Karsies Et Al 2014
Karsies Et Al 2014
Karsies Et Al 2014
(Received in original form August 21, 2014; accepted in final form October 7, 2014 )
This work was supported by an internal grant from the Center for Clinical and Translational Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Author Contributions: Conception and design: C.L.S., D.J.M., N.K., and M.W.H. Analysis and interpretation: T.J.K., C.L.S., and M.W.H. Drafting the
manuscript for important intellectual content: T.J.K., C.L.S., D.J.M., N.K., and M.W.H.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Todd J. Karsies, M.D., Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of
Medicine, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, OH 43215. E-mail: todd.karsies@nationwidechildrens.org
This article has an online supplement, which is accessible from this issue’s table of contents at www.atsjournals.org
Ann Am Thorac Soc Vol 11, No 10, pp 1569–1575, Dec 2014
Copyright © 2014 by the American Thoracic Society
DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201408-389OC
Internet address: www.atsjournals.org
Multiple studies in adults propose severe community-acquired pneumonia inappropriate empiric antibiotics in the
a critical role of early, appropriate empiric (9–12). Pediatric data outside the pediatric ICU (PICU).
antibiotics in sepsis and septic shock, with intensive care unit (ICU) also suggest that The rise of antibiotic-resistant
mortality and morbidity benefits (1–8). inappropriate empiric antibiotics are bacteria has made antibiotic decisions
Data also suggest a mortality benefit with independently associated with mortality in more challenging. Particularly challenging
early and appropriate antibiotics in adult bacteremia (13). However, there are very are organisms such as methicillin-
healthcare-associated pneumonia and limited data examining inappropriate resistant Staphylococcus aureus
ventilator-acquired pneumonia and empiric antibiotic rates, time to appropriate (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
a morbidity benefit in children with antibiotics, or the clinical impact of and other so-called ESKAPE organisms
Karsies, Sargel, Marquardt, et al.: Empiric Antibiotic Protocol in the PICU 1569
(i.e., Enterococcus faecium, S. aureus, the prescription process. The objective of Due to a high community MRSA
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter this analysis was to define the baseline rate, all patients treated with empiric
baumannii, P. aeruginosa, and Enterobacter rate of empiric antibiotic appropriateness antibiotics were to be prescribed
species), as highlighted in a recent and time from culture to appropriate vancomycin or other MRSA coverage.
Infectious Diseases Society of America antibiotics and to evaluate the impact of Patients with at least one high-risk criterion
review (14). Adult data indicate that our protocol on antibiotic appropriateness were also prescribed an antipseudomonal
infections with these organisms are and timing in critically ill children with b-lactam and an aminoglycoside (Figure 1).
associated with poor outcomes, especially suspected infection. Our hypothesis was Protocol-targeted gram-negative organisms
if initial antibiotics are incorrect (9, 15). that this protocol would improve initial included (but were not limited to)
These organisms are a growing problem antibiotic appropriateness and decrease Pseudomonas species, Acinetobacter species,
in children, although this problem is less time from culture to appropriate antibiotics Enterobacter species, Klebsiella oxytoca,
well described. During a recent year in in these patients. and extended-spectrum b-lactamase–
our PICU, nearly 60% of patients with producing species. Empiric antibiotics
positive cultures grew resistant or had automatic 72-hour stop times, with
healthcare-associated organisms, most Methods definitive treatment left to the attending
commonly MRSA or Pseudomonas physician based on culture and antibiotic
(unpublished data), and a recent study Study Population and Data Collection susceptibility results and clinical response.
suggested worse outcomes in bacteremic This is a retrospective cohort study Before protocol implementation, an
children infected with resistant evaluating all patients in a single, tertiary escalation strategy for antibiotic use was
Pseudomonas (16). care PICU with an infection-related typical in our unit (further details are
Faced with these dual challenges, diagnosis for one calendar year before provided in the online supplement).
