M.SC - Physics (2Y) - 1
M.SC - Physics (2Y) - 1
M.SC - Physics (2Y) - 1
PHY 503 4 3 1 0
Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHY 504 4 0 0 8
Advanced Physics lab
PHY 60X 3 3 0 0
Open Elective
PHY 60Y 3 3 0 0
Open Elective
Total 22 Total 18
Total Credit: 80
Mathematics, as the saying goes, is the queen of all sciences. For a physicist, mathematics
provides his mother tongue. Of late, we have realized that thorough knowledge of mathematics is
a must not only in physics discipline but also in all other disciplines like chemistry, biology,
economics etc. The mathematical physics course is so designed that a student learns mathematics
and acquires enough practice and skills to apply what he has learnt to problems in all other
subjects in physical sciences. More importantly this course trains a student into a mathematical
way of thinking involving rigour and precision. What a student learns in this course will stand
him in good stead in whatever vocation the student takes up in future, be it research, or teaching
or science jobs.
Course Objectives:
To expose the students to the fascinating world of real and complex numbers
To make the students learn about special functions essential in solving physics problems
To make them understand about Fourier series and Fourier transforms.
Learning Outcomes:
Dimensional analysis. Vector algebra and vector calculus. Linear algebra, matrices, Cayley-
Hamilton Theorem. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Linear ordinary differential equations of first
& second order, Elements of complex analysis, analytic functions; Taylor & Laurent series;
poles, residues and evaluation of integrals.
Elementary probability theory, random variables, binomial, Poisson and normal distributions.
Central limit theorem.
Special functions (Hermite, Bessel, Laguerre and Legendre functions). Fourier series, Fourier
and Laplace transforms. Tensors. Introductory group theory: SU(2), O(3). Green’s function.
Partial differential equations (Laplace, wave and heat equations in two and three dimensions).
Reference Books:
1. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering. Ken Riley, Cambridge University
Press India
2. George Arfken, Mathematical methods for Physicists, Academic Press.
3. Basic Training in Mathematics: A Fitness Program for Science Students - R. Shankar
4. Elements of group theory for physicists Joshi, A. W, New age international
5. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, Boas, Mary, Wiley India.
6. The mathematics of classical and quantum physics, Robert w. Fuller, Dover publications
7. Mathematics of physics and modern engineering. Ivan Stephen Sokolnikoff, Raymond
M. Redheffer. McGraw-Hill
8. Advanced engineering mathematics, R. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar, New age international
9. Matrices and tensors in physics, A. W. Joshi, New age international.
PHY 402: CLASSICAL MECHANICS [Credits 4, 3-1-0]
How and why things move the way they do? For a long time, we believed that for an object to
move we require an agent. For example, we thought a chariot driven by seven horses carry then
sun around. However, now we know that moving with a constant velocity is natural and does not
require any external agent. We call it inertia. One needs the help of a force when one wants to
change the velocity. Inertia is enshrined in the first law of Newton.
Course Objectives:
The course on classical mechanics deals with Newton’s laws of motion and several of its
later metamorphoses like Euler Lagrange formulations, Hamilton Jacobi equations,
Poission brackets etc.. It imparts knowledge on different formulations of mechanics;
more importantly the Hamiltonian formulation with Poisson bracket prepares the students
for quantum mechanics which is taught in two courses each of four credits. Besides,
knowledge of classical mechanics is a must for studying non-linear dynamics and chaos.
The subject of nonlinear dynamics and chaos has enormous scope for both basic and
applied research.
Learning Outcomes:
This course prepares the students for taking up work in nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
Small Oscillations
Linearization of equations of motion, free vibrations and normal coordinates, forced oscillations.
Course Objectives:
It is an experimental fact that often a particle behaves like a wave and a wave behaves
like a particle. A wave with a precise wavelength (momentum) does not possess a precise
location and vice versa. Such uncertainties in conjugate measurable properties and the
consequences there of, constitute the essential content of quantum mechanics. Elementary
quantum mechanics is the focus of this course.
