Application of Microwave
Application of Microwave
Application of Microwave
2g/lAspkon 1030, iv. Washing with hot water, v. Rinsing with field upon the dipoles, in the high frequency microwave filed
cold water. Finally the samples were dried and assessed for oscillating at 2450MHz. It influences the vibrational energy in
colour strength (K/S) the water molecules and the dye molecules.
Colour, Fastness properties measurements and testing: The The heating mechanism is through ionic conduction, which is
colour strength of the printed samples was evaluated by a type of resistance heating. Depending on the acceleration of
Hunter lab Ultra scan PRO. The colour strength, expressed as the ions trough the dye solution, it results in collision of dye
K/S and the overall fastness properties (washing, perspiration molecules with the molecule of the fibre. The mordant helps
and crocking) were assessed according to the standard and affects the penetration of the dye and also the depth to
methods24-32. which the penetration takes place in the fabric. This makes
microwave superior to conventional dyeing techniques.
Results and Discussion Microwave is a volumetric heating (fast) whereas conventional
is a surface heating (slow) as shown in figure-1.
Microwaves, like other radio waves, are a form of
electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are wavelike Dyeing and fixation of cotton fabric with reactive dyes using
oscillations of electric and magnetic fields. Electric fields are microwave have been researched and compared with
what makes electric charges attract or repel. Positive or conventional dyeing process. Based on trials the results
negative electric charges produce electric fields which in turn showed that, the dye uptake and colour fastness of microwave
act on other charges. In a similar way, magnetic fields cause dyed fabric were reached or higher than conventional process.
magnetic forces33. These fields are perpendicular to each other The microwave heating could be shortened dyed time, and
and continually oscillate between maximum positive and saved energy greatly. Furthermore utilization of microwave in
maximum negative (pointing in the opposite direction). dyeing polyester with disperse dyes35,36 polyamide with
reactive dye37 and cotton with reactive dyes38,39 were
In microwave processing energy is supplied by an investigated. While utilization of microwave fixation the
electromagnetic field directly to the material. This results in printed fabrics is not yet investigated. Hence, a trial was made
rapid heating throughout the material thickness with reduced here to investigate the possibility of using microwave fixation
thermal gradients. Volumetric heating can also reduce of cotton fabric printed with reactive dyes and comparing the
processing times and wave energy. The microwave field and results with the traditional thermo-fixation technique.
the dielectric response of a material govern the ability to heat
with microwave energy. Knowledge of electromagnetic theory To achieve these goal two different reactive dyes were
and dielectric response is essential to optimize the processing selected. Printing pastes were prepared containing these
of materials through microwave heating. reactive dyes according to the recipe indicated in the
experimental section. Samples of cotton fabrics were printed
In fact the electric field component of microwave radiation is via screen printing technique and subjected directly to
responsible for dielectric heating mechanism because it can microwave fixation under a variety of conditions. The latter
cause molecular motion by either migration of icons species comprise the time of exposure, the microwave power and the
(conduction mechanism) or dipolar rotation (dipolar temperature. Another, sample was printed using the same
polarization mechanism). printing paste under the same technique followed by drying
and fixation according to the conventional thermo-fixation
It has been reported34 that, microwave takes into account the techniques recommended for each reactive dye used. This was
dielectric and the thermal properties. The dielectric property done according to the conditions indicated in the experimental
refers to the intrinsic electrical properties that affect the dyeing section.
by dipolar rotation of the dye and influences the microwave
Microwave heating (volumetric) versus conventional heating (surface)
After fixation, the fabric samples were subjected to washing 6.86 to 6.75 by increasing the microwave power from 500W to
according to the aforementioned procedure in the experimental 700W. It seems that, under these severe conditions, the
section followed by drying at ambient conditions and assessed produced heat affects the rate of reaction between cellulosic
for K/S and overall fastness properties. cotton and reactive dyes via either hydrolysis of some dye
molecules or subjecting some dye molecules to thermal
Table-1 and table-2 comprise the results obtained for the decomposition.
samples printed with Cibacrown brown P6R and fixed via
microwave irradiation at various time (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 min.) at Since the conversion of microwave radiation to heat energy
constant microwave power of 500W (table-1) or 700W (table- depends on the presence of polar water molecules, a trial was
2) The K/S of the samples fixed via the conventional made to conserve same water molecules and decrease its
thermofixation technique was also measured and listed in the evaporation and escaping from the printed film, this was done
same tables. via covering the printed goods with either a sheet of paper or a
plastic sheet.
