1. Introduction
Models representing real life phenomenon with only choices of truth and false-
hood are insu¢ cient to represent the actual reality of the problems. The reason for
this, is that there are several complexities exist in the models, that is, why a system
is needed to be developed to handle such ill-de…ned situations of the models. Now
there are two ways to handle these types of situations, one is to …nd the numerical
solutions of the problems and second is to develop a model which is numerical. In
both cases we get numerical solutions of the problems. The second one is dealt with
fuzzy set theory which includes probability theory, fuzzy soft set theory, intuition-
istic fuzzy sets theory and most importantly neutrosophic set theory. The later one
that signal processing is another …eld of desirable application for a complex fuzzy
set. Moreover it is used for expressing solar activity (solar maximum and solar
minimum) through the average number of sunspot [16]. Dick proposed that one
of the desirable application of the complex fuzzy sets is to use it for representing
phenomena with relatively periodic behavior [4]. The tra¢ c congestions in a big
city is the periodic phenomena that never repeat themselves. Thus complex fuzzy
logic can be used to solve certain classes of problems more e¢ ciently and accurately
rather than a fuzzy logic.
The set theoretic operations on a CFS such as intersection, union, complement,
rotation and re‡ection was …rst introduced by Ramot in [16]. Also De Morgan Laws
for a CFS and CF relation were presented in [16].
Now in this paper we de…ne some new operations and laws for a complex fuzzy
set such as distributive property, idempotent property, absorption law, equivalence
formula, simple di¤erence, symmetric di¤erence formula, etc. with respect to stan-
dard complex fuzzy union, intersection and complement function. We present some
basic results of complex fuzzy set regarding CF union, CF intersection and CF
complement and also discuss particular examples of these operations. Moreover we
developed an algorithm using the discrete Fourier transform matrix introduced in
[18]. Then we apply it to a problem in signals and systems.
2. Preliminaries
We will discuss here the basic set theoretic operations and laws of CFS and also
discuss particular examples of these operations and laws.
De…nition 1. [6] A review of traditional fuzzy simple di¤ erence: For any two fuzzy
sets R and S, the simple di¤ erence is de…ned as RrS = R\S c , where “c”represents
the standard complement.
De…nition 2. Consider two CFSs R and S, R (x); S (x) denote the membership
functions R and S: The simple di¤ erence RrS of these two CFS R and S is de…ned
R r S = R \ S c = R (x) ? S c (x)
where ? represents the t-norm [5] and S c (x) denotes the membership function
and x belongs to S c :
Example 1. Let
0:5ei 0:8ei 2 0:4ei 2
R= + +
u v w
0:6ei2 1ei 2 0:3ei2
S= + +
u v w
be two CFSs. By using standard intersection and standard complement function
with max function for determining the phase term, the simple di¤ erence is
3 5
0:5ei 0:8ei 2 0:4ei 2 0:4ei2 0ei 2 0:7ei2
RrS = R \ Sc = [ + + ]?[ + + ]
u v w u v w
i 52
0:4ei2 0e 0:4ei2
= + + :
u v w
De…nition 3. [6] For any two fuzzy sets R and S, the bounded di¤ erence is de…ned
R S (x) = M ax[0; R (x) r S (x)]
where R (x) and S (x) denotes the membership function to which x is a member
of R and S:
De…nition 4. Let R and S be two CFSs, and let R ; S denote the membership
functions of R and S. The bounded di¤ erence of these two CFSs R and S is de…ned
Example 2. Let
0ei 0:5ei 2 0:8ei 2
R= + +
u v w
3 5
1ei2 0:6ei 2 0:2ei 2
S= + +
u v w
be two CFSs. The bounded di¤ erence of these two CFSs is
3 5
0ei2 0ei 2 0:6ei 2
R S (x) = + + :
u v w
De…nition 5. [6] Let R and S be any two fuzzy sets, the disjoint sum is de…ned as
Example 3. Let
1ei 2 0:5ei 2 0ei
R= + +
u v w
and 3
0:5ei 0:6ei 2 0:9ei 2
S= + +
u v w
be two CFSs. Using the max function for calculating the phase term, the disjoint
sum of these two fuzzy sets is
0:5 0:1 0:9
R S (x) = + + :
u v w
De…nition 7. [6] For any two fuzzy sets R and S, the disjunctive sum is de…ned
R S = (R \ S c ) [ (Rc \ S) = (R ? S c ) (Rc ? S)
where ?; and c represents the standard intersection, standard union and stan-
dard complement function.
