Upa Kleshas
Upa Kleshas
Upa Kleshas
taking the four noble truths as the the basic framework for underlying sturcture of our
our practice and 'mm
the way we practice and our realization of the fruits of practice we are all quite aware that the
third noble truth
nirodha, cessation has not yet been realized, or fully realized by us the fourth noble truth of
the path reached fruition but perhaps we can overlook the fact we also don't yet understsand we
havnen't penetrated the first two noble truths
perhaps crucial point although we've all suffered contnue suffering atleast some time in future
we don;t really yet know what suffering is,
we haven't really grasped we haven't really understood clearly in the sense of realized make real
to us to our hearts and minds truth of suffering the unsatsfactoriness,dukha arises from craving
and ignorance although in the formulation of the four noble truths and craving is chosen by the
buddha as the cause of suffering shouldn't ofcourse forget that
wherever there is tanha there is craving there is ignorance, there is suffering the two are
So the noble eight fold path leading to celssation is one of seeking to come to terms with seeking
to comprehend the nature of
dukha and to make clear tosee in which way that dukha is conditioned caused by craving and we
when we devide the noble eight fold path into
three stages this is the active presentation
static or passive
presentation although it covers the same ground way of talking about
what we are tyring to do is
so if we were just to take the general standard not allowing defilements our mindfulness
isn't sharp enough tendency to forget is stronger than
having precepts and regulations and so on, so forth
return to or which we can bring to mind
enable us to illuminate the unwholesome volitions in our mind, defilments in our mind on the next
stage training of the
jitter of mind and heart thro' samatha meditation the effort to bring the mind a single point or
a single physical senssation a single theme, single word illuminated the
distracted nature of mind
madness, willfullness, fickcleness we see how unwilling i
unwilling it is to still and the very effort to
anchor the mind
illuminates the habitual activity of mind the kind s of
sensual desires, illwill
we notice the depression the discouragements the dullness,torpor we notice the agitation
we notice the doubts we notice these things becuase we have
something separate or apart from
which is unmoving as a contrast to their movement the
basic kind of principle that u can only determine the very nature of
we have a meditation the degree to wihich we still the mind
meditaiton object is
the degree to which we can impress
understand the defilements conditions pass awya that they don't belong to anybody
they are not inherent suffering we havent't really understand to make real to us the truth of
suffering unsatisfactoriness, arising from craving
the defileing nature of defilements aversion , turning away from tirednes with, disenchantment
with defilements arises in direct proportion to our ability to focus the mind and to realize the
bliss, the happiness, the cool rapture of the undistracted mind. If you have epxprienced the non-
distraction, you have
one pointed ness
we have only devided the noble eight fold path into the three
particular flooding nature overwhelm the mind
tidal wave
nivaranas asavas which is commmonly used the extinction of asavas
not a very good exercise for someone
long lists of defilements rather depressed, dullhearted
that's me that's me
it's almost as if Buddha is talking bout u personally, some people lowest cagtegory
don't have any sense of recognition
defilements denial
the second group of people, defilements. that's me i have that kind of defilements, personal
there are many of us carry around this sense of
us guilt ready to own up everything
even though we are not guilty
but the third kind of practitioner is the wisest one is the one who sees the defilments understand
the defilments condititions
indulgence in such mental far outweigh
see things as they are
defilements undefiled mind
positive virtues