Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (X) A, B, or C,! Teks For Number 1 To 3
Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (X) A, B, or C,! Teks For Number 1 To 3
Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (X) A, B, or C,! Teks For Number 1 To 3
I am Nabila
I like ....
a. dancing
b. reading
c. singing
2. I am from Solo
Answer : .......................................................................................
4. I like reading
Answer : .......................................................................................
1. A : Good morning !
B : .... !
a. Good morning
b. Good night
c. Good morning
4. GO_D BY_
a. O, A
b. O,E
c. O,I
9. (Penghapus) What is it ?
a. It is a pencil
b. It is a pen
c. It is an eraser
1. A : .... !
B : Good bye !
6. (Pensil) it is a ...
7. C _ A _ R
Fil in the blanks ...
8. (Tas)
A : is it a pen ?
B : ....
9. (Penggaris, penghapus)
The ... and ... in the pencil case.