Pyroscat Enclosure Manual
Pyroscat Enclosure Manual
Pyroscat Enclosure Manual
FastDoor™ XL PlenumWrap ®+
Table of Contents
Specification and Installation Instructions
• Pyroscat® Duct Wrap XL 3
• FastDoor™ XL 7
• DryerWrap 8
• PlenumWrap®+ 10
Product Features
• Thin and Lightweight at 1-1/2” (38mm) thick, 6 pcf (96 kg/m3)
• Contours easily to complex duct designs
• Grease duct installation UL and ULC Listed with butt joints
at all seams on both layers
• Fully foil encapsulated for fast and clean installation
• Contains 2192°F (1200°C) rated fibers
• Microbial Resistance validated by UL Environment
• Good sound absorption
• Compliant to IMC, NFPA 96, UMC, CMC, CNBC
2. Applications
• 2 hour enclosure and firestop system for kitchen exhaus duct
• Zero clearance to combustibles
• 1, 2 and 3 hour enclosure and firestop system for
hazardous exhaust ducts, pressurization ducts, clothes dryer
exhaust ducts, trash and linen chutes, and other fire rated
HVAC ducts
• 1 hour electrical circuit integrity protection
• Engineered and tested solutions for fire protection of
* Commonly referred to test method CA Section 01350 is CDPH Standard Method for the Testing structural steel and storage vessels per ASTM E119,
and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental
Chambers Version 1.1, Feb 2010 ISO 834, and UL1709
3. Specifications - Division 23 07 00 (or 15080)
rease Duct Enclosure System
G CSI Spec and AutoCAD available online,
Air Ventilation Duct Enclosure System clients/thermcer.html.
Product Data & Installation Guide Thermal Ceramics Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL is a flexible high
1. Product Description temperature insulation rated to 2192°F (1200°C) that is fully
Thermal Ceramics Pyroscat® Duct Wrap XL is a flexible encapsulated in FSP facing. The duct enclosure system shall
blanket composed of high temperature fibers classified for be listed by UL and /or ULC per ASTM E 2336,
applications to 2192°F (1200°C) and fully encapsulated in a CAN/ULC S144 and ISO 6944 for 1-, 2- and 3-hour rating and
durable glass fiber reinforced foil facing for easy handling and zero clearance to combustibles, and tested per ASTM E84 for
installation. Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL is UL and ULC Listed for a flame/smoke rating less than 25/50. Insulation shall have
1 and 2 hour fire resistive enclosure protection, zero clearance a nominal thickness of 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) and density of 6
for kitchen exhaust ducts, electrical circuit protection, and as a lbs/ft3 (96 kg/m3). Insulation shall have a R-Value of 7.3 at
component in UL firestop designs for fire resistance rated 75°F. Installation shall be in strict accordance to
floors, ceilings, and walls. The core fibers in Pyroscat Duct manufacturers published installation instructions, UL or ULC
Wrap XL are manufactured using Thermal Ceramics patented Listings, and shop drawings. FastDoor™ XL shall be used for
Superwool® fiber which is an alkaline-earth silicate wool with duct access where specified or as required by code.
low biopersistence and therefore increased safety for
installers. Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL is under UL’s Follow-Up
Service Program to ensure the consistent quality essential to
this life-safety application.
General (305mm) centers along the width of the duct and 10-1/2”
Cut edges of the blanket shall be taped with aluminum foil tape (270mm) centers along the length of the duct. Pins that extend
to prevent exposed edges of the insulation absorbing grease and beyond the outer blanket layer shall be turned down or the
moisture in the event of a compromised grease duct joint or excessive length cut off to prevent sharp edges. Shoot
condensation. Overlaps and/or tightly butted joints are used to through pins (cup head pins) may be used in conjunction with
block heat transfer in the event of duct deformation resulting from steel banding to prevent blanket sag.
