Pjms 29 1153
Pjms 29 1153
Pjms 29 1153
Original Article
blood cells or peripheral destruction of all blood condition like megaloblastic anemia whose picture
cells lineage can also be the cause of pancytopenia.2-4 of presentation is very drastic but can be easily
Pancytopenia is a common hematological problem managed.
with an extensive differential diagnosis, and still
the optimal diagnostic approach to pancytopenia METHODS
remains undefined.5-7 Pancytopenia itself is not a This was a retrospective descriptive study carried
disease but actually a triad of findings that may out at the Department of Pediatric of Rehman Med-
result from a number of disease processes associated ical Institute Peshawar from 01st April to 15th May,
with bone marrow both affecting it primarily 2013and the data taken was of the last 6 years i.e.
or secondarily and resulting in pancytopenia.8 from 01 January 2006 – 31 December 2011.A total
Most often the Pancytopenia is associated with of 205 cases presenting with pancytopenia on pe-
organomegaly and lymphadenopathy usually ripheral blood smear were included in the study,
suggests the possibility of malignancies or bone fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
marrow failure syndromes but there are a number The inclusion criteria for the study were, children
of other causes which can present in the similar way in the age group 6 months to 14 years admitted in
and are very easily treatable.9 the hospital and who had pancytopenia on their pe-
Megaloblastic anemia has been known as a clinical ripheral blood smear. Pancytopenia was defined as
entity for over a century, the first clinical case of hemoglobin (Hb) <10g%, absolute neutrophil count
pernicious anemia, which is one of the known (ANC) <1.5*109/L, platelet count <100*109/L. The
causes of megaloblastic anemia, has been attributed pancytopenia was labeled as severe if patient had
to Thomas Addison in 1849.10 Megaloblastic anemia two or more of the following: Hb <7 gm%, ANC
results from abnormal maturation of hematopoietic <0.5*109/L, and platelet count <20*109/L.20
cells due to faulty DNA synthesis, the two vitamins All those children who had received blood trans-
namely vitamin B12 and folic acid are essential fusion were excluded from the study. Detailed his-
for DNA biosynthesis and the deficiency of either tory was taken including dietary intake, ingestion
of these vitamin can result in asynchrony in the of any drugs, worm’s infestation, and loss of blood
maturation of nucleus and cytoplasm of rapidly and duration of onset of anemia.
regenerating cells.11,12 Other than megaloblastic The patient fulfilling the inclusion criteria at the
anemia, deficiency of these hematopoietic time of admission had their complete blood count
micronutrients in children has been incriminated to (including Hemoglobin, total Leukocytes count
cause neuro-development dysfunction, abnormal Differential leukocytes platelet count and ANC),
movements and failure to thrive.13 Peripheral smear, serum vitamin B12 and bone
Acquired aplastic anemia usually has an marrow aspiration done. Bone marrow biopsy
autoimmune basis that is diminution of the was done in cases where bone marrow aspiration
hematopoietic stem cells by direct toxicity mostly was inconclusive. Ethical approval was obtained
due to radiations, drugs, chemicals and viruses.14 from the RMI Ethical Review Board regarding data
Anemia of chronic disease is a mild to moderate collection and use for research purposes.
anemia that occurs mostly in infections and
inflammatory disorders15 and is frequently found RESULTS
in chronic kidney insufficiency, dialysis patients, Out of 14642 patients admitted to Department
congestive heart failure and renal transplantation.16 of Pediatrics, 205(1.4%) patients presented with
Anemia can also present in patients with newly pancytopenia. Out of 205 patients, 133 (64.87%)
diagnosed childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia were males and 72 (35.13%) females, with male to
(ALL).17 Being the most common pediatric female ratio of 1.84:1 (Table-I), their ages ranged
malignancies, ALL represents 25% of all childhood
Table-I: Distribution of patient
malignancies and approximately 75% of all cases of
according to Gender and Age.
childhood leukemia.18
Bone marrow play a vital role in understanding Age Male Female Total
(n-133) (n-72) (n-205)
the etiology of pancytopenia19, in time recognition
of the underlying pathology will not only have 6 months – 5 years 57 30 87 (42.44%)
an impact on the mortality and morbidity of the 6 years – 10 years 46 26 72 (35.12%)
vulnerable pediatric patients but will also help 11 years – 14 years 30 16 46 (22.44%)
us treat the most simple and easily treatable Total 133 72 205 (100%)
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