Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Interview Questions
A utility tunnel, the inside of a boiler (only accessible when the boiler is off), the inside of a
fluid storage tank, a septic tank that has contained sewage, and a small underground
electrical vault are all examples of confined spaces.
Confined spaces that present special hazards to workers, including risks of toxic or
asphyxiating gas accumulation, fires, falls, flooding, and entrapment may be classified as
permit-required confined spaces depending on the nature and severity of the hazard.
What are the According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a permit-
hazards in a required confined space (permit space) has the three characteristics listed above (which
confined space define a confined space) and one or more of the following:
In addition to the hazards posed by the design of the space, work activities can also pose
serious safety hazards (heat, noise, vapors, etc.) that must be taken into account when
identifying safety measures that must be taken.
What are the Following are the safety measures that shall be taken before entering any permit required
safety measures confined space:
Removal of bolts without closing valve and depressurization of line. This can
cause sudden release of energy, release of toxic, flammable, asphyxiant gas,
steam or other chemicals that can cause fatalities, serious injuries, fire and
Sudden and uncontrolled release of pressure can cause damage to line / pipe.
Following measures shall be taken for spading and de-spading process:
measures for 1. Spading and de-spading shall be performed under strict permit requirements
spading and de- 2. TRA shall be approved based on MS
spading process 3. Coordination between execution team and plant operations to be effective
4. Following shall be confirmed prior to loosening the bolts for spading and de-spading
Confirmation and verification of battery limit and all other connecting valve isolation
by plant operator
Confirmation and verification of purging of line / system by plant operator
Confirmation and verification of depressurization of line / system by plant operator
Confirmation and verification of LOTO by plant operators
Confirmation and verification from plant operator that it is safe for operatives to
loosen the bolts
Adequate PPE including SCBA as required by procedure, permit and TRA
Area to be cleared of all non-operational personnel as specified in the TRA, except
for those who are on standby with necessary protection
5. Safe work platforms to be erected for personnel to reach and work from, competent
person to inspect and verify that platform is safe for use
6. SIMOPS shall be minimized, adequate PPE shall be used against fall hazard
7. Safety precautions shall be discussed with team highlighting the hazards by work
supervisor / in charge in TBT.
8. Specific approved TRA to be consulted for such activity.
TRA based on MS
Valid PTW
Fire blankets to prevent flame, sparks and spatters to reach adjacent areas and
Fire extinguishers as required by permit
Charged hose if required by permit
Gas test prior to the start of activity
Trained fire watch
6. welding helmets fitted with dark welding glass as PPE for protection against arc flash
6.Working at height
At what height a 2 meters is the height at which safety harness becomes mandatory for worker. Safety
person shall don harness shall be worn and person shall be tied off at all ties while working at any elevation
(wear) safety above 2 meters.
Persons working at height shall have the following PPE:
PPE to be worn
Hard hat with chin strap
Safety shoes
Property damage
7.Lifting Equipment
Why do we Test certificates are required for all lifting equipment to ensure that equipment is tested by
need a test a qualified person and he certifies that all components of the equipment are in best
certificate for working condition for the type of activity it has to perform.
the lifting
Who will issue A group or company that is certified and authorized by government to perform tests on
the test lifting equipment.
SWL stands for Safe Working Load. When a load is lifted by a crane, following shall be
What is SWL checked for safe lifting:
and Color
coding Total weight of load including weight of the crane hook, slings and shackles
Capacity of the crane
Color coding is part of safety management system. Each equipment / tool is checked by a
qualified person to ensure that equipment / tool is defect free and in good condition for
use and is color coded for the month / quarter. If equipment / tool is defective or needs
repair than it is fixed / repaired and again checked and if found satisfactory than it is color
Following measures shall be ensured before lifting operation:
What control
measures are Plan the lift
required during Certification of crane, crane operator and riggers shall be valid
lifting operation
SWL shall be calculated
Maximum area shall be barricaded (normally radius of the boom / swing area)
For Pneumatic / hydro test, capacity of system shall be known; system shall not be over
Control pressurized which may cause explosion. Area around the system being pressure tested
Measures for shall be barricaded and all non operational personnel shall be removed.
Pneumatic /
hydro test For hydro test, disposal of water into the main drain shall be arranged; all electrical
equipment shall be covered or removed if chances of flooding are there.
Pneumatic / hydro test shall be closely monitored from start till end. Pressure shall only be
released from pressure release valves provided prior to the test.