thermal expansion. Filament tape is suggested to hold the E. Access Doors
blanket in place until steel banding or pinning is installed to 1) FastDoor™ XL (Figure 3) - FastDoor XL is a UL Listed, liq-
permanently secure the blanket. uid tight duct cover panel supplied complete with a single
A. Installation on Grease Duct per ASTM E2336 and CAN/ULC layer insulation cover per UL Listing HNKT G18. The Fast-
S144 (Figure 1) Door XL is installed per
System requires two layers of insulation applied directly to the included installation instructions. No field welding is re-
duct with tight butt joints at all seams on both layers. The first quired.
layer of insulation is cut to a length sufficient to wrap around the 2) Field Fabricated Access Doors - Each access door assem-
duct and provide a tight butt joint where the blanket ends meet. bly has four threaded rods 1/4 inch (6mm) in diameter and 5”
Adjacent blankets on the first layer are butted tightly together with (127mm) in length, with one welded to each corner of the door
longitudinal seams offset minimum 6” (150mm). The second layer opening. Hollow steel tubes, 4-1/2” (114mm) long are installed
of insulation is installed in the same method as the first layer, with outside the access cover plate and over the threaded rods.
seams between layers offset a minimum of 6” (150mm). Banding Four 12 gage (3mm) and 4-1/2” (114mm) long steel insulation
and/or pinning per Section D is used to permanently secure the pins are welded to the access cover plate to allow for installa-
insulation to the duct. tion of the three layers of Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL. One layer
B. Installation on HVAC Duct per ISO 6944 (Figure 1) of
Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL is cut to approximately the same size
System requires one layer of insulation applied directly to the duct
as the access panel, and impaled over the insulation pins on
with 3” (75mm) overlaps at all seams. The insulation is cut to a
the panel. A second layer of Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL is cut so
length sufficient to wrap around the duct and provide a 3” (75mm)
as to overlap the first layer a minimum of 1-1/2” (38mm). It is
overlap where the blanket ends meet. Adjacent blankets are
essential that the first and second layer fit tightly against the
installed to provide a minimum overlap of 3” (75mm). Banding
surrounding wrap with no through openings. The third and
and/or pinning per Section D is used to permanently secure the
outside layer should be cut to overlap the second insulation
insulation to the duct.
layer by a minimum of 1-1/2” (38mm). Minimum 1-1/2” (38mm)
C. 2 & 3 Sided Wrap Installation (Figure 4) round or square insulation clips are installed on the insulation
When space does not allow for a complete wrap applied to the pins to secure the three layers of insulation to the access cover
duct on all four sides, the Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL is approved for plate. All cut edges of the insulation shall be taped with
2 or 3 sided installations with mechanical attachment to a rated minimum 3” (75mm) wide aluminum foil tape. Wing nuts and
concrete or CMU assembly. (See Figure 4 for installation details.) washers are installed on the four threaded rods, and tightened
against the hollow steel tubes to seal the access cover plate to
D. Mechanical Attachment Methods the duct.
1) Banding (Figure 1) - Minimum 1/2” (13mm) wide carbon steel F. T
hrough Penetration Firestop System (Figure 2) - When
or stainless steel banding, 0.015” (0.4mm) thick, is placed the duct penetrates a fire rated assembly an approved fire stop
around the entire perimeter of the insulated duct on maximum system must be employed. Figure 2 provides a complete list
10-1/2” (270mm) centers and 1-1/2” (38mm) from each blanket of
edge or 1-1/2” (38mm) from each collar edge when using the UL / ULC firestop design listings which can be found in the
butt joint and collar method. The banding is placed around the Certifications Directory at for US systems and for Canadian systems. Prior to installing any
blanket and tightened to firmly hold the Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL
firestop system the surfaces of all openings and penetrating
in place against the duct, but not cause any cutting or damage
items must be clean and dry. The Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL
to the blanket. core blanket (or mineral wool where allowed by the firestop
2) Pinning - Pinning on all sides of the duct may be used as an design listing) must be compressed into the annular space.
