Load Calculation and Design of Roller Crowning of Truck Hub Bearing
Load Calculation and Design of Roller Crowning of Truck Hub Bearing
Load Calculation and Design of Roller Crowning of Truck Hub Bearing
Open Access
Load Calculation and Design of Roller Crowning of Truck Hub Bearing
Xintao Xia*,1, Shujing Dong1, Liming Sun2 and Tianju Chen3
Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, 471003, P.R. China
Luoyang Bearing Research Institute, Luoyang, 471003, P.R. China
Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS 66762, USA
Abstract: Double-row tapered roller bearing 353112 is used in trucks, and the external load and pressure distribution of
the bearing are calculated combining with the specific operating conditions. Tapered roller bearings typically employ
roller profile modification to equalize the load distribution, minimizing the stress concentration at the roller ends. Doing
FEA (finite element analysis) on the contact stress with the changing roller crowning between roller and races, the
appropriate roller profile and the crown drop of roller can be achieved. Finally the best control equation of roller crowning
is obtained. It has important guiding significance for the improvement of roller crowning design of truck hub bearings.
Keywords: Hub bearings, load distribution, roller crowning, stress analysis.
Fr = fw ( Wg + Wa) (1)
The hub bearing is an important component for 2 Lh
transmitting movement and force in the truck. Typically a
truck wheel bearings require tapered roller bearings to Fa = !Fr (2)
operate under heavy combined radial and thrust loading at g
varying operating conditions. The topic discussed in this where Fr is the radial force, Fa is the axial force, W is the
paper is the force situation and roller crowning of double- mass of rear axle on the truck, g is gravitational acceleration,
row tapered roller bearing 353112 in the axles of trucks. h is the height of the center of the mass, Lh is the distance of
Life of bearings has been a subject of considerable rear wheels, a is the lateral acceleration, which can be
interest to both bearing manufactures and designers. The described by the multiple of g, and generally taking a
improvement of bearing life has always been a concerned maximum of 0.55 g, fw is the impact coefficient for the force
issue, which not only involves bearing materials and due to different working conditions, and (−) indicates the
manufacturing level, but also involves the loading situation axial force which keeps opposite direction with that of the
[1-4] and design scheme of bearings, especially generatrix lateral acceleration. Structure parameters of the truck are
profile selection [5] and the crown drop of rollers. The stress shown in Table 1.
concentration should be avoided in elastic contact problems Table 1. Structure parameters of the truck.
because failure would occur at the ends [6, 7]. The
contribution of roller crowning to the bearing life has been
studied considerably by the researchers [8, 9]. In this paper Structure Parameters W Lh fw h
external load and load distribution of the truck hub bearing
value 4.5 t 1590 mm 1 898 mm
are calculated in terms of the specific working conditions.
According to the technical parameters of the bearing, the
crown drop of roller can be obtained by combining the Through equations (1) and (2), we get:
operating conditions, FEM analysis and optimal roller profile.
Fr =35749 N, Fa = −19662 N
2.2. Calculation of Theory Load Distribution of the
2.1. Calculation of External Load of the Bearing Roller
External load of hub bearing is transmitted from the Bearing for the truck is the double-row tapered roller
wheels to the hub bearing. bearing 353112, and its technical parameters are shown in
Taking the end of the larger force of truck hub bearing as Table 2. Two rows of rolling elements are under non-
research object, the radial force and axial force are given as [10]: uniform load after the bearing is subjected to radial and axial
loads. For roller bearings, if Fa ≥1.909Frtanα, then the
loading process is only on one roller column of the bearing.
*Address correspondence to this author at the Henan University of Science
and Technology, 48 Xiyuan Road, Luoyang, Postcard: 471003, P.R. China;
Load distribution can be calculated as a single-row tapered
Tel: +86-1394929 7723; E-mail: xiaxt1957@163.com roller bearing [11, 12].
1$ " '
Technical Parameter Value ! = & 1+ a tan # )
2 % "r (
Outer cone angle, α 14.8°
The angle of load distribution is therefore:
Inner cone angle, β 11.7°
Flange angle, γ 77.95° !1 = cos "1 (1" 2# ) (7)
Small end diameter of roller, d1 9.061
By equation (3), roller load of the arbitrary position can
Large end diameter of roller, d2 10.258 be written as:
Number of rollers in the bearing, z 22×2 n
$ 1 '
Q! = Qmax &1" (1" cos! ) ) (8)
Effective length of roller, lw 20.65
% 2# (
Length of roller, l 21.65
By Introducing radial integral Jr(ε) and axial integral Ja(ε)
Inner diameter, d 60 of the load distribution, the equilibrium equation of the
Outer diameter, D 102 bearing is expressed as:
Bearing width, B 90 Fr = Qmax ZJ r ( ! ) cos " (9)
! max = ! a sin " + ! r cos " (5) Fig. (1). Load of roller of the arbitrary position.
From equations (4) and (5), δθ can be obtained as 3. FINITE ELEMENT MODEL OF THE TRUCK HUB
follows: BEARING 353112
% 1 (
! " = ! max '1# (1# cos" ) * (6) In the hub bearing, the feature of contacts of rollers and
& 2$ ) their races is completely consistent. Therefore using a local
108 The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2015, Volume 9 Xia et al.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Convex metric of roller (mm)
Fig. (2). Finite element model.
race. From Figs. (3, 4), it is observed that when the crown 380
drop of roller is zero, the maximum value of contact stress
can be obtained and the stress of roller and inner race is 360
greater than that of between the roller and outer race. Before
the crown drop is less than 0.005 mm, the extreme stress 340
decreases quickly with the increase of crown drop. This is
because the phenomenon of stress concentration weakens 320
and races, and the unit is MPa. Fig. (6) shows that straight
generatrix roller has the larger contact stress at the ends of
roller. Fig. (7) shows that when roller crowning is 0.005 mm,
the ends of roller have obvious stress mutation. Figs. (8, 9)
show, respectively, that when roller crowning is of 0.01 mm
and 0.015 mm, the contact stress is maintained uniformly
along the direction of roller generatrix but begins to decrease
gradually at the ends of roller. Fig. (10) shows that when
roller crowning is 0.02 mm, the variation curve of contact
stress steepens and the roller-race contact surfaces decrease
by degrees. So under this working condition, the optimal
crown drop of roller is 0.01 mm to 0.015 mm and the best is
close to 0.015 mm.
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Received: January 8, 2015 Revised: January 15, 2015 Accepted: January 16, 2015