Design Guidelines FOR Wastewater Facilities

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 Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities (as revised) for Great Lakes-Upper
Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental
Managers (10-State Standards) will continue to be the main source of guidance for the
program’s design review and construction permit functions. The 10-State Standards can
be downloaded free from website, or purchased as a
book from the Health Education Services (HES) at

 These guidelines are intended to serve as addenda to supplement the 10-State Standards.

 The 10-State Standards (as revised) and these guidelines supersede all other design
guidelines for wastewater (sewerage facilities) previously issued by MDE.

 At the appearance of conflicting information, these guidelines supersede the 10-State

Standards as they intended to provide further clarifications specific to MDE.

 Additional requirements beyond these guidelines and the 10-State Standards can be
added by the facility’s discharge permit and/or consent order or decree issued by MDE.

 If a local jurisdiction has more stringent requirements for any specific item, the more
stringent requirements must be used for that item.



Terminology and Typical Use:

Term Description Typical Design Use
Average Daily Flow For existing facility, it’s the To evaluate and address low flow
(Current or Initial) current average daily flow based conditions (minimum flows)
on the last three years data. This
is done by averaging the daily
flow for each year, then
averaging the three years.
For a proposed facility, it’s the
project initial flow.
Design Average Average daily flow a facility is To develop maximum flowrates and
Flow (Design designed to successfully process peaking factors to be used for the
Capacity) design of equipment and unit
Approved/Permitted A treatment plant design flow The maximum flow that can be
Design Capacity approved by the County Water evaluated to become the facility’s new
and Sewer Plans and permitted design capacity.
by the discharge permit with
certain limits and conditions. It
must be greater than or equal to
a proposed design flow.
Diurnal Flow The typical daily flow pattern Important in developing process
Pattern for domestic wastewater with control strategies for managing high
usually peaks occurring in the flows.
morning and evening.
Peak Hourly Flow The largest volume of flow Sizing of pumping facilities and
occurring within 1-hour period conduits, sizing physical treatment
in the record examined. units (ie grit chambers, screens,
sedimentation tanks, filter hydraulic
Sizing chlorine or other disinfection
contact tanks.
Also important in developing process
control strategies for managing high
Maximum or Peak The largest volume of flow Sizing of equalization tanks
Daily Flow occurring within a 1-day period Sizing of sludge pumping system
in the record examined. Sizing of chemical feed system
Maximum Monthly The average daily flows for the Sizing of the bioreactor
Flow month with the highest total Sizing of the chemical storage tank
flow in the record examined. Sizing of denitrification filter

Peaking Factor:

The peaking factor is used to forecast the maximum/peaking flows for the new proposed design
capacity. The above average and maximum/peak flows are highly impacted by
inflow/infiltration (I/I) and wet weather events. Therefore, the preferred method of estimating
these values is by using actual data, which can account for any excessive I/I in the system and
yield higher peaking factors than those of a typical system. When available, a record of three or
more consecutive calendar years should be examined at an existing facility. Peaking factors
should be calculated independently for each full consecutive calendar year examined, and then
the highest of each type (hourly, daily, monthly) is selected.

Peaking Factor (PF) = peak flow for the calendar year (hourly, daily, monthly)
average daily flow for the calendar year

The following typical peaking factors (PF) should be used if there is not sufficient historical data

Design Capacity Range Hourly PF Daily PF Monthly PF

0 to 0.25 MGD 4 3 2
0.25 to 16 MGD (3.2 X Design Capacity5/6) 75% 50%
Design Capacity of Hourly PF of Hourly PF,
but not below
More than 16 MGD 2 1.5 1.2

Peak Flow = PF calculated above X Proposed Design Capacity

Proposed Design Capacity:

Proposed Design Capacity = Current Average Daily Flow (0 for new facilities)
+ Projected Future Flow

Projected Future Flow:

Future flows are projected based on 100 gallons per day per person, or 250 gallons per day per
Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). In addition, the following are the flow projections for
different establishments:

Table I - Flow Projection Based Upon Gallons Per Person Per Day

Airports (per passenger) ................................................................................................................5