alternative to banding. For ducts wider than 24” (610mm) The packing material must be recessed a minimum depth
pinning is required on the bottom of horizontal runs, or on from the surface of the concrete or gypsum assembly. The re-
one side of vertical runs (in addition to steel banding). When cessed opening must be filled with a minimum thickness of an
applicable, 12 Gage (0.4mm) steel pins are installed on 12” approved firestop sealant. The packing material type and
compression, minimum recess (typically 1/4” (6mm)), and
approved firestop sealant and thickness (typically 1/4” (6mm)) 9. Maintenance and Repair
shall be as specified in an approved UL / ULC firestop design No maintenance is required when installed in accordance with
listing. When there is not sufficient annular space around the Thermal Ceramics (TC) installation instructions. If damage is
duct to run the Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL enclosure system limited to the foil facing, aluminum foil tape can be used to repair
continuous through the fire rated assembly, the enclosure may the foil facing. If an area of blanket is found to be damaged the
terminate above and below the floor/ceiling assembly or on following procedure must be incorporated. If the damaged area is
either side of a wall assembly as shown in Figure 2. When this larger than 8” (203mm) x 8” (203mm) the entire wrap section must
method is used, the Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL must be be removed and replaced according to TC installation
mechanically attached on either side of the fire rated assembly instructions. If the damaged area is small (less than 8” (203mm)
using one of the attachment methods described in Section D, x 8” (203mm)), the damaged area must be cut away and replaced
spaced a maximum of 1-1/2” (38mm) from the fire rated with a new section 1” (25mm) larger in length and width than the
assembly. cut out, such that the new section can be compressed tightly into
G. Support Hanger Systems the cut out area. All cut edges of the new section must be taped
1) Grease ducts: Trapeze support hangers shall be spaced on and sealed with aluminum foil tape. The new section must be
maximum 60 in. (1500 mm) centers. Hanger rods or straps held in place with either pinning or banding per TC installation
shall be anchored with steel drop in or wedge expansion type instructions.
masonry anchors. No additional protection is required for 10. Limitations
hangers and supports meeting the requirements of the Table Thermal Ceramics Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL shall be installed in
below. accordance with these installation instructions and
Hanger Cross Maximum
Trapeze Support (or appropriate laboratory design listings. The integrity of
equivalent Yield Strength),
Section Perimeter, in (mm) Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL systems is limited to the quality of the
in (mm)
3⁄8 in (10 mm) 2 (51) x 2 (51) x 1⁄8 (3) in installation.
148 (3759)
threaded rod angle
3. Performance Specifications
2. Physical Characteristics
Length x Width: 300 inches x 20 or 48 inches
Thickness: 1 inch
Density: 6 lb. per cubic foot
Encapsulation: Scrim reinforced foil (FSP)
Packaging: 1 roll per carton
Blanket Weight: 21 lbs for 20 inch width,
50 lbs for 48 inch width
3. Performance Specification
ISO 6944 1-Hour Rating
ASTM E814 (UL1479) 1-Hour T-Rating
ASTM E814 (UL1479) 1-Hour F-Rating
ASTM E84 -Flame Spread < 25
ASTM E84 -Smoke Developed < 50
ASTM E136 Pass
ASTM C518 -R-Value at 70°F 4.9
ASTM D6329 (Mold at 75 R.H.) Resistant
Product Benefits
• Optimized installation cost
• Optimized installation space
• Easily to cut
• More flexible than alternative wraps
• Improved safety with application specific testing
A A 4B
1-Hour UL Listed Floor/Ceiling Assembly
Maximum 4" Diameter, 30 Gage or Maximum 7" Diameter or 10x4" Rect, 26 Gage Duct
UL Listings HNLJ.V-29
3A FireMaster DryerWrap with 1" longitudinal and transverse compression or overlap joints ULC Listings FRD 28
Minimum 16 Gage galvanized steel tie-wire installed on maximum 8" centers
FireMaster blanket (foil removed) packed into annular space (25% min. compression)
UL Listings F-C-7055
4B Firestop sealant per F-C-7055 (FireMaster Putty or approved alternative)
The integrity of FireMaster duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
2. Applications
• PVC Pipes • CPVC Pipes • PP Pipes
• PVDF Pipes • ABS Pipes • PB Pipes
• PE Pipes • Electrical Cables
3. Physical Characteristics
Duct Product Unit Size Units/Ctn. Wt./Ctn.