De…nition 8. Let R and S; be any two CFSs and R (x); S (x) denote the mem-
bership functions of R and S: Let R S represents the disjunctive sum of CFSs R
and S; de…ned as R S = (R \ S c ) [ (Rc \ S). The membership function of R S is
0:5ei 2 0:6ei 0:1ei 2 0:3ei2
(1) (Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = + + +
y1 y2 y3 y4
0:2ei 2 0:3ei 0:1ei 2 0ei2
(Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = [ + + + ]
y1 y2 y3 y4
0:5ei 2 0:6ei 0:1ei 2 0:3ei2
[ + + + ]
y1 y2 y3 y4
0:5ei 2 0:6ei 0:1ei 2 0:3ei2
(2) (Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = + + + :
y1 y2 y3 y4
From (1) and (2) we have
(Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = (Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S):
De…nition 10. Symmetrical di¤ erence formula for two CFSs R and S is given by
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = (Rc [ S c ) \ (R [ S):
Using standard union, standard intersection function along with standard comple-
ment function with same function for determining the phase term, then the sym-
metrical di¤ erence formula hold for complex fuzzy sets. The L:H:S and r:H:S of
symmetrical di¤ erence formula for CFSs R and S are given by
where ? and represents the standard intersection and standard union function
Example 7. Let
1ei0 0:4ei 0:8ei 2
R= + + ;
u v w
0:2ei 4 0:3ei2 1ei 6
S= + +
u v w
and 3
0:6ei 2 0:4ei 4 0:5ei 5
T = + +
u v w
be three CFSs. To satis…es the distributive law of union over intersection and
intersection over union, using standard union and standard intersection function
with same function for determining the phase term.
Now the distributive law of union over intersection is
1ei0 0:4ei 0:8ei 2 0:2ei 4 0:3ei2 1ei 6
R [ (S \ T ) = [ + + ] ([ + + ]?
u v w u v w
0:6ei 2 0:4ei 4 0:5ei 5
[ + + ])
u v w
1ei0 0:4ei 0:8ei 2 0:2ei 2 0:3ei2 0:5ei 5
= [ + + ] [ + + ]
u v w u v w
1ei 2 0:4ei2 0:8ei 2
(1) R [ (S \ T ) = + +
u v w
1ei0 0:4ei 0:8ei 2 0:2ei 4 0:3ei2 1ei 6
(R [ S) \ (R [ T ) = ([ + + ] [ + + ]) ?
u v w u v w
1ei0 0:4ei 0:8ei 2 0:6ei 2 0:4ei 4 0:5ei 5
([ + + ] [ + + ])
u v w u v w
3 3
1ei 4 0:4ei2 1ei 2 1ei 2 0:4ei 0:8ei 2
= [ + + ]?[ + + ]
u v w u v w
1ei 2 0:4ei2 0:8ei 2
(2) (R [ S) \ (R [ T ) = + + :
u v w
From (1) and (2), we have
R [ (S \ T ) = (R [ S) \ (R [ T ):
Now the distributive property of intersection over union is
1ei0 0:4ei 0:8ei 2 0:2ei 4 0:3ei2 1ei 6
R \ (S [ T ) = [ + + ] ? ([ + + ]
u v w u v w
0:6ei 2 0:4ei 4 0:5ei 5
[ + + ])
u v w
1ei0 0:4ei 0:8ei 2 0:6ei 2 0:4ei2 1ei 5
= [ + + ]?[ + + ]
u v w u v w
0:6ei 2 0:4ei2 0:8ei 2
(3) R \ (S [ T ) = + +
u v w
1ei0 0:4ei 0:8ei 2 0:2ei 4 0:3ei2 1ei 6
(R \ S) [ (R \ T ) = ([ + + ]?[ + + ])
u v w u v w
1ei0 0:4ei 0:8ei 2 0:6ei 2 0:4ei 4 0:5ei 5
([ + + ]?[ + + ])
u v w u v w
3 3
0:2ei 4 0:3ei2 0:8ei 2 0:6ei 2 0:4ei 0:5ei 2
= [ + + ] [ + + ]
u v w u v w
0:6ei 2 0:4ei 0:8ei 2
(4) (R \ S) [ (R \ T ) = + + :
u v w
From (3) and (4) we have
R \ (S [ T ) = (R \ S) [ (R \ T ):
De…nition 12. For any CFS R, idempotent laws hold by using standard union and
standard intersection function.
