MTM Lab Manual

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MTM Lab Manual



Submitted To : Sir Ussama Ali

MTM Lab Manual

MTM Lab Manual


 Lathe machine
 Construction of Lathe Machine____________(Page#1)
 Work-Holding Devices__________________ (Page#2)
 Machining Operations ___________________(Page#4)
 Safety Precautions ______________________(Page#6)
 Drilling Machine
 Drill bit ______________________________(Page#8)
 Operations related to drilling_________ (Page#10)
 Shaper_________________________________(Page#11)
 Planer_________________________________(Page#13)
 Milling Machine
 Types of Milling Machine _______________(Page#14)
 Cutting Condition in milling machine ______(Page#17)
 Grinding Machine
 How Grinding is Different from other Cutting Operations
 NC surface Grinding Machine ____________(Page#21)
 NC Cylindrical Grinding Machine_________ (Page#22)

MTM Lab Manual

Experiment # 01
Description of Lathe Machine, its part, Work holding devices and its Operation

Lathe machine

Cutting tool

Work hold devices

Lathe machine:

Lathe is one of the most versatile and widely used machine tools all over the world. It is commonly
known as the mother of all other machine tool. The main function of a lathe is to remove metal from a
job to give it the required shape and size. Besides the simple turning operation as described above,
lathe can be used to carry out other operations also, such as drilling, reaming, boring, taper turning,
knurling, screw thread cutting, grinding etc.

Types of Lathe:

Lathes are manufactured in a variety of types and sizes, from very small bench lathes used for precision
work to huge lathes used for turning large steel shafts.

1. Speed lathe
2. Centre or engine lathe
3. Bench lathe
4. Tool room Lathe
5. Capstan and Turret 1athe
6. Special purpose lathe
Construction of Lathe Machine:

A simple lathe comprises of a bed made of grey cast iron on which headstock, tailstock, carriage and
other components of lathe are mounted. The major parts of lathe machine are given as under:

 Bed
 Head stock
 Tailstock
 Carriage

MTM Lab Manual

 Feed Levers
 Carriage
 Tool holder
 Chips pan
 Guide ways
 Spindle


The bed of a
lathe machine is the base on which all other parts of lathe are mounted. It is massive and rigid single
piece casting made to support other active parts of lathe. On left end of the bed, headstock of lathe
machine is located while on right side tailstock is located.

Head stock:

The headstock is clamped on the left-hand side of the bed. The headstock spindle, a hollow
cylindrical shaft supported by bearings, provides a drive through gears from the motor to work-holding
devices. A live center, a faceplate, or a chuck can be fitted to the spindle nose to hold and drive the


The carriage consisting of three main parts: the saddle, cross-slide, and apron—is used to move
the cutting tool along the lathe bed. The saddle, an H-shaped casting mounted on the top of the lathe
ways, provides a means of mounting the cross-slide and the apron.

Chips pan:

Chips pan is placed lower side of bed. The main function of it to carries all chips removed by
the work piece.


The tailstock consisting of the upper and lower tailstock castings can be adjusted for taper or
parallel turning by two screws set in the base. The tailstock can be locked in any position along the
bed of the lathe by the tailstock clamp.

MTM Lab Manual

Work-Holding Devices:
Lathe centers:

Most turning operations can be performed between centers on a lathe. A variety of lathe centers
are used to suit various operations or work pieces.


Because of their size and shape, some work pieces cannot be held and machined between lathe
centers. Lathe chucks are used extensively for holding work for machining operations.

The three-jaw universal chuck holds round and hexagonal work.

The four-jaw independent chuck has four jaws, each of which can be adjusted independently by a
chuck wrench. They are used to hold round, square, hexagonal, and irregularly shaped work pieces.

The collet chuck is the most accurate chuck and is used for high-precision work. Spring collets are
available to hold round, square, or hexagon-shaped work pieces.

Magnetic chucks are used to hold iron or steel parts that are too thin or that may be damaged if held
in a conventional chuck.