PlenumWrap+ Roll 1
/2” x 24” x 50’ 1 42 lbs.
PlenumWrap+ Roll 1
/2” x 48” x 25’ 2 89 lbs.
Color White blanket with silver foil encapsulation
7. Installation (Figure 1) • Banding - min. 1/2” wide, 0.015” thick carbon or stainless steel
The PlenumWrap+ system shall be installed by a qualified contractor banding is placed around the entire perimeter of the insulated pipe
in accordance with the Thermal Ceramics manufacturer’s instructions. or cable on maximum 111/2” centers, and 1/2” from each blanket
Materials and Equipment: edge. As an alternative, 16 gauge carbon or stainless steel tie wire
• PlenumWrap+, 1/2” min.thickness, 24” wide by 50’ long, and 48” wide may be used in place of banding. Tighten the banding or tie wire to
by 25’ long hold the wrap firmly in place without cutting or damaging the wrap.
• Glass filament reinforced tape (optional) Bands or tie wires may be hand tightened.
• Aluminum foil tape for sealing cut edges of foil encapsulated blanket
• Banding material, minimum 1/2” wide, 0.015” thick, carbon or 8. Storage:
stainless steel. Note: One strand of minimum 16 gauge carbon or PlenumWrap+ must be stored in a dry warehouse environment.
stainless steel tie wire may be used as an alternative Pallets should not be stacked.
• Hand tensioning tool and crimping tool
9. Maintenance and Repair
Installation Method: No maintenance is required when installed in accordance with
• Cut PlenumWrap+ to a length sufficient to wrap completely around Thermal Ceramics installation instructions.
the perimeter of the pipe or cable, plus provide an overlap of not
less than 1”. If damage is limited to the foil facing material, aluminum foil tape can
• Aluminum foil tape is used to seal cut edges of the encapsulated be used to repair the foil facing.
blanket during installation.
• Secure the PlenumWrap+ blanket in place by using glass filament If damage penetrates the foil facing and damages the underlying
tape as an optional temporary hold until banding or tie wire is in blanket, the entire section of blanket should be removed and replaced
place. according to Thermal Ceramics installation instructions, ensuring the
• Cut the next adjacent wrap of PlenumWrap+ to completely wrap proper overlaps and mechanical fastening.
around the perimeter of the pipe or cable with enough excess to
*For personal protective equipment recommendations see the SDS. Thermal Ceramics and Plen-
overlap itself not less than 1”. A 1” longitudinal overlap is required umWrap+ are trademarks of Morgan Advanced Materials. PlenumWrap+ products are manufac-
onto the previous adjacent wrap. tured by Thermal Ceramics and distributed through a network of authorized distributors.
1 2
1 5
Re: Equivalency of Thermal Ceramics FireMaster® FastWrap® XL and Pyroscat® Duct Wrap XL
This is to advise that both the Pyroscat and FireMaster brands of fire rated duct wrap are manufactured by the
Thermal Ceramics business of Morgan Advanced Materials in our Augusta, GA facility. The FireMaster FastWrap
XL and the Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL should be accepted as equivalents in all applications and installed in the same
manner as described in the Thermal Ceramics installation manual. Both products may be installed on the same
grease or HVAC duct. The two products have the properties shown in the following table:
6 3
67 )
/ 2" (2
10 1
2" (3
1 1/ P.