The idempotent law of union for a CFS R is R [ R = R and the idempotent law
of intersection is R \ R = R:
If a grade value of R is R (x) = rR (x)ei!R (x) ;the idempotent law of union
R (x) = R[R (x):
To prove this, we have
R[R (x) =[ R (x) R (x)] = [rR (x)ei!R (x) rR (x)ei!R (x) ] = rR (x)ei!R (x) = R (x):
Also the idempotent law of intersection is
R\R (x) =[ R (x) ? R (x)] = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rR (x)ei!R (x) ] = rR (x)ei!R (x) = R (x):
Here ? and represents the standard intersection and standard union function.
Example 8. Let
1ei 0:5ei 2 0:8ei0
R= +
u v w
be a complex fuzzy set. Using standard union and standard intersection function,
the idempotent law of union is
1ei 0:5ei 2 0:8ei0 1ei 0:5ei 2 0:8ei0
R[R = +[ + ] [ + + ]
u v w u v w
1ei 0:5ei 2 0:8ei0
= + + = R:
u v w
The idempotent law of intersection is
1ei 0:5ei 2 0:8ei0 1ei 0:5ei 2 0:8ei0
R\R = +[ + ]?[ + + ]
u v w u v w
1ei 0:5ei 2 0:8ei0
= + + = R:
u v w
The idempotent law of union and intersection hold for a CFS R:
De…nition 13. CFS satis…ed the involution law by using standard complement
The involution law for a CFS R is (Rc )c = R
If a grade value of a CFS R is R (x) = rR (x)ei!R (x) ;the involution law is
rR (x)ei!R (x) = rRcc (x)ei!Rcc (x)
where c represents standard complement function.
Example 9. Let
0:1ei0 0:5ei 1ei 2 0:8ei 2
R= + + +
u v w t
be a CFS. The involution law is satis…ed by using standard complement function.
Now 3
c 0:9ei0 0:5ei 0ei 2 0:2ei 2
R = Rc (x) = + + +
u v w t
i0 i i i
c 0:1e 0:5e 1e 2 0:8e 2
Rc = Rcc (x) = + + + = R:
u v w t
3. Main Results
Proposition 1. The bounded di¤ erence of two CFSs is always a fuzzy set.
Proof. Let R and S be two CFSs. The bounded di¤erence of these two CFSs are
R S (x) =j R (x)r S (x) j=j [rR (x)rrS (x)]ei!RrS (x) j=j rR (x)rrS (x) jj ei!RrS (x) j :
As j ei!RrS (x) j= 1. Thus
Proposition 2. For CFSs R and S over a crisp set U , the standard union, stan-
dard intersection, and standard complement function with the same function for
determining the phase term satisfy the symmetrical di¤ erence formula.
Proof. Suppose R and S be two CFSs. To prove the symmetrical di¤erence formula
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = (Rc [ S c ) \ (R [ S); eight cases arise here. Using Max function
for determining the phase term.
Case 1.
rR (x) rS (x); ! R (x) ! S (x); rRc (x) rS (x); rS c (x) rR (x); rS c (x) rRc (x)
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!S (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x)
(Rc [ S c ) \ (R [ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Sc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x)
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!S (x) rR (x)ei!Sc (x)
(Rc [ S c ) \ (R [ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Sc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x)
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS c (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc [ S c ) \ (R [ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x)
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!Rc (x) rR (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc [ S c ) \ (R [ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS c (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc [ S c ) \ (R [ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
i! Rc (x) i! R (x)
= rS c (x)e ? rR (x)e
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!Rc (x) rR (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!S (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x)
(Rc [ S c ) \ (R [ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ? rR (x)ei!S (x)
(Rc \ S) [ (R \ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!S (x) rR (x)ei!Sc (x)
(Rc [ S c ) \ (R [ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ? rR (x)ei!S (x)
(Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!S (x) ? rR (x)ei!Sc (x)
(Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) rR (x)ei!S (x)
Case 2.
rR (x) rS (x); ! R (x) ! S (x); rS (x) rRc (x); rR (x) rS c (x); rS c (x) rRc (x)
(Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!S (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x)
(Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) rR (x)ei!S (x)
(Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rR (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rS c (x)ei!Rc (x) rR (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rS c (x)ei!Rc (x) rR (x)ei!R (x)
Case 5.
rS (x) rR (x); ! S (x) ! R (x); rRc (x) rS (x); rS c (x) rR (x); rRc (x) rS c (x)
(Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
i! S c (x)
= rS (x)e ? rR (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!R (x)
(Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x)
(Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!S (x) ? rR (x)ei!Sc (x)
(Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Sc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x)
(Rc [ S) \ (R [ S c ) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!S (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x)
(Rc \ S c ) [ (R \ S) = [rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) ? rS c (x)ei!Sc (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ]
= rRc (x)ei!Sc (x) rS (x)ei!S (x)
0 i! 0R (x)
= rR (x)e = R0 :
Which is also a CFS.