Apartments-multiple family (per resident) .................................................................................60
Bathhouses and swimming pools.................................................................................................10
Campground with central comfort stations....................................................................................35
With flush toilets, no showers .......................................................................................................25
Day camps (no meals served) .......................................................................................................15
Resort camps (night and day) with limited plumbing ...................................................................50
Luxury camps ..............................................................................................................................100
Cottages and small dwellings with seasonal occupancy................................................................50
Country clubs (per resident member)..........................................................................................100
Country clubs (per non-resident member present).........................................................................25
Boarding houses.............................................................................................................................50
additional for non-resident boarders........................................................................................10
Luxury residences and estates .....................................................................................................150
Multiple family dwellings (apartments).........................................................................................60
Rooming houses.............................................................................................................................40
Single family dwellings..........................................................................................................75-100
Factories (gallons per person, per shift, exclusive of industrial wastes) .....................................35
Hospitals (per bed space) ............................................................................................................350
Hotels with private baths (2 persons per room).............................................................................60
Hotels without private baths..........................................................................................................50
Institutions other than hospitals (per bed space)..........................................................................125
Laundries, self-service (gallons per wash, i.e., per customer) ......................................................50
Mobile home parks (per space)....................................................................................................250
Motels with bath, toilet and kitchen wastes (per bed space) .........................................................50
Motels (per bed space) ..................................................................................................................40
Picnic Parks (toilet wastes only) (per picnicker) ............................................................................5
Picnic Parks with bathhouses, showers and flush toilets ..............................................................10
Restaurants (per seat) ....................................................................................................................25
Restaurants (toilet and kitchen wastes per patron) .......................................................................10
Restaurants (kitchen wastes per meal served) ................................................................................3
Restaurants, additional for bars and cocktail lounges......................................................................2
Boarding ......................................................................................................................................100
Day, without gyms, cafeterias or showers ……………………....................................................15
Day, with gyms, cafeterias and showers........................................................................................25
Day, with cafeterias, but without gyms or showers ......................................................................20
Service Stations (per vehicle served).............................................................................................10

Swimming pools and bathhouses ..................................................................................................10
Movie (per auditorium seat) ............................................................................................................1
Drive-in (per car space) ..................................................................................................................5
Travel Trailer Parks without individual water and sewer hook-ups (per space) ..........................50
Travel Trailer Parks with individual water and sewer hook-ups (per space) ..................... .......100
Construction (at semi-permanent camps)......................................................................................50
Day, at schools and offices (per shift)...........................................................................................15

An alternative method used to project average daily flows generated from commercial
establishments, public service buildings, or dwelling units can be figured on the basis of total
floor area, number of building units, or service seats multiplied by a statistical factor. Guiding
factors are given in Table II.

Table II - Guiding Factors for Flow Projection Related with Commercial Establishments,
Public Service Buildings, or Dwelling Units

Office Buildings ..................................................................................... Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.09 = gpd

Medical Office Buildings........................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.62 = gpd
Warehouses..............................................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.03 = gpd
Retail Stores ........................................................................................... Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.05 = gpd
Supermarkets...........................................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.20 = gpd
Drug Stores............................................................................................. Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.13 = gpd
Beauty Salons......................................................................................... Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.35 = gpd
Barber Shops............................................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.20 = gpd
Department Store with Lunch Counter....................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.08 = gpd
Department Store without Lunch Counter...............................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.04 = gpd
Banks.......................................................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.04 = gpd
Service Stations ..................................................................................... Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.18 = gpd
Laundries & Cleaners .............................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.31 = gpd
Laundromats............................................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 3.68 = gpd
Car Wash without Wastewater Recirculation Equipment. …………….Gross Sq. Ft. x 4.90 = gpd
Hotels.......................................................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.25 = gpd
Motels .....................................................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.23 = gpd
Dry Goods Stores ................................................................................... Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.05 = gpd
Shopping Centers ....................................................................................Gross Sq. Ft. x 0.18 = gpd

Flow projection for country clubs or public parks may be made on the basis of plumbing fixtures.
The related statistical flow figures per unit of plumbing fixture are shown in Table III and Table
Table III - Flow Projection for Country Clubs

Gallons Per Day Per Fixture

Lavatories ....................................................................................................................................100
Toilets .........................................................................................................................................150
Sinks ..............................................................................................................................................50

Table IV - Flow Projection for Public Parks

(During hours when park is open)

Gallons Per Day Per Fixture

Flush toilets ...................................................................................................................................35
Urinals ...........................................................................................................................................10
Showers .......................................................................................................................................100
Faucets ..........................................................................................................................................15

(For Wastewater Treatment Plant)

For existing facilities, 3-year data, if available should be evaluated, and average concentration is
calculated in the treatment plant influent, primary effluent, and secondary effluent. For new
wastewater treatment plant typical values are used or values from equivalent existing facility of
similar capacity.

