Bar Questions Property Finals
Bar Questions Property Finals
Bar Questions Property Finals
(c) Is B’s sole decision to build the fence binding upon A (c) B’s sole decision to build the concrete fence is not binding
and C? May B require A and C to contribute their 2/ 3 share of the upon A and C. Expenses to improve the thing owned in common
expense? Reasons. must be decided upon by a majority of the co-owners who
represent the controlling interest (Arts. 489 and 492. Civil Code).
(d) Is C’s sole decision to build the grotto binding upon A
and B? May C require A and B to contribute their 2/ 3 share of the
expense? Reasons.
(d) C’s sole decision to build the grotto is not binding upon A and B Ramon is wrong on both counts: prescription and laches. His
who cannot be required to contribute to the expenses for the possession as co-owner did not give rise to acquisitive prescription.
embellishment of the thing owned in common if not decided upon Possession by a co-owner is deemed not adverse to the other co-
by the majority of the co- owners who represent the controlling owners but is, on the contrary, deemed beneficial to them (Pongon
interest (Arts. 489 and 492, Civil Code). v. GA, 166 SCRA 375). Ramon’s possession will become adverse only
when he has repudiated the co-ownership and such repudiation
SUGGESTED ANSWER: was made known to Rosario. Assuming that the sale in 1985 where
(e) The sale to X shall not bind the 1/3 share of B and shall be Ramon claimed he was the sole heir of his parents amounted to a
deemed to cover only the 2/3 share of A and C in the land (Art. 493, repudiation of the co-ownership, the prescriptive period began to
Civil Code). B shall have the right to redeem the 2/3 share sold to X run only from that time. Not more than 30 years having lapsed since
by A and C since X is a third person (Art. 1620, Civil Code). then, the claim of Rosario has not as yet prescribed. The claim of
laches is not also meritorious. Until the repudiation of the co-
ownership was made known to the other co-owners, no right has
been violated for the said co-owners to vindicate. Mere delay in
Ownership; Co-Ownership; Prescription (2000)
vindicating the right, standing alone, does not constitute laches.
In 1955, Ramon and his sister Rosario inherited a parcel of land in
Albay from their parents. Since Rosario was gainfully employed in
Manila, she left Ramon alone to possess and cultivate the land. ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
However, Ramon never shared the harvest with Rosario and was
even able to sell one-half of the land in 1985 by claiming to be the Ramon has acquired the land by acquisitive prescription, and
sole heir of his parents. Having reached retirement age in 1990 because of laches on the part of Rosario. Ramon’s possession of the
Rosario returned to the province and upon learning what had land was adverse because he asserted sole ownership thereof and
transpired, demanded that the remaining half of the land be given never shared the harvest therefrom. His adverse possession having
to her as her share. Ramon opposed, asserting that he has already been continuous and uninterrupted for more than 30 years, Ramon
acquired ownership of the land by prescription, and that Rosario is has acquired the land by prescription. Rosario is also guilty of laches
barred by laches from demanding partition and reconveyance. not having asserted her right to the harvest for more than 40 years.
Decide the conflicting claims.
Ownership; Co-Ownership; Prescription (2002) owner, he never claimed sole ownership of the property. He is
therefore estopped under Art. 1431, NCC.
Senen and Peter are brothers. Senen migrated to Canada early while
still a teenager. Peter stayed in Bulacan to take care of their
widowed mother and continued to work on the Family farm even
after her death. Returning to the country some thirty years after he Ownership; Co-Ownership; Redemption (1993)
had left, Senen seeks a partition of the farm to get his share as the In 1937, A obtained a loan of P20,000.00 from the National City
only co-heir of Peter. Peter interposes his opposition, contending Bank of New York, an American-owned bank doing business in the
that acquisitive prescription has already set in and that estoppel lies Philippines. To guarantee payment of his obligation, A constituted a
to bar the action for partition, citing his continuous possession of real estate mortgage on his 30- hectare parcel of agricultural land. In
the property for at least 10 years, for almost 30 years in fact. It is 1939, before he could pay his obligation. A died intestate leaving
undisputed that Peter has never openly claimed sole ownership of three children. B, a son by a first marriage, and C and D, daughters
the property. If he ever had the intention to do so, Senen was by a second marriage. In 1940, the bank foreclosed the mortgage for
completely ignorant of it. Will Senen’s action prosper? Explain. non-payment of the principal obligation. As the only bidder at the
extrajudicial foreclosure sale, the bank bought the property and was
later issued a certificate of sale. The war supervened in 1941
SUGGESTED ANSWER: without the bank having been able to obtain actual possession of
the property which remained with A’s three children who
Senen’s action will prosper. Article 494 of the New Civil Code appropriated for themselves the income from it. In 1948, B bought
provides that “no prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner or co- the property from the bank using the money he received as back
heir against his co-owners or co-heirs so long as he expressly or pay from the U. S. Government, and utilized the same in
impliedly recognizes the co- ownership nor notified Senen of his agribusiness. In 1960, as B’s business flourished, C and D sued B
having repudiated the same. for partition and accounting of the income of the property, claiming
that as heirs of their father they were co-owners thereof and
offering to reimburse B for whatever he had paid in purchasing the
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: property from the bank.
