William Morton was born on Aug. 9, 1819, in Charlton, Mass. He went to Boston
at the age of 17 to try a career in business, but after several years he took up
the study of dentistry at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery.
In 1842 Morton began his practice in Farmington, Conn., where he met Horace
Wells, a dentist who was interested in anesthesia and who was to experiment
later with nitrous oxide gas. They set up a practice together in Boston, but it was
dissolved after a few months. Morton then entered Harvard in 1844 to study for
a medical degree but left because of financial pressures and his marriage that
year to Elizabeth Whitman.
Morton was jealous of his discovery, however, and refused to divulge the
formula for his sleep inducer, which he called "letheon." He was issued a patent
for letheon in 1846 and insisted on personally issuing licenses for the use of his
discovery. When the French Academy of Medicine awarded Jackson and
Morton a joint prize of 5,000 francs, Morton turned it down on the grounds that it
rightfully belonged to him alone. In 1849 he petitioned Congress for a reward for
the discovery of anesthesia, and two bills advocating the payment of $100,000
to Morton were introduced at separate sessions. But the lengthy debates which
took place between the warring factions left the issue hopelessly deadlocked.
Morton's legal expenses and the neglect of his practice in the pursuit of financial
gain for his discovery reduced him to poverty in his later years. On July 15,
1868, he died in New York City.