(ii): Now we show that the …nite intersection of any CFSs is always a complex
fuzzy set. Let R1 ; R2 ; :::; RM be any M CFSs and rR1 (x)ei!R1 (x) ; rR2 (x)ei!R2 (x) ; :::; rRM (x)ei!RM (x)
denote the membership functions of these complex fuzzy sets respectively.
Suppose rR (x) = min[rR1 (x); rR2 (x); :::; rRM (x)] and ! 0R (x) = max[! R1 (x); ! R2 (x); :::; ! RM (x)]:
R1 \ R2 \ ::: \ RM = rR1 (x)ei!R1 (x) ? rR2 (x)ei!R2 (x) ? ::: ? rRM (x)ei!RM (x)
= [rR1 (x) ? rR2 (x) ? ::: ? rRM (x)]ei[!R1 (x)?!R2 (x)?:::?!RM (x)]
= rR (x)ei!R (x) = R0 :
Which is also a CFS.
Proposition 5. For any two CFSs R and S, the standard union and standard
intersection function with the same function for determining the phase term satisfy
j R\S (xi ) j j R[S (xi ) j:
i=1;xi 2U i=1;xi 2U
Proof. The standard union and intersection functions are de…ned by the respective
R[S (x) = max[ R (x); S (x)]
R\S (x) = min[ R (x); S (x)]:
j R\S (u) j j R[S (u) j
j R\S (v) j j R[S (v) j :
Continuing this process upto M we have
j R\S (xM ) j j R[S (xM ) j:
Adding all these inequalities, we get
j R\S (xi ) j j R[S (xi ) j:
i=1;x2U i=1;x2U
Proposition 6. For any CFSs R; S and T , the standard intersection and standard
union functions with the same function for determining the phase term satisfy the
distributive law.
Proof. To prove the distributive laws for any CFSs R; S and T; six cases arise
First we prove the distributive law of union over intersection.
Case 1.
rR (x) rS (x) rT (x); ! R (x) ! S (x) ! T (x)
R[(S\T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) (rS (x)ei!S (x) ?rT (x)ei!T (x) )] = rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!T (x)
(1) R [ (S \ T ) = rS (x)ei!T (x)
(R [ S) \ (R [ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!S (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x)
(R [ S) \ (R [ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rR (x)ei!R (x)
(R [ S) \ (R [ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!S (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x)
(R [ S) \ (R [ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rR (x)ei!R (x)
(R [ S) \ (R [ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x)
(R [ S) \ (R [ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!S (x) ? rR (x)ei!R (x)
(R \ S) [ (R \ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rR (x)ei!S (x) rR (x)ei!T (x)
(R \ S) [ (R \ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!R (x) rT (x)ei!R (x)
(R \ S) [ (R \ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rR (x)ei!S (x) rR (x)ei!T (x)
(R \ S) [ (R \ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!R (x) rT (x)ei!R (x)
(R \ S) [ (R \ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!R (x) rR (x)ei!T (x)
(R \ S) [ (R \ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rR (x)ei!S (x) rT (x)ei!R (x)
Case 1.
rRc (x) rR (x)
c i! R (x)
R [ R = rR (x)e rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) = rR (x)ei!R (x) = R:
Case 2.
rR (x) rRc (x)
c i! R (x)
R [ R = rR (x)e rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) = rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) = Rc :
Case 1.
rRc (x) rR (x)
c i! R (x) i! Rc (x)
R \ R = rR (x)e ? rRc (x)e = rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) = Rc :
Case 2.
rR (x) rRc (x)
c i! R (x)
R \ R = rR (x)e ? rRc (x)ei!Rc (x) = rR (x)ei!R (x) = R:
Proposition 8. For any complex fuzzy sets R and S over a crisp set U; the standard
union and standard intersection function with the max function for determining the
phase term does not satisfy the absorption law.
Proof. The absorption laws for crisp set is R\(R[S) = R and R[(R\S) = R:
Here we show that for any CFS R and S, the absorption laws do not hold. If
rR (x) rS (x); ! R (x) ! S (x)
R \ (R [ S) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? (rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) )] = rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x)
= rR (x)ei!S (x) 6= R
R [ (R \ S) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) (rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) )] = rR (x)ei!R (x) rR (x)ei!S (x)
= rR (x)ei!S (x) 6= R:
Also if
rS (x) rR (x) ; ! R (x) ! S (x)
R \ (R [ S) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? (rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) )] = rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rR (x)ei!S (x)
= rR (x)ei!S (x) 6= R
R [ (R \ S) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) frR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) g] = rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x)
= rR (x)ei!S (x) 6= R:
Hence the absorption law does not hold for any complex fuzzy sets.