It is clear from the data of table-1 that, as the time of exposure
to microwave irradiation increases from 3 to 9 min. at constant It is clear from the data that irrespective of the magnitude of
power of 500W, the K/S of the printed cotton fabrics increases the microwave power or the time of exposure, covering the
regularly from 0.55 to 6.89. In addition, the same trend was printed cotton fabrics is accompanied by an increase in the
observed from the data of table-2. K/S. In all cases the K/S of the printed and microwave fixed
fabrics follows the order samples covered with impermeable
By comparing the results of the second column in table-1 and plastic sheet > samples covered with permeable paper sheet>
table 2, it is clear from the data that increasing the power from uncovered samples. For example, the K/S of the samples,
500W to 700W at any specific time is accompanied by an which subjected to microwave irradiation for 7 min. at a power
increase in the K/S. This phenomenon holds true for all the of 700W, was increased from 11.69 to 13.95 to 16.56 for the
period of time under investigation except for the sample which uncovered, covered with paper sheet and covered with plastic
exposed to microwave irradiation for relatively long time (9 sheet respectively. This was against their corresponding
min.). samples fixed at a power of 500W where their K/S was
increased from 1.69 to 3.47 to 7.60 only.
The current data is expected since increase in the power at
constant time is accompanied by an increase in the Table-3 represent the K/S of cotton samples printed with
temperature. As the temperature increase, the rate of reaction Cibacrown brown P6R and subjected to microwave irradiation
between the reactive dye molecules and the hydroxyl groups for 5 min. at different magnitude of power (400, 500, 600, 700
of cotton increases. However, at relatively long time, i.e. 9 and 800W).
min. the opposite holds true where the K/S decreases from
Effect of time of microwave irradiation on the K/S of printed cotton fabrics with Cibacrox brown dye at power 500W
K/S for the sample subjected to microwave irradiation
Time (min.) Samples covered with
Uncovered samples
Paper sheet Plastic sheet
3 0.55 0.98 3.09
5 1.35 2.34 6.90
7 1.96 3.47 7.60
9 6.86 9.20 12
K/S of the sample fixed via conventional method thermo-fixation= 14.33- steaming= 14.78
Effect of time of microwave irradiation on the K/S of printed cotton fabrics with Cibacrox brown dye at power 700W
K/S for the sample subjected to microwave irradiation
Time (min.) Samples covered with
Uncovered samples
Paper sheet Plastic sheet
1 1.41 1.68 6.12
3 3.52 4.58 10.61
5 7.49 11.22 15.94
7 11.69 13.95 16.65
9 6.75 15.98 17.91
K/S of the sample fixed via conventional method thermo-fixation= 14.33- steaming= 14.78
It is clear from the data that, increasing the magnitude of polar relevant. Since the most effective factor in dye fixation
microwave fixation from 400 to 800W at constant time of 5 is the produced heat, a trial was made to investigate the effect
min. is accompanied by an increase in the K/S for all the of the microwave-produced heat on the K/S of the printed
samples. For the uncovered and covered samples for example, cotton fabric in presence or absence of paper sheet cover.
it increases from 0.80, 1.35, 4.25, 7.49 and 7.67 by increasing Table-4 represent the data of K/S obtained by varying the
the power from 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 for the uncovered temperature from 50 to 150°Cforcotton fabrics printed with
samples respectively. However, the K/S for the samples fixed Cibacrown brown P6R and Levafix brilliant P-B respectively.
