Division of City Schools, Navotas

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Bagumbayan Elementary School

M. Naval St., Sipac- Almacen, Navotas City


Dr. C. Bauza St., Bagumbayan South, Navotas City




“Man, by Heart: A Case Study of Spiritual Quotient,

Emotional Quotient and Intelligence Quotient vof Selected
Educators victimized by Gender Norm in Navotas City”







The Problem and Literature Review

I. Background of the Study

Nowadays, society is considered as a factor that shapes an individual. This aspect

is caused by the existence of social norm. Social Norm defined as the standard or a
regulation of behavior that is accepted to be partaken by the member of a social group
(Encyclopedia, Britannica Inc., n. d).

The presence of social norm can be integrated within individual by means of

agreeing or obeying the behavior that is being administered to the most people inside the
society or in the state of being conform. Social norm itself is a broad concept, therefore it
was being categorized through different forms. The expectations and standards that
cultivate the conformity of men and women within specific society and culture. These
ideas are the essence of Gender Norm (Encyclopedia, Britannica Inc., n. d).

The connotation that implied when it comes of homosexuality is having an

attraction between the same sex. The lesbian- gay- bisexual- transgender- intersex-
queer- questioning- asexual (LGBTQIA+) community is classified as the people belonged
to the third sex. While, heterosexual classified as the people considering themselves a
man or a woman in biologically matter, specifically their genital.

Gender Expression***

Achieving a harmonious relationship with other people, success, and gratification

will be possible through acquiring esteem or one’s value as a human being. It is correlated
with the attainment of highly-positive factor in life. In contrast, possessing a little self-
esteem can lead to declined potential, to suffer from abusive occurrence and
relationships, or depression. On the other hand, too much self-value can be resulted into
incompetence to accept failure. It can also a sign for a clinical conditions called
narcissism, wherein the individual may acquit characteristics of being too arrogant and
self-centered. (Psychology Today)

The Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs indicates that self-esteem plays a

significant role as one of the human needs for their motivations. Maslow initiates that an
individual needs esteem from people around as well as interior self-value. Both aspects
must be satisfied to achieve a person’s growth in order to adhere self-actualization (
Cherry, K. 2019).

It is significantly showed that self-esteem is a key factor for the attainment of a

successful life of an individual. But aside from self-esteem, emotional quotient is another
factor thay inherit the positive outlook of an individual.

Gurjat and his colleagues (2012) said that emotional intelligence (EI) is an asset
to achieve social intelligence because it covers up the capability of awareness of own and
other’s emotion and sentiments. Also, as part of social interaction emotional intelligence
deals with the companionship with one’s actions and thinking. Furthermore, the good
combination of emotional intelligence, integrate a self-control and competency to
understand people serves as an operative to achieve independency and improve attitude
towards workplace (Relojo, et.al, 2015).

According to Furnham (2012) the factors that makes up an emotional intelligence

(EI) are social competencies, social skills, and interrelated emotion, because through
these factors an individual can well understand and express themselves as well as for
others and relate with them. Moreover by means of emotional intelligence a person is
able to cope with daily challenges, daily requisition, and stress.

It is considered that the missing pieces in the success equation is the emotional
intelligence. Because people who attain a high emotional intelligence tend to be more
successful in life compared to those who have a lower EI, despite of acquiring an average
level of classical intelligence quotient (IQ) (Bar-On,1988).

In accordance to Association for Supervision and Curiculum Development

(ASCD), an educator or teacher stands as the root of educational leadership. Because
their responsibility is not only limited on addressing their students instead they serve as
leaders among their associates. Teachers are also an asset on the improvements of the
people sorrounds them such as their students and colleagues, through helping them in
different aspects that will gives advantages for their goals ( Top Education Degree, n.d).
II. Literature Review

This section tackles different foreign and local literatures and studies that has a
significant relevancy to the study.


In psychology, self-esteem is a term that depicts an individual’s overall feeling of

personal value or self-worth. It is described as the way a person appreciates and signifies
them. On the other hand, it also comprises of an individual’s credence, including the
approval of their outside figure, beliefs, behaviors, and emotions toward their own.

The Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs indicates that self-esteem plays a

significant role as one of the human needs for their motivations. Maslow initiates that an
individual needs esteem from people around as well as interior self-value. Both aspects
must be satisfied to achieve a person’s growth in order to adhere self-actualization.