Proposition 9. For any CFSs R; S and T; the standard complement,standard in-
tersection and standard union function with di¤ erent function for determining the
phase term does not satisfy the distributive laws.
Proof. We use here“taqe wiM M er all” and “min” function for determining the
phase term. The distributive law of union over intersection is R [ (S \ T ) =
(R [ S) \ (R [ T ):For r:H:S; we use “take winner all”function and for L:H:S; we
use “min” function for determining the phase term.
rR (x) rS (x) rT (x); ! R (x) ! S (x) ! T (x)
R[(S\T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) (rS (x)ei!S (x) ?rT (x)ei!T (x) )] = rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!T (x)
(1) R [ (S \ T ) = rS (x)ei!T (x)
(R [ S) \ (R [ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) rS (x)ei!S (x) ] ? [rR (x)ei!R (x) rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rS (x)ei!R (x) ? rT (x)ei!R (x)
R\(S[T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ?(rS (x)ei!S (x) rT (x)ei!T (x) )] = rR (x)ei!R (x) ?rT (x)ei!T (x)
(R \ S) [ (R \ T ) = [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rS (x)ei!S (x) ] [rR (x)ei!R (x) ? rT (x)ei!T (x) ]
= rR (x)ei!R (x) rR (x)ei!R (x)
4. Applications
In this section, we will discuss the applications of CFS in signals and systems.
De…nition 14. The Mth inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) coe¢ cient of
a length M sequence fx(M )g is de…ned as
M 1
1 X 0 2
x(q) = x (M )ei M M q , q 2 f0; 1; 2; :::; M 1g
M q=0
where x(M ) has di¤ erent values [18].
We take a particular case that is U [M ] = x0 (M ) is restricted to a closed interval
[0; 1] because in CFS, the amplitude term has all the values in the closed interval
[0; 1]:
De…nition 15. [18] The DFT for fx0 (M ) : 1 M M g given by as a matrix in
product form.
2 3 2 32 3
x0 (0) 1 1 1 : : : 1 x(0)
6 x0 (1) 7 61 i( 2M ) i( 2M 2) 2
1)) 7 6 7
6 7 6 e e : : : ei( M (M
7 6 x(1) 7
6 x0 (2) 7 61 2
ei( M 2)
ei( M 4) : ei(
2(M 1)) 7 6 7
6 7 6 : : M
7 6 x(2) 7
6 : 7 = 6: : : : : : : 76 : 7
6 7 6 76 7
6 : 7 6: : : : : : : 76 : 7
6 7 6 76 7
4 : 5 4: : : : : : : 54 : 5
x0 (M 1) 2 2
1 ei( M (M 1)) ei( M 2(M 1)) : : : ei(
M (M 2
1) ) x(M 1)
2 3 2 32 3
x(0) 1 1 1 : : : 1 x0 (0)
6 x(1) 7 61 i 2M i 2M 2
1) 7 6 7
6 7 6 e e 2 : : : ei M (M 0
7 6 x0 (1) 7
6 x(2) 7 61 2
ei M 2
ei M 4
: ei M 2(M 1) 7 6 7
6 7 1 6 : : 7 6 x (2) 7
6 : 7 6 76 : 7
6 7 = M 6: : : : : : : 76 7
6 : 7 6: : : : : : : 76 : 7
6 7 6 76 7
4 : 5 4: : : : : : : 54 : 5
2 2 2
1)2 0
x(M 1) 1 ei M (M 1)
ei M 2(M 1)
: : : ei M (M x (M 1)
In the following we develop an algorithm to use CFS in signals and systems for
identi…cation of a particular signal received by a particular receiver.
Let m be di¤erent electromagnetic signals, u1 (M ); u2 (M ); u3 (M ); :::; um (M ) have
been received by a particular receiver. Each of these signal is noted at M di¤erent
times. Let xm (M ) be the m th (1 m M ) signal. The discrete Fourier
transform of this m th signal is
M 1
1 X 2
(1) um (M ) = U [M ]ei M M q ; M; q = 0; 1; 2; :::; M 1
M q=0
Thus a general signal representing by equations (1) is model for signal represen-
tation using a CFS.
We use the CFS in signals and systems using a new kind of matrix to identi…es
a particular signal out of large signals detected by a digital receiver. For this, we
have a reference signal r:This reference signal r is noted M times. The DFT of this
reference signal r is
M 1
1 X 0 2
(2) r(M ) = [q]ei M M q ; M; q = 0; 1; 2; :::; M 1
M q=0
Step 1.
