Tar Reforming Under A Microwave Plasma Torch

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Tar Reforming under a Microwave Plasma Torch

Rodrigo Monteiro Eliott,† Manoel F. M. Nogueira,*,‡ Argemiro S. Silva Sobrinho,† Bruno A. P. Couto,‡
Homero S. Maciel,§ and Pedro T. Lacava†

Technological Institute of Aeronautics, Praça Mal. Eduardo Gomes 50, Vila das Acácias, 12.228-900 São José dos Campos-SP, Brazil

Federal University of Pará, Av. Augusto Corrêa 1, LABEM, 66075-110 Belém-PA, Brazil
Paraiba Valley University, Av. Shishima Hifumi 2911, São José dos Campos-SP, Brazil

ABSTRACT: Because of the scarcity of nonrenewable natural resources, such as petroleum and natural gas, the use of biofuel is
needed. Gasification is a major process used to obtain renewable fuels from biomass; however, the gas cleaning system is a
constraint for its broad utilization. During the pyrolysis process, a mixture of organic compounds in the gas phase is produced
and must be removed from the gases before it is used in the most practical applications. In order to remove such organic
compounds, which are known as tar, large, sophisticated, problematic, and expensive gas cleaning systems are added to the
gasifier gas exit. Previous papers have shown that the plasma torch has the potential to destroy produced tar, being a simpler and
less-expensive system than traditional gas cleaners. This work presents a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a microwave
plasma system running on tar destruction and its reforming. In order to evaluate a 1 kW microwave plasma system performance,
an apparatus was developed and installed at ITA Laboratory of Plasmas and Processes (LPP-ITA). The system runs at
atmospheric pressure with nitrogen and argon as carrier gas under a large range of flow rates. Experiments were performed using
a gas mixture of N2, H2O, ethanol, and tar at controlled concentration in order to simulate the gases produced by a gasifier. The
injected tar was obtained from pine pyrolysis and characterized for energy purposes. In order to reduce tar viscosity, it was
diluted in commercial ethanol (92.5% ethanol and 7.5% water) and its concentration varied from 0.8 gtar/Nmgas3 to 4.2 gtar/
Nmgas3. Species formed in the microwave plasma torch were identified using an optical spectrometer. The reactor exit gases had
their composition evaluated on tar content as well as for noncondensable gases. As a result, this paper shows that no tar content
was detected at the reactor outlet, indicating that all supplied tar was destroyed in the plasma reactor. The main detected
products were CO and solid carbon (C(s)). Furthermore, neither NO nor CO2 were detected, and an indication of H2 formation
was obtained. This paper concludes that the microwave plasma system is capable of destroying and reforming tar efficiently and
produces mainly H2, CO, O2, and C(s) as byproducts.

1. INTRODUCTION mixtures) in the presence of a gaseous mixture (90% of N2

The pyrolysis process of vegetable biomass produces many and 10% of CO2). Two other works3,4 tested and analyzed a
microwave plasma torch at atmospheric pressure, using argon
condensable volatiles that are collectively called tar. This
as the gas carrier. References 5−7 show proposed reaction
organic molecule mixture (tar) is recognized as carcinogenic,
pathways for tar conversion into smaller species. Water steam
harmful for human health and environment, a hazard for
was disintegrated using a microwave plasma torch.8 All the
mechanical equipment, and a poison to synthesis gas (CO, H2,
above works indicate that it is possible to destroy vegetable tar
and CH4). Because of these problems, gasifier gas cannot be in aqueous solution, using a microwave plasma torch at ambient
used directly in engines or on second-generation fuel pressure, but it has not been done so far.
production processes, such as Fischer−Tropsch. For such This work describes an apparatus and experimental results
applications, tar must be previously removed and regular that led to complete pine tar destruction, using a microwave
techniques are costly and complex cleaning systems that plasma torch at ambient pressure with concentrations up to 4.2
generally produce byproducts, which will need further treat- gtar/Nmgas3 without hazardous byproduct production. This
ment. Furthermore, tar is a hydrocarbon species mixture and technique proved to be capable of converting an undesired
the consequence of its removal is a reduction on the gas heating element (tar) into smaller and noncondensable species.
value. An alternative technique for tar removal (destruction) is
the use of microwave plasma torches. The benefit of this
technique is a reduction in size and a simple cleaning operation,
as well as the elimination of hazardous byproducts, thereby The apparatus basic concept consists of microwave plasma
reducing environmental impacts and keeping the gross gas torch acting on a known inlet gas mixture flow concentration
heating value at a high level. (argon, nitrogen, water, ethanol, and tar) and to measure tar
Successful hydrocarbon destruction with plasma sources was and species concentration after the plasma reactor. The plasma
reported.1 In this case, a microwave plasma torch reformed
methane, obtaining H2 and solid carbon (C(s)) as products.1 In Received: August 25, 2012
another work,2 corona discharge was applied for the breakdown Revised: December 16, 2012
of naphthalene molecules (species present in many tar Published: December 17, 2012

