Meta Ethics
Meta Ethics
Meta Ethics
Meaning of meta-ethics
• a branch of analytic philosophy which explores the status, foundations, and scope
of moral values, properties, and words
2. Questions of meta-ethics
Cognitivism Non-cognitivism
Main Argument Anti-realism
Theory/Proponent Advantages Disadvantages
Moral properties exist.
Claims Moral properties do not exist.
There are• certain
There are
moral • If ethical • Relationships
Moral properties exist mind-
properties that
exist mind-
moral sentences are may suffer under
Ayn Rand: independently.
truths that propositions, then objectivism’s fact-
transcend what they can be printed rules.
• Reality is not to any individual or evaluated and
be rewritten or even an entire used to draw • Ignoring
escaped, but, culture might
Objectivism conclusions by
Relativism emotions and
solemnly and think about them. means of logic in focusing on logic
Moral values are eternal truths Moral values are human
exist in a spirit-like realm. the way that other
conventions. are not the best
• Moral values are propositions can. ways to achieve a
Other-worldly view This-worldly view
• Man as a heroic objective in the This can lead to goal — emotions
Objective Subjective
being, with his sense that they certain and are real
own happiness Universal,
as absolute
exist in a spirit- Relative, flexible
unambiguous motivators for
the moral not depend
purpose likeon perception
realm beyond Dependsabout
conclusions on perception
ethical decisions.
of his life, with subjective human ethical decisions.
productive conventions. • If all humans
achievement as • One can learn to were to act
his noblest • Moral values are reason and selfish, we would
activity, and eternal, in that thereby attain a never progress as
reason as his only they never sense of earned a race.
absolute. change. confidence and
genuine serenity
• Moral truths exist in making ethical
independently decisions.
from opinion.
RELATIVISM • Moral values are • It creates a • No one can be
human society where actually wrong —
Franz Boas conventions/ equality is this would create
social norms. possible — a chaos and
• All people have society without promote a lack of
equally • Truth and judgment. diversity.
developed justification are
cultures. The plural. There • It allows for a • If what everyone
differences could be more wide variety of is doing right now
between peoples than one correct cultures and is right, relative to
were the result of account of how practices. So, it their own culture,
historical, social, things stand in at preserves human then there’s never
and geographic least some cultures. any reason to
conditions. domains, and change anything.
their correctness • Tolerance
• He subscribed to has to be decided • Does not allow for
an ethical relative to a • The ability to the existence of
utilitarianism framework of evolve and adapt an absolute set of
and sustained a context of is encouraged ethics, so
strong separation assessment. because the relativism would
of science and definitions of be inconsistent,
ethics. • There are no ethical and moral since it would
moral absolutes, “right” and deny beliefs of
• The only culture no moral right “wrong” can absolute values.
an individual and wrongs. change as people
truly knows is change.
that individual's • All morals in the
own culture. world are subject
to circumstance.
ABSOLUTISM • Certain actions • Order & stability, • For morals to be
are right or wrong prosperity truly absolute,
Immanuel Kant regardless of the they would have
context of the • It makes the to have a
creation of laws
• All humans act. universally
and the upholding
should have the unquestioned
of the judicial
right to common • Morals are source,
system much
dignity and inherent in the interpretation and
simpler: if a moral
respect. laws of the rule is right, then authority, which
universe, the there would be no critics claim is an
• He believed that nature of need to have impossibility.
there was a humanity, the different rules for
supreme principle will of God or different people • There is a sheer
of morality — the some other because the diversity of moral
categorical fundamental absolute rules are opinions which
imperative. source. universal. exists between
Morality must be societies (and
• It is fair as people
based on this • There is a even within
are treated the
because morality universal moral societies) in the
same as the rules
is such that you standard. world today,
are the same for
are commanded everyone. which suggests
by it, and is such • This makes a that there cannot
that you cannot distinction • Without be a single true
opt out of it or between what is absolutism, morality.
claim that it does thought right nothing can be
not apply to you. and what is true and