MP1 2
Expand um (M ) = M U [M ]ei M M q for q = 0; 1; 2; :::; M 1; we get
1 2 2 2 2
um (M ) = [U [0]ei M M (0) +U [1]ei M M (1) +U [2]ei M M (2) +:::+U [M 1]ei M M (M 1)
1 2 2 2
(3) um (M ) = [U [0]:1+U [1]ei M M (1) +U [2]ei M M (2) +:::+U [M 1]ei M M (M 1) ]:
From equation (3) we get M samRles by putting M = 0; 1; 2; 3; :::; M 1:
For M = 0; we have
1 2 2 2
um (0) = [U [0]:1 + U [1]ei M (0)(1) + U [2]ei M (0)(2) + ::: + U [M 1]ei M (0)(M 1)
(3.1) um (0) = [U [0]:1 + U [1]:1 + U [2]:1 + ::: + U [M 1]:1]:
For M = 1 we have
1 2 2 2
um (1) = [U [0]:1 + U [1]ei M (1)(1) + U [2]ei M (1)(2) + ::: + U [M 1]ei M (1)(M 1)
1 2 2 2
(3.2) um (1) = [U [0]:1 + U [1]ei M (1) + U [2]ei M (2) + ::: + U [M 1]ei M (M 1)
For M = 2 we have
1 2 2 2
um (2) = [U [0]:1 + U [1]ei M (2)(1) + U [2]ei M (2)(2) + ::: + U [M 1]ei M (2)(M 1)
1 2 2 2
(3.3) um (2) = [U [0]:1 + U [1]ei M (2) + U [2]ei M (4) + ::: + U [M 1]ei M 2(M 1)
Continuing this process, for M = M 1; we have
1 2 2 2
um (M 1) = [U [0]:1+U [1]ei M (M 1)(1)
+U [2]ei M (M 1)(2)
+:::+U [M 1]ei M (M 1)(M 1)
1 2 2 2
um (M 1) = [U [0]:1+U [1]ei M (M 1)
+U [2]ei M 2(M 1)
+:::+U [M 1]ei M (M ]:
A similar argument repeat for the reference signal (M ); we get the M samRles
of the reference signal by putting M = 0; 1; 2; 3; :::; M 1:
Step 2.
Now we develop the matrix form for these M samples of the signal um (M )
and the reference signal 0 (M ) using de…nition 15; that is we have
2 3 2 32 3
um (0) 1 1 1 : : : 1 U [0]
6 um (1) 7 61 i 2M i 2M 2
1) 7 6 7
6 7 6 e e 2 : : : ei M (M 7 6 U [1] 7
6 um (2) 7 61 2
ei M 2
ei M 4
: ei M 2(M 1) 7 6 7
6 7 1 6 : : 7 6 U [2] 7
6 : 7 6 76 : 7
6 7 = M 6: : : : : : : 76 7
6 : 7 6: : : : : : : 76 : 7
6 7 6 76 7
4 : 5 4: : : : : : : 54 : 5
um (M 1) 2 2 2
1)2 U [M 1]
1 ei M (M 1)
ei M 2(M 1)
: : : ei M (M
2 3 2 32 3
(0) 1 1 1 : : : 1 0
6 i 2M 2 2
6 (1) 7
6 e ei M 2 : : : ei M (M 1) 76
[1] 7
6 (2) 7 61 2
ei M 2
ei M 4
: : : ei M 2(M 1) 7 6 0
[2] 7
6 7 1 6 76 7
6 : 7= 6 76 : 7
6 7 M 6: : : : : : : 76 7
6 : 7 6: : : : : : : 76 : 7
6 7 6 76 7
4 : 5 4: : : : : : : 54 : 5
i 2M (M 2
i 2M (M 1)2 0
(M 1) 1 e 1)
ei M 2(M 1)
: : : e [M 1]
In equation (A), the …rst matrix on the right hand side is formed from the values
of phase term called Rhase mat ix, while the second matrix is formed from the
values of amplitude term is called amplitude matrix and M denote the number of
samples of signal.
Step 3.
Multiply these two matrices and dividing by the number of samples M of signal.
We get all the values in the disc of radius one in a complex plane. As the order
does not hold for complex numbers, so we take absolute of these M samRles of
the signal xm (M ) and the reference signal (M ); that is
2 3 2 3
j um (0) j j (0) j
6 j um (1) j 7 6 j (1) j 7
6 7 6 7
6 j um (2) j 7 6 j (2) j 7
6 7 6 7
6 : 7 and 6 : 7:
6 7 6 7
6 : 7 6 : 7
6 7 6 7
4 : 5 4 : 5
j um (M 1) j j (M 1) j
These two matrices are called absolute value matrix.