at a power of 700W increase from 7.49, 11.22, 15.94 or the
samples fixed without cover, covered by a paper sheet or It is clear from the data that, as the temperature increases from
plastic sheet respectively. The current data is expected since in 50 to150oC. The K/S increases regularly from 0.45 to 10.98 in
microwave technique, the produced heat depends on the case of using Cibacrown brown P6R, and from 0.34 to 25.12
magnitude of microwave power, the time of exposure as well in case of using Levafix brilliant P-B (table-4). Covering the
as the present of heat polar solvent, which is responsible for printed fabrics with paper sheet is always causes an increase in
capture of the electric filed, and converts it to heat energy. the K/S values irrespective of the nature of the dyestuff used
Hence, increasing the time at constant power, or increasing the or the temperature of thermo-fixation.
power at constant time of exposure as well as increasing the
amount of water molecules on the printed film via covering it It is worthy to mention that during investigating the effect of
causes an increase in the produced heat energy. temperature on the K/S of the printed cotton fabrics, both the
magnitude of power and the time of exposure in neglected.
It is clean from the foregoing discussion that in case of using Where, the sample was subjected to microwave irradiation till
microwave irradiation the most effective factor in fixation of the desired temperature reached, after that the sample was left
the colour from the printed film to the fabric surface is the heat for 1 min. at the desired temperature and removed from the
energy. Naturally, the latter depends on34 the magnitude of the microwave device, cooled, subjected to, washing, drying and
applied power40, the time of exposure and41 on to presence of a finally accessed for K/S.
Effect of power of microwave irradiation on the K/S of printed cotton fabrics with Cibacorn brown P6R for 5 min
K/S for the sample subjected to microwave irradiation
Power (W) Samples covered with
Uncovered samples
Paper sheet Plastic sheet
400 0.80 1.03 1.60
500 1.35 2.34 6.90
600 4.25 7.49 10.41
700 7.49 11.22 15.94
800 7.67 12.90 17.80
K/S of the sample fixed via conventional method thermo-fixation= 14.33- steaming= 14.78
Effect of temperature of microwave irradiation on the K/S of printed cotton fabrics with Cibacorn brown P6R and
Levalex brilliant red P-B
K/S for the sample subjected to microwave irradiation
Temperature Cibacorn brown P6Ra Levalex brilliant red P-Bb
C Samples covered with Samples covered with
Uncovered samples Uncovered samples
paper sheet paper sheet
50 0.45 0.51 0.34 2.7
75 1.13 2.84 0.96 3.42
80 1.50 4.40 1.30 7.85
100 6.25 8.28 11.40 17.05
115 7.28 9.50 17.08 20.16
125 8.50 10.39 22 24.33
130 9.90 11.45 23.59 25.69
150 10.98 - 25.12 -
K/S of the sample fixed via conventional method thermo-fixation= 14.33 - steaming= 14.78, b K/S of the sample fixed via
conventional method thermo-fixation= 20.04 - steaming= 19.05.
Fastness properties of reactive dyeprinted cotton fabric fixed either by microwave irradiation or conventional method
Fastness Properties
Reactive dye used Washing Rubbing
Acidic Alkaline
St. Alt. Wet Dry St. Alt. St. Alt.
Cibacorn brown P6R sample fixed by microwave at 150°C 4-5 4 4-5 4-5 4-5 4 4-5 4
Cibacorn brown P6R sample fixed via steaming 4-5 4 4 4-5 4-5 4 4-5 4
Cibacorn brown P6R sample fixed via thermo-fixation 4-5 4 4 4-5 4 3 4-5 4
Levalex brilliant red P-B sample fixed by microwave at
4-5 4 4-5 4-5 4 3 4-5 4
Levalex brilliant red P-B sample fixed via steaming 4-5 4 4-5 4-5 4-5 4 4-5 4
Levalex brilliant red P-B sample fixed via thermo-fixation 4-5 4 4 4-5 4-5 3 4-5 4
St.: staining, Alt.: alteration.
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