Property - Tabular Presentation
Property - Tabular Presentation
Property - Tabular Presentation
If he compels the builder to purchase the land or to demolish the improvement, the LO does not make
use of the materials hence he cannot be held subsidiarily liable
CO-OWNERSHIP (484-501)
484 There is co-ownership whenever the There is co-ownership:
ownership of an undivided thing or When an undivided thing or right belongs to two
right belongs to different persons. or more persons
Co-ownership is terminated/ceased:
When the different portions owned by different
people are already concretely determined and
identifiable, even if not yet technically described
485 The share of the co-owners, in the share is proportional to the interest of each co-
benefits as well as in the charges, shall owner in the ff:
be proportional to their respective Benefits (i.e. fruits)
interests. Any stipulation in a contract Charges (i.e. taxes)
to the contrary shall be void. Accretion or alluvium of the property
Contrary stipulation is VOID
The portions belonging to the co-
owners in the co-ownership shall be
presumed equal, unless the contrary is
486 Each co-owner may use the thing Grants each co-owner the right to use the
owned in common, provided he does property for the purpose intended.
so in accordance with the purpose for
which it is intended and in such a way Purpose alterable by express of implied
as not to injure the interest of the co- agreement provided:
ownership or prevent the other co- The interest of the co-ownership must not be
owners from using it according to their injured or prejudiced; and
rights. The purpose of the co- The other co-owners must not be prevented
ownership may be changed by from using it
agreement, express or implied.
487 Any one of the co-owners may bring an Co-owner may file an action against:
action in ejectment. Third person
489 Repairs for preservation may be made Number of co-owners who must consent:
at the will of one of the co-owners, but Repairs, ejectment action – ONE (489)
he must, if practicable, first notify his Alteration or acts of ownership – ALL (491)
co-owners of the necessity for such All others, like useful improvement, luxurious
repairs. Expenses to improve or embellishments, administration and better
embellish the thing shall be decided enjoyment – FINANCIAL MAJORITY (489 &
upon by a majority as determined in 492)
Article 492.
495 Notwithstanding the provisions of the If physical partition is not practicable, co-
preceding article, the co-owners ownership may end under ART 498: property shall
cannot demand a physical division of be sold and the proceeds be distributed
the thing owned in common, when to
do so would render it unserviceable for
the use for which it is intended. But the
co-ownership may be terminated in
accordance with Article 498.
496 Partition may be made by agreement Law that governs partitions:
between the parties or by judicial Civil code
proceedings. Partition shall be Rules of court – Rule 69
governed by the Rules of Court insofar
as they are consistent with this How partition is effected:
Cocrede. 1. Extrajudicialy pursuant to an agreement
2. Judicially – rule 69
Person desiring judicial partition of real estate
should set forth in his complaint the ff:
1. Nature and extent of his title
2. Adequate description of the real estate
3. Must join as defendants all the other
persons interested in the property
If parties are unable to agree upon the partition,
the court shall appoint not more than 3
competent and disinterested persons as
commissioners to make the partition
Alteration is a change:
a. Which is more or less permanent;
b. Which changes the use (methaphysical) of the thing; and
Knixi Rose Cabus
For Midterms
c. Which prejudices the condition of the thing or its enjoyment by the others
It is an act of ownership; may be material or metaphysical, and gives rise to a real right over the
Example of Alterations:
1. Sale, donation, or mortgage, etc of the whole property
2. Sale, donation or mortgage, etc. of a part of the property but with definite boundaries (would result
to the subsequent partition)
3. A voluntary easement- alienation of a qualitative part of the enjoyment of the whole premises (691)
4. Lease of real property if
The lease is recorded (registered)
Or the lease is for more than one year (whether recorded or not)
5. Construction of a house on a lot owned in common
6. Any other act of strict dominion or ownership
7. Impliedly, contracts of long duration
This involves a physical whole. But there is an This also involves a physical whole. But there is no
ideal (abstract) division; each co-owner being the ideal (abstract) division; each and all of them own
owner of his own ideal share the whole thing
Each co-owner may dispose of his ideal or Each co-owner may not dispose of his own share
undivided share (without boundaries) without the without the consent of ALL the rest, because he
other’s consent really has no ideal share.
If co-owner dies, his share goes to his own heirs If a joint-tenant dies, his share goes by accretion
to the other joint-tenants by virtue of their
survivor-ship or jus accrecendi.
If a co-owner is a minor, this does not benefit the If one joint-tenant is under a legal disability (like
others for the purpose of prescription, and minority), this benefits the other against whom
prescription therefore runs against them prescription will not run.
No legal personality Has legal or juridical personality
Created by contract or by other things Created by contract only (express or implied)
Purpose – collective enjoyment Purpose is profit
Agreement for it to exist for 10 years – valid. If There is no term limit set by the law
more than 10 years, the excess is void
20 years is the maximum if imposed by the
testator or the donee of the common property.
Art 494
As a rule, no mutual representation As a rule, there is mutual representation
Not dissolved by death or incapacity of co-owner Is dissolved by the death or incapacity of partner
Can dispose of his share without consent of others Cannot substitute another as partner in his place
without consent of the others
Profits must always depend on proportionate Profits may be stipulated upon
Knixi Rose Cabus
For Midterms
May arise by an ordinary contract Arises only because of the marriage contract –
special contract
Sex of the co-owners is immaterial One must be a male, the other a female
Co-owners may be two or more Conjugal owners are always only two
Profits are proportional to respective interests Profits are generally 50-50 unless a contrary
stipulation is in a marriage settlement
Death of one does not dissolve the co-ownership Death of either husband or wife dissolves the
conjugal partnership
Generally all the co-owners administer Generally, the husband is the administrator
Co-ownership is discouraged by law Encouraged by law to provide for better family
soil deposited or added tp the lands adjoining the the process whereby the soil is deposited,
banks of rivers, and gradually received as an effect
of the current of waters,
applies only soil deposited on river banks applies to creeks, streams, rivers, lake
Requisites: Requisites:
The deposit should be gradual and That the deposit be gradual and
imperceptible; imperceptible;
Cause if the current of the river; That it resulted from the effects of the current
Current must be that of a river; of the water; and
The river must continue to exist; That the land where accretion takes place is
The increase must be comparatively little, and adjacent to the bank of river
not, for example, such as would increase the
area of the riparian owner land by over 150% Failure to register the acquired alluvial deposit by
accretion for a period of 50 years subjects said
It is not necessary, however: accretion to acquisition through prescription by
1. That the riparian owner should make an third persons.
express act of possession, the accession being
automatically his the moment the soil deposit
can be seen
2. That the riparian owner has completely paid
for the value of the riparian estate as long as
he has already the equitable or beneficial title
Caused by artificial means is prohibited and Accretions on bank of lake – owners of the state
penalized, unless made with the authorization of Accretions on bank of an island – owner of the
the Government island
Reason why alluvium is granted the riparian
1. To compensate him for the loss he may suffer
due to erosion or the destructive force of the
water and danger from flood;