© 2012 American Chemical Society 1174 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef301399q | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1174−1181
Energy & Fuels Article

Figure 1. Apparatus scheme adopted in this work for the tar reforming with a microwave plasma torch.

torch was started up only with argon flowing through it. The After passing through the second tube furnace, the gas
reactor then was supplied with a known mixture of argon, mixture was driven to the microwave plasma reactor. In the
nitrogen, and tar solution (ethanol + water + pine tar). The entrance of the microwave plasma reactor, there is a Type K
reason for the presence of argon upon ignition and afterward thermocouple connected to a digital display, which measures
was to provide stability to the torch (and avoid subsequent doped gas temperature at the reactor entrance.
torch extinction), because of the fact that argon is easier In order to avoid tar condensation and subsequent
ionized, when compared to other gases. The reason for using obstruction in the pipe feeding, tar solution was injected
nitrogen instead of argon was to simulate gasifier exhaust gases, when the gas temperature at the reactor inlet was equal to or
which are mostly comprised of nitrogen. higher than 250 °C. This temperature value was chosen after
2.1. Doping and Evaporation. Figure 1 illustrates the experimental evaluation for tar solution boiling temperature.
experimental apparatus. Nitrogen and argon go through flow The doped gas mixture then enters in the microwave plasma
meters, where they have their flow rates individually registered reactor, where tar breakdown was expected to occur, as well as
and controlled with valves. After passing through flow meters, new chemical species formation.
gases mix themselves and go to a 1/4-in. copper pipe coil 2.2. Microwave Plasma Reactor. The microwave plasma
located inside a tube furnace thermally heated with 3500 W reactor utilized in this work, with a maximum power of 3000 W
electrical resistances. In order to avoid heat losses, this furnace and source voltage of 5500 V, is illustrated in Figure 1. Its
was insulated with rock wool and glass wool covered with magnetron converts the electrical current into microwave. A
aluminum foil. Standard operation procedure keeps the gas circulator is located downstream from the magnetron source, to
temperature at the furnace exit heated to temperatures over 300 prevent the electromagnetic current from returning and damage
°C. After passing through the first tube furnace, argon− the magnetron. The circulator has a system to measure incident
nitrogen mixture receives tar solution from a syringe pump and reflected power, which is intended to evaluate the
(manufactured by KDS Scientific, Model KDS100, with an microwave application efficiency into the gas passing through
error of 1%). This 10-mL syringe pump dopes the carrier gas the reactor. Downstream from the circulator, the microwaves
with tar solution comprised of 63.49% ethanol (mass fraction), are conducted through a waveguide to a quartz tube, 10 mm
which is responsible for tar dilution; 6.51% water (oxygen and ID, where they were absorbed by the gas coming from the
hydrogen donor); and 30% pine tar. feeding system, on swirl way, ionizing a fraction of molecules in
The heated mixture of argon and nitrogen drags and this gas, thereby generating the plasma torch. In order to
evaporates the tar solution injected by the syringe pump while maximize tar breakdown and facilitate plasma generation, the
it flows in the second furnace. The second tube furnace impedance of the plasma region is important to approach the
increases the doped gas temperature up to ∼350 °C. It is impedance from the microwave generator (magnetron). This is
responsible for completing the tar evaporation process, seeking accomplished by using a movable piston and stubs.
to avoid droplet presence in the plasma torch. The second tube The microwave plasma reactor ignition system consists of a
furnace was constructed similarly to the first one. tungsten rod inside the quartz tube in the plasma region
1175 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef301399q | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1174−1181
Energy & Fuels Article

Figure 2. Apparatus scheme for the tar measurement system applied in this work.