) TY
60" 8
1 1/2" (38)
Butt Joint / Butt Joint Typical
TWO LAYER INSTALLATION (Grease Duct per ASTM E2336 and CAN/ULC S144)
6" (155)
2 4 2 4
3" (75) 3" (75) 3" (75)
1 1/2" (38) 1 1 1/2" (38) 1 1/2" (38)
5 1 1/2" (38)
1 Two Layers of XL Insulation for ASTM E2336 and CAN/ULC S144 Grease Duct Enclosures
One Layer of XL Insulation for 2-Hour Air Ventilation Duct Enclosures
2 Steel banding minimum 1/2" (13) wide by 0.015" (0.4) thick.
3 Tight butt joints (no overlap) at perimeter and longitudinal joints, both layers for grease ducts
4 Min. 3" (75) overlap on perimeter and between adjacent blankets
5 Optional 6" XL collar
6 Hangers - size dependent weight of assembly (see datasheet Section G)
7 Trapeze Supports - size dependent on weight of assembly (see datasheet Section G)
8 Steel Rectangular or Round Duct (size, gage and construction dependent per Listed Design)
The integrity of Thermal Ceramics duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
Packing 1
4 3
XL Insulation continuous through rated wall assembly XL Insulation continuous through rated floor/ceiling assembly
2 5 3
Packing 2
4 1 4
XL insulation terminated on both sides of the XL insulation terminated at the top and bottom
rated wall assembly surface of the floor/ceiling assembly
Firestop Designs per ASTM E814 / UL 1479 - Consult UL / ULC Directories for System Details
UL Listing F- & T-Rating (1) Floor/Wall (2) Penetrant (3) Enclosure Per (4) Termination (5) Firestop Sealant Details
C-AJ-7012 2-hour Concrete/CMU 84x24; 26 Ga Duct V19; FRD3; 5; 18 wrap through 1/2 in; STI; Tremco
C-AJ-7014 3-hour Concrete/CMU 84x24; 26 Ga Duct V2; wrap through 1/2 in; STI; Tremco
C-AJ-7019 1 or 2-hour Concrete/CMU 84x24; 26 Ga Duct V19; FRD3, 5, 18 terminate at 1/4 in; STI; Tremco
C-AJ-7021 2-hour Concrete/CMU 49x24; 16 Ga Duct G18; FRD4; 7 terminate at 1/4 in; STI; Tremco
C-AJ-7095 2-hour Concrete/CMU 39x39; 22 Ga Duct V19; FRD3, 5, 18 wrap through 1/4 in; STI Hilti; Rectorseal; Tremco
C-AJ-7098 2-hour Concrete/CMU 49x24; 16 Ga Duct G18; FRD4; 7 wrap through 1/4 in; STI; Hilti; Rectorseal; Tremco
F-C-7036 1 or 2-hour Wood/Gyp Floor 24x12; 16 Ga Duct G18; FRD4; 7 wrap through 1/4 in; STI; Hilti; Rectorseal; Tremco
F-C-7055 1-hour Wood/Gyp Floor 4 Dia; 30 Ga Duct V29; FRD28 wrap through 1/4 in; STI
W-J-7086 2-hour Concrete/CMU Wall 100x100; 26 Ga Duct V19; FRD3;5; 18 terminate at 1/4 in; STI
W-L-7121 1 or 2-hour Gyp Wall 30x30; 16 Ga Duct G18; FRD4; 7 wrap through 1/4 in; STI; Hilti; Rectorseal; Tremco
W-L-7145 1 or 2-hour Gyp Wall 100x100; 26 Ga Duct V19; FRD3; 5; 18 terminate at 5/8 in; STI
The integrity of Morgan Thermal Ceramics duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
Label Required
2 "Access Door"
1 Do Not Obstruct
1 Factory Door by DuctMate (F2); or CHG (Hi-Temp); or code compliant field built door
2 5/16" All Thread Rods.
3 Installation Pins with Speed Clips.
4 Three Layers of FireMaster FastWrap XL Blanket with Minimum 1" (25) Overlaps
and All Edges Sealed with Aluminum Tape.
