Criminal Juris-Set A: - Accomplice - Done by Cooperating Either by Previous OR Simultaneous Acts Without
Criminal Juris-Set A: - Accomplice - Done by Cooperating Either by Previous OR Simultaneous Acts Without
Criminal Juris-Set A: - Accomplice - Done by Cooperating Either by Previous OR Simultaneous Acts Without
8. A and b agreed and decided to commit robbery in the house of X. On the following
day, A and B told C about the plan and asked C to drive them to the house of X. C drove
A and B to the house of X where A and B committed Robbery. Is C liable? If so, what is
his liability?
Yes, as an accomplice
9. Joseph was charged before the police with Attempted Abduction of Susan, A 16
year old girl. Before the institution of criminal action in court, the parents of Susan
pardoned Joseph. What is the effect of the pardon granted by the parents of Susan to the
criminal liability of Joseph?
Pardon is not sufficient to remove criminal liability
Forcible abduction- abduction of any woman without her consent and with lewd
- the abduction of a woman under 12 years of age w/out her consent shall also be
Consented abduction- is the abduction of a woman who is over 12 years old and
under 18 years old with her consent and with lewd designs. Prision Correcional.
The attempted abduction of Susan by Joseph can either be forcible or consented,
or with or without her consent, still if pardoned by the parents of Susan, it does
15. A group of persons gathered and attended a meeting where they discussed how to
distribute shabu in different schools and universities. Is their illegal assembly?
No, because Illegal Assembly does not include violation of special law
Illegal Assembly- Title Three “Crimes Against Public Order”, Chapter Three, Article
146 of Criminal Law Book II, RPC.
- Only punishes crimes of such assembly “meeting” by armed men or not, as stated in
RPC (act 3815), and does not punishes acts OF ASSEMBLY “meetings”, under
special laws.
16. Roberto is a sugarcane planter in Hacienda Ymana. He nurtured a grudge and ill
feeling against Don Geraldo, the owner of hacienda because he had not been giving his
workers their due shares and benefits. Roberto attacked Don Geraldo with a fist blows
and kick blows. What crime did Roberto commit?
He committed Direct Assault
Direct Assault- Title 3, crimes against public order, chapter four, article 148.
2 ways of commission:
1. Without public uprising by employing force or intimidation for attainment of a goal
of any purpose defined in the crimes of Rebellion and Sedition.
2. Employs force or intimidation upon persons in authority
19. A killed B and was charged with Homicide in Manila. A warrant for his arrest was
issued. To prevent his arrest, he went to Bacolod City and publicly used another name. Is
he liable for Using Fictitious Name?
NO, because the purpose was to EVADE ARREST
“Using fictitious name to EVADE ARREST does not fall or enumerated under article
178 of Using Fictitious Name, therefore “A”, is NOT LIABLE for using Fictitious
Using Fictitious Name and Concealing True Name- Title Four, Crimes Against Public
Interest, Chapter Two “Other Falsifications”, Article 178.
29. X was jogging at Burnham Park at 5 a.m. He saw a man profusely bleeding. The man
asked him to help him and bring him to the hospital. X ignored the man and continued to
jog away. Is X liable for Abandonment of a Person in Danger?
NO, because the man is just bleeding and not on imminent dying and the place is
not uninhabited
X will not be liable for Abandonment of a person In danger under article 275 of title
9, chapter 2 which is crimes against security of section 1 abandonment of helpless
persons because it does not fall in any of circumstances mentioned in the said article,
due to the fact that the place is not uninhabited and the person ignored was the in not
the state of dying.
Abandonment of person in danger and abandonment of one’s own victim- TITLE 9
“Crimes against Personal Liberty and Security”, Chapter 2 “Crimes against
Security”, Section 1 “Abandonment of helpless persons and exploitation of minors”,
Article 275.
Art. 275. Abandonment of person in danger and abandonment of one's own victim.
— The penalty of arresto mayor shall be imposed upon:
1. Any one who shall fail to render assistance to any person whom he shall find in an
uninhabited place wounded or in danger of dying, when he can render such assistance
without detriment to himself, unless such omission shall constitute a more serious offense.
2. Anyone who shall fail to help or render assistance to another whom he has
accidentally wounded or injured.
3. Anyone who, having found an abandoned child under seven years of age, shall fail to
deliver said child to the authorities or to his family, or shall fail to take him to a safe place.
30. A owes B a sum of money. A was not able to pay his debt. One day, B forcibly seized
the bicycle of A for the purpose of applying it as a payment. B is liable for what crime?
Light Coercion
- Why LIGHT COERCION and not THEFT? The definition of theft under article 308,
of Chapter 3, TITLE 10 of Crimes against property states that theft is committed by any
person who with intent to gain but WITHOUT VIOLENCE against or intimidation of
persons nor FORCE UPON THINGS, shall take the personal property of another without
the latter’s consent.
- Therefore, the elements to qualify for the crime of THEFT is inapplicable!! A is not
liable for theft, rather he is LIABLE FOR LIGHT COERCION!!!! because the means
employed of B was with violence by means of forcibly seizing the bicycle of A who was his
debtor and was not able to pay and so the bicycle was used as a purpose for the applying
the same as payment for the debt of A.
