Automatic Paper Plate Making Machine: Sanchit Gaikwad, Amol Kalokhe
Automatic Paper Plate Making Machine: Sanchit Gaikwad, Amol Kalokhe
Automatic Paper Plate Making Machine: Sanchit Gaikwad, Amol Kalokhe
Abstract Disposable food service products were initially developed to enhance public health by improving practices in the
food service industry. This requirement when combined with the environmental threat faced by us at the turn of the 20th
Century and need of strong efforts in order to conserve the environment gave birth to the concept of PAPER PLATES.
There are several inherent advantages in using Paper Plates as compared to cups of other materials. These Paper Plates
are gaining popularity all across the globe as a beautiful and stylish way of minimizing exposure to food borne infections.
Paper plates have numerous advantages like; they are manufactured in a very simple process using Food Grade Raw
Materials with least waste and are easiest to recycle. They are ideal for individual servings at all kinds of parties,
functions, picnic occasions, marriages, chat, tea & food joints, etc. Non-toxic in nature, the shapes and surface designs on
these paper plates are attractive and present an inviting look. These paper plates can also be custom printed with an
outlet's logo, brand punch line or advertising message.
Keywords – Plate Making, machine, paper plate, Automatic.
wherever used, these plates are made with utmost care to
I. INTRODUCTION detail and are a unique addition to any table setting. Hence,
the future of the proposed unit for manufacturing paper
Disposable food service products were initially developed plates is very vibrant and will be a gesture towards
to enhance public health by improving practices in the food supporting the usage of Eco-friendly products.
service industry. This requirement when combined with the A Objectives
environmental threat faced by us at the turn of the 20th After evaluating the existing machine the cons out weighted
Century and need of strong efforts in order to conserve the the pros thus generating a need to improve the overall
environment gave birth to the concept of PAPER PLATE. parameters and working characteristics. The objectives
There are several inherent advantages in using Paper identified were:
products as compared to plates of other materials. These • To implement the theory studied in the academia.
Paper plates are gaining popularity all across the globe as a • Overall efficiency improvement of system.
beautiful and stylish way of minimizing exposure to food
• Machine capacity increment.
borne infections. Paper plates have numerous advantages
• Automation
like; they are manufactured in a very simple process using
• Optimum use of man-hours.
Food Grade Raw Materials with least waste and are easiest
to recycle. They are ideal for individual servings at all kinds
of parties, functions, picnic occasions, marriages, chat, tea II. LITERATURE SURVEY
& food joints, etc. Non-toxic in nature, the shapes and
Disposable food service products were initially developed
surface designs on these paper plates are attractive and
to enhance public health by improving practices in the food
present an inviting look. These paper plates can also be
service industry. This requirement when combined with the
custom printed with an outlet's logo, brand punch line or
environmental threat faced by us at the turn of the 20th
advertising message. Available in a wide variety of designs,
Century and need of strong efforts in order to conserve the
textures, colors and sizes, disposable paper plates are
environment gave birth to the concept of PAPER PLATES.
gorgeous, stylish and eloquent. Adding premium aura
There are several inherent advantages in using Paper Plates
as compared to plates of other materials.
A paper plate is a plate made out of paper and often lined Established in the year 1972, “Excellent Paper Plate
with plastic to prevent liquid from leaking out or soaking Engineering Company” is engaged in manufacturing,
through the paper. The base paper for paper plates is called exporting and supplying Paper Plate Making Machine &
Kraft. This Kraft is coated with the thin layer of silver film. Dies. In this line, project offering Paper Plate Machine,
This paper is then pass through successive stages of rolling, Paper Plate making Machine, Paper Plate Making
and then gets wounded on a roller. Then it is cut for Machinery, Paper Plate Making Raw Material, Paper Thali
required dimensions (here 14x28 in). After then this paper Making Dies and Core Thali, etc.
of required dimensions is pass to the press machine for
giving required shape of plate. The operations from taking Manually Operated Machine:
out the roller of coated paper, cutting it for required
dimensions and then transferring it to the press machine are
carried out manually. This project work deals with
automating the above mentioned operation of the manually
operated paper plate making machine available at “S.M.
manufacturing and trading” company at Bhandara(M.S)
timer for the machine as the digital timer can show the user are having a thee phase AC power supply which is of
about the timer of the operation more clearly than analogue R,Y,B.
timer. Proximity sensor is the main component in our Three MCB’s are present for the supply of power. The
system. This is used to sense the punching operation of the output of PLC is feed to the contactor which is given to the
cylinder which counts the total punches which in result overload relay. This will automatically control the rotation
gives us the total count of the plates by the PLC used in our of motor. This is all about the power circuit of our system.
control panel. These are noncontact proximity device that
set up a radio frequency field with an oscillator and a coil.
All techcylindrical sensors are available in diameters
ranging from4mm (.16 in.) to 30mm (1.18 in.)With sensing
distances up to 40mm (1.57 in.). Most models feature nickel
plated brass (BN) housing, but stainless steel (SS) and non-
metallic versions are available.
B Fully-Automatic Machine
It gives us great pleasure in presenting the project report on
‘Automatic paper Plate Making’.
[1] “Development of paper plate making machine” ,Mr. Chetan P.
Sable1, PROF. P. D. Kamble2, Mr. Dhiraj D. Dube3,Chetan
Sable, IJPRET, 2014; Volume 2 (9): 90-96