Average Organic/Mass Loading (Lbs/Day)

= Design Capacity (MGD) X Average Concentration (mg/l) X 8.34 (Conversion Factor)

Sustained Mass Loading (Lbs/Day)

= Average Mass Loading X PF (hourly, daily, monthly depending on the unit
process being sized)

Computer Simulations:

Computer simulations have become more common in recent years, especially in the design of
Biological and Enhanced Nutrient Removal processes. Simulators use mathematical models to
allow designers to study kinetic as well as time-based solutions while determining the total mass
balances of many constituents. Simulation results must be interpreted carefully given the
potential limitations inherent in the calibration and validation of the computer model.


38.21 Minimum Distance from Water Supply Wells and other Water Supply
Sources or Structures (New Added Paragraph)

To be consistent with COMAR, the proposed sewer line shall satisfy the
following minimum horizontal distance from a water supply well and other water supply
sources or structures:

(1) 100 feet from well utilizing unconfined aquifer, and surface water supply with “P”

(2) 50 feet from well utilizing confined aquifer, or covered reservoir.

When it is impossible to obtain proper distance as stipulated above, the minimum

horizontal separation can be reduced to 10 feet if one of the methods in Paragraph 38.4
(added below) is used, and the selected provision is extended 100 feet on both sides of an
unconfined aquifer well or surface water supply with “P” designation (stream
embankment may also be required), and 50 feet on both sides of a confined aquifer well or
covered reservoir.

38.31 Horizontal and Vertical Separation (Added to the Existing Paragraph)

In addition to the above, one of the other methods in Paragraph 38.4 can be used if it is
impossible to obtain the proper horizontal and vertical separation between the water and
sewer lines.

38.32 Crossings (Added to the Existing Paragraph)

In addition to the above, one of the other methods in Paragraph 38.4 can be used if it is
impossible to obtain the proper horizontal and vertical separation between the water and
sewer lines. The selected provision shall be extended 10 feet on both sides of the
crossing, measured perpendicular to the water main.

38.4 Methods to Address Minimum Separation Issues (New Added Paragraph)

When it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and/or vertical separation as stipulated in

the added 38.21 Paragraph above, and Paragraphs 38.31, and/or 38.32 of the 10-State
Standards, one of the following methods can be used:

a. The sewer shall be designed and constructed equal to water pipe, of slip-on or
mechanical joint pipe complying with Section 8.1 and Section 8.7 of the
Recommended Standards for Water Works, and shall be pressure rated to at least 150
psi (1034 kPa) and pressure tested to ensure watertightness.

b. The sewer can be continuous, fused, or welded as long as it is equal to water pipe as
described above.

c. Either the water main or the sewer line may be encased in concrete or other watertight
carrier pipe as approved by MDE.



Additional Measures for Facilities Located within Certain Critical Water Uses:

Per Paragraph 47.3 of Chapter 40 of the Recommended 10-State Standards (under Emergency
Operation), the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) hereby establishes the following
supplemental design guidelines for wastewater pumping stations that can have a potential
overflow that may affect public water supplies and other critical water uses identified by MDE.
These supplemental guidelines apply to any existing station where pumping capacity is being
increased to accommodate increased flows due to growth, and for proposed new pumping
stations (not for the purpose of functional replacement); AND fall under at least one of the
following categories:

1. Existing or new within 3 miles of a shellfish water

2. Existing or new within 3 miles of a bathing beach water

3. Existing or new within 3 miles of public water supply (“P” designation surface water)

4. Existing pumping stations within 3 miles of bacteria impaired water and has one or more
overflow event(s) over the past 3 years that is/are attributable to a power outage,
mechanical failure or human error

A. Case I

The wastewater pumping station is missing one of the four essential items: a telemetering
alarm system, a standby pump unit, a stationary auxiliary power source, or a pump-around

 MDE may allow a 24-hour emergency wastewater storage capacity as a substitute for
the missing essential item.