Learning Outcomes:
It is organized in such a way that a student at the end, is skilled enough to understand the
advance level Quantum Mechanics
Inadequacy of classical concepts, wave-particle duality, electron
diffraction, notion of state vector and its probability interpretation.
Quantum Dynamics
Time-dependent Schrödinger equation, stationary states and their significance, time-independent
Schrödinger equation.
Reference Books:
1. C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu and F. Laloe, Quantum Mechanics (Volume I).
2. L.I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics
3. E. Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics
4. R.P. Feynman, Feynman Lectures on Physics (Volume 3)
5. R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics
6. R. Eisberg & R Resnick, Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, Wiley
7. Ishwar singh tyagi, Principles of quantum mechanics, Pearson
8. Modern approach to quantum mechanics, Johns townsend,Viva books
PHY404: General Physics Lab [Credits 4, 0-0-4]
Course Objectives:
The aim of this laboratory course is to make the students perceive some of the fundamental laws
of Physics through experiments
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this laboratory course, the students will be capable of handling sophisticated
instruments besides learning the Physics concepts behind these experiments
1. Measurement of Magnetic Susceptibility of Paramagnetic Solution by Quincks Method.
2. Hall Effects.
3. Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern.
4. To determine the wavelength of laser using grating.
5. To Determine the Co-efficient of Rigidity as a Function of Temperature using Torsional
Oscillator (Resonance Method).
6. Four Probe Method.
7. Faraday effect.
8. Other related experiments
Reference Books:
A Text Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakash & Ramakrishna, 11th Ed., 2011,Kitab Mahal
Advanced Practical Physics for Students, B.L. Worsnop, H.T. Flint
BSc Practical Physics, Geeta Sanon, R. Chand & Co
PHY 405: Classical Electrodynamics [Credits 4, 3-1-0]
The equations of Maxwell that condense elegantly the vast experimental findings of Michael
Faraday, his predecessors, and contemporaries, on electricity and magnetism constitute the
course on electrodynamics. This course is important and interesting for the following reason.
Maxwell remains the first of the physicists to unify - he unified the electricity and magnetism
and brought them under a single umbrella. Maxwell’s success at unification provided the impetus
to subsequent unifications with the weak force and the strong nuclear force. However, gravity
has eluded attempts to unification until now. The invariance of Maxwell’s equations under
Lorenz transformation provided the key to the special theory of relativity of Albert Einstein.
Course Objectives:
Learning Outcomes:
Differential equation for electric field, Poisson and Laplace equations, formal solution for
potential with Green's functions, boundary value problems, examples of image method and
Green's function method, solutions of Laplace equation in cylindrical and spherical coordinates
by orthogonal functions, dielectrics, polarization of a medium, electrostatic energy.
Biot-Savart law, differential equation for static magnetic field, vector potential, magnetic field
from localized current distributions, examples of magnetostatic problems, Faraday's law of
induction, magnetic energy of steady current distributions.
Maxwell's Equations
Displacement current, Maxwell's equations, vector and scalar potentials, gauge symmetry,
Coulomb and Lorentz gauges, electromagnetic energy and momentum, conservation laws,
inhomogeneous wave equation and Green's function solution.
Electromagnetic Waves
Plane waves in a dielectric medium, reflection and refraction at dielectric interfaces, frequency
dispersion in dielectrics and metals, dielectric constant and anomalous dispersion, wave
propagation in one dimension, group velocity, metallic wave guides, boundary conditions at
metallic surfaces, propagation modes in wave guides, resonant modes in cavities.
Field of a localized oscillating source, fields and radiation in dipole and quadrupole
approximations, antenna, radiation by moving charges, Lienard-Wiechert potentials, total power
radiated by an accelerated charge, Lorentz formula.
Reference Books:
Course Objectives:
The methods of statistical ensembles and partition sums are very specific to the subject of
Statistical Mechanics. An aim is to introduce the methodologies to the students so that
they can apply it to the problems not only in statistical mechanics but in other fields also.
A case in point is method of ensemble which has been carried over to Quantum
Mechanics to provide an Ad hoc description of Quantum measurements
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course a student would be able to competently employ a whole host of
formalisms of statistical mechanics to a variety of problems in physics, chemistry,
biology, computer science, economics and several other disciplines.
