.
2. Implementation of channel coding techniques in digital communications.
3. Fundamentals of abstract algebra, finite fields and its extension.
4. Mathematical structure and algorithms for RS codes.
5. Concepts of interleaving and complete analysis of Convolutional codes.
6. Modern capacity approaching codes like Turbo codes and its encoding
and decoding strategies.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to:
1. Understand the theory and principles of information theory and channel
2. Design and analyze the encoding and decoding circuits for Block codes.
3. Apply the principles of abstract algebra, finite fields and its extension
to design related codes.
4. Develop and execute encoding and decoding algorithms associated with
RS codes.
5. Demonstrate the ability to select and design simple convolutional codes.
6. Analyze modern capacity approaching codes like Turbo codes.
Coded digital communication systems: Introduction, Channel models, Discrete
Memory less channel, Binary Symmetric channel, Binary Symmetric Erasure
Channel, Burst Channel, Types of Codes, Types of errors, Error control Strategies;
channel coding Theorem, Channel coding gain.
Linear Block codes: Introduction, encoding, Syndrome computation and error
detection, Standard array decoding, Maximum likelihood decoding, Encoder and
Syndrome Generator implementations of systematic codes, Error-detecting and
correcting capabilities, Hamming codes, Hamming bound.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Cyclic codes: Description, encoding and Syndrome computation and error detection,
Encoder and Syndrome generator implementations of systematic and unsystematic
codes, Generator and Parity check matrices.
Galois Fields: Fields, Binary arithmetic, Construction of Galois Fields GF (2m)
from GF (2), Basic properties of Galois Fields,
RS codes: Introduction, encoding and decoding using Berlekamp-Massey algorithm.
Convolution codes: Introduction, Encoding, State diagram, Code Tree, Code Trellis
diagram, Decoding: Maximum- Likelihood decoding, soft decision and hard decision
decoding, Viterbi algorithm.
Turbo codes: Concatenation, Types of Concatenation, interleaving, types of
interleavers, Turbo codes: Introduction, encoding and decoding using BCJR
Text books:
1. Shulin and Daniel J. Costello, Jr. “Error Control Coding,” 2/e, Pearson,
2. L.H.Charles LEE, “Error control block codes for Communication
Engineers”, Artech, 2000, 1st edition.
3. Man Young Ree, “Error-Correcting Coding Theory”, Mc-Graw-Hill
publishing company, 1989,1st edition.
Suggested reading:
1. Bernard Sklar, “Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications
- Prentice Hall, 2001.
2. K Sam Shanmugum, “Digital and Analog Communication Systems”,
Wiley, 2012.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. To familisarise with different linear and nonlinear data structures.
2. To present the concepts of time and space complexity
3. To discuss applications of various data structures.
4. To develop a base for advanced computer science study.
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to:
1. Understand basic data structures arrays and linked lists
2. Analyse time complexity of algorithms
3. Understand the basic operations of Stacks and Queues
4. Implement basic operations on data structures
5. Understand applications of binary trees and graphs
6. Understand various kinds of searching and sorting techniques
Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms: Elementary data structure
organisation, classification of data structures, operations on data structures, Abstract
Data Type, Algorithms, Different approaches to designing an algorithm, Control
structures used in algorithms, Time and Space Complexity, Big O Notation, Omega
Notation (Ω), Theta Notation (Θ)
Arrays: Introduction, Declaration of Arrays, Accessing the Elements of an Array,
Storing Values in Arrays, Operations on Arrays, Linked Lists: Introduction, Singly
Linked Lists, Circular Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Applications of Linked
Stacks: Introduction to Stacks, Array Representation of Stacks, Operations on a
Stack, Linked Representation of Stacks, Operations on a Linked Stack, Applications
of Stacks, Queues: Introduction to Queues, Array Representation of Queues, Linked
Representation of Queues, Types of Queues, Applications of Queues
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Trees: Introduction, Types of Trees, Creating a Binary Tree from a General Tree,
Traversing a Binary Tree, Applications of Trees, Efficient Binary Trees: Binary
Search Trees, Operations on Binary Search Trees
Graphs: Introduction, Graph Terminology, Directed Graphs, Bi-connected
Components, Representation of Graphs, Graph Traversal Algorithms Introduction
to Searching: Linear Search, Binary Search, Introduction to Sorting, Bubble Sort,
Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort, Heap Sort, Shell
Sort, Tree Sort, Comparison of Sorting Algorithms
Text Books:
1. ReemaThareja, “Data Structures Using C”, Second Edition, Oxford Higher
Education, 2014
2. Horowitz Ellis, SahniSartaj& Anderson-Freed Susan, “Fundamentals of
Data Structures in C”, Orient BlackSwan, 2008
Suggested Reading:
1. NarasimhaKarumanchi, “Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy: Data
Structures and Algorithmic Puzzles”, CareerMonk Publications, 2016.