(shown in Figure 1). The purpose of such a tungsten rod is to The retained tar quantification was performed as follows:
concentrate the electromagnetic waves and start the plasma before being used, the gas washing flask was individually
torch. Upon ignition, maximum power is imposed to the flow weighed with 100 mL of isopropanol. After using these bottles,
(3000 W) during a short period of time (on the order of the mixture of tar and isopropanol contained in each individual
milliseconds). After this period, the system reduces its power to bottle was weighed again, and the difference in flask weight
the chosen prerequested level and holds it constant and steady before and after experiment is the amount of tar mass trapped.
(1000 W). The power can be modified later, without It is important to keep in mind that the reactor eluded gas has
interruptions, during the microwave plasma reactor operation. no water in its composition.
2.3. Tar Measurement System. Downstream from the The borosilicate filter was dried in a drying oven for 1 h
microwave plasma reactor is the tar concentration measure- (time provided by the manufacturer) before being used in the
ment system. The applied tar measurement system, shown in tar measurement system. After passing through the laboratory
Figure 2, with a lower detection limit of 0.01gtar/mgas3, was drying oven, the borosilicate filters were weighed. After the
based on the procedure9,10 and successfully utilized.11 experiment, the borosilicate filter was weighed again and the
The exhaust gases from the plasma torch were fed into the difference between these weights was added to the tar mass
trapped in the washing flasks, thereby providing the total mass
tar filtration system at a specific mass flow rate. Such flow was
of retained tar.
controlled through a valve, and flow surplus was sent to the
The volume shown in the gas meter after the test is
alternative output. The gas sample then flows through a tar subtracted from the amount shown before the test was
borosilicate filter (1 μm mesh filter with efficiency above 99%). performed. The difference between such volumes is the gas
Its external wall is electrically heated at 200 °C, using a 120-W volume analyzed by the tar measurement system. Using the
electrical-resistance-type collar, thereby preventing tar from values obtained from the manometer and the thermocouple at
condensing on the filter holder walls. In this filter, mainly the gas meter, the volume of the analyzed gas was converted
primary tars were trapped and removed from the hot gas. from mgas3 to Nmgas3. The total amount of retained tar in the tar
The next step was trapping the remaining tar content measurement system was divided by the gas volume (gtar/
through one or up to six gas washing flasks (Schout, 500 mL Nmgas3), as shown in eq 1.
with 100 mL of isopropanol in each flask). The quantity of gas
washing flasks depends upon the tar concentration in the gas. C tar = tar
The flasks with isopropanol retain the remaining tars that will Vgas (1)
be quantified through weight measuring. The last flask of 500
mL contains silica gel and works as tar presence warning, 2.4. Optical Spectroscopy and Tar Characterization.
