Computer Aided Cooling Curve Analysis and Microstructure of Cerium Added Hypereutectic Al-Si (LM29) Alloy
Computer Aided Cooling Curve Analysis and Microstructure of Cerium Added Hypereutectic Al-Si (LM29) Alloy
Computer Aided Cooling Curve Analysis and Microstructure of Cerium Added Hypereutectic Al-Si (LM29) Alloy
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2 authors, including:
Vijeesh Vijayan
Dong-Eui University
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Received: 28 July 2013 / Accepted: 2 January 2014 / Published online: 9 March 2014
Ó Indian Institute of Metals 2014
Abstract Thermal analysis of LM29 alloy and Ce added combustion engine parts, especially in pistons. The alloys
LM29 alloys was carried out. The effect of cerium addition are also used in connecting rods, rocker arms, cylinder
on solidification parameters and microstructural features of sleeves and piston rings. The cast microstructure of
hypereutectic Al-Si (LM29) alloy was studied using hypereutectic alloy generally consists of coarse and seg-
Newtonian analysis technique. Thermal analysis parame- regated primary silicon crystals along with unmodified
ters such as primary and eutectic phase nucleation and eutectic silicon. Even though the primary silicon could be
solidus temperatures were determined. The addition of Ce refined by phosphorous treatment, the eutectic silicon
to LM29 alloy decreased the nucleation temperature of remains unaffected [1–3]. To meet the emission standards
primary silicon and eutectic silicon. The microstructural and fuel efficiency, there is a constant demand for high
examination of Ce added LM29 alloys revealed the pre- temperature mechanical properties. Further improvement
sence of a polyhedral shaped Al–Si–Ce compound that in properties of hypereutectic Al–Si alloy can be achieved
might have caused the refinement of primary and eutectic by simultaneous modification of eutectic silicon and
silicon. The dendrite coherency point temperature of LM29 refinement of primary silicon [4, 5]. To find an alternative
alloy was found to be suppressed on addition of Ce. to phosphorous, hypereutectic alloys were treated with
rare-earth elements. Kores et al. [6] found that Cerium (Ce)
Keywords Hypereutectic Al–Si alloys Cerium treatment resulted in simultaneous refinement and modifi-
Thermal analysis Newtonian analysis cation of both primary and eutectic silicon at an optimum
Dendrite coherency point (DCP) quantity of 1 wt%. In addition to this, studies by Harun
et al. [7] and Anasyida et al. [8] revealed that the wear
resistance of the hypereutectic alloy increased with Ce
1 Introduction addition. Since melt treatment by cerium is in the initial
stages of the research, further studies are required to
Aluminum–Silicon alloys with silicon content greater than develop it as an alternative to phosphorous treatment.
13 wt% are classified as hypereutectic Al–Si alloys. Due to Computer aided cooling curve analysis is an online
high silicon content, the hypereutectic Al–Si alloys have prediction tool that can be used effectively to determine the
low coefficient of thermal expansion and higher wear wide range of thermo-metallurgical information related to
resistance compared to other Al–Si alloys. Hypereutectic metals or alloys. The process involves measuring the
Al–Si alloys are therefore extensively used in internal temperature history of the sample with respect to time and
determining the thermal characteristics, fraction solid and
latent heat during melting or solidification [9–11]. Unlike
hypoeutectic Al–Si alloys, the hypereutectic alloys are
V. Vijeesh K. N. Prabhu (&) rarely characterized using thermal analysis techniques.
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,
Previous studies on hypereutectic alloy reveal that the
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Srinivasnagar,
Surathkal, Mangalore 575025, India thermal analysis technique can be used to detect the
e-mail: nucleating phases, corresponding temperatures and the
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3 Experimental Procedure
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The fraction solid was calculated by finding out the net FDC in DCP determination. Here the first derivative (oT ot
) is
area between FDC and DBL curves. The latent heat cal- plotted against temperature and DCP was determined by
culated using Eq. 3 is equal to the product of specific heat identifying the loop in the curve. From Fig. 4a it is clear
and area between the curves. that at DCP a loop is formed due to the change in the
Fraction solid is given as: cooling rate. Initially due to the formation of dendrite
f s ¼ Lt =Li ð4Þ network the cooling rate has increased, because the thermal
conductivity of the solid network formed is higher than the
where Lt is the total latent heat and Li is latent heat at each liquid. The cooling rate decreased later forming a complete
instant. The fraction solid can be therefore rewritten as loop. This decrease in cooling rate can be attributed to the
Rt latent heat liberated due to the formation of solid. Hence at
f s ¼ R tste DCP there is a slight increase in temperature attributing to
ts FDC DBL the latent heat liberated due to the formation of dendrite
Cummulative area till instant of time
¼ ð5Þ network. Figure 4b shows the increase in temperature with
Total area the increase in fraction solid. The change in slope of the
Figure 3 shows the solid fraction versus temperature for fraction solid curve indicates the contribution of dendrite
Newtonian analysis. The accuracy of the fraction solid network to the increase in temperature.