MTM Lab Manual


Faceplates are used to hold work that is too large or of

such a shape that it cannot be held in a chuck or between


A mandrel holds an internally machined work piece between centers so that further machining
operations are concentric with the bore.

Lathe dog:

MTM Lab Manual

When work is machined between centers, it is generally driven by a

lathe dog. The lathe dog has an opening to receive the work and a setscrew
to fasten the dog to the work. The tail of the dog fits into a slot on the drive
plate and provides the drive to the work piece.

The clamp lathe dog has a wider range than the other types and may be used
on round, square, rectangular, and odd-shaped work pieces.

Machining Operations:

The tool is fed radially into the rotating work on one end to create a flat surface on the end.

Straight Turning:

Straight Turning is the process of reducing the work diameter to a specific dimension.

Taper Turning:

The taper turning is an operation of producing a conical surface by gradual reduction in the
diameter of a cylindrical work piece.

Contour Turning:

Making a three-dimensional shape of a work piece by controlling the cutting tool.

Cutting off:

Cutting off uses a blade-like cutting tool plunged directly into the work piece to cut off the
work piece at a specific length. This operation is sometimes referred to as Parting.


Thread cutting on a lathe is a process that produces a helical ridge of uniform section on a work
piece. This is performed by taking successive cuts with a threading tool of the same shape as the thread
form required.

Internal Threading:

MTM Lab Manual

Most internal threads are cut with taps; however, sometimes a tap of a specific size is not
available and the thread must be cut on a lathe. Internal threading, or cutting threads in a hole, is an
operation performed on work held in a chuck or collet or mounted on a faceplate

External Threading:

The simplest and most versatile method of cutting an external thread on a cylindrical work part
is single-point threading, which employs a single-point cutting tool on a lathe. The lathe must be
capable of maintaining the same relationship between the tool and the work piece on successive passes
in order to cut a consistent spiral.


Cut away a right-angled edge or corner to make a symmetrical sloping edge.


Knurling is a process of impressing a diamond-shaped or straight-line pattern into the surface

of the work piece to improve its appearance or to provide a better gripping surface.


Boring is the operation of enlarging and truing a drilled or cored hole with a single-point cutting
tool. Special diameter holes, for which no drills are available, can be produced by boring.

MTM Lab Manual

Safety Precautions:
 Always wear approved safety glasses. When operating a lathe, chips fly and it is important to
protect your eyes.
 Roll up your sleeves, remove your tie, and tuck in loose clothing. Short sleeves are preferable
because loose clothing can get caught by revolving lathe dogs, chucks, and rotating parts of the
lathe. You can be drawn into the machine and be seriously injured.
 Never wear a ring or watch.
 A metal object falling on the hand would bend or break a ring, causing much pain and suffering
until the ring could be removed.
 Do not operate a lathe until you fully understand its controls.
 Never operate a machine if safety guards are removed or not closed properly.

MTM Lab Manual

Experiment # 02
To Study drilling machine, Operations related to drilling, drill bit, and types of
drilling machine.


Drilling Machine:
Drilling machines may be used for performing a variety of operations besides drilling a round
hole. A few of the more standard operations, cutting tools, and work setups will be briefly discussed.
A drilling machine consists of a spindle and a work table. A drilling machine is used primarily to
produce holes in metal; however, operations such as tapping, reaming, counter-boring, countersinking,
boring, and spot facing can also be performed

Drilling machine

Types of Drilling press:

 The Upright drill stands on the floor and consists of a table for holding the work part, a drilling
head with powered spindle for the drill bit, and a base and column for support..
 The Radial drill is a large drill press designed to cut holes in large parts. It has a radial arm
along which the drilling head can be moved and clamped. The radial arm can also be swiveled
about the column to drill parts on either side of the worktable.
 The Gang drill is a drill press consisting basically of two to six upright drills connected
together in an in-line arrangement.