9.Scaffolding Safety
What is A temporary structure erected for access and to perform work at height by using couplers,
scaffolding tubes and boards.
What is the A toe board is placed around the floor of the platform, it prevents objects from falling over
importance of a and also prevents people from falling if they slip, toe board will stop the foot.
toe board
Is it safe to carry No, it is not allowed to carry tools and equipment in hands while climbing any type of
tools and ladder
material in
hands while
climbing the
If excavations are not protected properly, personnel, vehicles and machines can
fall in the excavations.
Feet shall not be placed in a way that chisel may hit the toe if the hammer slips
All connections at hoses and with jack hammer shall be equipped with whip arrestors;
Whip lash / couplers used for connecting the hose shall have locking pins in place to prevent
locking pins accidental release.
Can other works No, due to the dangers associated with radiations, no other work shall be performed in the
be done at the area where radiography is being performed
place of
Precautions at Radiography is a very dangerous activity therefore maximum precautions shall be taken
site to prevent injuries due to radiations. Following precautions shall be ensured:
1. Only qualified and competent workers to perform radiography
2. All radiographic works shall be performed under valid permit to work
3. Equipment used shall be well maintained and in good working condition
4. Radiographers shall be equipped with film badges and colimeters
5. Radiography works shall be performed only during hours when there are least number
of workers on site such as night, lunch and dinner breaks
6. Following precautions shall be taken for any radiography activity:
Time and area where radiography has to be performed shall be communicated to all
affected personnel
Area shall be cordoned off using black and yellow barricade tapes
Signs shall be posted at conspicuous locations
Blinker lights shall be used to warn people
Affected personnel shall be removed from the area
Radiography staff shall ensure that area is clear before exposing the source for shoot
HSE Department shall ensure that adequate HSE supervision is provided for radiography
What is the Yellow back ground with orange pictogram
color of
MSDS stands for Material Safety Data Sheet. It is a document developed by the
manufacturer of the hazardous material (chemical) to provide information about the safety
precautions required in the use of hazardous material such as MSDS for acids, paints, oil,
gases etc…)
20. Emergency Response
What action If you are exposed to a gas leak, following actions shall be taken:
must be taken if Stop the job
you are Don / wear your escape set
exposed to a Shut down the machine
gas leak Check wind direction
Move to muster point / assembly area. Cross wind, if you are down wind of the
leak AND go up wind if the leak is down wind of you.
Do not attempt any rescue if you are not trained and if you do not have protective
equipment such as breathing apparatus.
21. Safety checks prior to start work
What are the Before starting any work, following safety checks shall be done:
main safety Check permit, if the permit is not issued / signed work shall not be started
checks to be Check tools and equipment, tools and equipment shall be in best working
done prior to condition
start work Check if workers are competent for the work, job shall be assigned to qualified,
skilled and fit persons
Perform Task briefing, supervisor shall inform his workers about the hazards of the
task, risks involved and control measures
Check PPE as required by permit
Check safety equipment availability as required by permit, this may include gas
detectors, fire extinguishers, fire hoses, B.A Trolley / set etc…
Check if someone is working on top and around, simultaneous works are not
Check if area is gas tested and is free of hazardous gases
Check if all workers know the emergency response procedure
22. Work Permit
Name some Following are the work permits used in a gas plant:
types of work Open flame work permit: for activities where visible flame shall be produced,
permits example, welding, cutting, grinding
Hot work permit: works that involve machines having internal combustion engines
where a heat or sparks may produce, example, use of crane, compressor etc…
Cold work permit: for activities where there is no possibility of flame, heat or spark
generation, example, insulation work, cable laying and pulling etc…
Confined space work permit: used for entry into a permit required confined space,
example, working in a trench deeper than 1 meter, entry into a tank, vessel, pit,
pipe etc… This permit is called certificate as well and shall be attached with the
main permit for the job such as hot, cold permit.
Electrical isolation: this permit is required to request electrical isolation; this permit
shall be part of main permits.
Excavation: for any sub-soil activity, manual or mechanical, example, digging a
cable trench. This permit shall be attached with one of the main permits.
What is the Permit to work (PTW) is required to ensure that required precautions are implemented
function of PTW based on the identified hazards for safe execution of the work.