2. NarasimhaKarumanchi, “Coding Interview Questions”, 3rd Edition,
CareerMonk Publications, 2016
3. Yashavant P. Kanetkar, “Data Structure Through C”, BPB Publications,
Web Resources:
1. NPTEL Videos Introduction to data structures and algorithms - http://
2. https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/Algorithms.html
3. https://visualgo.net/en
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. To Solve the simultaneous equations using Decomposition method and
also find the roots of the non-linear equations.
2. To Compute the solution using Numerical differentiation and also
integration for finding the intermediate values for the set of observations.
3. To Identify the solution for the initial value problem and boundary value
problem using numerical differential equations.
4. To Estimate the best values of the parameters using Least square
approximation for the fitting of equations.
5. To Solve the set of equations and also compute the inverse of the matrix
using different types of matrix methods.
6. To Analyze the engineering applications and also finding the best solution.
Course outcomes:
Student will be able to:
1. Solve and also identify the rate of convergence of non-linear equations for
computing the roots.
2. Analyze the solution and also estimate the integration for the set of
observations of the polynomial.
3. Know the solution of initial value problem and boundary value problem
with the help of Numerical differential equations.
4. Understand and also estimate the parameters of growth curve using Least
square approximation.
5. Use the different Matrix methods for finding the inverse of the given set of
6. Achieve the outcome of the problems using different numerical methods.
Solution of Non-linear equations: Errors, rate of convergence, methods for finding
the solution for transcendental equations-regulafalsi method, secant method, Newton-
Raphson method.
Solution for simultaneous equations: Iterative methods-LU decomposition method,
partition method..
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Numerical differentiation: operators, forward interpolation and backward
interpolation. Newton’s interpolation formula, Lagrange’s interpolation formula,
first and second order differentiation of equal intervals.
Numerical integration: Newton-Cotes Integration, Gaussian Integration, Romberg
Numerical solution for differential equations: Initial value problem-single step
method, multistep method, Euler’s method, modified Euler’s method, RungeKutta
(R-K 3rd order, 4th order) methods. Adams-Bashforth method.
Curve fitting: Principle of least square approximation-fitting of straight line, quadratic
polynomials, growth curves (exponential curve, power curve).
Eigen values and Eigen vectors: Power method, inverse power method,
Householder’s method.
Text Books:
1. M.K.Jain, S.R.K.Iyengar and R.K.Jain, “Numerical Methods for Scientific
and Engineering Computation”, Sixth Edition, 2012,New Age International
2. Dr.B.S.Grewal, “Numerical Methods in Engineering & Sciences with
programs in C & C++”, Tenth Edition, 2014, Khanna Publishers.
Suggested Reading:
1. V.K.Singh, “Numerical and Statistical Methods in Computer”,2005,
Paragon International Publishers
2. RadhaKantaSarkar, “Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering”,
2004, Eswar Press
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the fundamentals of Java language which includes defining
classes, invoking methods, inheritance, polymorphism, exception handling
2. To solve real world problems by creating Java applications using sound
OOP practices, standard class libraries and APIs.
3. To introduce event driven Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming
and usage of standard class libraries.
Course Outcomes:
1. Achieve proficiency in object-oriented concepts and also learns to
incorporate the same into the Java programming language.
2. Create Java application programs using sound OOP practices e.g.
Inheritance, interfaces and proper program structuring by using packages,
access control specifiers.
3. Understand and Implement the concepts of Exception Handling and
Multithreading in java.
