List of Amenities
List of Amenities
List of Amenities
Ground level
1. Entry lobby
2. Office area
3. Classrooms
4. Corporate Classrooms
5. Engineering common
6. oasis space
7. terrace
8. project space
A. Lower level
1. Learning factory
2. Shipping/ receiving
3. Welding workshop
4. Welding , Mach, Fabrication
5. Gas/ oil/HVAC Workshop
6. Office area
7. Lower lobby
8. Carpentry workshop
9. Teaching court
Site Amenities
1. Vehicular Access
2. Pedestrian link
3. Drainage
4. parking
5. seating wall
6. Entry
7. Seating
8. Rock Garden
9. Service Court
10. Project Courtyard
11. Playing Field
12. Ornamental and hedgerows
13. Outdoor terrace
Building B
- Property and Suply unit
- Admin records room
- FASD records room
- TESDA ACE office
- ROD Records room
Building C
-TESDA Canteen
Building D
- Water tank
Bulidng E
- Guards house
Building F
- Garrage
Building G
- RTCI office
- RTCI-Iloilo Assessment center Office
- RTCI-Iloilo Records room
- EIM A/v Room
- EIM Workshop and assessment
- English Language Proficiency Training room
Building H
RAC Workshop
-A/V room
-Assessment Area
Building J
-automotive Workshop
A/V Room
-Assessment Area
-Japanese Lang. and Culture Training Room (mezzanine)
Building K
-Welding Assessment Area
Building L
-Plumbing Workshop, A/V Room and Assessment Area
-Carpentry Workshop, A/V Room and Assessment Area
-Masonry Workshop, A/V Room and Assessment Area
Building M
-klin Dryer
Builidng N
Building O /R
-rain Cather / water tank
Building Q
- Construction Painting Workshop
- A/V Room and Assessment Area
Buidlng S
- Activity Area
B. 2nd floor
- Class room 3, 4 ,5 ,6
- Supply office
- Archive/ record room / storage
2. Building B
A. ground floor
- Hospital emergency area /Information area
B. 2nd Floor
- Academic office / assessment center office
- Administrator’s office / APACC Room
- Administrative office
-LSI/ Guidance Office
- Trainer’s Methodology Level 1 Training Lab and Assessment center
3.Building C
NLPC Hospital (groundfloor)
4. Building D
Nursing Arts Lab / Health Care Services NC II Assessment Center
5.Building E
Covered Gym with Stage
6. Building F
A. Ground floor
- Garage
B. 2nd floor
- Registrar’s Office
7.Building G
A. Ground floor
- Front Office NC II
-Housekeeping NC II
B. Second Floor
- FBS NC II Laboratory
8. Building H (hostel Building)
A. Ground floor
- Domestic Work NC II Assessment Center
B. Second Floor
- Hostel Rooms (3)
9. Building I
- Comfort Rooms
- Cookery NC II Laboratory
- Bread and Pastry production NC II Laboratory
- School Canteen
10. Building J
A. Ground Floor
-CMMT building
- CNC Machining NC II Laboratory
- SMAW NC I and NC II Laboratory
B. Second Floor
- Library and Computer laboratory
11.Building K
- Metals and Engineering Annex Building
KOICA Building ?Child Minding Center
- Caregiving NC II Laboratory and Assessment Center
- Massage Theraphy NC II and hilot
-Wellness massage NC II Laboratory And Assessment Center
- Hospital Stockroom
- Guard House
-Power house