There are several factors that affect the level of self-esteem of an individual.
Consistent negative evaluations toward a person from their family members, friends, or
colleagues are likely to experience challenges with low self-esteem. Cherry, K. (2019)

Based on the study conducted across 48 countries around the world, it showed
that there was a significant relationship in age and the level of self-esteem. As the age
increases from late adolescence (18 to 20 years) to middle adulthood (40 to 65 years) the
self-esteem elevated. Also, the study has showed that males congruently attains higher
self-esteem compared females. It signifies that the age and gender affects the self-
esteem of an individual. (Bleidorn, 2016)

Self-esteem plays an important role in influencing individual’s life. One’s self-

esteem is being increased from adolescence up to middle adulthood, while the highest
rate of it is established at ages 50 to 60 years, but then decreases fast at older age. In
addition, people who once acquire self-esteem (high or low) are likely to still develop it
again. Moreover, self-esteem is a stepping-stone for one’s success and achieve a
harmonious relationship with others, work, and health. Those aspects considered
studying self-esteem as valuable in the study (Orth & Robins, 2014).
In accordance to the standard criteria of an employer, people who attain a good
and high level of self-esteem is an advantage for being an employee. A study significantly
flaunted that self-esteem has causality of a better work conditions and outcomes by
means of examining different aspects in a working field: justice at work, support at work,
work stressors, job satisfaction, job success, and counterpart work behavior. (Kuster et.al,

Emotional Intelligence Defined

Emotional Intelligence is defined as the competency to assess, identify, and control

individual’s own emotions, other’s emotions, and for the assembled body. David, L. (2014)

Based on the study of Gurjat and his colleagues (2012) emotional intelligence (EI)
is an asset to achieve social intelligence because it covers up the capability of awareness
of own and other’s emotion and sentiments. Also, as part of social interaction emotional
intelligence deals with the companionship with one’s actions and thinking. Furthermore,
the good combination of EI; integrate a self-control and competency to understand people
serves as an operative to achieve independency and improve attitude towards workplace.
(Relojo, et.al, 2015)

Emotional Intelligence Concept

Multiple intelligences defined by Howaes Gardner in 1983 as two aspects that help
to detail the result of a performance. First, the interpersonal intelligence on the ability of
understanding other people's intentions, motivations and desires. Second, the
intrapersonal intelligence or the ability of understanding oneself in order to appreciate
one's feelings and motivations.

Emotional intelligence is defined as a study of emotion: enhancing emotional

intelligence according to Wayne Payne in 1985. In 2000, the dissimilarity of emotional
intelligence as a character and as a skill is presented (David, L. 2014).
Emotional Intelligence Dimension

Emotional Intelligence initially materialized in Leuner (1996), Stanley Greenspan

(1989) and was updated an EI Model which is supervened by Salorey and Mayer (1990).
And the latest EI approach is in accordance to Daniel Goleman (1995).

In line with this, there are five factors that will enhance the capabilities of an
individual in leadership based on Daniel Goleman's Model (1998).

Self-Awareness, being fully about one's feelings and desire also it deals with being
knowledgeable enough on choosing and making decision. Self-Regulation,
understanding individual's emotion and being able to get along in a certain situation.
Social Skill, can easily handle other people's feelings and guiding them through the right
path. Empathy, knowing the side of other people specially their emotions beforw making
any decisions or judgments. Motivations, inspiring oneself to strive harder, because
according to Goleman being emotionally competent requires a lot of hardwork to become
a better version of oneself. Furthermore, EI is not an innate skill, but it rather be a learned
capacity that adjudge the implicit for learning ability (David, L. 2014).

Social Norm

According to Schroder & Duncan (2019) dealing with the societal norms is
inevitable, and one of the common issue relevant to it was about the gender norms. A
study conducted in University of Lynchburg, wherein the researchers examined the
correlation between a person’s self-esteem and the way how they perceived certain
objects in terms of being masculine, feminine or gender neutral. Results showed after the
respondents rated a Gender Specific Self-Esteem Scale that being outspoken of one’s
self can triggers gender stereotyping caused by being peculiar in the society’s norms.

Gender Norm

According to Gender Equality Commission of the Council of Europe (2015) gender

stereotyping can limit the development of the natural talents and abilities of girls and boys,
women and men, as well as their educational and professional experiences and life
opportunities in general.
Society’s Gender Norm

Stereotype includes advantages, and so as disadvantages which it immediate

response or reaction towards a certain situation is one of the advantage of stereotype for
one may experience a similar situation before. However, generalization among different
individuals may be the disadvantage of stereotype because it makes us disregard the
concept of individualism (McLeod, 2015).

