International Journal of Green Pharmacy: Content
International Journal of Green Pharmacy: Content
International Journal of Green Pharmacy: Content
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New year, new beginning
V. B. Gupta ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Herbal drugs in milieu of modern drugs
Nazma Inamdar, Shima Edalat, Vikram B. Kotwal, Sunita Pawar ............................................................................................. 2
Traditional herbal remedies from the Vindhaya region of Madhya Pradesh in the treatment of viral hepatitis
Sumeet Dwivedi, Satyaendra Shrivastava, Darshan Dubey ..................................................................................................... 17
Comparative study on effect of natural and synthetic superdisintegrants in the formulation of fast
dissolving tablets
Santanu Chakraborty, Madhusmruti Khandai, Satya Prakash Singh, Niranjan Ch. Patra ........................................................... 22
Pharmacognostical studies of Neolamarckia cadamba (roxb.) Bosser leaf
Divyakant Patel, Vimal Kumar ................................................................................................................................................... 26
Antimicrobial activity of Capparis zeylanica Linn. roots
V. V. Chopade, A. N. Tankar, R.O. Ganjiwale, P. G. Yeole .......................................................................................................... 28
Free radical scavenging activity of aqueous extract of roots of Baliospermum montanum Muell-Arg
Prajakta V. Desai, Raju R. Wadekar, Girish H. Kedar, Kalpana S. Patil ....................................................................................... 31
Antimicrobial and antitumor activity of the fractionated extracts of Kalimusli (Curculigo orchioides)
Rajesh Singh, A.K. Gupta ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Characterization and evaluation of natural copal gum-resin as film forming material
Milind J. Umekar, Pramod G. Yeole ......................................................................................................................................... 37
Anti-oxidant activity of ethyl acetate extract of Aquilaria agallocha on nitrite-induced methemoglobin formation
P. B. Miniyar, T. S. Chitre, S. S. Karve, H. J. Deuskar, K. S. Jain ................................................................................................. 43
Effect of Baliospermum montanum root extract on phagocytosis by human neutrophils
Raju Ratan Wadekar, Sagar Vijay Agrawal, Kunal Mahesh Tewari, Rohan Dilip Shinde, Shirin Mate, Kalpana Patil................ 46
Effects of ethanol extract of Pisonia aculeata Linn. on ehrlich ascites carcinoma tumor bearing mice
Raju Senthilkumar, Rangasamy Manivannan, Ayyasamy Balasubramaniam, Thangavel Sivakumar and
Balasubramanian Rajkapoor ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
Psidium guajava L, belonging to the Myrtacea family, has been reported to have anti-diarrheal, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, lipid
lowering, antibacterial and antioxidant activities. It contains important phytoconstituents such as tannins, triterpenes, flavonoid:
quercetin, pentacyclic triterpenoid:guajanoic acid, saponins, carotenoids, lectins, leucocyanidin, ellagic acid, amritoside, beta-sitosterol,
uvaol, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid. In view of the immense medicinal importance of the plant, this review is an effort to compile all
the information reported on its phytochemical and pharmacological activities. The present review is an attempt to generate interest
among the masses regarding its immense potential in preventing and treating several common diseases.
For correspondence: J.V. Kamath, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Airport Road, Kenjar, Mangalore - 574 - 142, Karnataka, India.