During the species ionization process present in the plasma
indicating need to add new washing flasks and avoid tar
torch, these species have their electrons excited. The excited
presence in the vacuum pump. The gas washing flasks were
electrons return to the standard state, thereby emitting
kept at temperatures of approximately −5 °C with an 18-L photons. The color and tone of the photons are characteristics
ethylene glycol cooler system, cooling the gas and facilitating of each chemical species of the plasma torch present, allowing
tar condensation. species identification through optical emission spectroscopy.
The cooled gas, which is now free from tar, passes through a The optical spectroscopy utilized in this experiment was an
vacuum pump (with a maximum flow of 120 L/min). After optical emission spectrometer (Model UV−vis, Ocean Optics
passing through such vacuum pump, the gas flows through a USB4000) with a resolution of 1.5 nm and operating range in
meter with a Type K thermocouple connected to a temperature the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (Vis). The spectrum was
display and a manometer (pressure gauge minihelic II model obtained by an OOIBase32 program.
with a measurement range of pressure between 0 and 100 mm Chromatographic analysis was performed in the sample tar
of H2O). Subsequently, the gas without tar was driven to a gas solution aiming to identify organic species in the tar. The
analyzer (greenline GL8000) with detection ranges from 20 chromatograph used was a Model GCT-Premier system
ppm up to 8000 ppm for CO and from 250 ppm up to 250 000 manufactured by Waters, and its main parameters are given
ppm for O2) or released to the atmosphere. as follows: column, HP-5 (5% phenylmethylsiloxane) MS 30 m
1176 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef301399q | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1174−1181
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of long × 0.25 mm ID; initial temperature, 40 °C; column Table 1. Main Operational Parameters Adopted during the
temperature, 280 °C; injector temperature, 270 °C; detector Experiments
temperature, 280 °C; helium flow, 1 mL/min; constant
tar solution (mL/h) tar concentration (gtar/Nmgas3)
pressure, 80 kPa; and library peak identification used, NIST
(National Institutes for Standards and Technology). 6 1.7
In order to qualify the atomic composition present in the 9 2.5
used tar, an ultimate analysis was conducted. The apparatus 12 3.3
used for such analysis was an Ultimate Analyzer 2400 Series II 15 4.2
CHNS/O system and an analytical balance of six decimal
figures (Model AD-6), both manufactured by Perkin−Elmer.
of the plasma reactor was ∼250 °C. Nitrogen and argon flow in all
The EBMA laboratory also provided measurement for used the experiments were kept constant at 8.8 and 3.8 L/min, respectively.
gross heating value (GHV) of the used tar. The apparatus used Throughout the operation, the power reflected and not absorbed by
for such analysis was a calorimeter manufactured by Ika Werke the plasma torch did not exceed 0.5% of the power supplied by the
(Model C 2000). microwave plasma reactor.