one potential approach would be to use (2004) and after (2007) implementation
extremely broad-spectrum antibiotics of a PICU empiric antibiotic protocol Study Definitions
empirically in all critically ill children (implemented in the 2005–2006 academic Initial empiric antibiotics providing
with suspected infection. Although this year). Approval by the institutional review adequate coverage based on patient risk
would increase the likelihood of covering board of Nationwide Children’s Hospital factors (e.g., a patient with any high-risk
healthcare-associated organisms such as with a waiver of consent was obtained. criterion should get high-risk antibiotics)
Pseudomonas, many patients would receive We included all PICU patients during were considered risk appropriate. For
unnecessarily broad antibiotic coverage. 2004 and 2007 with a primary or secondary patients with positive cultures, antibiotics
There is concern that excessive broad- ICD-9 diagnosis at discharge of were considered culture appropriate if
spectrum antibiotic use could lead to pneumonia, sepsis, septic shock, urinary the cultured organism was susceptible
increased antibiotic resistance and tract infection, or urosepsis confirmed by to at least one prescribed antibiotic. In
increased toxicity (17, 18). This has led chart review. Data were collected from polymicrobial infections, each organism
to a commonly held consensus opinion, chart review and included demographic, had to be susceptible to at least one
offered by most major adult and pediatric diagnostic, microbiologic, medication prescribed antibiotic for coverage to be
infectious disease societies, that more utilization, resource utilization, and considered appropriate. If correct antibiotics
narrow-spectrum antibiotics should be outcomes data. were not prescribed until after a positive
used when it is safe to do so (19–21). culture result, empiric antibiotics were
Although there are published Empiric Antibiotic Protocol considered inappropriate. The time to
adult guidelines outlining risk factors for We developed a computerized physician correct antibiotics was defined from the
resistant organisms to aid antibiotic decision order entry–based empiric antibiotic time of the initial culture (obtained either
making (19, 20, 22), no similar pediatric protocol for patients in our PICU suspected locally or at a referring facility) to the time
guidelines exist. Studies that have examined to have infection (Figure 1). The protocol the first dose of an appropriate parenteral
risk factors for healthcare-associated involved risk stratification to place antibiotic was administered. A positive
infections in critically ill children primarily patients at high or low risk for healthcare- culture was defined as any growth of
focus on hospital-acquired infection associated bacteria, particularly gram- a pathogenic organism from a sterile site
(23–25), although we know that many negative organisms, using risk factors or from a lower respiratory specimen.
children present from the community based on those described in adults for Although some patients did grow fungi,
infected with ESKAPE-type organisms. hospital-acquired or healthcare-associated these were neither targeted by the antibiotic
We are unaware of any prior studies pneumonia due to multi–drug-resistant protocol nor included in analysis of
using patient-specific risk factors to pathogens (19). The risk factors were listed antibiotic appropriateness.
drive empiric antibiotic selection for all in the PICU antibiotic order set to allow
critically ill children in a PICU. for appropriate antibiotic selection, and Statistical Analysis
We therefore designed and specific age- and risk-based options were Primary outcomes were protocol adherence
implemented a prospective intervention available as drop-down menus. Additional (risk-based antibiotic appropriateness) and
involving the use of a computer-based, protocol details can be found in the culture-based antibiotic appropriateness
PICU-specific, empiric antibiotic protocol online supplement. Clinicians were for culture-positive patients. Secondary
that incorporated risk factors for encouraged but not required to use the outcomes included time to appropriate
healthcare-associated infections into protocol. antibiotics, antibiotic appropriateness at
Karsies, Sargel, Marquardt, et al.: Empiric Antibiotic Protocol in the PICU 1571
Table 2. Patients with appropriate initial empiric antibiotics stratified by risk factors or the largest study to evaluate rates of empiric
culture results antibiotic appropriateness and timing of
appropriate empiric antibiotics in the
Patient Groups Pre-Protocol, Post-Protocol, P Value PICU. The decreased time to appropriate
n/ Total (%) n/ Total (%) antibiotics occurred despite the fact that,
for many patients, initial cultures were
Risk-appropriate obtained outside of the ICU and the
All patients 38/252 (15) 231/304 (76) ,0.0001 protocol was often not applied until several
High-risk patients 28/171 (16) 158/206 (77) ,0.0001 hours after initial presentation.