Senen’s action will prosper. This is a case of implied trust. (Art 1441, In brief, how will you answer the complaint of C and D, if you were
NCC) For purposes of prescription under the concept of an owner engaged by D as his counsel?
(Art. 540, NCC). There is no such concept here. Peter was a co-
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Thereafter, she took possession of the hacienda and refused to
share its fruits with her sisters, contending that it was owned
As counsel of B, I shall answer the complaint as follows: When B exclusively by her, having bought it from the bank with her own
bought the property, it was not by a right of redemption since the money. Is she correct or not?
period therefore had already expired. Hence, B bought the property
in an independent unconditional sale. C and D are not co-owners
with B of the property. Therefore, the suit of C and D cannot
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Sylvia is not correct. The 3 daughters are the co-owners of the
hacienda being the only heirs of Ambrosio. When the property was
As counsel of B, I shall answer the complaint as follows: From the foreclosed, the right of redemption belongs also to the 3 daughters.
facts described, it would appear that the Certificate of sale When Sylvia redeemed the entire property before the lapse of the
has not been registered. The one-year period of redemption begins redemption period, she also exercised the right of redemption of
to run from registration. In this case, it has not yet even her co-owners on their behalf. As such she is holding the shares of
commenced. Under the Rules of Court, the property may be her two sisters in the property, and all the fruits corresponding
released by the Judgment debtor or his successor in interest. (Sec. thereto, in trust for them. Redemption by one co-owner inures to
29, Rule 27). It has been held that this includes a joint owner. (Ref. the benefit of all (Adille v. CA, 157 SCRA 455). Sylvia, however, is
Magno vs. Ciola, 61 Phil. 80). entitled to be reimbursed the shares of her two sisters in the
redemption price.
The suit should prosper as to the recovery of the car. However, since
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Jerico was not guilty of any fraud and appears to be an innocent
purchaser for value, he should be reimbursed for the price he paid.
No, they may not redeem because there was no Co- ownership This is without prejudice to United Car Sales, Inc. right of action
among Antonio, Bart, and Carlos to start with. Their parents already against Justine. As between two innocent parties, the party causing
partitioned the land in selling separate portions to them. The the injury should suffer the loss. Therefore, United Car Sales, Inc.
situation is the same as in the case Si v. Court of Appeals, (342 SCRA should suffer the loss.
653 [2000]).
Yes, the suit will prosper because the criminal act of estafa should
be deemed to come within the meaning of unlawful deprivation
under Art. 559, Civil Code, as without it plaintiff would not have
parted with the possession of its car.
No, the suit will not prosper. The sale is valid and Jerico is a buyer in
good faith.
Under the law on Sales, when the thing sold is delivered by the
seller to the buyer without reservation of ownership, the ownership
is transferred to the buyer. Therefore in the suit of United Car Sales,
Inc. against Jerico for the recovery of the car, the plaintiff should not
be allowed to recover the car without reimbursing the defendant for
the price that the latter paid. (EDCA Publishing and Distributing
Corp. vs. Santos, 184 SCRA 614. April 26, 1900).
Builder; Good Faith (1992) planting, after payment of the indemnity provided for in Articles 546
and 546 of the Civil Code.
