WBS & Pre-Job Risk Assessment: (Low/Medium/ High)
WBS & Pre-Job Risk Assessment: (Low/Medium/ High)
WBS & Pre-Job Risk Assessment: (Low/Medium/ High)
Area of work : Molasses Tank Contractor Safety Supervisor: R.abdel hamid Lesaffre Safety Supervisor:
Estimated Start date Finish Risk Level Equipment & Tools # of workers
S.N Work Breakdown Hazards/Risk (Low/Medium/ Action plan
duration Date High) needed
1 Before Starting Excavations
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-Obtain permit to work
- All the surveyors should use a height-via vest
during night shift.
- All the vehicles should move only by a banks
man / flag man and should have a back alarm.
- Proper PPE to be used (safety shoes, safety Excavator
H=Survey activities (Tripping, fall in to glasses, safety helmet, dust mask & cover all) Loader Dump
excavation, hit by a vehicle). High Truck 5
R=Fatality or Life Threatening Health Effects. Compactor
Water Tanker
-Designate the access road for vehicles used in
excavation work activities (Away of pedestrian
walk ways).
- Loads must be secured so they do not cause
vehicle instability, and do not exceed
manufacturer's specification for the vehicle.
- All vehicles to be fitted with reversing alarms Excavator
H=Vehicle Access (Collision with plant and flashing beacons
equipment, Obstruction for other plant Loader Dump
Low -All equipment to be formally inspected prior Truck
activities). to mobilization to the site & fixed with a Compactor
R=Fatality or Life Threatening Health Effects. certificate & color coded. Water Tanker
- A banks man / flagman to control the vehicle
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-No workers allowed going into the excavation
during mechanical excavation.
- Suitable access & egress to the excavation
should be maintained
- Slope protection should be provided based
on the actual soil conditions
- Where sloping is not applicable a suitable
shoring system to be implemented.
- The removed soil should be kept at least
0.6m away from the excavation edges and not
to be piled more than .9 meter height.
- Ensure that the surrounding weight &
vibration of machinery will not affect the
integrity of the excavation site
H=Excavation(Collapse of excavation walls - Signs & Hard barrier should be erected all
(cave-ins) around .
4 Falling of people in the excavation Low - If the excavation is more than 1.25m deep it
underground utilities damage. shall be consider a confined space and a C.S
R=Multiple Fatalities. PTW shall be raised. Atmospheric monitoring
shall also be required at depth greater than
- The excavation should be inspected by a
competent person before each working shift
- Proper PPE to be used (safety shoes, safety
glasses, safety
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-Care MUST be taken to ensure that all hand
tools used are in good condition and fit for
- No homemade hand tools are allowed on
work site.
Training to be conducted to all employees of
the type of fire and use of fire extinguishers.
all hazards waste stored in proper way
Segregation of waste
extinguishers are properly and correctly
displayed, maintained and inspected.
H= Fire Fire system periodically inspected, tested and
Poor Housekeeping R= Injury, property damage maintained
Medium Trained Emergency team on fire fighting.
Property damage
Remove waste daily and not keeping
unnecessary items
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Safety Hazard
1.7 Engulfment