Art. 308. Who are liable for theft. — Theft is committed by any person who, with intent to
gain but without violence against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall
take personal property of another without the latter's consent.
Art. 287. Light coercions. — Any person who, by means of violence, shall seize anything
belonging to his debtor for the purpose of applying the same to the payment of the debt,
shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its minimum period and a fine equivalent to the
value of the thing, but in no case less than 75 pesos.
Any other coercions or unjust vexations shall be punished by arresto menor or a fine
ranging from 5 pesos to 200 pesos, or both.
Art. 288. Other similar coercions; (Compulsory purchase of merchandise and payment of
wages by means of tokens.) — The penalty of arresto mayor or a fine ranging from 200 to
500 pesos, or both, shall be imposed upon any person, agent or officer, of any association
or corporation who shall force or compel, directly or indirectly, or shall knowingly permit
any laborer or employee employed by him or by such firm or corporation to be forced or
compelled, to purchase merchandise or commodities of any kind.
The same penalties shall be imposed upon any person who shall pay the wages due a
laborer or employee employed by him, by means of tokens or objects other than the legal
tender currency of the laborer or employee.
What is the elements that would qualify for the crime of UNJUST VEXATION?
37. A with intent to kill fired his gun at B hitting him on his right shoulder. The injury
required medical attendance for 2 days. The gun used by A was not licensed and A has no
license to carry the gun. What crimes or crimes did A commit?
Attempted Homicide Only
In Araneta vs. Court of Appeals, it was held that if a person is shot at and is
wounded, the crime is is automatically attempted homicide/murder/parricide,
provided the would inflicted is not a mortal wound.
RA 8294:
44. Are Offenses defined and penalized by special laws subject to the provisions of the
Revised Penal Code? What is the function of the RPC with regard to these offenses?
NO, special laws are not subject to the provisions of the PRC.
- Provision means a stipulation or a legislative rule, it can also mean as a
GENERAL rule. So to simply decrypt what it means “Special laws does not follow
the rules of RPC nor it will the bases for punishing such offenses of the former,
unless it is expressed by provisions of either of the two”.
47. Taking advantage of his public position and abuse of confidence is___.
An Aggravating Circumstance
48. A _____ is one who at the time of his trial for one crime, shall have been previously
convicted by final judgment of another crime embraced in the same title of the RPC.
60. The term mala inse (plural term, the singular term is malum inse) refers generally to
felonies defined and penalized under ____.
Revised Penal Code
The term mala prohibita is plural term (singular term is malum prohibita) refers
generally to offenses defined and punished under SPECIAL LAWS.
70. The crime of kidnapping is committed if the purpose of the offender is to extort
ransom either from the victim or from any other person. But if a person is transported not
for ransom, the crime is _____.
Illegal detention
What is the distinction between kidnapping and serious illegal detention? And
what is their difference in classification?
If there is Slight Illegal Detention is there such thing as Less Serious Illegal
Detention? If so, under what law is it punishable?
75. If a person goes to a sauna parlor and finds there a descendant and despite that, had
sexual intercourse with her, regardless of her reputation or age, the crime of _____ is
Qualified Seduction
What is CHASTE?
a legal term that is applied to an unmarried female who has yet to experience sexual
intercourse (define by law dictionary)
A. Concept: the act of making a physical contact with the body of another person
for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification other than, or without intention
of, sexual intercourse.
1. The contact may be by the body of the accused such as by the lips, hands, foot; or by
means of any object or instrument. In either case there must be no form of insertion into
the anus, mouth or sex organ amounting to rape through sexual abuse.
Example: (i) The acts of an ardent lover such as kissing, embracing arising from his
passion, are unjust vexation merely. (ii). The touching of the private parts of a woman
out of curiosity is unjust vexation.
85. An admission favorable to the party making it. It is not admissible in evidence
because of its hearsay character, and for the further reason that a man may be safely
believed if he declares against his own interest, but not if he advocates his interest.
Self- Serving Evidence (use of this Originated in England)
95. Whenever a new statute (law/legislation) dealing with crime establishes conditions
more lenient or favorable to the accused, it can be given a ___.
Retroactive Effect
This is the Doctrine of Pro Reo, one example of application of the doctrine or retroactivity
was the case of Robin Padilla who was punished with the crime of “Illegal Possession of
unlicensed firearms”.
97. Which of the following occurs when the offender hits or injures another person and
not the victim intended?
Error Personae
- Punishable under Article 49, while Aberratio Ictus is punished under Article 48
which gives rise to a complex crimes if the act resulted to two or more grave or less
grave felonies. If an accused raised the defense of Abberatio Ictus, however the
crime committed did not result to a complex crimes, then do not talk about
Aberratio Ictus. There is no complex crime if the other acts resulted to LIGHT
Article 48: Defines Complex Crime as: a single act constitutes two or more grave or
less grave felonies, /or when an offense is a necessary means for committing the
other, the penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed, the same to be
applied in its maximum period.
Separate definition:
1. Compound Crime: a single act constitutes two or more grave or less grave
Ex: Juan was a barangay captain who was killed while discharging his duty, the crime is a
complex crime of homicide w/ assault upon a person of authority.
98. The basis of criminal liability in mala inse is intent while the basis of crime mala
prohibita is ____.