Before the microwave plasma reactor starts, a 10-mL syringe is filled Figure 3 shows the chromatographic gaseous mass spectrom-
with tar solution and assembled into the syringe pump; its needle is etry analysis (CG/MS) and Table 2 shows the ultimate
inserted into the pipeline of the feeding system, as described above, analysis, as well as the gross heating values (GHV) results for
and already set up at the desired injection flow rate. Once the gas flow pine tar applied.
reaches the desired temperature, the syringe pump was turned on and 4.1. Spectroscopy. In order to identify the species formed
the tar solution was added to the feeding system. During the plasma just after tar destruction (without overlapping with emissions
reactor operation, the tar solution flow rate can be modified without
interrupting the experiment. from water and ethanol destruction), experiments were initially
Initially, the reactor cooler system was turned on and only the argon performed only with water and ethanol solution doping into
valve was opened and adjusted at a flow rate of 16 L/min. The the feeding system, and the result is shown in Figure 4.
movable piston then was positioned at 125 mm (the movable piston is Then, and under the same conditions, tar was added and the
shown in Figure 1) and the magnetron electrical power system is set optical spectrum obtained is shown in Figure 5. The integration
on the control panel, thereby igniting the microwave plasma torch. time used in the acquisition of both optical spectra was the
Finally, the movable piston is moved up or down aiming at the same. In order to identify the peaks present in these spectra, the
minimization of the reflected microwave (the values for the reflected works on the subject12−14 were consulted.
power are registered). Comparing the wavelength of 247.83 nm in both spectra, an
Once the feeding gas temperature after the second tube furnace was
equal to or greater than 250 °C, the syringe pump was turned on, increase on the peak intensity can be seen as an increase on
thereby injecting tar solution into the feeding system. After a few carbon-neutral formation. Possibly, it is the carbon retained on
minutes of operation, the plasma torch color was changed to green. the wall of the quartz tube. Carbon-ionized formation is seen in
The tar solution saturation time in the feeding system depends on the Figure 5 at 430.76 nm. The ionized carbon can form CO
tar solution concentration. After the green color from the plasma torch molecules, reacting with ionized free oxygen. The presence of
was obtained, the movable piston is moved again, seeking the ionized oxygen can be confirmed by peaks observed at 467.71,
minimization of the reflected microwave. After the reflected micro- 469.15 and 558.11 nm.
waves were minimized, the nitrogen gas entrance flow was opened and The wavelength at 436.47 nm (Figure 5) indicates that the
its flow rate was adjusted to 1 L/min. The plasma torch color changed formation of ionized sulfur, along with ionized oxygen atoms,
again from green to purple. The movable piston was moved again, in
order to maximize the microwave power absorbed by gases in the can produce sulfur dioxide. As shown in the ultimate analysis,
microwave reactor. the sulfur is originated from tar, which is confirmed by the
After the plasma torch was in steady operation, the argon flow rate absence of sulfur in Figure 4.
was reduced to 3.8 L/min and the nitrogen flow rate was increased to Figure 5 shows a peak in the wavelength range of 600 nm
8.8 L/min. During the flow rates changes, the movable piston was that does not exist in Figure 4. This peak is an indication of
moved again, in order to minimize the reflected microwave power. hydrogen gas (H2) formation. This comparison shows the
During plasma torch operation, which destroys and reforms tar, a possible formation of H2 during the tar reforming. Another
fraction of the tar carbon content that was not able to recombine with important fact, which may reinforce the hypothesis of H2
oxygen turns out to be solid carbon and adheres on the quartz tube formation, refers to the wavelength range of 549−563 nm in
internal wall, with its amount increasing with time. This effect was also
observed1 when methane gas was destroyed, utilizing a microwave both spectra. Peaks at such wavelengths are more intensified in
plasma torch. Such carbon deposit absorbs a fraction of the incident Figure 5 than in Figure 4. This fact suggests H2 formation as a
microwaves in an amount directly proportional to the carbon product of tar reforming.
concentration on the quartz tube surface, reducing the amount of Despite the fact that the ultimate analysis indicates nitrogen
energy delivered by the microwaves to the gas flow, leading to atoms in tar composition, the emission of a nitrogen species
instability and posterior torch extinction. During all experiments, the apparently was not found in the optical spectrum. A possible
adopted measurement system did not identify tar presence in the explanation for this is the lack of resolution in the optical
reactor eluded gases. It was noticed that, when working with tar spectroscopy used, which does not have enough resolution to
concentrations at or above 4.974 gtar/Nmgas3, tar was not vaporized separate and show nitrogen species peaks.
completely into both tube furnaces; therefore, the tar concentration
reaction was not performed downstream. After carrying out the tar Figure 6 shows the spectrum of the water molecules
destruction and reform tests, the best conditions obtained are shown destruction and reforming via microwave action. After analyzing
in Table 1. the spectrum shown in Figure 6, the formation of various free
In these experiments, the temperatures of both tube furnaces were radicals (Hα, Hβ, and O+) was observed. The presence of these
maintained between 330 °C and 350 °C, and the inlet gas temperature free radicals is important to avoid tar broken molecules to
1177 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef301399q | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1174−1181
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Figure 3. Result from chromatographic gaseous mass spectrometry analysis (CG/MS) of the tar solution used in this experiment.