A owns a parcel of residential land worth P500,000.00 unknown to
A, a residential house costing P 100,000.00 is built on the entire (b) A should pay B the sum of P50,000. Article 548 of the Civil Code
parcel by B who claims ownership of the land. Answer all the provides that useful expenses shall be refunded to the possessor in
following questions based on the premise that B is a builder in good faith with the right of retention, the person who has defeated
good faith and A is a landowner in good faith. him in the possession having the option of refunding the amount of
the expenses or of paying the increase in value which the thing may
a) May A acquire the house built by B? If so, how? have acquired by reason thereof. The increase in value amounts to
b) If the land increased in value to P500,000.00 by reason of the P50,000.00.
building of the house thereon, what amount should be paid by A (c) Yes, A may require B to buy the land. Article 448 of the Civil
in order to acquire the house from B? Code provides that the owner of the land on which anything has
c) Assuming the cost of the house was P90,000.00 and not been built in good faith shall have the right to oblige the one who
P100,000.00, may A require B to buy the land? built to pay the price of the land if its value is not considerably more
than that of the building,
d) If B voluntarily buys the land as desired by A, under what
circumstances may A nevertheless be entitled to have the house (d) If B agrees to buy land but fails to pay, A can have the house
removed? removed (Depra vs. Dumlao, 136 SCRA 475).
e) In what situation may a “forced lease” arise between A and B. (e) Article 448 of the Civil Code provides that the builder cannot be
and what terms and conditions would govern the lease? obliged to buy the land if its value is considerably more than that of
the building. In such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner
Give reasons for your answers. of the land does not choose to appropriate the building after proper
indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the terms of the lease and
in case of disagreement, the court fix the terms thereof.
(a) Yes, A may acquire the house build by B by paying indemnity to
B. Article 448 of the Civil Code provides that the owner of the land
on which anything has been built, sown or planted in good faith,
shall have the right to appropriate as his own the works, sowing or
Builder; Good Faith vs. Bad Faith (1999) 447, in relation to Art 454). Y continues as owner of the lot and
becomes, under the second option, owner of the house as well,
(a) Because of confusion as to the boundaries of the adjoining after he pays the sums demanded.
lots that they bought from the same subdivision company, X
constructed a house on the adjoining lot of Y in the honest belief
that it is the land that he bought from the subdivision company.
Builder; Good Faith vs. Bad Faith (2000)
What are the respective rights of X and Y with respect to X’s house?
(b) Suppose X was in good faith but Y knew that X was In good faith, Pedro constructed a five-door commercial building on
the land of Pablo who was also in good faith. When Pablo
constructing on his (Y’s) land but simply kept quiet about it, thinking
perhaps that he could get X’s house later. What are the respective discovered the construction, he opted to appropriate the building by
paying Pedro the cost thereof. However, Pedro insists that he should
rights of the parties over X’s house in this case?
be paid the current market value of the building, which was
SUGGESTED ANSWER: much higher because of inflation.
(a) The rights of Y, as owner of the lot, and of X, as builder of a 1) Who is correct Pedro or Pablo?
house thereon, are governed by Art. 448 of the Civil Code which
2) In the meantime that Pedro is not yet paid, who is entitled to the
grants to Y the right to choose between two remedies: (a)
appropriate the house by indemnifying X for its value plus whatever rentals of the building, Pedro or Pablo?
necessary expenses the latter may have incurred for the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
preservation of the land, or (b) compel X to buy the land if the
price of the land is not considerably more than the value of the Pablo is correct. Under Article 448 of the New Civil Code in relation
house. If it is, then X cannot be obliged to buy the land but he shall to Article 546, the builder in good faith is entitled to a refund of the
pay reasonable rent, and in case of disagreement, the court shall fix necessary and useful expenses incurred by him, or the increase in
the terms of the lease. value which the land may have acquired by reason of the
improvement, at the option of the landowner. The builder is
SUGGESTED ANSWER: entitled to a refund of the expenses he incurred, and not to the
(b) Since the lot owner Y is deemed to be in bad faith (Art 453), X as market value of the improvement.