5 Spool Pieces for Threaded Rods
6 Wing Nuts and Washers
7 FastDoor XL; Factory Built Single Layer Insulation Cover (UL Listing G18)
The integrity of the duct wrap insulation product is limited to the quality of the installation
10 1/2" (267)
3" (75)
6" (152) 6" (152)
12" (305)
6" (152)
10 1/2" (267)
1 Minimum 12 gage (3) steel insulation pins
The integrity of the Morgan Thermal Ceramics duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
6 6
1 Rated Concrete floor/ceiling, or wall - with rating equal or greater than enclosure rating
2 Two layers of XL Insulation for Grease Duct Enclosures (install per UL G18))
One layer of XL Insulation for Air Ventilation Duct Enclosures (install per UL V19)
Two layers of XL Insulation for 3-hr Air Ventilation Duct Enclosure (install per UL V2)
3 Concrete fastener system
4 3/16" (5) thick x 2" (50) -3" (75) wide bar stock perforated 12" (305) o.c.
5 8" (203) maximum Air Gap
6 Duct
7 Steel banding min. 1/2" (13) wide by 0.015" (0.4) thick.
8 Banding clip
The integrity of Morgan Thermal Ceramics duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
1 4 4
3" 7
MIN. 3"
3 TYP. 2 3 MIN.
TYP. 2
1. Support Mechanism Should
Be In Compliance With The Code.
2. Optional Bracket On Bottom
Per Mechanical Designer
One layer of XL Insulation for Air Ventilation Duct Enclosures
3 Mechanical fasteners & washers
4 Duct
5 Fire-resistive concrete floor/ceiling assembly
6 Approved through-penetration firestop sealant
7 Steel banding min. 1/2" wide by 0.015" thick
Suggested Installation
For Grease Duct Exiting Roof
6" Min.
1 Duct
2 Roof
3 Roof over-flashing
4 Vent flashing
5 Two layers XL Insulation for grease ducts
6 UL Listed Firestop System (only needed for rated roofs)
The integrity of the Morgan Thermal Ceramics duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
1 Steel sprinkler line
2 Duct
3 One or Two layers of XL Insulation
4 SS wire ties min. 16 ga.
5 One layer XL Insulation - 3" minimum collar
The integrity of Thermal Ceramics duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
1 2 1 2
6 7 8 6 7 8
1 2
6 7 8
6 7 8
1 Duct
2 Two layers of XL Insulation for Grease Duct Enclosures
One layer of XL Insulation for Air Ventilation Duct Enclosures
3 Non-Combustible Conduit or Pipe
4 Support hanger brackets
5 Support hanger rods (min. 3/8")
6 Filament tape
7 Approved through-penetration firestop system
8 Aluminum tape
The integrity of the Thermal Ceramics duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
1 Rated Shaft
2 Two layers of XL Insulation for Grease Duct Enclosures (ASTM E2336)
One Layer of XL Insulation for Air Ventilation Duct Enclosures
3 Steel banding 1/2" wide min.
4 1/4" approved through-penetration firestop sealant
5 Scrap pieces Of XL Insulation
6 XL Collar (6" Wide)
The integrity of the Morgan Thermal Ceramics duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
Grease Duct 3
6" 6"
Ventilation Duct 3
1 Rated shaft
2 Air gap
3 Duct
4 Two layers of XL Insulation for Grease Duct Enclosures
One Layer of XL Insulation for Air Ventilation Duct Enclososures
5 3" minimum overlap
6 Steel banding min.1/2" wide by 0.015" thick
The integrity of Firemaster duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
3 4 2 2
Hood Below Ceiling 1 1
Wrapped Unwrapped
3 4
2 2
Hood Above Ceiling
1 1
All joints should be installed with tight butt joints on both layers, or minimum 3" overlap on outside layer.
Pins are installed on 10-1/2" o.c., and centered on 3" overlaps or maximum 3" on both sides of outside layer butt joints.