MTM Lab Manual

 A related machine is the Multiple-spindle drill, in which several drill spindles are connected
together to drill multiple holes simultaneously into the work part.

Radial Drilling Up Right Drilling

Drill bit:

The tool is called a twist drill or drill bit. The most common drill bit is the twist drill. The
rotating drill feeds into the stationary work part to form a hole whose diameter is equal to the drill
diameter. The cutting action of the twist drill is complex. The cutting speed along each cutting edge
varies as a function of the distance from the axis of rotation. The body of the drill has two spiral flutes.
The angle of the spiral flutes is called the Helix angle, a typical value of which is around 30°. The drill
point angle of 118° is suitable for most general work. A drill point angle of 60° to 90° is used for soft
material. A drill point angle of 135° to 150° is best for hard materials.

MTM Lab Manual

Operations related to drilling:


Drilling may be defined as the operation of producing a hole by

removing metal from a solid mass using a cutting tool called a twist drill.


Spot-facing is the operation of smoothing and squaring the

surface around a hole to provide a seat for the head of a cap screw or a
nut. A boring bar, with a pilot section on the end to fit into the existing
hole, is generally fitted with a double-edged cutting tool. The pilot on
the bar provides rigidity for the cutting tool and keeps it concentric with
the hole. For the spot-facing operation, the work being machined
should be securely clamped and the machine set to approximately one-
quarter of the drilling speed.


Reaming is the operation of sizing and producing a smooth, round

hole from a previously drilled or bored hole with the use of a cutting tool
having several cutting edges. A reamer is a rotary cutting tool with several
straight or helical cutting edges along its body. It is used to accurately size
and smooth a hole that has been previously drilled or bored.

MTM Lab Manual


Counter-boring is the operation of enlarging the end of a hole that

has been drilled previously. A hole is generally counter-bored to a depth
slightly greater than the head of the bolt, cap screw, or pin it is to
accommodate. Counter-bores are supplied in a variety of styles, each
having a pilot in the end to keep the tool in line with the hole being
counter-bored. Some counter-bores are available with interchangeable
pilots to suit a variety of hole sizes.


Countersinking is the process of enlarging the top end of a hole to

the shape of a cone to accommodate the conical shaped heads of fasteners
so that the head will be flush with or below the surface of the part. The
cutting tools, called countersinks are available with various included
angles, such as 60°, 82°, 90°, 100°, 110°, and 120°.


Tapping in a drill press may be performed either by hand or under

power with the use of a tapping attachment. The advantage of using a
drill press for tapping a hole is that the tap can be started squarely and
maintained that way through the entire length of the hole. Machine
tapping involves the use of a tapping attachment mounted in the drill
press spindle.


Also called center drilling, this operation drills a starting hole to accurately establish its location
for subsequent drilling. The tool is called a center drill.

MTM Lab Manual


Boring is the operation of truing and enlarging a hole by means of a

single-point cutting tool, which is usually held in a boring bar.

Safety Precautions:
 Always wear approved safety glasses. When operating a lathe, chips fly and it is important to
protect your eyes.
 Roll up your sleeves, remove your tie, and tuck in loose clothing. Short sleeves are preferable
because loose clothing can get caught by revolving drilling bit, chucks, and rotating parts of
the drilling. You can be drawn into the machine and be seriously injured.
 Never wear a ring or watch.
 A metal object falling on the hand would bend or break a ring, causing much pain and suffering
until the ring could be removed.
 Do not operate a lathe until you fully understand its controls.
 Never operate a machine if safety guards are removed or not closed properly.

Shaping is performed on a machine tool called a shaper. The components of the shaper include
a ram, which moves relative to a column to provide the cutting motion, and a worktable that holds the
part and accomplishes the feed motion.

MTM Lab Manual

Planning the machine tool for planning is a planer. Cutting speed is achieved by a reciprocating
worktable that moves the part past the single-point cutting tool. The construction and motion capability
of a planer permit much larger parts to be machined than on a shaper.