Low-risk patients 10/81 (12) 73/98 (74) ,0.0001 Growing evidence suggests that
All patients 95/148 (64) 157/176 (89) ,0.0001 inappropriate or delayed initial empiric
High-risk patients 72/116 (62) 120/136 (88) ,0.0001 antibiotics can have significant
Low-risk patients 23/32 (72) 37/40 (93) 0.0268 consequences in critically ill patients,
including increased morbidity and mortality
in a variety of conditions (3, 6–9, 11, 26).
positive cultures, protocol patients had The empiric antibiotic protocol was Additional studies, mostly in adults,
a shorter time from culture to appropriate correctly followed in 76% of cases (231/304). have demonstrated that delay of empiric
antibiotics compared with pre-protocol Of the 73 protocol patients who did not antibiotics in critically ill patients with
patients (Figure 2B) (median time to receive appropriate risk-based empiric infection is associated with adverse
appropriate antibiotics, 5.9 vs. 9.6 h). For therapy, the most common reasons included outcomes, even if the antibiotics prescribed
patients growing high-risk protocol-targeted classification in incorrect risk category are appropriate (1, 2, 11, 12). However,
organisms, the median time to appropriate (23%), low clinical suspicion of bacterial other than a single retrospective analysis of
antibiotics was 5.8 hours for protocol infection (21%), use of definitive therapy children with severe community-acquired
patients, compared with 24 hours for for known infection (17%), and initial pneumonia, minimal research or guidelines
pre-protocol patients (P = 0.0001). antibiotic selection by non-PICU service have been published on the subject of
(17%). Of the 53 culture-positive, pre- timely and appropriate empiric antibiotic
Risk Factor Performance and protocol patients with inappropriate therapy for critically ill children (12).
Protocol Compliance antibiotics, 85% would have had appropriate Our approach was consistent with
When considering all patients, the selected coverage using the antibiotic protocol. This current consensus adult guidelines for
risk factors had a sensitivity of 99% for included 18 patients growing Pseudomonas, treatment of community-acquired and
the presence of any risk factor in predicting 10 patients with MRSA, and 11 patients healthcare-associated pneumonia (19,
resistant gram-negative organisms, with with other high-risk gram-negative rods. 20, 22). It included many antibiotic
only two patients without any risk factor stewardship strategies, including initial
growing one of these organisms (both grew combination therapy for patients at risk
K. oxytoca). The risk-factor specificity Discussion for resistant gram-negatives, tailoring
was 43%, with a positive predictive value antibiotic selection to local antibiograms,
of 38% and a negative predictive value of This is the first study to our knowledge to and use of antibiotic order sets (27–29).
99%. Risk factor performance was similar evaluate a PICU empiric antibiotic protocol This protocol improved initial antibiotic
when only culture-positive patients were applied to all patients incorporating risk appropriateness not just for those at
considered (Table 4 and 5). Of the 142 stratification for resistant gram-negative risk for resistant organisms but also for
high-risk patients with cultures growing infections, and it demonstrated that such those suspected of having community-
high-risk gram-negative rods, 69 (49%) a protocol can improve initial antibiotic acquired infections, likely due to
presented from the community without appropriateness and time to appropriate increased coverage of community-
recent hospital exposure. antibiotics in critically ill children. It is also acquired MRSA and community-onset
Table 3. Patients receiving first antibiotic, first risk-appropriate antibiotic, and first culture-appropriate antibiotic (culture-positive
patients) before ICU admission for all patients for whom antibiotic administration location was available, stratified by risk category
current guidelines that recommend tailoring
antibiotic therapy based on risk for
particular organisms and using the most
50% narrow-spectrum agents as possible (19–21).