PTW is also required for communication purposes, a PTW raised provides information to
all concerned parties / individuals that a certain activity would be carried out in a certain
area at a specific date and time
Who is Supervisor of the work is responsible for the preparation of safety equipment and site
responsible for preparation.
equipment Example, for a welding job, welding supervisor shall ensure that permit is raised and
safety approved, fire blankets have been placed, fire extinguishers are available, gas test has
preparation – been performed and is clear, assign fire watcher, check tools and equipment etc….
site safety
When is a hot Hot work permit is required for all the activities where there is a possibility of heat / spark
work required generation due to tool, equipment and work.
23. Grit blasting safety
What PPE is A compressor is used to throw special sand particles on a surface to clean it at a very
used during grit high speed.
blasting Person performing grit blasting shall use the following PPE:
Blasting hood: this hood is specially designed to provide air to the user trough
compressor fitted with special filters; hood completely covers the blasters head,
face and provides protection against air borne particles.
Long gloves, specially designed to protect hand of the blaster
Special apron to protect the body
High ankle safety boots
Safety checks Before blasting, following checks must be done:
before grit Permit
blasting Area shall be cleared of other personnel
Area to be closed / barricaded
Above mentioned PPE
Inspected equipment, compressors, blasting pots, blasting hoses and nozzle
Whip lash protection
Hose connectors
Experienced blasters
24. Fire fighting equipment
Name some fire Fire extinguishing cylinders (dry power, CO2)
fighting Charged hoses (water)
equipment Sand (fire buckets)
Fire blankets
List few types of High expansion foam
fire Dry chemical powder
extinguishers CO2 – inert agent system
used in oil and Water
gas field
A seal broken No, seal should be in place
on a fire
extinguisher but
it is in good
condition can be
What must be Empty cylinders shall be immediately sent for refilling to fire station – designated
done after a fire department
extinguisher or
BA cylinder is
What type of fire Classes of fires:
extinguisher in
each type of fire Fire Class Fuel Extinguisher
is used Class A Ordinary combustible material water / dry powder (water only
to be used if ignition source is
not electrical)
Class B & C Flammable liquids and gases Dry powder and foam
Class D Metal Dry chemical powder / CO2
Class E Electrical fire CO2
Class K Oil / fats CO2 / Dry chemical powder
25. Compressed Gas Cylinders
Main hazards Following are the main hazards of compressed gas cylinders:
Leakage of flammable gas
Leakage of oxygen in confined space
Handling of cylinders
Control Following are the control measures for safe use of compressed gas cylinders
measures, Cylinders shall always be placed in vertical position.
storage, Each type of cylinder shall be stored separately and empty cylinders shall be
transport, separated from full. Storage area shall be marked with type of cylinder.
handling While shifting and in use, cylinders shall have protective caps on at all times and
can only be moved in a trolley, secured with chain.
Check the cylinder condition; do not accept dented, corroded or poorly maintained
Only experienced persons to connect gauge assembly with cylinders, before
attaching the assembly, crack open the valve to clear dust at the opening.
Cylinders shall be kept minimum 5 meters away from the hot work area.
Cylinders shall not be kept under direct sunlight, covers shall be provided on
trolley for shade
Cylinders shall not be taken into a confined space.
Cylinder valves shall be shut down when not in use.
Prior to start of work, all hoses shall be checked for any defects / leaks. Leak
check shall be performed by the operator.
Cylinders shall be equipped with flash back arrestors.
In case of any leak from the cylinder / hose, main valve shall be shut down
immediately. Valve key shall be available with cylinders at all times.
26. House Keeping
Why good Hazards : Slip, Trip, fall ,fire, explosions, Pests infestation, rodents and other
House Keeping venomous animals
is Necessary?
Eliminate all accident and fire hazards through adequate house keeping on daily
basis after each activity
it saves money, materials, Efforts, and space
Reflect an image of a well run organization.
How material Material properly stacked will provide more space for movement of personnel, vehicles
stacking can and equipment.
improve safety
27. Refueling
What are the Perceived Hazards : Fire, Explosions, spills, environmental damages
precautions for
refueling? Controls:
This activity should be supervised by an experienced person.
Use computable hose pipes to pour fuels in Generator, Vehicles, and
compressors, to avoid leakage due to reaction of fuel and hose material,
Keep the area spark free to avoid fire and explosions.
Flames are strictly prohibited in fuel dumping and around equipments run by
Petrol, Diesel, or CNG, LNG fuels.
Keep the fuel transporting container well protected and leak proof to avoid Spills,
Keep the flow of fuel at slow pace to avoid spill
Keep the equipment on off mode during refueling.