OCT - In.neuro Ophthalmology - Practice
OCT - In.neuro Ophthalmology - Practice
OCT - In.neuro Ophthalmology - Practice
7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. OCT IN NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY PRACTICE [2 CME] Arizona Salons 1-6
Moderators: Laura J. Balcer, MD, MSCE and Fiona Costello, MD
This half-morning symposium will review the current knowledge concerning the use of
optical coherence tomography (OCT) in patients with neuro-ophthalmologic disorders.
The session will discuss the history of OCT and the evolution of the underlying technology.
The currently available and future equipment will be discussed and evaluated. The
evidence regarding the use of OCT in the diagnosis and follow/up of optic neuritis,
chiasmal lesions, multiple sclerosis and other neurologic diseases will be reviewed.
A perspective on the clinical utilization of OCT drawing on experience from its place in
glaucoma management will be presented. The potential of OCT for monitoring possible
neuro-protective treatment of optic nerve and macular disease will be reviewed.
At the conclusion of the symposium, the attendees should be able to: 1) Describe the
principle of OCT and the forms of equipment available to perform the test; 2) Discuss the
currently available evidence about the use of OCT in evaluating optic neuritis, MS, chiasmal
lesions, and other neuro-ophthalmologic disorders; 3) Explain the lessons available from
the use of OCT in management of glaucoma; and 4) Discuss the potential use of OCT in
monitoring the effects of therapy of anterior visual pathway disease, including
neuroprotective agents.
7:30 a.m. – 7:50 a.m. OCT Technologies: Past, Present, and What’s New? - Joel Schuman, MD 327
7:50 a.m. – 8:10 a.m. OCT in Neurologic Disease - Eric Eggenberger, DO, MSEpi 335
8:10 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Lessons from Glaucoma: Use of OCT in the Clinic and Trials - Joel Schuman, MD 343
8:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m. Linking Axons and Neurons: Unveiling Mysteries of the Macula and 369
Modeling Neuroprotection - Randy Kardon, MD, PhD
8:50 a.m. – 9:05 a.m. Platform Presentation: Ganglion Cell Layer Volume by Spectralis Optical Coherence 375
Tomography (OCT) in Multiple Sclerosis - Emma Davies, MD
9:05 a.m. – 9:20 a.m. Evidence Meets Practice: Take-Home Points on OCT - Thomas Hedges, III, MD 377
This course will review the latest concepts in the evaluation and treatment of the often
vexing disease process of thyroid orbitopathy. The immunology of the condition as well as
potential new treatments and their indications will be discussed. Speakers will further
discuss newer modalities for assessing disease progression, evaluating strabismus, and
surgical and pharmacologic treatment options. A panel discussion will consider these
topics, as well as the potential for clinical trial in this area.
At the conclusion of the symposium, the attendees should be able to: 1) Understand the
latest diagnostic and assessment tools for thyroid eye disease; and 2) Discuss both
medical and surgical treatment options.
10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Immunology of Thyroid Eye Disease: New Treatments on the Horizon? - 383
Raymond Douglas, MD, PhD
10:30 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. Objective Markers for Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) Activity, Severity 387
and Progression - Kim Cockerham, MD, FACS
10:50 a.m. – 11:20 am. Surgical Techniques for Anatomic Restoration - Raymond Douglas, MD, PhD 391
11:20 a.m. – 11:40 a.m. Ocular Motility in Thyroid Eye Disease –Evaluation and Surgery - 395
Steven Feldon, MD
11:40 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Panel Discussion: Impediments to Formulating a Meaningful Clinical Trial
A 60-year-old woman with 20/70 vision in the left eye
showed a pronounced epiretinal membrane with posterior
vitreous detachment. A three-dimensional reconstruction
of the macular thickness map illustrates the extent of
macular puckering (Figure 14a). The epiretinal membrane
can be seen in individual horizontal spectral-domain
(Figure 14b) and time-domain (Figure 14c) OCT images
FIGURE 12: Left eye. (Top) Three-dimensional reconstruction FIGURE 14: (a) Three-dimensional reconstruction of macular
of macular region showing slight foveal thickening (green) that region showing macular puckering (b) Horizontal SD-OCT (1000
corresponds to the location of small cystoids changes A-scans) and (c) time-domain (512 A-scans) OCT images through
(Middle and Bottom, left) Horizontal and vertical SD-OCT the macula, with arrows indicating epiretinal membrane.