Educational Leadership

When it comes of abetment for students to reach their academic success, coping
and improving educational agenda, those aspects will be possible through adhering an
educational leadership.

In accordance to Association for Supervision and Curiculum Development (ASCD),

an educator or teacher stands as the root of educational leadership. Because their
responsibility is not only limited on addressing their students instead they serves as
leaders among their associates. Teachers are also an asset on the improvements of the
people sorrounds them such as their students and colleagues, through helping them in
different aspects that will gives advantages for their goals ( Top Education Degree, n.d).

III. Aims of the Study

This study aims to describe the self-esteem and emotional intelligence of the
selected educators in Navotas City who became a victim of gender stereotype. Also, the
researcher will identify the correlation between the said variables.

Second, to raise awareness especially to the unrecognized issue of the society that
effectuate a life of an individual and influence the sodality he or she functioning.

In line with this, the choice of the respondent of this is a big factor of acquiring the
aims of the study in order to achieve the educational leadership.

Moreover, the completion of this study aims to gives a significant advantage to the

EDUCATORS. The educators will be more aware thus they will be sensitive about certain
issues regarding their co- worker’s sexuality. Perform tasks, activities more actively and
reopen to a possibility to give a certain endeavor without specifying its strengths and
capability to fulfill the job given.

STEREOTYPED MAN. It will expand the idea of accepting themselves regardless of what
he does though it is not fitted to the social norm. They will learn to accept and love
themselves despite of being not conform or suited to the society’s standards and

RESEARCHERS. The researchers are coming up with an idea that could be related with
this research. Their specific research with the following contents could help them, as a
guide through their making their research.

SOCIETY. This study can open the minds of person in the society. Since, we are now
open about gender sexuality and identity, the concepts and ideas about knowing a person
could probably expands. Expand their thoughts, feeling and be more sensitive in terms of
its sexuality. The society is very wide and everyone is vulnerable in judgments, so this
research would help to encourage everyone to respect each differences.

IV. Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework of Study 1 **

Emotional Intelligence Competency Test Model (2002)

Emotional Intelligence initially materialized in Leuner (1996), Stanley

Greenspan (1989) and was updated an EI Model which is supervened by Salorey and
Mayer (1990). And the latest EI approach is in accordance to Daniel Goleman (1995).

In line with this, there are five factors that will enhance the capabilities of an
individual in leadership based on Daniel Goleman's Model (1998).

Based on the study of Gurjat and his colleagues (2012) emotional intelligence (EI)
is an asset to achieve social intelligence because it covers up the capability of awareness
of own and other’s emotion and sentiments. Also, as part of social interaction emotional
intelligence deals with the companionship with one’s actions and thinking. Furthermore,
the good combination of EI; integrate a self-control and competency to understand people
serves as an operative to achieve independency and improve attitude towards workplace.
(Relojo, et.al, 2015)

Theoretical Framework of Study 2

The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (1995)

The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, a tool that being used to identify and measure
the level of self-esteem of a person.

According to psychology, self-esteem is a term that depicts an individual’s overall

feeling of personal value or self-worth. It is described as the way a person appreciates
and signifies them. On the other hand, it also comprises of an individual’s credence,
including the approval of their outside figure, beliefs, behaviors, and emotions toward their
own. Cherry, K. (2019)
VII. Definitions of Terms

Social Norm- the accepted behavior that an individual is expected to conform in a

particular group, community or culture.

Stereotype- it is an over- generalized belief about a particular category of people.

Conform- an act of matching attitudes, beliefs and behaviors to group norms.

Homosexual- is a romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between

between a members of same sex.

Sex- refers to the set of biological atttibutes in human and animals. It associated with
physical and physiological features including chromosomes, gene expression, hormone
levels/ function, and reproductive/ sexual anatomy.

Gender- tends to denote the social and cultural role of each sex within a given society. It
also refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men.


I. Research Question

What is the level of Emotional Intelligence of the respondents based on Daniel

Goleman Emotional Intelligence Scale?

 Self-Awareness?
 Self-Regulation?
 Social Skills?
 Empathy?
 Motivation?
 Overall EQ?

II. Hypotheses

Null Hypothesis

The selected male educators who experienced gender stereotyping does not show
a high level of emotional quotient based on Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Scale.

Alternative Hypothesis

The selected male educators who experienced gender stereotyping showed a high
level of emotional quotient based on Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Scale.

III. Methods

The researcher conduct the study within the city of Navotas with the respondents
of 10 male educators who became a victim of gender stereotyping
IV. Result

V. Discussion

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