Our protocol was designed to limit
misclassification of patients as low risk
who ultimately grow resistant gram-
negative organisms. The criteria were
similar to the adult guidelines on which they
were based (e.g., structural lung disease,
recent hospitalization or antibiotics, and
immunosuppression) and were highly
0% sensitive (19, 20, 22). This sensitivity did
0 12 24 36 48 come at the expense of lower specificity,
Time (hours) but 36% of all high-risk patients did grow
“high-risk” organisms. Research is ongoing
B to refine our risk factors and to improve
our predictive capability, which is
important in improving antibiotic
decisions, particularly in patients at risk
p<0.0001 (log-rank) Protocol
Pre-Protocol for resistant organisms but without
% w/o appropriate antibiotics
Karsies, Sargel, Marquardt, et al.: Empiric Antibiotic Protocol in the PICU 1573
Table 5. Contingency table showing growth of high-risk gram-negative rods and risk more postprotocol patients did receive
factor performance for all patients (total n = 556) risk- and culture-appropriate antibiotics
pre-ICU, this number was still very low,
1 High-risk GNRs* 2 High-risk GNRs does not explain the overall increase in
antibiotic appropriateness, and represents
High-risk patients 142 235 Sensitivity, 99% an area for further improvement. We are
Low-risk patients 2 177 Specificity, 43% therefore evaluating earlier intervention
Predictive values PPV = 38% NPV = 99% starting in the emergency department
to further improve the impact of our
Definition of abbreviations: GNR = gram-negative rod; NPV = negative predictive value; PPV = positive
predictive value. protocol in children at risk for resistant
*The “2 high-risk GNRs” group includes patients growing organisms other than high-risk GNRs plus organisms.
culture-negative patients.
A computerized physician order entry–
all critically ill children with suspected this, these risk factors performed quite well, based antibiotic protocol incorporating risk
infection (high local MRSA rate), to cover and we are currently validating them in assessment for resistant organisms can
for P. aeruginosa in high-risk patients, a separate population. improve antibiotic decisions and timing in
and to exclude empiric coverage of Our study was primarily designed critically ill children while limiting broad
Stenotrophomonas maltophila and to evaluate the impact of the protocol on antipseudomonal antibiotics to those at
vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (except antibiotic appropriateness. Accordingly, greatest risk for resistant bacteria. This
in patients with history of these bacteria). we are not able to comment on the effect protocol represents a first step in striking
Modification of our approach based of the protocol in children whose cultures a balance between the need for rapid,
on individual unit-specific antibiograms were negative other than to evaluate risk correct empiric antibiotic therapy in
rather than copying our particular appropriateness. Similarly, the study was critically ill children with suspected
antibiotic choices would be appropriate in not powered to evaluate outcomes such infection and the growing demand for
units with differing prevalences of these as mortality. Based on our mortality rates, antibiotic stewardship. Although the
pathogens and different antibiotic a study to assess the impact on mortality specific antibiotics included should be
resistance patterns. would need to have nearly 1,300 patients tailored to local antibiograms, pediatric risk
There are some additional limitations in each arm due to the low overall mortality stratification guidelines similar to those used
to our study. First, although the antibiotic rate seen in critically ill children. We are in adults do appear to improve antibiotic
protocol was prospectively applied as currently evaluating the relationships selection and timeliness in critically ill
part of a quality improvement project, between a protocolized approach to children at risk for antibiotic-resistant
much of the clinical data were collected antibiotic use and morbidity in our critically bacteria and should likely be considered
retrospectively from the medical record. ill children. This report does not address in PICUs treating these patients. Further
The inclusion criteria were broad and unit-wide patterns of antibiotic resistance research is needed to evaluate the impact
objective, however, limiting the selection over time. Research is ongoing to investigate of this protocol on patient outcomes and
bias that can be seen in retrospective studies. the impact of our protocol on local its role in the broader arena of antibiotic
Similarly, our outcome measures used antibiotic resistance patterns, especially prescribing practices in the PICU. n
objective microbiologic and pharmacy data. in Pseudomonas species.
Second, this represents a single-center study. Lastly, the time from culture to Author disclosures are available with the text
However, we analyzed nearly 600 infectious appropriate empiric antibiotics remained of this article at www.atsjournals.org.
episodes and were able to demonstrate prohibitively long for many children, even
Acknowledgment: The authors thank Wei
strong statistical significance. The risk post-protocol. This is likely due, in part, Wang from the Biostatistics Core at the
factors we used have not been previously to the fact that much of that time was Nationwide Children’s Hospital Research Institute
studied or validated in children. Despite spent before ICU admission. Although for valuable assistance with data analysis.
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