(1000 A-scans) crosssections through the macular (Middle and
Bottom, right) Horizontal and vertical TDOCT (512 A-scans)
cross-sections through the macula.
1. OCT is based on interferometry
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6. Hee MR, Puliafito CA, Duker JS, Reichel E, Coker JG, Wilkins JR,
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• 3-Dimensional Cube (multiple B-scans compiled)
346 | North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
FIGURE 8: Nasally displaced Stratus OCT macula raster scan. FIGURE 9: Normal ONH Scan from Stratus TD-OCT. (A) Infrared
(A) Vertical macular B scan. Note that the foveal dip has ONH image. (B) ONH parameter outlining a small cup-to-disc
increased reflectance in comparison with the well-centered ratio (C/D). (C) ONH Analysis Results (D) Manually placed edges
scan shown in Figure 7B. (B) Thickness chart with the scan of retinal pigment epithelium (red-circles) allow for a computer
displaced nasally. (C) Retinal volume map quantitative color generated disc (blue shaded area). (E) Vertical ONH B scan
map (top) and sectoral comparison to a normative database without any graphics shows a thick RNFL at the ONH.
(below). Note that the blue foveal thinning is displaced. In this
case, the quantitative assessment of the macula overall has not
been compromised, however, the foveal thickness is
significantly different (in comparison with Figure 7D).
a a b
a b
a b
a b
b c
350 | North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
FIGURE 18: Normal Images from CSLO. (A) Moorfields
Regression Analysis within normal limits within each sector.
(B) Topographic Change Analysis over 8 years showing normal
variation around blood vessels on a CSLO background.
(C) RNFL Profile compared to a normative database.
a b
FIGURE 17: Normal Images from Scanning Laser Polarimetry TAKE HOME POINTS
with the highest quality (10/10). (A)Nerve fiber layer thickness
map of the ONH. (B) Deviation map compared to a normative 1. Use OCT scans with a high quality signal strength.
database. 2. Use OCT scans with good alignment around the
ONH and on the macula.
FIGURE 19: Color disc photo (left) and Red-Free photo (right)
with discoloration indicating an area of defect (between black
arrow), better seen in the red-free photo.
a b
FIGURE 22: Stratus OCT macula raster scan. (A) Macular B scan
at 330 degrees. Note the thin RNFL indicated by the white
arrow. (B) Thickness chart – overall retinal thickness compared
FIGURE 20: HVF showing visual fields with a superior nasal step to a normative database. (C) Retinal volume map quantitative
and superior paracentral scotoma. Grey scale (left) and pattern color map (left) and sectoral comparison to a normative
deviation (right). Glaucoma Hemifield Test (GHT) is outside of database (right).
normal limits, visual field index (VFI)= 80%, mean deviation
(MD)=-4.66 dB with p<0.5%, pattern standard deviation
(PSD)=8.63dB with p<0.5%.
a b
a b
b c
a b
a 2005
a 2005
b 2009
b 2009
c 2009
d 2009
e 2005
f 2009
Best corrected visual acuity was 20/20 and the IOP was
recorded as 24 mm Hg in 2004 and 13 mm Hg in 2009.
The anterior segment examination was normal with open
angles. The dilated fundus exam revealed an ONH with
C/D = 0.9x0.8 in 2004 and 0.9x0.9 in 2009 with no other
abnormalities (Figure 38 A and B, respectively).
a 2004 b 2009
FIGURE 39: HVF from 2004 and 2009. HVF grey scale (left)
and pattern deviation (right) from 2004 (A) and 2009 (B).
In 2004, GHT is outside of normal limits, VFI= 100%,
MD=+0.46 dB and PSD=1.78dB. In 2009, GHT is outside
of normal limits, VFI=94%, MD=-2.73 dB with p<2%, and
PSD=3.82dB with p<0.5%.
b 2009
a 2004
b 2009
c 2004
d 2009
Best corrected visual acuity was 20/25 and the IOP was
recorded as 22 mm Hg in 2005 and 28 mm Hg in 2009.
