Waltz: Type: American Style
Waltz: Type: American Style
Waltz: Type: American Style
During the later part of the 19th Century, waltzes were Time signature: 3/4
being written to a slower tempo than the original Viennese Tempo: 30-32 measures per minute
rhythm. Around the close of the 19th Century, two modifications Timing: 123, 123
of the waltz developed in the United States. The first was the Beat value: 1-1-1
“Boston”, a slower waltz with long gliding steps; there were fewer
and slower turns and more forward and backward movement than
in the Viennese Waltz. This version eventually stimulated the
development of the English or International Style which continues
today. The polka is originally a
The American Style Waltz is similar to the International Czech dance and genre of dance
Style except the American Style has open dance positions and the music familiar throughout
dancers legs pass instead of close. The second modification was the Europe and the Americas. It
“Hesitation Waltz”, which involves taking one step to three beats originated in the middle of the
of the measure. Although the “Hesitation Waltz” is no longer 19th century in Bohemia, now
danced, some of its step patterns are still in use today. The Waltz part of the Czech Republic. The
dominated much of the European and American dance scene until polka remains a popular folk
the First World War when the Tango and Foxtrot enraptured a music genre in many European
whole new generation. countries, and is performed by
folk artists in the Czech
Republic, Germany, Austria,Slovenia, Switzerland, and Finland,
and to a lesser extent in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania,
the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Ukraine, Romania, Belarus, Russi
a, and Slovakia. Local varieties of this dance are also found in century. After the Second World War, however, Polish immigrants
the Nordic countries, Spain's Basque Country, the United to the United States assumed the polka as their "national" dance.
Kingdom, Ireland, Latin America and the United States
Dance Characteristics
Social Dance
P.E. 2
Maryz Necole E. Rosquites
Student-BSAIS 1202