B. Case II

The wastewater pumping station provides all four essential items:

1. A telemetering alarm system

2. A standby pump unit (internal)
3. A stationary auxiliary power source connected to a separate power feed substation
or stationary generator
4. A pump-around connection coupling facility

(a) For Pumping Capacity (Qp) ≤ 150 gallons per minute (gpm), or serving Equivalent
Dwelling Units (EDU) ≤ 200, no additional measure is required.

(b) For Pumping Capacity (Qp) > 150 gallons per minute (gpm), or serving Equivalent
Dwelling Units (EDU) > 200, one of the following items must be provided in addition
to the four essential items listed above:

Option 1: A third power source must be provided by a separate feed line to a new
power substation, by providing a new stationary generator, or by a
stationary independently-powered pumping unit(s) with adequate capacity
to maintain proper operation.

Option 2: An additional 2-hour wastewater storage capacity shall be provided for

emergency need, based on the newly projected design average daily flow.

Emergency Wastewater Storage:

For existing wastewater pumping station, MDE may approve a wastewater emergency storage
capacity with a detention time less than 2 hours, provided that all of the following circumstances
are substantive and evidenced:

(1) Options 1 and 2 above are also not feasible;

(2) There is no physical means to provide the required storage capacity due to
site restriction at the premise of the pumping station;

(3) The pumping station has had excellent operation records without
Overflow of wastewaters at the premise of the station in the past
five years; and

(4) An emergency plan ensuring that the maximum response time will be less
than one hour to remedy the malfunction of the pumping station.

Emergency wastewater storage capacity defined as detention time is determined by the

Total Wastewater Storage Time + Wastewater Traveling Time = 2 Hours

(1) The traveling time of land overflow wastewaters will be calculated at 1 foot per second

(2) In water, the traveling time overflow wastewater will be calculated at 2 feet per seconds

(3) The wastewater storage time will be calculated by dividing the total storage capacity with
the design average daily flow (Qa).

Where, Qa = design average daily flow, in gpm

Qp = pumping capacity, in gpm

If Qp = 0 to 694 gpm  Qa = 0.25 X Qp

If Qp = 695 to 22,384 gpm  Qa = 0.0668 X Qp1.2
If Qp > 22,384 gpm  Qa = 0.5 X Qp

(4) The total storage capacity includes:

 the available excess storage in the wet well above the elevation of high water alarm to
the elevation where the first sewer service connection is made or the sewer system’s
lowest ground elevation,

 the available storage in the wastewater collection system up to where the first sewer
service connection is made or the sewer system’s lowest ground elevation , and

 the storage basin provided, if necessary.


49.61 Friction Coefficient (Amended Paragraph)

Friction losses through force mains shall be based on the Hazen-Williams formula or
other acceptable methods. When the Hazen-Williams formula is used, the value for “C”
shall be 100 for unlined iron or steel pipe for design. For other smooth pipe materials
such as PVC, polyethylene, lined ductile iron, etc., a higher “C” value may be allowed for
design. Frictional loses should be evaluated over the life of the pipe.



Special Requirements for Facilities Discharge to Shellfish Harvesting Waters:

Per COMAR (2) (c), these facilities shall incorporate a bypass control system,
including a minimum 24-hour emergency holding facility,

 The facility shall provide for biocide residual control.

 The 24-hour emergency holding facility must be sized based on the design
average flow of the plant.

 Retention or holding time of other unit processes used for other purposes cannot
be counted toward this 24-hour emergency storage.

 Section 93.4 shall be used for pond construction details.

 Minimum freeboard shall be 3 feet. For small ponds of 5 acres or less, 2 feet may
be acceptable.



Drip dispersal is a method used to discharge treated wastewater by distributing it over an area of
land at root zone depth for final polishing, reuse, and/or recharge of groundwater. The proposed
drip dispersal system shall be capable of uniformly distributing the wastewater effluent over the
required area of application.


These guidelines are applicable to the design of wastewater systems that receive discharge
permits from the Maryland Department of the Environment (Department) and that employ drip
dispersal discharge systems.

The Department’s discharge permit must be issued and its limitations set before a construction
permit can be reviewed and issued.