Step 4.
Now we take the maximum value from the absolute value matrix of the signal
um (M ) and reference signal (M ): If these two values are nearly same, then the
signal um (M ) identi…es a reference signal.
Example 10. Assume that four di¤ erent electromagnetic signals, u1 (M ), u2 (M );
u3 (M ), and u4 (M ) have been received by a receiver. Each of these signals is sampled
four times. Let (M ) be the reference signal. The discrete Fourier transform of
the signal um (M ); m = 0; 1; 2; 3 and reference signal (M ) for M = 4 is
1X 2
(1) um (M ) = Um [M ]ei 4 Mq
; M; q = 0; 1; 2; 3
4 q=0
Um [M ] 2 [0; 1]:
1X 0 2
(2) (M ) = [M ]ei 4 Mq
; M; q = 0; 1; 2; 3
4 q=0
[M ] 2 [0; 1]:
1 2 2 2
um (2) = [Um [0]:1 + Um [1]:ei 4 (2)
+ Um [2]:ei 4 2(2)
+ Um [3]:ei 4 3(2)
1 2 2 2
(3.3) um (2) = [Um [0]:1 + Um [1]:ei 4 (2)
+ Um [2]:ei 4 (4)
+ Um [3]:ei 4 (6)
Put M = 3 in (3) we get
1 2 2 2
um (3) = [Um [0]:1 + Um [1]:ei 4 (3)
+ Um [2]:ei 4 2(3)
+ Um [3]:ei 4 3(3)
1 2 2 2
(3.4) um (3) = [Um [0]:1 + Um [1]:ei 4 (3) + Um [2]:ei 4 (6) + Um [3]:ei 4 (9)
We can write (2:1); (2:2); (2:3) and (2:4) in matrices form as
2 3 2 32 3
um (0) 1 1 1 1 U1 [0]
6um (1)7 1 61 ei 24 (1) ei 24 (2)
ei 24 (3) 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6U1 [1]7
4um (2)5 = 4 41 ei 24 (2) 2
ei 4 (4) 2
ei 4 (6) 5 4U [2]5 :
2 2 2
um (3) 1 ei 4 (3) ei 4 (6)
ei 4 (9) U1 [3]
A similar argument repeat for the reference signal (M ); we get
2 3 2 32 3
(0) 1 1 1 1 [0]
6 (1)7 1 61 ei 24 (1) ei 24 (2)
ei 24 (3) 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6 [1]7
4 (2)5 = 4 41 ei 24 (2) 2
ei 4 (4) 2
ei 4 (6) 5 4 [2]5 :
2 2 2
(3) 1 ei 4 (3) ei 4 (6)
ei 4 (9) [3]
First of all, we …nd the values of the sample of reference signal (M ): For this,
we have
> 0 ;q = 0
0 0 ;q = 1
[q] =
> 0:2 ;q = 2
1 ;q = 3
2 3 2 32 3 2 3
(0) 1 1 1 1 0 0:3
6 (1)7 1 61 i 1 i7 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6 0 7 = 6 0:2 i7 :
4 (2)5 = 4 41 1 1 1 5 4 0:25 4 0:8 5
(3) 1 i 1 i 1 0:2 + i
Now the absolute value matrix of the reference signal is
2 3 2 3
j (0) j 0:3
6j (1) j7 6 7
6 7 = 60:37 :
4j (2) j5 40:25
j (3) j 0:3
The maximum value is 0:3:
Now for the signal u1 (M ) ; M = 0; 1; 2; 3
> :5 ;q = 0
:7 ;q = 1
U1 [q] =
> :8 ;q = 2
1 ;q = 3
2 3 2 32 3
u1 (0) 1 1 1 1 :5
6u1 (1)7 1 61 i 1 i7 6:77
6 7 6 76 7
4u1 (2)5 = 4 41 1 1 15 4:85
u1 (3) 1 i 1 i 1
2 3 2 3 2 3
u1 (0) 3 0:75
6u1 (1)7 1 6 0:3 0:3i7 6 0:075 0:075i7
6 7 6 7=6 7:
4u1 (2)5 = 4 4 0:4 5 4 0:1 5
u1 (3) 0:3 + 0:3i 0:075 + 0:075i
Now the absolute value matrix of the signal u1 (M ) is
2 3 2 3
j u1 (0) j 0:8
6j u1 (1) j7 60:17
6 7 6 7
4j u1 (2) j5 = 40:15 :
j u1 (3) j 0:1
Here the maximum value is 0:8:
For u2 (M ) we have
> 0:4 ;q = 0
0:6 ;q = 1
U2 [q] =
> 0:8 ;q = 2
1 ;q = 3
2 3 2 32 3
u2 (0) 1 1 1
1 U2 [0]
6u2 (1)7 16 i7 6 7
6 7 61 i 1 7 6U2 [1]7
4u2 (2)5 = 4 41 1 11 U2 [2]5
5 4
u2 (3) 1 i i1 U2 [3]
2 3 2 32 3
u2 (0) 1 1 1 1 0:4
6u2 (1)7 16 i7 60:67
6 7 61 i 1 76 7
4u2 (2)5 = 4 41 1 1 15 40:85
u2 (3) 1 i 1 i 1
2 3 2 3 2 3
u2 (0) 2:8 0:7
6u2 (1)7 16 7 6 7
6 7 6 0:4 0:4i7 = 6 0:1 0:1i7 :
4u2 (2)5 = 4 4 0:4 5 4 0:1 5
u2 (3) 0:4 + 0:4i 0:1 + 0:1i
Now the absolute value matrix of the signal u2 (M ) is
2 3 2 3
j u2 (0) j 0:7
6j u2 (1) j7 60:17
6 7 = 6 7:
4j u2 (2) j5 40:15
j u2 (3) j 0:1
Here the maximum value is 0:7.