4. Develop the ability to solve real-world problems through software
development in high-level programming language using Large APIs of
Java as well as the Java standard class library.
5. Understand File, Streams, Input and Output Handling in java.
6. Create graphical user interfaces in java as well as apply the knowledge of
Event Handling.
Evolution of java: Java’s Magic: The Bytecode, The Java Buzzwords Objects,
Overview of Java: Simple Java Programs, Java Primitive Types, Arrays: How to
create and define arrays, Basic Operators, Control statements.
Introducing Classes: Declaring objects, methods, Constructors, this keyword,
Method Overloading and Constructor Overloading, Objects as parameters, Returning
objects, Use of static and final keywords.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Inheritance, Packages and Interfaces: Inheritance basics, using super keyword,
Method overriding, Dynamic method dispatch , Abstract classes, using final with
inheritance , Introduction to Object class,
Packages: Defining, Creating and Accessing a Package, importing packages,
Interfaces : Defining and implementing interfaces, Nested Interfaces.
Strings Handling: String Constructors, Length, Operations, String Comparison,
Searching for strings, Difference between String &StringBuffer classes,
StringTokenizer class and Wrapper classes and conversion between Objects and
Exception Handling in Java: Exception handling fundamentals, Exception types,
Usage of try, catch, throw, throws and finally clauses, writing your own exception
Multithreading in Java: The java Thread Model, How to create threads, Thread
class in java, Thread priorities, Thread synchronization.
Generics: What are Generics? Generic classes, bounded types, Generic methods
and interfaces.
Collections Framework: Overview of Collection Framework, Commonly used
Collection classes – ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet,
Collection Interfaces –Collection, List, Set, SortedSet, Accessing a collection via
an Iteration,Storing user-defined classes in collections, Map Interfaces and Classes,
Using a comparator. Legacy classes – Vector, Hashtable, The Enumeration interface.
Input/Output : How to read user input (from keyboard) using scanner class, Stream
classes, InputStream, OutputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, Reader
and Writer, FileReader, FileWriter cl asses. File class.
GUI Design & Event Handling: Component, Container, window, Frame classes.
Working with Frame windowGUI Controls, Layout Managers, Introduction to
Swings, Delegation Event Model, Event Classes, Source of Events, Event Listener
Interfaces, Handling button click events, Adapter classes.Writing GUI Based
applications.Database Handling in Java: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt: “Java: The Complete Reference”, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill Publications, 2011.
2. Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell: “Core Java, Volume I—Fundamentals”,
8th edition, Prentice Hall, 2008.
Suggested Reading:
1. SachinMalhotra&SaurabhChoudhary: “Programming in Java”, 2nd Edition,
Oxford University Press, 2014.
2. C. Thomas Wu, “An introduction to Object-oriented programming with
Java”, 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd., 2010.
3. K. Arnold and J. Gosling, “The JAVA programming language”, 3rdedition,
Pearson Education, 2000.
Web Resources:
1. https://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~nlp-ai/javalect_august2004.html.
2. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106147/
3. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
This course is introduced to
1. Introduce the fundamentals of Python programming.
2. Learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.
3. Learn how to read and write files in Python.
4. Impart usage of exception handling for error handling.
5. Familiarize python visualization.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, student will be able to:
1. Understand basic data structures of python.
2. Perform operations on strings.
3. Understand the concepts of file I/O.
4. Understand exception handling in Python.
5. Plot data using appropriate Python visualization libraries.
6. Develop basic Python applications.
Prerequisites: Programming and Problem Solving (16CSC01), Programming
Laboratory (16CSC02)
Introduction to Python Programming: Using Python, The IDLE Programming
Environment, Input and Output Processing, Displaying Output with the Print
Function, Comments, Variables, Reading Input from the Keyboard, Performing
Calculations, More About Data Output: New line, Item Separator, Escape Characters,
Formatting parameters.
Decision Structures and Boolean Logic: if, if-else, if-elif-else Statements, Nested
Decision Structures, Comparing Strings, Logical Operators, Boolean Variables.