As for any construction permitted facility, the drip dispersal system design plans submitted to the
Department for construction permit shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer
licensed by the State of Maryland. The system design engineer shall follow these guidelines and
incorporate necessary manufacturing product specifications into the design document to ensure
satisfactory performance of the drip dispersal system.


Wastewater effluent dispersed through this method must be treated to meet the water quality
standards within the issued discharge permit limitations. The treatment process will be reviewed
and approved for construction in accordance with the Department’s Design Guidelines and the
Recommended 10-State Standards.

Nitrogen removal capability by the vegetation planted at a drip irrigation field or other means is
determined by the discharge permitting process and is accounted for in the set discharge permit
limitations. The vegetation planted on the drip dispersal field shall provide a comparable
nitrogen uptake rate as used in the Nitrogen Balance Calculation for achieving a zero nitrogen
percolate concentration during the growing season.

Wastewater Effluent Dosing and Equalization Tank:

The treated wastewater effluent shall be discharged to the drip disposal system through a dosing
tank that has sufficient volume to provide flow equalization. Storage requirements within the
treatment and dispersal system shall be at least one full day-storage located between the
treatment and dispersal systems.

The Wastewater Effluent Dosing and Equalization Tank will be reviewed and approved for
construction in accordance with the Department’s Design Guidelines and the Recommended 10-
State Standards.

Drip System Dosing Pump and Filter:

The system is to be designed with the pumps, filters, and dispersal area to accommodate the
following conditions:

1. Filter flushing
2. Zone dosing
3. Tubing network flushing

Dosing pump selected for the dispersal system shall be capable of delivering the design hydraulic
flow. At least one standby pump must be provided and available for service at all times.

The filters shall be included as part of the drip dispersal system and meet the manufacturer’s
specifications as approved by the design engineer.

Wastewater Effluent Loading Rate:

The wastewater effluent loading rate will be determined and provided by the issued discharge
permit and shall not exceed an annual average loading rate of two inches per week.

2 inch per week = 0.18 gal/ft2/day

Dispersal Area Sizing:

The size of the required dispersal area is determined by the daily design flow (gpd) and the
loading rate stipulated in the issued discharge permit.

Zone Layout:

Dispersal Zone, as defined by the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association

(NOWRA), is the smallest unit of a drip dispersal system, consisting of a supply manifold, return
manifold, drip laterals, and associated appurtenances, which can be loaded independently of all
other parts of the dispersal system.

Zone width across contour is typically from 50 to 300 feet. Zone width is delineated by the
following factors:

1. Site and soil evaluation.

2. Available distance down slope
3. Maximum linear feet of drip tubing as provided by the manufacturer

Drip Tubing (Dripper line) Runs and Laterals:

A length of dripper line across the contour is defined as a “run.” The tubing should be installed
on contour and laid out to drain itself through the emitters as evenly as possible so as not to
cause localized overloading.

Typical Run Length = 50’ to 300’

Lateral is a dripper line consisting of a run or series of runs extending from the supply manifold
to the return manifold of a single dispersal zone. Lateral length is dependent on head loss, and
the drip system design (i.e. dosing pump and filter).

Typical Dripper line Depth = 6 to 12 inches

Percent Run Time:

Each manufacturer offers different models with various dispersal dosing capacities. The selected
model must be capable to accommodate the peak day flow within the desired Percent Run Time
of less than 50%.

Percent Run Time = Peak Day Flow (gpd) X 100%

Dispersal Dosing Capacity (gpm) X 1440

Dripper line Spacing:

Typical manufacturer recommendations call for drip tubing to be spaced 1 foot to 3 feet on
center (2’ o.c. is the most common).

Zone Dosing:

 A pressure regulator is required to maintain adequate residual pressure during dosing.

 The control system must allow for variable loading rate and/or dosing time at the
individual zones.
 Individual zones shall be designed to be easily taken in and out of service for
maintenance or repair.

Zone Forward Field Flushing:

Each drip zone must automatically undergo a periodic forward field flushing usually every 25
cycles or 15 days, whichever occurs first. Other flushing frequencies can be considered if
recommended by the manufacturer. Control system must allow for adjustable flushing

A minimum velocity of 2 ft/sec should be used in the zone flushing.

A minimum velocity of 1 ft/sec is acceptable if the drip tubing is manufactured with
antimicrobial inner lining to inhibit adhesion of biological growth on the inside walls of the tube
and emitters.