Table 2. Results from Tar Ultimate Analysis (Mass Fraction)

and Gross Heating Value (GHV)
parameter value
ultimate analysis (mass fraction)
C 51.05
H 5.1
N 6.85
S 6.68
O 30.32
gross heating value, GHV (kJ/kg) 6769

recombine into larger molecules. It indicates a major role that

water plays on tar reforming via plasma torch. The carbon that
exists in the high-temperature plasma torch can react with the
water, providing CO and H2 products.15
4.2. Gas Composition Downstream from the Plasma
Reactor. Results obtained from the gas analyzer are shown in
Figure 7, and they were averaged from 120 measured values
obtained during the experiments. Each experiment refers to a
specific flow of tar solution injected into the feeding system.
The operation conditions are shown in Table 1. Figure 7 shows
that CO increases and O2 concentrations decrease as the tar
solution flow rate increases. Figure 4. Result from optical emission spectroscopy for inlet gas
without tar.
It is important to highlight that no oxygen gas was supplied
to the reactor. All oxygen atoms in the detected CO and O2
1178 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef301399q | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1174−1181
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rate, the quartz tube wall saturates so fast that it quenches the
plasma. The beginning of instabilization is shown in Figure 7
(CO curve after tar solution of 12 mL/h).
The presence of hydrocarbons (CxHy) was not detected in
the exhaust gases, thereby reinforcing the hypothesis that tar,
after being reformed in a plasma torch microwave, results in
small chain species (diatomic or triatomic). The presence of
SO2 concentration (max average concentration of 212.48 ppm)
was measured, and the presence of either NO or CO2 was not
4.3. Inlet−Exit Species Mass Balance. In order to
validate the data obtained, an investigation on the absence of
NO and CO2, and possible formation of H2 molecules, a mass
balance was conducted. Table 3 shows the inlet mass flow rates
for all listed species, and Table 4 contains the exit mass flow
rates only for the species listed. Here, only the tar solution
atom population was considered, after argon and nitrogen were
determined to play an inert role. In Table 4, the solid carbon
flow rate was obtained by the difference between the carbon
flow rate from tar solution and that from the eluded CO
measured. In the same table, the adsorbed oxygen flow rate was
obtained using the difference between the oxygen flow rates
from tar solution and that from the eluded CO, SO2, and O2
As written above, the approach adopted in this work was to
Figure 5. Results from optical emission spectroscopy for inlet gas with keep the mass ratio between atoms constant and independent
tar. of the tar solution flow rate. This can be inferred from the last
five columns in Table 3. In Table 4, the last three columns on
the right show the atoms mass flow rate evaluated only with the
measured species downstream from the reactor (CO, SO2, O2,
and C(s)). One can see that an increase in tar solution flow
increases the CO formation, but this growth is not linear,
indicating excess of free carbon available for reaction and
having, as a consequence, an increased solid carbon formation.
The relationships between C and O for each tar solution flow
gap in Table 3 show an inlet C/O ratio that is constant and
independent of the tar solution flow rate applied (C/O = 1.3).
Therefore, the reactant residence time in the plasma region
influences the formation of CO and O2. An increase in the tar
solution flow rate implies a reduction of reactant residence time
in the plasma reactor, decreasing the O2 formation and
increasing the CO formation. Another observation that occurs
with the increase of the tar mixture flow, thereby reducing the
residence time in the reactor, is SO2 formation. It seems to go
Figure 6. Results from optical spectrum formed after the destruction through a maximum of 9 mL/h.
of water molecules (only). Observing the oxygen atom flow adsorbed by carbon
contained in the quartz tube, which is shown in Table 4 (O-
came from ethanol, water, and tar. Furthermore, the approach adsorbed), there is a very low flow, which is null at low tar
adopted in this work keeps the inlet C/O and C/H ratios solution flows, meaning that all the oxygen present in the tar
constant and independent of the tar solution flow rate applied solution reacts with carbon and the remainder, with sulfur and
(C/O = 1.3 and C/H = 4.6). Therefore, an increase in the tar oxygen, forming SO2 and O2, respectively. This fact can explain
solution flow rate implies only a reduction in reactant residence the absence of both CO2 and NO downstream from the
time in the plasma reactor. reactor. Another important fact is that little oxygen is available
The initially expected result for Figure 7, once tar mixture to react with atomic hydrogen in order to form H2O molecules.
rate increases, is an increase on CO and O2 mass fraction as Moreover, as shown in this paper, there was no unburned
well; but this was not the result that was obtained. Possibly, it is hydrocarbon presence downstream from the reactor; therefore,
consequence of the reactant residence time: Long residence hydrogen atoms do not react with available carbon. Therefore,
time favors O2 formation and low residence time favors CO the hydrogen atoms may have reacted with each other in order
formation. to form hydrogen molecules (H2), instead of reacting with
This experiment was conducted with lack of oxygen to either oxygen or carbon atoms. Because of a lack of availability
produce CO (C/O = 1.68, after ultimate analysis); of equipment in the laboratory during this work, hydrogen gas
consequently, free carbon turned solid and was deposited on was not quantified. The main products measured were C(s), O2,
the quartz tube. In addition, above a certain tar solution flow CO, SO2, and possibly H2. With the exception of SO2
1179 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef301399q | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1174−1181
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Figure 7. Concentrations of CO and O2 (mole fraction) measured downstream from the microwave plasma reactor, relative to the inlet tar flow rate.