Repetition Structures: Introduction, while loop, for loop, Sentinels, Input Validation
Loops, Nested Loops.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. Familiarization and implementation of various programmable Logic
2. To study various Complex Programmable Logic Devices Architectures.
3. To understand the different programming technologies.
4. To study Field programmable gate arrays and realization techniques.
5. To design different case studies with Actel FPGAs.
6. To study the design tools and ASICs.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Understand the concept of programmable logic devices and differences
between these devices.
2. Analyze various CPLD architectures and their programming technologies.
3. Analyze various FPGA architectures and their programming technologies.
4. Implement various logic functions on PLDs, CPLDs and FPGAs.
5. Understand the concepts of placement and routing and classifying ASICs.
6. Demonstrate VLSI tool flow for CPLDs and FPGAs.
Review of Logic Design: Implementation of logic functions with multiplexers.
Programmable Logic Devices: Architectures of PROM, PLA and PAL.
Implementation of MSI circuits using Programmable Logic Devices.
Complex Programmable Logic Devices: Introduction to CPLD Architecture of
CPLD. Logic Block, I/O Block, Interconnect matrix and features of Altera max
7000 series, AMD Mach 4 and Xilinx XC-9500 CPLD.
Xilinx FPGAs: Introduction to FPGA, FPGA Programming Technologies.
Architecture, Logic Blocks, I/O Block, Routing Architecture and features of Xilinx
XC-4000, SPARTAN-II ,Virtex-II and salient features of VirtexIII to VII devices.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Altera FPGAs: Logic Block, I/O Block, Routing Architecture and features of
Altera’s Flex 10000 series FPGA. Anti-Fuse Programmed FPGAs: Introduction,
Architecture of Actel’s Act1, Act2, and Act3 FPGAs. Designing Adders,
Accumulators and Counters with the ACT devices.
Digital Design Flow: Digital design tools for FPGAs. Digital design flow for CPLDs
and FPGAs. Importance of Placement and Routing, Introduction to ASICs: Semi-
Custom and Full-Custom ASICs.
Text books:
1. S. Trimberger, Edr, “Field Programmable Gate Array Technology”,
Springer Pub., 2011.
2. Ronald J . Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss “Digital Systems”,
10/e, Pearson academic press 2011.
3. P.K.Chan& S. Mourad, “Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate
Array”, PHI, 1994.
Suggested Reading:
1. S. Brown, R.J.Francis, J.Rose, Z.G.Vranesic, “Field programmable gate
array”, BSP, 2007.
2. Manuals from Xilinx, Altera, AMD, Actel.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per Week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce digital control system architecture and their transfer functions.
2. To illustrate stability analysis in Z-plane.
3. To introduce modern control theory using State Space Analysis.
4. To familiarize with the Time and Frequency domain response of digital
control systems.
5. To familiarize the students with different compensators and Controllers of
digital control systems.
6. To illustrate the procedure of digital controller design using Pole Placement.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, a student will be able to
1. Evaluate the transfer function of a discrete data control system.
2. Test the stability of digital control systems.
3. Analyze a system using state variable concepts.
4. Analyze a system using time and frequency domain approaches.
5. Compare various digital controllers and compensators.
6. Design the digital control system using pole placement.
Elements of Digital Control System:Introduction, digital control system
architecture, Transfer function of a discrete data control system,advantages and
disadvantages, Sample and Hold Systems.
Stability Analysis: Mapping between the S-Plane and the Z-Plane — Primary strips
and Complementary Strips — Constant frequency loci, Constant damping ratio
loci, Stability Analysis of closed loop systems in the Z-Plane. Jury’s stability test —
Stability Analysis by use of the Bilinear Transformation and Routh Stability criterion.
State Space Analysis: State Space Representation of discrete time systems, solving
discrete time state space equations, State transition matrix and its Properties, Methods
for Computation of State Transition Matrix, Pulse Transfer Function Matrix,
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Design of Discrete Time Control System : Transient and Steady State response
Analysis, Design based on Root locus Methods, Design based on the frequency
response method- Bilinear Transformation and Design procedure in the ù -plane,
Bode diagrams, Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag compensators and digital PID controllers.
Pole Placement and Observer Design: Design of state feedback controller via
pole placement - Necessary and sufficient conditions, Ackerman’s formula. State
Observers - Full order state observer, Error Dynamics and Design of Prediction
Text Books:
1. K. Ogata, “Discrete-Time Control Systems”, PHI, 2nd Edition, 2012.
2. M.Gopal, “Digital Control and State Variable Methods”, TMH,
3rd Edition,2009.