MTM Lab Manual

Experiment # 03
Milling Machine:

Types of Milling Machine:

There are two basic types of milling operations,

1. Peripheral milling
2. Face milling.
Peripheral Milling:

In peripheral milling, also called plain milling, the axis of the tool is
parallel to the surface being machined, and the operation is performed by
cutting edges on the outside periphery of the cutter. Several types of
peripheral milling

 Slab milling
 Slotting
 Side milling
 Straddle milling
Face milling:

In face milling, the axis of the cutter is perpendicular to the surface

being milled, and machining is performed by cutting edges on both the
end and outside periphery of the cutter.

 Conventional face milling

 Partial face milling
 End milling
 Profile milling
 Pocket milling
 Surface contouring

Cutting Condition in milling machine:

Cutting in milling machine depends upon the following parameters:

Cutting Speed:

One of the most important factors affecting the efficiency of a milling operation is cutter speed.
The cutting speed of a metal may be defined as the speed, in surface feet per minute (sf/min) or meters
per minute (m/min), at which the metal may be machined efficiently

Direction of Feed:

One final consideration concerning feed is the direction in which the work is fed into the cutter.
The most commonly used method is to feed the work against the rotation direction of the cutter

MTM Lab Manual

Depth of Cut:

Where a smooth, accurate finish is desired, it is good milling practice to take roughing and
finishing cuts. Roughing cuts should be deep, with a feed as heavy as the work and the machine will

Horizontal milling machine:

A horizontal milling machine has a horizontal spindle, and this design is well suited for
performing peripheral milling on work parts that are roughly cube shaped.

Vertical milling machine:

A vertical milling machine has a vertical spindle, and this orientation is appropriate for face
milling, end milling, surface contouring, and die sinking on relatively flat work parts.

MTM Lab Manual

Other types include:

 Knee-and-column
 Bed type
 Planer type
 Tracer mills
 CNC milling machines

The knee-and-column milling machine is the basic machine tool for milling. It
derives its name from the fact that its two main components are a column that supports
the spindle, and a knee (roughly resembling a human knee) that supports the worktable.

Bed-type milling machine:

Bed-type milling machines are designed for high production. They are constructed with greater
rigidity than knee-and-column machines, thus permitting them to achieve heavier feed rates and
depths of cut needed for high material removal rates.

Planer type mills:

Planer type mills are the largest milling machines. Their general appearance and
construction are those of a large planer (see Figure 22.31); the difference is that milling is
performed instead of planning.

Computer numerical control milling:

Computer numerical control milling machines are milling machines in which the
cutter path is controlled by alphanumerical data rather than a physical template.

MTM Lab Manual

To describe grinding, grinding wheel and features of grinding.

Grinding machine, grinding wheel,


Grinding is a material removal process accomplished by abrasive particles that are in the
form of bonded wheel rotating at very high surface speeds.

Fig: A simple grinding machine

In grinding, cutting teeth are in the form of abrasive material and grinding wheel rotates at
very high speeds and thus performs cutting.

MTM Lab Manual

Grinding Wheel:

Grinding wheel is a disk shaped material and precisely balanced for very high rotating
speeds. A grinding wheel is consists of the abrasive particles and bonding material in the form of
bonded wheel. Following are basic parameters for a grinding wheel.

Fig: A typical grinding wheel

1. Abrasive Material:
Different types of abrasive materials are used in different types of operations performed
by grinding. However a simple abrasive material has following properties:
o High hardness
o Wear resistance
o Toughness
o Friability
Friability is the property of the abrasive to fracture when grain of abrasive material
become dull. Thus it is a desirable property. Typical materials used fro grinding are
Al2O3, SiC, cBN and diamond.