Received: 08-09-2007; Accepted: 12-12-2007
muscle and inhibit bowel contractions. Guava has (Abdelrahim et al., 2002). In several studies, guava showed
antioxidant properties attributed to polyphenols found signiÞcant antibacterial activity against common diarrhea-
in its leaves. The bark of guava tree contains considerable causing bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Shigella, Salmonella,
amounts of tannins (11-27%), and hence is used for tanning Bacillus, E. coli, Clostridium and Pseudomonas. A double-
and dyeing purposes. Leucocyanidin, luectic acid, ellagic blind clinical study of the effects of a Phytodrug (QG-5)
acid and amritoside have been isolated from the stem developed from guava leaf showed a decrease in duration
bark. Five constituents, including one new pentacyclic of abdominal pain, which is attributed to antispasmodic
triterpenoid:guajanoic acid and four known compounds- effect of quercetin present in leaf extract (Xavier Lozoya
beta-sitosterol, uvaol, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid, et al., 2002). Guava leaf extracts and fruit juice have also
have been recently isolated from the leaves of P. guajava been clinically studied for infantile diarrhea. In a clinical
(Begum et al., 2004). study with 62 infants with infantile rotaviral enteritis,
the recovery rate was 3 days (87.1%) in those treated
Biological Activity and Clinical Research with guava, and diarrhea ceased in a shorter period than
The long history of guava use has led modern-day controls. It was concluded in the study that guava has ‘good
researchers to study guava extracts (Table 2). Its traditional curative effect on infantile rotaviral enteritis’ (Wei et al.,
use against diarrhea, gastroenteritis and other digestive 2000). Lectin chemicals in guava were shown to bind to E.
complaints has been validated in numerous clinical coli (a common diarrhea-causing organism), preventing
studies. In a study including 17 Thai medicinal plants its adhesion to the intestinal wall and thus preventing
on anti-proliferative effects on human mouth epidermal infection and resulting diarrhea (Rodriguez et al., 2001).
carcinoma and murine leukemia cells using MIT assay, Guava leaf extract has also shown to have tranquilizing
guava leaf showed anti-proliferative activity, which was effect on intestinal smooth muscle, inhibit chemical
4.37 times more than vincristine (Manosroi et al., 2006). Bark processes found in diarrhea and aid in the re-absorption
and leaf extracts were shown to have in vitro toxic action of water in intestines. In other research, an alcoholic leaf
against numerous bacteria. Gallocatechin isolated from extract was reported to have a morphine-like effect, by
the methanol extract of guava leaf showed antimutagenic inhibiting the gastrointestinal release of chemicals in acute
activity against E. coli (Matsuo et al., 1996). Water and diarrheal disease. This morphine-like effect was thought
chloroform extracts of guava were effective in activating the to be related to a chemical, quercetin. The effective use of
mutagenecity of Salmonella typhimurium (Grover et al., 1993). guava in diarrhea, dysentery and gastroenteritis can also
The antimicrobial activities of P. guajava and leaf extracts, be related to guava’s documented antibacterial properties
determined by disk diffusion method (zone of inhibition), (Lozoya et al., 1995, 1990; Tona et al., 2000).
were compared to tea tree oil (TTO), doxycycline and
clindamycin antibiotics. It was shown that P. guajava leaf In a study carried out with leaf extract of the plant,
extracts might be beneÞcial in treating acne especially inhibition of gastrointestinal release of acetylcholine by
those that have anti-inßammatory activities (Qadan et al., quercetin present in extract was suggested as a possible
2005). The active ßavonoid compound - quercetin-3-O- mode of action in the treatment of acute diarrheal disease
alpha-l-arabinopyranoside (guaijaverin) - extracted from (Lutterodt, 1989, 1992; Lin et al, 2002). Guava fruit and leaf
leaves has high potential antiplaque activity by inhibiting showed antioxidant and free radical scavenging capacity
the growth of Streptococcus mutans (Limsong et al., 2004). (Hui-Yin Chen et al., 2007). Guava leaf extract showed
Guava leaf extract inhibited the growth of Streptococcus anticough activity by reducing the frequency of cough
aureus in a study carried out by disc diffusion method induced by capsaicin aerosol (Jaiarj et al., 1999). Leaf extract
Mdel C, Lutterodt GD, Inhibition of gastrointestinal release of guajava L leaf extract, Indian J Exp Biol, 44(4), 2006, 305-311.