Suggested Reading:
1. B.C. Kuo, “Digital Control Systems” , Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition,
2. V. I. George, C. P. Kurian, “Digital Control Systems”, Cengage Learning,
1st Edition, 2012.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Duration of SEE 3 Hours
SEE 70 Marks
CIE 30 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. To learn the basic elements of optical fiber transmission link, fiber modes
configurations and structures.
2. To understand the different kind of losses, signal distortion in optical wave
guides and other signal degradation factors.
3. To learn the various optical source materials, LED structures, quantum
efficiency, Laser diodes.
4. To learn the Power Launching and coupling, Lensing schemes.
5. To learn the fiber optical receivers such as PIN APD diodes, noise
performance in photo detector, receiver operation and configuration.
6. To learn the advances in optical systems such as WDM and Local Area
Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to:
1. Outline the Optical fiber communication and classify fiber modes
configurations and structures.
2. Analyze the channel impairments like losses and dispersion.
3. Identify the various Optical sources and apply their principle.
4. Evaluate the Power Launching and coupling, Lensing schemes
5. Distinguish the fiber optical receivers such as PIN APD diodes and examine
the noise performance in photo detectors.
6. Examine the Digital Transmission Systems and demonstrate the advances
in optical systems.
Overview of Optical Fiber Communications: Evolution of fiber optic system,
advantages, disadvantages and applications of optical fiber communication, Elements
of Optical Fiber Transmission link, Basic Optical laws and definitions
Optical Fiber Modes and Configurations: Overview of Modes and Key concepts,
Linearly Polarized Modes, Single Mode Fibers and Graded Index fiber structure.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Signal Degradations in Optical Fibers: Attenuation - Absorption losses, Scattering
losses, Bending Losses, Core and Cladding losses, Signal Distortion in Optical
Waveguides-Information Capacity determination, Group Delay, Material Dispersion,
Waveguide Dispersion, Signal distortion in SM fibers-Polarization Mode dispersion,
Intermodal dispersion, Pulse Broadening in Guided Index fibers, Design
Optimization of Single Mode fibers-Refractive Index profile and cut-off wavelength.
Optical Sources: Direct and indirect Band gap materials, LED structures, Light
source materials, Quantum efficiency, LED power, Modulation of LED, laser Diodes,
External Quantum efficiency, Resonant frequencies, Laser Diodes, Temperature
effects, Power Launching and coupling, Lensing schemes, Fiber-to-Fiber joints,
Fiber splicing.
Photo Detectors: PIN and APD diodes, Photo detector noise, SNR, Detector
Response time, Avalanche Multiplication Noise, Comparison of Photo detectors,
Fundamental Receiver Operation, Error Sources, Receiver Configuration, Probability
of Error, Quantum Limit.
Digital Transmission Systems: Point-to-Point link system considerations -Link
Power budget, Rise - time budget, Noise Effects on System Performance.
Advances in Optical Systems: WDM, Local Area Networks.
Text books:
1. Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communication”, 5th edition, TMH, 2013.
2. John M Senior, “Optical Communication, Principles and Practice”, 3rd
edition, PHI, 2010.
Suggested Reading:
1. Joseph C Palais, “Fiber optic communication”, 5th Edition, PHI, 2005
2. Le Nguyen Binh, “Digital Optical Communications,” First Indian Reprint
(Taylor & Francis), Yesdee Publications 2013.
3. John Gower, “Optical Communication System”, 2nd edition, PHI, 2001.
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Semester end Examination Duration 3 Hours
Semester end Examination 50 Marks
CIE 25 Marks
Credits 2
Course Objectives:
1. To develop and understand the ARM7 C programming
2. To understand the usage of Integrated Development Environment (Keil)
3. To interface ARM7 to various input/output devices
4. To develop the programs using serial communication protocols
5. To process the analog signals using ARM7
6. To control the operation of various peripherals using ARM7 microcontroller
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Develop the ARM7 C programs using arithmetic, logical and branch