Hood installation must be approved and in compliance with the code.
There is no test standard for wrapping grease duct hoods. Approval is subject to the Authority Having Jurisdiction
1 Two layers XL Insulation installed per UL Listing HNKT-G18
2 Steel banding 1/2" wide min.
3 Minimum 12 gauge steel insulation pins
4 Speed clips
5 Butt Joints (shown) or 3" min perimeter overlap - see note on pin spacing
The integrity of the Thermal Ceramics duct systems is limited to the quality of the installation.
Superior installation
Less space
Less labor
Less material
• Two layers of insulation tight against duct • Two layers of insulation tight against duct
• ½” Stainless steel bands on proper spacing • Installed with zero clearance to wood frame
• Hangers dropped outside insulation • Insulation properly cut for FastDoor XL
• Firestop caulk used to seal penetrations installation, tape sealed edges
• FastDoor™ XL system for access doors
• Two layers of insulation tight against duct • Single layer for HVAC duct shown
• ¾” SS Bands on proper spacing • 6” collars centered over joints, with two bands
• Insulation properly cut for FastDoor XL 1-1/2” from each edge
installation, tape sealed edges • Proper hangers, supports, spacing
• Firestop caulk used to seal penetrations • Shown using 48” blanket to minimize joints
Avoid flanges taller than insulation Duct access must be insulated (not bare)
This typical door is tough to insulate Shown is a typical factory door
1. Floor or Wall Assembly — Min 6 in. (152 mm) thick reinforced lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf or 1600-
2400 kg/m3) concrete. Wall may also be constructed of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. Max area of opening is 78
ft.2 (7.3 m2) with a max dimension of 107 in. (272 cm). See Concrete Blocks (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance
Directory for Mfgs.
2. Steel Air Duct — One steel duct to be installed within the firestop system. Duct to be rigidly supported on both sides of
wall assembly. Min 26 gauge (0.5 mm) galv steel duct having a max perimeter dimension of 400 in. (0.274 m) and a max
individual dimension of 100 in. (762 mm).
3. Firestop System — The firestop system shall consist of the following:
A. Duct Wrap Materials* — Nom 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) thick blanket totally encapsulated within foil-scrim facers. The
steel air duct shall be wrapped with one layer of duct wrap installed in accordance with Ventilation Assembly Nos. V-
1 or V-19. See Ventilation Duct Assemblies in Vol. 2 of the Fire Resistance Directory. When steel angles (Item 3D)
are used, the edges of the duct wrap material are to abut the protruding leg of the angle and the tight seam is to be
covered with an additional 6 in. (152 mm) wide "collar" of duct wrap. The annular space between the insulated duct
and the periphery of the opening shall be min 0 in. (0 mm, point contact) to max 2 in. (51 mm).
THERMAL CERAMICS INC — FireMaster FastWrap XL and FastWrap+ or Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL
B. Packing Material — Min 4-3/4 in. (121 mm) thickness of unfaced scrap duct wrap material or min 4 pcf (64 kg/m3)
mineral wool batt insulation firmly packed into the opening as a permanent form. Packing material to be recessed
from both surfaces of wall as required to accommodate the required thickness of fill material (Item 4B). When steel
angles (Item 3D) are used, packing material shall be firmly packed into opening as a permanent form between the bare
steel duct and the periphery of the opening.
C. Fill, Void or Cavity Material*— Sealant — Min 5/8 in. (16 mm) thickness of fill material applied within annulus,
flush with both surfaces of wall assembly. A min 1/4 in. (6 mm) diam bead of sealant shall be applied at the concrete
wall/insulated duct interface on both surfaces of wall assembly.