Quantum statistics
Bosons: occupation number, Bose-Einstein statistics, specific heat of solids (Einstein model and
Debye theory), black-body radiation, Bose-Einstein condensation. Fermions: occupation number,
Fermi-Dirac statistics, degenerate Fermi gas.
Reference Books:
Course Objectives:
Elementary quantum mechanics is taught in the first semester and after building the
foundation, advanced quantum mechanics is taught in the second semester.
Learning Outcomes:
Angular Momentum
Rotation operators, angular momentum algebra, eigenvalues of J2 and Jz, spinors and Pauli
matrices, addition of angular momenta.
Identical Particles
Indistinguishability, symmetric and antisymmetric wave functions, incorporation of spin, Slater
determinants, Pauli exclusion principle.
Time-dependent Problems
Schrödinger and Heisenberg picture, time-dependent perturbation theory, transition probability
calculations, golden rule, adiabatic approximation, sudden approximation, beta decay as an
Scattering Theory
Differential cross-section, scattering of a wave packet, integral equation for the scattering
amplitude, Born approximation, method of partial waves, low energy scattering and bound states,
resonance scattering. Relativistic quantum mechanics: Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations.
Reference Books:
1. C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu and F. Laloe, Quantum Mechanics (Volume II).
2. A. Messiah, Quantum Mechanics (Volume II).
3. S. Flügge, Practical Quantum Mechanics.
4. J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics.
5. K. Gottfried, Quantum Mechanics.
PHY 408: ELECTRONICS [Credits 4, 3-1-0]
Course Objectives:
To make the students familiar about the concepts of components used in various
electronic devices
To make the students learn the basics of digital electronics which will be useful to them
in understanding the concept behind Digital India
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to understand the fundamentals behind
analog and digital devices.
Survey of network theorems and network analysis, AC and DC bridges, transistors at low and
high frequencies, FET.
Electronic Devices
Diodes, light-emitting diodes, photo-diodes, negative-resistance devices, p-n-p-n characteristics,
transistors (FET, MoSFET, bipolar). Basic differential amplifier circuit, operational amplifier
characteristics and applications, simple analog computer, analog integrated circuits.
Digital Electronics
Gates, combinational and sequential digital systems, flip-flops, counters, multi-channel analyzer.
Electronic Instruments
Power supplies, oscillators, digital oscilloscopes, counters, phase-sensitive detectors,
introduction to micro-processors.
Reference Books:
1. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics.
2. J. Millman and A. Grabel, Microelectronics.
3. J.J. Cathey, Schaum's Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits.
4. M. Forrest, Electronic Sensor Circuits and Projects.
5. W. Kleitz, Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach.
6. J.H. Moore, C.C. Davis and M.A. Coplan, Building Scientific Apparatus.
PHY 409: ELECTRONICS LAB [Credits 4, 0-0-4]
Course Objectives:
To provide hands-on experience to the students to make them familiar with the
working and handling of the components and electronic devices
To make the students familiar with digital electronic components
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this laboratory, the students will be skilled enough to handle and understand
the use of analog and digital devices.
1. A/D Converter.
2. D/A Converter.
3. Study of Flip-Flops.
4. Study of transistor charactricts in all three modes
5. Study of half adder and full adder using NAND gate IC on Bread Board
6. Study of various gates using Omega Kit
7. Study of Astable, Mono, And Bi-stable Multivibrator Using IC 555 On Bread Board.
8. Study of Astable, Mono, And Bi-stable Multivibrator Using Omega Kit.
9. Decimal to BCD conversions
10. Study of Operation Amplifier.
11. Multiplexer
12. Regulated Power Supply
Reference Books:
1. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics.
2. J. Millman and A. Grabel, Microelectronics.
3. J.J. Cathey, Schaum's Outline of Electronic Devices and Circuits.
4. M. Forrest, Electronic Sensor Circuits and Projects.
5. W. Kleitz, Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach.
6. J.H. Moore, C.C. Davis and M.A. Coplan, Building Scientific Apparatus.
Course Objectives:
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this laboratory, the students will be capable to use numerical ideas in diverse
areas such as biological systems, economics, nonlinear dynamics
Overview of computer organization, hardware, software, scientific programming in FORTRAN
and/or C, C++.