2. Understand the usage of various debugging tools available to program
3. Program ARM7 to interface various input/output modules
4. Know about the data transfer using serial communication protocols.
5. Analyze the hardware and software interaction and integration.
6. Design and develop the ARM 7 based embedded systems for various
List of Experiments
I. Basic ARM 7 Programming using instruction set
1. Study and use of ARM 7 Microcontroller trainer and Keil IDE
2. Programs using data manipulation and arithmetic instructions
3. Programs using logical and branch instructions
4. Sorting and String operations
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
9. ADC interfacing
10. DC Motor interfacing
11. 7-Segment display interfacing
12. Temperature sensor interfacing through SPI
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Semester end Examination Duration 3 Hours
Semester end Examination 50 Marks
CIE 25 Marks
Credits 2
Course Objectives:
1. Design of digital filters using MATLAB.
2. FFT algorithm using MATLAB.
3. Multirate signal processing using MATLAB.
4. Spectral analysis of noisy signals using MATLAB.
5. Implementation of digital filters on DSP Processor.
6. Generate LTI system response on DSP Processor.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Design and analyze the digital filters using MATLAB.
2. Implement FFT algorithms for linear filtering and correlation using
3. Experiment with multirate techniques using MATLAB.
4. Perform spectral analysis of noisy signal using welch’s method.
5. Design and Implement the digital filters on DSP processor.
6. Obtain response of a LTI system to a ramp/step input on DSP processor.
List of Experiments
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
1. Minimum of 6 from Part A and 4 from Part B is mandatory.
2. For Part “A”, MATLAB with different toolboxes like Signal Processing,
Signal Processing block set, and SIMULINK/ MATHEMATICA/ any
popular software can be used.
1. Vinay K. Ingle and John G. Proakis, “Digital Signal Processing using
MATLAB”, 4/e, Cengage learning, 2011.
2. B. Venkataramani and M. Bhaskar,”Digital Signal Processor architecture,
programming and application”, 6/e, TMH, 2006.
Sample Mini Projects:
1. Design the best IIR band pass filter to meet the given specifications:
Pass band cut off frequencies: [500 600] Hz
Stop band cut off frequencies: [525 675] Hz
Pass band ripple: d” 2dB
Stop band attenuation: e” 60dB
Phase response: Approximately linear in pass band
Consider Butterworth, Chebyshev, Elliptic and Bessel filters
2. Design the best low pass filter to meet the given specifications:
Pass band cut off frequency: 1K Hz
Stop band cut off frequency: 3K Hz
Pass band ripple: d” 2dB
Stop band attenuation: e” 80dB
Group Dealy: d” 5ms
Phase response: Approximately linear in pass band
Consider FIR and Elliptic filters.
Instruction 3 Hours per week
Semester end Examination Duration 3 Hours
Semester end Examination 50 Marks
CIE 25 Marks
Credits 2
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the characteristics of Reflex Klystron Oscillator (RKO)
and Gunn Oscillator.
2. To learn frequency measurement techniques using cavity wave meters.
3. To determine VSWR for various loads using slotted section.
4. To calculate power ratios at ports of various microwave components.
5. To learn measurement of impedance for various microwave loads.
6. To plot the radiation pattern for an antenna.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
1. Know the characteristics of RKO and Gunn Oscillator.
2. Understand the relation between guide wavelength, free space wavelength
and cut off wavelength.
3. Measure VSWR for various loads at microwave frequencies.
4. Estimate the microwave power ratios at various ports of microwave
5. Calculate unknown impedance of various microwave loads.
6. Understand the measurement of radiation patterns.
List of Experiments
CBIT (A) With Effect from academic year 2018-19
8. Characteristics of Circulator.
9. Radiation pattern of horn antenna.
10. Study of various antennas like dipoles, loops, Yagi antenna, log periodic
antenna and their radiation pattern.
Sample Mini Projects:
1. To design microwave components such as: Directional couplers, circulators
and Hybrid junctions using Simulation software.
2. To design antenna arrays such as: Binomial, Chebyshev, using Simulation
1. Department Laboratory Manual.
2. G.S. Raghu Vamsi, “Basic microwave techniques and Laboratory
manual”, 2nd Edition, New age international publishers, 2009.
Scheme of Instruction and Syllabi
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of