the party in good faith may (a) remove the house and demand
indemnification for damages suffered by him, or (b) demand
payment of the value of the house plus reparation for damages (Art
The case of Pecson v. CA, 244 SCRA 407, is not applicable to the Builder; Good Faith vs. Bad Faith; Accession (2000)
problem. In the Pecson case, the builder was the owner of the land
who later lost the property at a public sale due to non-payment of a) Demetrio knew that a piece of land bordering the beach belonged
to Ernesto. However, since the latter was studying in Europe and no
taxes. The Court ruled that Article 448 does not apply to the case
where the owner of the land is the builder but who later lost the one was taking care of the land, Demetrio occupied the same and
constructed thereon nipa sheds with tables and benches which he
land; not being applicable, the indemnity that should be paid to the
buyer must be the fair market value of the building and not just the rented out to people who want to have a picnic by the beach. When
Ernesto returned, he demanded the return of the land. Demetrio
cost of construction thereof. The Court opined in that case that to
do otherwise would unjustly enrich the new owner of the land. agreed to do so after he has removed the nipa sheds. Ernesto
refused to let Demetrio remove the nipa sheds on the ground that
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: these already belonged to him by right of accession. Who is correct?
Pedro is correct. In Pecson vs. CA, it was held that Article 546 of the
New Civil Code does not specifically state how the value of useful
improvements should be determined in fixing the amount of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
indemnity that the owner of the land should pay to the builder in Ernesto is correct, Demetrio is a builder in bad faith because he
good faith. Since the objective of the law is to adjust the rights of knew beforehand that the land belonged to Ernesto, under Article
the parties in such manner as “to administer complete justice to 449 of the New Civil Code, one who builds on the land of another
both of them in such a way as neither one nor the other may enrich loses what is built without right to indemnity. Ernesto becomes the
himself of that which does not belong to him”, the Court ruled that owner of the nipa sheds by right of accession. Hence, Ernesto is well
the basis of reimbursement should be the fair market value of the within his right in refusing to allow the removal of the nipa sheds.
1) Yes, Mike is a builder in good faith. There is no showing that when 2) Jose’s preference should be followed. He may have the building
he built his house, he knew that a portion thereof encroached on removed at the expense of Mike, appropriate the building as his
Jose’s lot. Unless one is versed in the science of surveying, he cannot own, oblige Mike to buy the land and ask for damages in addition to
determine the precise boundaries or location of his property by any of the three options. (Articles 449, 450, 451, CC)
merely examining his title. In the absence of contrary proof, the law
presumes that the encroachment was done in good faith [Technogas
Phils v. CA, 268 SCRA 5, 15 (1997)].
Yes, Don acquired an easement of right of way. An easement
that is continuous and apparent can be acquired by prescription and
title. According to Professor Tolentino, an easement of right of way SUGGESTED ANSWER:
may have a continuous nature if there is a degree of regularity to Prior to the grant of an easement, the buyers of the dominant
indicate continuity of possession and that if coupled with an estate have no other right than to compel grant of easement of right
apparent sign, such easement of way may be acquired by of way.
Since the properties of the buyers are surrounded by other
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: immovables and has no adequate outlet to a public highway and
Yes, Ernie could close the pathway on his land. Don has not the isolation is not due to their acts, buyers may demand an
easement of a right of way provided proper indemnity is paid and
acquired an easement of right of way either by agreement or by
judicial grant. Neither did the buyers. Thus, establishment of a road the right of way demanded is the shortest and least prejudicial to
Ernie. (Villanueva v. Velasco, G.R. No. 130845, November 27,2000).
or unlawful use of the land of Ernie would constitute an invasion of
possessory rights of the owner, which under Article 429 of the Civil
Code may be repelled or prevented. Ernie has the right to exclude
any person from the enjoyment and disposal of the land. This is an
attribute of ownership that Ernie enjoys.
Yes, Ernie may close the pathway, subject however, to the rights of
the lot buyers. Since there is no access to the public road, this
results in the creation of a legal easement. The lot buyers have the
right to demand that Ernie grant them a right of way. In turn, they
have the obligation to pay the value of the portion used as a
right of way, plus damages.
The claim for damages may also be premised in Art. 2191 (4) NCC.
2. APPARENT EASEMENTS are those which are made known and construct a road to have access to his plant nursery. Aniceta refused
are continually kept in view by external signs that reveal the use and claiming that she had already allowed him a previous road right of
enjoyment of the same, while NON- APPARENT EASEMENTS are way.
those which show no external indication of their existence. (Art.
615, Civil Code) Is Tomas entitled to the easement he now demands from Aniceta?