Table 3. Inlet Mass Flow Rates for Species and Atoms

Inlet Tar Solution Atom Flow Rate (g/min)
tar solution flow
unity (mL/h) total N2 argon H2O ethanol tar C O S N H
ḿ (g/min) 6 22.27 14.5 7.669 0.0053 0.0648 0.0300 0.04833 0.03711 0.00200 0.00206 0.01050
Y (%) 6 100 65.12 34.43 0.0292 0.2851 0.1347 0.04833 0.03711 0.00200 0.00206 0.01050

ḿ (g/min) 9 22.319 14.5 7.669 0.0079 0.0971 0.0450 0.07249 0.05567 0.00301 0.00308 0.01575
Y (%) 9 100 64.97 34.35 0.0437 0.4266 0.2016 0.07249 0.05567 0.00301 0.00308 0.01575

ḿ (g/min) 12 22.369 14.5 7.669 0.0105 0.1295 0.0600 0.09666 0.07422 0.00401 0.00411 0.02100
Y (%) 12 100 64.83 34.28 0.0582 0.5676 0.2682 0.09666 0.07422 0.00401 0.00411 0.02100

ḿ (g/min) 15 22.419 14.5 7.669 0.0131 0.1618 0.0750 0.12082 0.09278 0.00501 0.00514 0.02625
Y (%) 15 100 64.68 34.20 0.0726 0.7079 0.3345 0.12082 0.09278 0.00501 0.00514 0.02625

Table 4. Exit Mass Flow Rates for Species and Atoms

Atom Flow Rate Obtained from
Measures CO, SO2, and O2
Exit (g/min)
unity tar solution flow (mL/h) total CO SO2 O2 C-solid O-ads orbed C O S
ḿ (g/min) 6 0.09041 0.02741 0.00397 0.02249 0.03655 0.00000 0.01178 0.04010 0.00199
X (ppm) 6 1419.20 90.00 1019.00

ḿ (g/min) 9 0.13719 0.06634 0.00938 0.01750 0.04397 0.00000 0.02853 0.06000 0.00469
X (ppm) 9 3435.50 212.48 792.96

ḿ (g/min) 12 0.17455 0.07530 0.00733 0.01562 0.06428 0.01201 0.03238 0.06221 0.00367
X (ppm) 12 3899.50 166.13 707.83

ḿ (g/min) 15 0.21678 0.07752 0.00636 0.01473 0.08749 0.03068 0.03333 0.06210 0.00318
X (ppm) 15 4014.50 144.00 667.65

molecules, these products are the same that are obtained when from the plasma reactor, but not immediately downstream. The
destroying and reforming carbon particles through the use of a reactor exit was coupled to the tar sampling line, but
microwave plasma torch.15,16 occasionally the reactor exit gas temperature was obtained
4.4. Energy Consumption. During the experiment, the gas (∼340 °C) when the reactor-sampling line coupling was
temperature was regularly measured immediately upstream disassembled. Without a regular measurement of gas temper-
1180 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef301399q | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1174−1181
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ature immediately after the plasma reactor, the energy balance ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
was not performed. Instead, the specific energy consumption Authors wish to thanks the Aeronautical Institute of
was evaluated through the ratio between the inlet electric Technology (ITA), the Federal University of Para (UFPA),
power and the mass of tar destroyed. Despite experimental the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Federal Agency for
observations indicating that tar was destroyed through a Support and Evaluation of Graduated Education (CAPES-
microwave effect, further experiments must validate such a Procad NF), the Polaris, and the National Council for Scientific
conclusion against a thermal effect. and Technological Development (CNPq-Project No. 578106/
The specific energy consumption for a plasma torch can be 2008-6) for allowed grants and support given, as well as
defined as the ratio between incident power and the destroyed doctorate and master fellowships for R.M.E. and B.A.P.C.

tar mass flow rate (J/kg). Under the best operating conditions
during all experiments in this work, 15 mL/h of tar solution REFERENCES
(4.5 g/h of tar) was destroyed with 995 W of microwave power (1) Jasiński, M.; Dors, M.; Mizeraczyk, J. Application of Atmospheric
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AUTHOR INFORMATION Plasma Torch. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 1−4.

Corresponding Author
*Tel.: (+55 91) 3201 8343. Fax: (+55 91) 3223 9534. E-mail:
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
1181 dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef301399q | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1174−1181

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