curves depends on the fitting of an appropriate DBL to the
FDC. From Fig. 3 it is clear that the fraction solid up to 4.3 Effect of Cerium
eutectic nucleation for the alloy without addition is 0.3. It
implies that 30 % of the alloy is solidified as primary silicon. Figure 5 shows the cooling curves of cerium added alloys.
The measured cooling curve parameters are given in
4.2 Determination of DCP Table 1. From Table, it is obvious that cerium has signif-
icant effect on characteristic solidification temperatures
The first derivative of the cooling curve was used to (nucleation, eutectic, solidus and DCP). The results indi-
determine DCP of the alloy. Figure 4a illustrates the use of cate that the cerium addition has decreased the nucleation
Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(4):541–549 545
Fig. 5 Effect of Ce addition on cooling curves Fig. 6 Effect of Ce addition on solid fraction
546 Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(4):541–549
Fig. 7 Microstructures of LM29 alloy with different Ce additions a without Ce b with 0.5 % Ce c with 1 % Ce d with 1.5 % Ce e with 2 % Ce
an influence on the nucleation and growth temperatures of findings of thermal analysis. It was found that the addition
both primary and eutectic silicon. The results showed an of Ce to the melt has resulted in a change in morphology
optimum value at 1.5 wt% Ce indicating simultaneous and refinement/modification of primary/eutectic silicon.
refinement of primary and eutectic silicon at this concen- Figure 7a shows the micrograph of untreated alloy with
tration of Ce. star shaped primary silicon and acicular eutectic silicon. It
To support the above findings, metallographic study was was observed that with the addition of Ce, the morphology
conducted and the microstructures of cerium added alloys of primary silicon transforms from star-like shape to
are shown in Fig. 7. The micrograph also supports the polyhedral shape. The transformation of primary silicon to
Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(4):541–549 547
Fig. 8 EDAX results of LM29 alloys. a 0.5 % Ce, b 1.0 % Ce, c 1.5 % Ce and d 2.0 % Ce
polyhedral was complete at 1.5 wt% Ce and further (\1.5 wt%). The nucleation temperature of the eutectic
increase in Ce content resulted in irregularly shaped pri- silicon was also suppressed at higher concentration of Ce.
mary silicon as shown in Fig. 7c to e. The measured pri- Faraji et al. [24] reported a similar kind of depression in
mary silicon sizes of LM29 alloys without Ce, 0.5 % Ce, nucleation temperatures with addition of Sr to Al–19 wt%
1 % Ce, 1.5 % Ce and 2.0 % Ce were found to be Si alloy. They reported that the addition of Sr suppressed
1,089 ± 70, 851 ± 80, 581 ± 71, 360 ± 85 and the formation of primary silicon even in the presence of
470 ± 75 lm respectively. The corresponding percentage added P. But Sr additions showed minimum effect on
decrease in primary silicon size with Ce addition is 21, 46, eutectic nucleation temperature. In an earlier study con-
69 and 56 % for 0.5 % Ce, 1 % Ce, 1.5 % Ce and 2.0 % ducted by the authors, Sr addition yielded fibrous coral-like
Ce respectively. Figure 7d, e shows a microstructure with structure of eutectic Si and the primary silicon was trans-
the eutectic modification along with the refinement of formed into a non-faceted structure from a faceted structure
primary silicon. The eutectic silicon was found to be [25]. However, in the present investigation it was found
moderately affected at low concentration of Ce additions that the addition of Ce resulted in polyhedral primary Si.
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