Art. 651 of the Civil Code provides that the width of the easement
3. POSITIVE EASEMENTS are those which impose upon the owner
of the servient estate the obligation of allowing something to be must be sufficient to meet the needs of the dominant estate, and
may accordingly change from time to time. It is the need of the
done or of doing it himself, while NEGATIVE EASEMENTS are those
which prohibit the owner of the servient estate from doing dominant estate which determines the width of the passage. These
needs may vary from time to time. As Tomas’ business grows, the
something which he could lawfully do if the easement did not exist.
(Art. 615. Civil Code) need for use of modern conveyances requires widening of the
David is the owner of the subdivision in Sta. Rosa, Laguna, without Should this easement be established in such a manner that its use
an access to the highway. When he applied for a license to establish may be continuous for all the needs of the dominant estate,
the subdivision, David represented that he will purchase a rice field establishing a permanent passage, the indemnity shall consist of the
located between his land and the highway, and develop it into an value of the land occupied and the amount of the damage caused to
access road. But. when the license was already granted, he did not the servient estate.
bother to buy the rice field, which remains unutilized until the In case the right of way is limited to the necessary passage for the
present. Instead, he chose to connect his subdivision with the cultivation of the estate surrounded by others and for the gathering
neighboring subdivision of Nestor, which has an access to the of its crops through the servient estate without a permanent way,
highway. Nestor allowed him to do this, pending negotiations on the the indemnity shall consist in the payment of the damage cause by
compensation to be paid. When they failed to arrive at an such encumbrance.
agreement, Nestor built a wall across the road connecting with
David’s subdivision. David filed a complaint in court, for the This easement is not compulsory if the isolation of the immovable is
establishment of an easement of right of way through the due to the proprietor’s own acts (564a).
subdivision of Nestor which he claims to be the most adequate and
The easement of right of way shall be established at the point least
practical outlet to the highway.
prejudicial to the servient estate, and insofar as consistent with this
1) What are the requisites for the establishment of a compulsory rule, where the distance from the dominant estate to a public
easement of a right of way? highway may be the shortest (Art. 650, NCC: Vda. de Baltazar v. CA,
245 SCRA 333)
The requisites for a compulsory easement of right of way are: (a) the
dominant estate is surrounded by other immovables and is without
an adequate outlet to a public street or highway; (b) proper
indemnity must be paid; (c) the isolation must not be due to the
acts of the owner of the dominant estate; and (d) the right of way
claimed is at a point least prejudicial to the servient estate and,
insofar as is consistent with this rule, where the distance to the
street or highway is shortest.
No, David is not entitled to the right of way being claimed. The
isolation of his subdivision was due to his own act or omission
because he did not develop into an access road the rice field which
he was supposed to purchase according to his own representation
when he applied for a license to establish the subdivision (Florous v.
Llenado, 244 SCRA 713).
No, the demolition cannot be sustained. The house is not a nuisance If constructed on public streets or riverbeds, it is a public nuisance
per se or at law as it is not an act, occupation, or structure which is a because it obstructs the free use by the public of said places. (City of
nuisance at all times and under any circumstances, regardless of Manila v. Garcia, G.R. No. L-26053, February 21, 1967). If
location or surroundings. A nuisance per se is a nuisance in and of constructed on private land, it is a private nuisance because it
itself, without regard to circumstances (Tolentino, p. 695, citing hinders or impairs the use of the property by the owner.
Wheeler v. River Falls Power Co., 215 Ala. 655,111 So. 907).
b) A swimming pool
e) Uncollected garbage
On 1 January 1980, Minerva, the owner of a building, granted This is a usufruct which is clearly intended for the benefit of Manuel
Petronila a usufruct over the property until 01 June 1998 when until he reaches 30 yrs. of age with Petronila serving only as a
Manuel, a son of Petronila, would have reached his 30th birthday. conduit, holding the property in trust for his benefit. The death of
Manuel, however, died on 1 June 1990 when he was only 26 years Manuel at the age of 26 therefore, terminated the usufruct.
old. Minerva notified Petronila that the usufruct had been
extinguished by the death of Manuel and demanded that the latter
vacate the premises and deliver the same to the former.
Petronila refused to vacate the place on the ground that the
usufruct in her favor would expire only on 1 June 1998 when
Manuel would have reached his 30th birthday and that the death of
Manuel before his 30th birthday did not extinguish the usufruct.