2. Grain Size:
Grain size also important in determining the surface finish and material removal rate.
Small grit size produce better surface finish while larger grain size are used for large
material removal rates. Thus a choice must be made while selecting a typical grain size.
Similarly, smaller grain size are used to cut harder work material while large grain size
are used to cut soft materials,

3. Bonding Material:
Bonging material is used to hold the abrasive materials together and establishes shape &
structural integrity of the bonding wheel. Desirable properties of a bond material

MTM Lab Manual

should be toughness, hardness, wear resistance and temperature resistance. A typical

bonding material should be able to withstand with high temperatures and friction
occurring during the process.
4. Wheel Structure & Wheel Grade:
Wheel structure refers to the relative spacing between air pores, bond materials and
Abrasive grains and proportion is given as,

With respect to ratio of these three parameters, a typical grinding wheel is divided into
Open & Dense structures. An open structure employs to the small proportion of grain
and large proportion of pores. While a dense structure refers to large proportion of
pores and small proportion of pores.
Wheel grade refers to the wheel’s bond strength retaining during grinding
process. Grade is measured on a structure which is measured between soft and hard. A
soft grade wheel is used for grinding hard material while hard grade is used for
grinding soft material.
Numerical Control Grinding:
Numerical control is defined as a form
of programmable function which are used to
control different mechanical functions in the
form of alphanumerical codes. Now a days, as
we know different types of CNC machines are
available in market to facilitate different
machining operations. Now numerical control
grinding machines also have been invented for
the grinding of complex shape workpiece. By
use of NC machine we can form different
functions simultaneously with accuracy.

Fig: A CNC grinding machine

MTM Lab Manual

Cylindrical Grinders:
Cylindrical grinding is the type grinding which is performed on the rotational objects. The
grinding machines used to for such type of processes are called cylindrical grinders.

There are two major types of cylindrical grinding;

External Cylindrical grinding:

This operation is very similar to lathe

operation. Difference is that in this process
we use heavy motors to derive the rotating
wheel at very high speeds. Cylindrical
workpiece to be grind, is kept between the
centres and rotated at high speed of 30
m/min. Similarly, grinding wheel rotates
about 1000 to 1200 m/min. There are two
types of motions which are possible in
cylindrical grinding One is transverse feed
and other is plunge cut. In transverse feed
motion, grinding wheel is fed in the direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the workpart. The
infeed is from 0.0075 mm to 0.075 mm. External grinding is used to finish those parts which
have already machined to approximate size & heat treated to get desired hardness.

Fig: External cylindrical grinding machine

Internal Cylindrical Grinding:

A typical internal surface grinding acts like a boring machine. The workpiece is usually
held in a chuck and rotated at the speed of 20 m/min to 60 m/min. The wheel is fed in two ways;
transverse feed and or plunge feed. Obviously, wheel diameter should be less than the workpart
diameter as in boring. This often means that the wheel diameter is quite small, necessitating very
high rotational speeds in order to achieve the desired surface speed. Internal cylindrical grinding
is used to finish the hardened inside surfaces of bearing races and bushing surfaces.

MTM Lab Manual

Fig: Internal cylindrical

grinding machine

Safety Precautions During Grinding Operation:

 The speed of the grinder must always be monitored. Grinder should not rotate faster than
the maximum RPM stated on the wheel.
 Never use a grinder without the grinding wheel guard which is provided for protection.
Check the grinding wheel for any kind of crack or damage before using the grinder.

 Grinding wheel consists of several smaller parts which should be properly assembled and
tightened together. Make sure that the right flanges are used and attached properly for a
smooth movement. Ensure that there are no traces of burr or flash.
 Using the right dimension of grinding wheel plays an important role in ensuring safety
and achieving higher efficiency. Using the right dimension wheel also helps in achieving
the maximum allowed rotation speed of the grinding wheel.

 Grinders must always be tested before beginning any kind of work. Test run the grinder in
a safe enclosed area such as beneath the workbench to detect any kind of damage or fault
in the wheel or the grinder.
 Carry out maintenance of grinders at regular intervals of time and as stated by the
manufacturer. Never use a faulty device and carry out all possible preventive maintenance
for safe operation of the grinder


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