acetylcholine by quercetin as a possible mode of action of Psidium 22. Shaheen HM, Effect of Psidium guajava leaves on some aspects
guajava leaf extracts in the treatment of acute diarrhoeal disease, of central nervous system in mice, Phytother.Res, 14(2), 2000,
J. Ethnopharmcol, 25(3), 1989, 235-247. 107-111.
13. Lutterodt GD, Inhibition of Microlax-induced experimental 23. Singh RB, Rastogi SS, Singh NK, Ghosh S, Gupta S and Niaz MA,
diarrhea with narcotic-like extracts of Psidium guajava leaf in Can guava fruit intake decrease blood pressure and blood lipids,
rats, J. Ethnopharmacol, 37(2), 1992, 151-157. J. Hum Hypertens, 7(1), 1993, 33-38.
14. Manosroi J, Dhumtanom P, Manosroi A, Anti-proliferative activity 24. Singh RB, Rastogi SS, Singh NK, Ghosh S, Niaz MA, Effects
of essential oil extracted from Thai medicinal plants on KB and of guava intake on serum total and high-density lipoprotein
P38 cell lines, Cancer lett, 235(1 8), 2006, 114-120. cholesterol levels and on systemic blood pressure, Am. J. Cardiol,
15. Matsuo N, Hanamure, Koyoko SY, Nakamura, Tomita I, 70(15), 1992, 1287-1291.
Identification of (+) gallocatechin as a bio-antimutagenic 25. Sunttornusk L, Quantitation of vitamin C content in herbal juice
compound in Psidium guava leaves, Phytochemistry, 36(4), 1994, using direct titration, J.Pharm. Biomed. Anal, 28(5), 2002, 849-55.
1027-1029. 26. The wealth of India, Vol X, National Institute of science
16. Morton J, Guava In: Fruits of warm climates, Julia F. Morton, communication and Information Resources, New Delhi, 2003,
Miami FL, 1987, 356-363. 411-413.
17. Oh WK, Lee CH, Lee MS, Bae EY, Sohn CB, Oh H, Kim BY and 27. Tona L, Kambu K, Ngimbi N, Mesia K, Penge O, Lusakibanza M,
Ahn JS, Antidiabetic effects of extracts from Psidium guajava, Cimanga K, De Bruyne T, Apers S, Totte J, Pieters L, Vlietinck AJ,
J Ethnopharmacol, 96(3), 2005, 411-415. Antiamoebic and spasmolytic activities of extracts from some
18. Ojewole JA, Hypoglycemic and hypotensive effects of Psidium antidiarrhoeal traditional preparations used in Kinshasa, Congo,
guajava L, (Myrtaceae) leaf aqueous extracts Methods Find Exp Phytomedicine, 7(1), 2000, 31-38.
Clin Pharmacol, 27(10), 2005, 689-695. 28. Wei L, Li Z, Chen B, Clinical study on treatment of infantile
19. Qadan F, Thewaini AJ, Ali DA, AÞÞ R, Elkhawad A, Matalka KZ, rotaviral enteritis with Psidium guajava L, Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi
The antimicrobial activities of Psidium guajava and Juglans regia Jie He Za Zhi, 20(12), 2000, 893-895.
leaf extracts to acne-developing organisms, Am J Chin Med, 33(2), 29. Xavier Lozoya, Hortesia Reyes, Soto-Gonzalez Y, Doubova SV,
2005, 197-204. Intestinal anti-spasmodic effect of a phytodrug of Psidium guajava
20. Rodriguez RC, Cruz PH and Rios HG, Lectins in fruits having folia in the treatment of acute diarrheic disease, J. Ethnopharmacol,
gastrointestinal activity their participation in hemagglunating 83(1-2), 2002, 19-24.
propertyof escherichia coli O157, Arch.Med.Res, 32(4), 2001,
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
21. Roy CK, Kamath JV, Asad M, Hepatoprotective activity of Psidium