The anterior segment examination was normal with open
angles. The dilated fundus exam revealed an ONH with
C/D = 0.8 in 2005 and 0.9 thinnest inferiorly in 2009 with
no other abnormalities. In 2006, a disc hemorrhage could
be seen at 5:00 (Figure 45).
b 2006 2007 2008 2009 Imaging with OCT, both TD (Fig. 48) and SD (Fig. 49)
display a progressive 5:00 defect (Figures 47 and 49).
a b
2010 Annual Meeting Syllabus | 361
FIGURE 46: HVF from 2002-2009. (A) HVF grey scale (top) FIGURE 47: Stratus TD-OCT Progression Analysis. (A) RNFL
and pattern deviation (bottom) shows a fluctuating focal Profiles color coded by date (top) and graph of average
superior scotoma. (B) VFI progression shows no progression. RNFL thickness (bottom) showing a significant rate of
change. The black arrow indicates the inferior area that thins
progressively from the first visits (black/purple line) to the
last visit (dark blue line). (B) Dates of scans color coded
along with signal strengths and quantitative measurements
of each scan.
a 2005
b 2008
c 2005
a 2006-2009
d 2008
e 2005 b
Best corrected visual acuity was 20/20 and the IOP was
6 mm Hg, and remained stable without drops. The
anterior segment examination was normal other than a
superior avascular bleb without leak and a patent
peripheral iridotomy at 1:00. The dilated fundus exam
revealed a, the increased cupping from 2007-2009
C/D = 0.8 to 0.9 with no other abnormalities.
From January 2007- February 2009, HVF displayed a
dense inferior nasal step and arcuate scotoma. It also
seemed that the patient’s glaucoma had progressed
functionally to include both a superior nasal step and FIGURE 52: Stratus OCT TD-OCT Images in 2009 and
arcuate scotoma. However, when the patient returned in progression analysis. Image (A) shows the circumpaillary
B Scan. Image (B) shows the RNFL thickness profile in
September 2009, the superior defects nearly disappeared.
comparison to a normative database. Image C shows clock-
Imaging with OCT, both TD (Fig. 52) displayed a stable hours (left) and quadrants (right) in comparison to a
normative database. (A)-(C) all correspond with HVF with
RNFL thickness through this time period (Figures 53).
more superior RNFL structural damage leading to a dense
Other SD-OCT technologies showed similar B scan inferior defect.
profiles (Figures 54-57).
FIGURE 51: HVF from 2007-2009. (A) HVF grey scale (top)
and pattern deviation (bottom) shows a fluctuating superior
nasal step and arcuate scotoma. (B) VFI progression shows
no progression.
a b
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2. Understand the limitations of using the retinal nerve a) the number of ganglion cell layers in the normal
fiber layer thickness to diagnose and monitor optic retina at the locations being evaluated
nerve disorders. b) peripheral field location of damage
3. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of c) spatial variability in the mapping of ganglion cell
using the retinal ganglion cell layer thickness location to corresponding visual field
determined by OCT for diagnosis and management of
optic neuropathy. d) extent of visual field damage
1. Which of the following factors may confound the KEY WORDS
accurate OCT determination of RNFL thickness for Optical Coherence Tomography
diagnosing optic nerve damage?
Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer
a) Blood vessels
Ganglion Cells
b) Proliferation of glial elements in the retina
c) Scan signal to noise
Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
d) Developmental differences in the distribution of
axon bundles in the retina Optic Neuritis
2. Which of the following clinical conditions is likely to Most clinicians, especially neuro-ophthalmlogists and
show the highest correlation between structure and glaucoma specialists, have been trying to understand
function using OCT? whether the information yielded by optical coherence
tomography is really helping them to improve upon the
a) compressive optic neuropathy clinical care of their patients. In this context, clinical
b) NAION after 6 months decision-making has mainly focused on the status of the
retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness in relation to the
c) optic neuritis after 6 months from the acute attack threshold sensitivity of the corresponding area of visual
d) visual field loss in a patient with idiopathic field (see review, reference 1). Theoretically, it is expected
intracranial hypertension that the degree of thinning of the RNFL will have a
meaningful correlation with optic nerve function in a
e) all of the above patient with loss of axons2-4 and less correlation of
structure with function in locations where axons are still
intact, but not functioning. In the latter case, either a
return of function may still be possible, as in the case
with some eyes with compressive optic neuropathy5,
acute optic neuritis6-9, or ischemic optic neuropathy.
Alternatively, the axons may have undergone irreversible
dysfunction but not enough time has elapsed to produce
atrophy and thinning of the RNFL1.