Numerical Techniques
Sorting, interpolation, extrapolation, regression, numerical integration, quadrature, random
number generation, linear algebra and matrix manipulations, inversion, diagonalization,
eigenvectors and eigenvalues, integration of initial-value problems, Euler, Runge-Kutta,
and Verlet schemes, root searching, optimization, fast Fourier transforms.
Simulation Techniques
Monte Carlo methods, molecular dynamics, simulation methods for the Ising model and atomic
fluids, simulation methods for quantum-mechanical problems, time-dependent Schrödinger
equation, discussion of selected problems in percolation, cellular automata, nonlinear dynamics,
traffic problems, diffusion-limited aggregation, celestial mechanics, etc.
Parallel Computation
Introduction to parallel computation.
Reference Books:
1. V. Rajaraman, Computer Programming in Fortran 77.
2. W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky and W.T. Vetterling, Numerical Recipes in
FORTRAN 77: The Art of Scientific Computing. (Similar volumes in C, C++.)
3. H.M. Antia, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers.
4. D.W. Heermann, Computer Simulation Methods in Theoretical Physics.
5. H. Gould and J. Tobochnik, An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods.
6. J.M. Thijssen, Computational Physics.
7. Numerical methods : for scientific and engineering computation Jain, mahinder kumar,
Iyengar, New age international
PHY 501: CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS [Credits 4, 3-1-0]
The theoretical basis for condensed matter physics comes from quantum mechanics and
statistical mechanics. Having said this, we recognize that condensed matter physics stands apart
as a distinct subject with its characteristic idioms and empiricism. Condensed matter physics
deals with several issues about how matter behaves and why does it behave the way it does.
Condensed matter is one of the most technologically useful subjects; for we need more and more
materials with different properties to meet the needs of technology. Condensed matter physics is
undoubtedly the most important area of research in the recent times. Almost all the universities
and institutes have elaborate research programs in theoretical and experimental condensed matter
physics. Nano science, graphenes, fullerines, high temperature superconductivity etc. have
emerged as areas of importance in the recent times; there is virtually unlimited scope for research
and development in these new and emerging areas.
Course Objectives:
To make the students familiar with the structures having regular and irregular arrangements
of atoms, their bonding etc.
The use of quantum mechanics in explaining the peculiar behaviour of materials
To understand various exotic properties of materials under different length scales
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students will be able to understand various physical
phenomena and the reasons behind them
Drude theory, DC conductivity, Hall effect and magneto-resistance, AC conductivity, thermal
conductivity, thermo-electric effects, Fermi-Dirac distribution, thermal properties of an electron
gas, Wiedemann-Franz law, critique of free-electron model.
Crystal Lattices
Bravais lattice, symmetry operations and classification of Bravais lattices, common crystal
structures, reciprocal lattice, Brillouin zone, X-ray diffraction, Bragg's law, Von Laue's
formulation, diffraction from non-crystalline systems.
Classification of Solids
Band classifications, covalent, molecular and ionic crystals, nature of bonding, cohesive
energies, hydrogen bonding.
Electron States in Crystals
Periodic potential and Bloch's theorem, weak potential approximation, energy gaps, Fermi
surface and Brillouin zones, Harrison construction, level density.
Electron Dynamics
Wave packets of Bloch electrons, semi-classical equations of motion, motion in static electric
and magnetic fields, theory of holes.
Lattice Dynamics
Failure of the static lattice model, harmonic approximation, vibrations of a one-dimensional
lattice, one-dimensional lattice with basis, models of three-dimensional lattices, quantization of
vibrations, Einstein and Debye theories of specific heat, phonon density of states, neutron
General properties and band structure, carrier statistics, impurities, intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, p-n junctions, equilibrium fields and densities in junctions, drift and diffusion
Reference Books:
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics.