SPECIFIED TECHNOLOGIES INC — SpecSeal 100, LC150, LCI Sealant, or Pensil 300 Silicone Sealant
D. Retaining Angles — (Not Shown) — When dimensions of duct exceed 84 by 84 in. (213 by 213 cm), min No. 16
gauge (0.059 in. (1.5 mm)) galv steel angles sized to lap steel duct a min of 2 in. (51 mm) and to lap wall surfaces a
min of 1 in. (25 mm). Angles attached to steel duct on both sides of wall within 1 in. (25 mm) of wall with min No. 10
by 1/2 in. (13 mm) long steel sheet metal screws or welds located a max of 1 in. (25 mm) from each end of steel duct
and spaced a max of 6 in. (152 mm) OC.
*Bearing the UL Classification Mark
2102 Old Savannah Road, Augusta, GA Reproduced Courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Created or Modified July 20, 2011
Technical Support:
(706) 796-4306
Page 1 of 1
1. Wall Assembly — The 1 or 2 hr fire-rated gypsum board/stud wall assembly shall be constructed of the materials and in
the manner specified in the individual U400 or V400 Series Wall and Partition Design in the Fire Resistance Directory
and shall include the following construction features:
A. Studs — Wall framing shall consist of min 3-1/2 in. (89 mm) wide channel shaped steel studs spaced max 24 in. (610
mm) OC. Additional framing members shall be installed in stud cavity to form a rectangular box around the penetrant.
B. Gypsum Board* — 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick with square or tapered edges. The gypsum board type, thickness, number
of layers, fastener type and sheet orientation shall be as specified in the individual U400 or V400 Wall and Partition
Design. Max area of opening is 78 ft.2 (7.3 m2) with a max dimension of 107 in. (272 cm).
The hourly F and T Ratings of the firestop system are equal to the hourly fire rating of the wall assembly in which
it is installed.
2. Steel Air Duct — One steel duct to be installed within the firestop system. Duct to be rigidly supported on both sides of
wall assembly. Min 26 gauge (0.5 mm) galv steel duct having a max perimeter dimension of 400 in. (0.274 m) and a max
individual dimension of 100 in. (762 mm).
3. Firestop System — The firestop system shall consist of the following:
A. Duct Wrap Materials* — Nom 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) thick blanket totally encapsulated within foil-scrim facers. The
steel air duct shall be wrapped with one layer of duct wrap installed in accordance with Ventilation Assembly Nos. V-
1 or V-19. See Ventilation Duct Assemblies in Vol. 2 of the Fire Resistance Directory. When steel angles (Item 3D)
are used, the edges of the duct wrap material are to about the protruding leg of the angle and the tight seam is to be
covered with an additional 6 in. (152 mm) wide "collar" of duct wrap. The annular space between the insulated duct
and the periphery of the opening shall be min 0 in. (0 mm, point contact) to max 2 in. (51 mm).
THERMAL CERAMICS INC — FireMaster FastWrap XL and FastWrap+ or Pyroscat Duct Wrap XL
B. Packing Material — Min 3-1/2 in. (89 mm) and 4-3/4 in. (121 mm) thickness of unfaced scrap duct wrap material or
min 4 pcf (64 kg/m3) mineral wool batt insulation firmly packed into the opening as a permanent form for 1 and 2 hr
rated walls, respectively. Packing material to be recessed from both surfaces of wall as required to accommodate the
required thickness of fill material (Item 4B).
C. Fill, Void or Cavity Material*— Sealant — Min 5/8 in. (16 mm) thickness of fill material applied within annulus,
flush with both surfaces of wall assembly. A min 1/4 in. (6 mm) diam bead of sealant shall be applied at the gypsum
board/insulated duct interface on both surfaces of wall assembly.
SPECIFIED TECHNOLOGIES INC — SpecSeal 100, LC150, LCI Sealant, or Pensil 300 Silicone Sealant
2102 Old Savannah Road, Augusta, GA Reproduced Courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Created or Modified July 20, 2011
Technical Support:
(706) 796-4306
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2102 Old Savannah Road, Augusta, GA Reproduced Courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Created or Modified July 20, 2011
Technical Support:
(706) 796-4306
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