In summary, recent improvements in OCT resolution and 9. Frohman EM, Costello F, Stüve O, Calabresi P, Miller DH,
Hickman SJ, Sergott R, Conger A, Salter A, Krumwiede KH,
automated segmentation software has provided a means Frohman TC, Balcer L, Zivadinov R. Modeling axonal
of relating visual pathway damage to structural changes in degeneration within the anterior visual system: implications
the RNFL and corresponding soma of the ganglion cells in for demonstrating neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis. Arch
the macula. Ganglion cell layer analysis in volume OCT Neurol. 2008 Jan;65(1):26-35. Review.
data may provide yet another piece of the puzzle to 10. Hood DC, Salant JA, Arthur SN, Ritch R, Liebmann JM. The
understanding structure-function relationships and its Location of the Inferior and Superior Temporal Blood Vessels
application to diagnosis and monitoring of optic nerve and and Interindividual Variability of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer
Thickness. J Glaucoma. 2009 Aug 5. [Epub ahead of print]
retinal diseases.
11. Hood DC, Fortune B, Arthur SN, Xing D, Salant JA, Ritch R,
Liebmann JM. Blood vessel contributions to retinal nerve fiber
layer thickness profiles measured with optical coherence
tomography. J Glaucoma. 2008 Oct-Nov;17(7):519-28.
14. Wang M, Hood DC, Cho JS, Ghadiali Q, De Moraes GV, Zhang
X, Ritch R, Liebmann JM. Measurement of local retinal
ganglion cell layer thickness in patients with glaucoma using
frequency-domain optical coherence tomography. Arch
Ophthalmol. 2009 Jul;127(7):875-81.
Anterior visual pathway neuronal loss in multiple sclerosis This exploratory study demonstrates thinning of the
(MS) has been suggested by optical coherence tomography retinal ganglion cell and associated layers in MS eyes.
(OCT) measurements of macular volume. Software This finding is most pronounced in the setting of a prior
programs that segment retinal layers are used but not yet history of ON, consistent with the occurrence of neuronal
widely available. The purpose of this study was to pilot a in addition to axonal loss in this setting. Low-contrast
manual method of estimating the retinal ganglion cell acuity is more sensitive than high-contrast VA to ganglion
layer volume by Spectral-Domain OCT, and to explore the cell layer loss in this small cohort. Ongoing longitudinal
relation of this volume to visual function and prior history studies piloting segmentation software will define the
of optic neuritis (ON). temporal relation of neuronal to axonal degeneration in
MS, ON, and other optic neuropathies.
Patients with MS and control subjects underwent fast REFERENCES:
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volume was determined by manually outlining these press.
structures for each frame of the OCT scan. Images were
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papilledema from psuedopapilledema. True or False? often required considerable discussion between neuro-
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KEY WORDS macular hoe is a favorite diagnosis for retina specialists
now that it can be treated surgically. OCT reliably and
1. Optical Coherence Tomography
consistently demonstrates macular holes and epiretinal
2. Occult Maculopathy membranes.3 Another group of conditions, now more
easily identified using OCT, the occult outer retinopathies,
3. Optic Neuropathy
includes multiple evanescent white-dot syndrome, acute
4. Papilledema zonal occult outer retinopathy, and acute idiopathic blind
spot enlargement syndrome. These conditions are
5. Optic Neuritis
especially easy to identify with high-resolution OCT
6. Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy whereby the inner segment/outer segment junction is
usually affected in the retinal areas corresponding to the
clinical findings.4-8 These diagnoses are also made with
INTRODUCTION more assurance using multifocal retinography. However,
I have been fortunate to have access to optical coherence OCT is much easier and quicker for the patient and usually
tomography (OCT) since its inception thanks to suffices.
collaboration between Joel Schuman and others at the New
England Eye Center1 with Jim Fugimoto at M.I.T.2 At first, We have also found that ultra-high resolution OCT helps
this appeared to be a tool primarily useful for retina in localizing the cause of microscotomas to the outer
specialists, but, as optic nerve analysis became more retina. However, we still do not have a better
refined for the use in glaucoma, its use in other types of understanding of the pathophysiology of this condition.
optic neuropathy became more apparent. However, there Hopefully, with more detailed OCT, the mechanism by
are still some difficulties with regard to this, which will be which these micro scotomas occur will become apparent.
reviewed below. What turns out to be most useful in The structural findings in some patients with
neuro-ophthalmic practice is the ability of OCT to identify microscotoma that we see with OCT do resemble those
and prove occult maculopathy mimicking optic which are seen with phototoxic maculopathy9-11 which can
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