Flush Residuals Required Treatment:

All filter flush and tubing network forward flush residuals are to return to the head of the pre-
treatment system, or be treated by an acceptable side-treatment system before returning to the
dosing station.

Air Release Valve:

An air release valve shall be provided for each zone at the highest elevation of the zone.

Minimum Required Horizontal Separation:

The following are the minimum horizontal separation distances required between the Drip
Dispersal Area and other land features or components. Any exception may be considered by the
Department using the Department’s Design Guidelines and the Recommended 10-State

Land Feature or Component Minimum Required Horizontal

Separation Distances (in feet)
A flowing body of water 50
Well or suction line 100
Water service line 50
Occupied building 50
Property line 50
In-ground Swimming Pool 50



Usually two-stage reactor (anoxic/aerobic) would be sufficient to achieve BNR level of 8 mg/l

Typical Design Criteria for Two-Stage BNR:

Parameter Recommended
MLSS (mg/l) 3000-4000
Total HRT (hr) 12-16
Anoxic 2-4
Aerobic 8-12
MCRT (d) 15-40
F/M (g BOD/g MLVSS/d) 0.05-0.2
RAS (%Q) 50-100
Internal Recycle (%Q) 100-400
Anoxic Mix Power (hp/MG) 40-70

Typical Design Criteria For SBR BNR System:

Parameter Recommended
BOD Load (Lbs/d/ft3) 0.005-0.015
Cycle time (hr):
Fill 1-3
Settle 0.75-1
Draw 0.5-1.5
MLSS (mg/l) 3000-5000
HRT (hr) ~6 per cycle per reactor
MCRT (d) 20-40
FM (g BOD/g MLVSS/d) 0.05-0.2

Additional Criteria:
Post-equalization basin with a storage capacity adequately for two decants should be provided
for flows of 2.0 mgd or less, or when the total SBR system less than four (4) units.

BIOLAC Wave Oxidation Reactor BNR System:

 Nominal Hydraulic Detention Time = 36 hours

 Side-Water-Depth = 8 feet
 Free Board = 2 feet
 Aeration system and automatic control air valves shall be capable of achieving
 The reactors are earth structure lined with high quality of liners.

Typical Design Parameters for BNR Orbal/Oxidation Ditch:

Flow BOD Load MLSS MCRT HRT Side-Water

(mgd) (Lbs/d/ft3) (mg/l) (d) (hr) Depth (ft)
<0.2 0.012 4000-5000 31-38 24 8-13
0.2 to 0.499 0.015 4000-5000 26-32 20 8-13
0.5 to 0.999 0.015-0.018 4000-5000 20-32 16.6-20 8-13
1.0 to 2.0 0.018 4000-5000 21-27 16.6 8-13
>2.0 0.02 5000-6000 24-29 15 8-13

Secondary Sedimentation Tanks for Conventional BNR:

Parameter Recommended
Side Water Depth (ft) 12 to16
Hydraulic Overflow Rates (gpd/sq. ft.)
Average Design Flow 400 to 700
Hourly Peak Flow 1000 to 1600
Solids Loading Rate (lbs/sq. ft.-day)
Average Solids Loading Rate 24 to 36
Peak Solids Loading Rate 43

Secondary Sedimentation Tanks for Extended Aeration BNR:

Parameter Recommended
Side Water Depth 12 to16
Hydraulic Overflow Rates (gpd/sq. ft.)
Average Design Flow 200 to 400
Hourly Peak Flow 600 to 800
Solids Loading Rate (lbs/sq. ft.-day)
Average Solids Loading Rate 15
Peak Solids Loading Rate 34


To achieve ENR, in general a four-stage reactor, or two-stage with denitrification filter would be
needed. The biological process should be sized at 12○ C will be funded

Four-Stage Bardenpho Process for ENR:

 The proposed four-stage Bardenpho process is intended to meet 3 mg/l TN.