2. N.W. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin, Solid State Physics.
3. J.M. Ziman, Principles of the Theory of Solids.
4. A.J. Dekker, Solid State Physics.
5. G. Burns, Solid State Physics.
6. M.P. Marder, Condensed Matter Physics.
Course Objectives:
To make the students understand Quantum mechanical phenomenon at the atomic and
molecular level
To make the students understand various couplings effects
To make the students understand about various absorption/emission spectroscopic
Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to understand the normal and anomalous splitting of atomic and
molecular energy levels
The students will be capable to understand ultraviolet-visible-infrared spectroscopy
The students will be understand the spectroscopy of non-polar molecules using Raman
Many-electron Atoms
Review of He atom, ground state and first excited state, quantum virial theorem, Thomas-Fermi
method, determinantal wave function, Hartree and Hartree-Fock method, periodic table and
atomic properties: ionization potential, electron affinity, Hund's rule.
Second Quantization
Basis sets for identical-particle systems, number space representation, creation and annihilation
operators, representation of dynamical operators and the Hamiltonian, simple applications.
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course are as under:
To familiarize about the essential properties of the nucleus such as its shape, size, radius,
density, magnetic moment, electric quadrupole moment etc.
In order to probe these properties several models have been proposed such as liquid drop
model, shell models, collective models
The most useful part of this knowledge is the nuclear energy which has immense
applications. The concept behind this energy was first given by Hans Bethe in the form of
semi-empirical mass formula which is in the course content.
Carbon dating, modern medical applications, radio-physics all require the knowledge of
radio-activity. One complete unit is dedicated for this purposes
It is a well-known fact that all kind of interactions which we perceive in our life are
essentially four in number viz. gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong. The ultimate
aim of particle physics is to unify these interactions.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be enriched with the fundamental knowledge of the nucleus and its properties
The principles behind the modern medical instruments such as nuclear magnetic resonances
will be clear to the students
Students will be enshrined in detail about the radiation hazards, peaceful use of nuclear
energy and carbon dating for fossil’s age determination
The students will be able to do higher studies in this field. They may get employment
opportunities in radiology and medical field
Unit 1: size, shape, charge distribution, spin and parity, magnetic moments,
Nuclear binding energy, Semi empirical mass formula, Liquid drop model, collective
model, shell model, magic numbers and the independent particle model, Fermi gas
model [12 L]
Unit 2:
Characteristics of the force between two nucleons, Deuteron Problem, Nucleon
Nucleon interaction, Meson theory of nuclear forces, Nucleon nucleon scattering,
spin dependence of the nuclear forces, charge independence and charge symmetry of
the nuclear forces ,O-values and thresholds, nuclear reaction cross sections,
examples of different types of reactions and their characteristics [18 L]
Unit 4
Alpha decay, Gamow theory of alpha decay, range of alpha particles, alpha spectra,
Beta Decay, Pauli’s neutrino hypothesis, Fermi theory of beta decay, Detection and
properties of neutrino, Gamma decay, Multipole Transition in nuclei- angular
momentum and parity selection rules [15 L]
Unit 5
Reference Books
Course Objectives:
The aim of this laboratory course is to make the students perceive some of the fundamental laws
of Physics through experiments
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this laboratory course, the students will be capable of handling sophisticated
instruments besides learning the Physics concepts behind these experiments
1. Measurement of Magnetic Susceptibility of Paramagnetic Solution by Quincks Method.
2. Hall Effects. Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern.
3. To determine the wavelength of laser using grating.
4. To Determine the Co-efficient of Rigidity as a Function of Temperature using Torsional
Oscillator (Resonance Method).
5. Four Probe Method.
6. Faraday effect.
PHY 505: PROJECT [15 credits]
The project helps the student to experience science in action. The student gets to know how the
knowledge he/she has gained can be put to use to solve real life problems. The student gains
insight into different steps involved in science research - literature survey, getting to know
various methods of solving the problem on hand, deciding the right approach and
eventually solving the problem assigned.
Course Objective:
The aim of the project is to provide glimpses of latest research going on in various areas of
Physical sciences.
Learning Outcome:
The completion of the successful project will prepare the students for higher level research