However, facilities for supplemental carbon and/or a conventional filtration
process for polishing may be required to meet the nutrient goals of 3 mg/l TN and
0.3 mg/l TP.
 The width to length ratio of the reactor: 1:5
 Side-water-depth = 18 feet
 Free Board = 2 feet

Parameter Recommended
MLSS (mg/l) 3000-5000
Total HRT (hr) 16-23 (~23 is used when high BOD with no primary)
1st Anoxic 2-4
Aerobic 8-12
2nd Anoxic 2-5
Re-aeration 0.5-1
MCRT (d) 10-40
F/M (g BOD/g MLVSS/d) 0.1-0.2
RAS (%Q) 100
Internal Recycle (%Q) 400-600
Anoxic Mix Power (hp/MG) 40-70

Carrousel Process for ENR:

 Nominal Hydraulic Detention Time = 21 hours

1st Anoxic Zone = 3 hours
Aerobic Zone = 15.5 hours
2nd Anoxic Zone = 2 hours
Re-aeration Zone = 0.5 hour
 Reactors are reinforced concrete structures.
 Side-Water-Depth = 14 feet
 MLSS = 4,000 mg/l

Conventional Filters

 The conventional filtration process is designed for polishing purpose.

 Filter Media Depth = 4 feet
 Hydraulic Loading Rate: 2.5 gpm/sq. ft. at average daily flow
 Hydraulic Loading Rate: 4.0 gpm/ sq. ft. at maximum month
 A conventional filtration process following the four-stage Bardenpho process may
be required to achieve the level of 3 mg/l of TN and 0.3 mg/l of TP.

Denitrification Filters

I. Deep Bed Downflow Denitrification Filter:

Parameter Recommended
Filter Depth 6 feet media depth plus 1.5 feet
support gravel depth
Temperature 12 º C
Filter Influent DO (mg/l) < 6 mg/l or as recommended by
filter manufacturer
Nitrogen Volumetric Loading Rate for Annual Average 50 lbs NOx-N/1000 ft3/day
Empty Bed Detention Time for Annual Average 20 minutes
Empty Bed Detention Time for Maximum Month 15 minutes
Hydraulic Loading Rate for Annual Average 2.2 gpm/ft2
Hydraulic Loading Rate for Maximum Month 3.0 gpm/ft2

II. Continuous Backwash Upflow Denitrification Filter:

Parameter Recommended
Filter Depth 80 inches
Temperature 12 º C
Filter Influent DO (mg/l) < 4 mg/l or as recommended by
filter manufacturer
Nitrogen Volumetric Loading Rate for Annual Average 40 lbs NOx-N/1000 ft3/day
Empty Bed Detention Time for Annual Average 20 minutes
Empty Bed Detention Time for Maximum Month 12 minutes
Hydraulic Loading Rate for Annual Average 2.2 gpm/ft2
Hydraulic Loading Rate for Maximum Month 4.0 gpm/ft2

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) is a combination of suspended-growth activated sludge biological

treatment and membrane filtration equipment performing the critical solid/liquid separation
function that is traditionally accomplished using secondary clarifiers. To achieve ENR level of
treatment, MBR needs to include a high performing nitrogen removal system such as Bardnepho,
Johannesburg process, etc. MBR operates at high MLSS concentration almost double or triple
the conventional activated sludge system, thereby allowing a smaller bioreactor to achieve the
same level of treatment as the conventional system.

Typical MBR Design Parameters:

Parameter Recommended
BOD Loading (Lbs/1,000 ft3/day) 30-60
MLSS (mg/l) 8,000-15,000
F/M (g BOD/g MLVSS/day) 0.05-0.2
MCRT (day) 12-20
HRT (Hour) 6-15
Flux (gpd/ft2) 8-15 (Temperature-Corrected at 12º C)
DO (mg/l) Anoxic 0-.5
Aerobic 1.5-3
Membrane 2-6
Pore Size (μm) 0.1-0.4
RAS (Q) 3-6
Energy Consumption (KWh/1,000 0.1
Membrane Replacement Every 3 to 5 years (Flux rate gradually declines
Pretreatment Requirements 1. Flow Equalization for peaking factor over 1.5-2.0
2. Fine Screening: 1-3 mm (0.04-0.12 in)

Facilities for Chemical Additions (Including Supplemental Carbon Source and Facilities for
Phosphorus Removal):

 Chemical feed pumps shall be sized based on peak daily flow.

 Chapter 110 of the 10-State Standards shall be used for phosphorus removal by
chemical treatment.

 In funding facilities for chemical addition, up to 30 days in storage capacity would be

allowed for grant participation.


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