Now for signal u3 (M ) we have
> 0:6 ;q = 0
1 ;q = 1
U3 [q] =
> 0:9 ;q = 2
0:8 ;q = 3
2 3 2 32 3
u3 (0) 1 1 1 1 U3 [0]
2 2 2
6u3 (1)7 16 i (1) i (2)
e 4 7
i (3) 6 7
61 e 2 e 4 7 6U3 [1]7
6 7
4u3 (2)5 = 4
4 1 e i 4 (2)
ei 24 (4)
ei 24 (6) 5 4U [2]5
2 2 2
u3 (3) 1 ei 4 (3) ei 4 (6) ei 4 (9) U3 [3]
2 3 2 32 3
u3 (0) 1 1 1 1 0:6
6u3 (1)7 16 1 i 1 i 76 1 7
6 7 6 76 7
4u3 (2)5 = 4 41 1 1 15 40:95
u3 (3) 1 i 1 i 0:8
2 3 2 3 2 3
u3 (0) 3:3 0:825
6u3 (1)7 16 7 6 7
6 7 6 0:3 + 0:2i7 = 6 0:075 + 0:05i7 :
4u3 (2)5 = 4 4 0:3 5 4 0:075 5
u3 (3) 0:3 0:2i 0:075 0:05i
Now the absolute value matrix of the signal u3 (M ) is
2 3 2 3
j u3 (0) j 0:8
6j u3 (1) j7 60:17
6 7 6 7
4j u3 (2) j5 = 40:15 :
j u3 (3) j 0:1
Here the maximum value is 0:8.
Now for u4 (M ) we have
> 0:8 ;q = 0
0:5 ;q = 1
U4 [q] =
> 0
> ;q = 2
0 ;q = 3
2 3 2 32 3
u4 (0) 1 1 1 1 U4 [0]
6u4 (1)7 16 i7 6 7
6 7 61 i 1 7 6U4 [1]7
4u4 (2)5 = 4 41 1 1 1 U4 [2]5
5 4
u4 (3) 1 i 1 i U4 [3]
2 3 2 32 3
u4 (0) 1 1 1 1 0:8
6u4 (1)7 1 61 i 1 i 7 60:57
6 7 6 76 7
4u4 (2)5 = 4 41 1 1 15 4 0 5
u4 (3) 1 i 1 i 0
2 3 2 3 2 3
u4 (0) 1:3 0:3
6u4 (1)7 16 7 6 7
6 7 60:8 + 0:5i7 60:2 + 0:125i7 :
4u4 (2)5 = 4 4 0:3 5 = 4 0:1 5
u4 (3) 0:8 0:5i 0:2 0:125i
Now the absolute value matrix of the signal u4 (M ) is
2 3 2 3
j u4 (0) j 0:3
6j u4 (1) j7 60:27
6 7 6 7
4j u4 (2) j5 = 40:15
j u4 (3) j 0:2
Here the maximum value is 0:3.
Now from the following table of maximum values
(M ) 0:3
u1 (M ) 0:8
u2 (M ) 0:7
u3 (M ) 0:8
u4 (M ) 0:3
The signal u4 (M ) identi…es as a reference signal.
5. Comparison
The complex fuzzy set has many applications, particularly in signal processing
and image restoration as it represents the particular form of a Fourier series. Here
we presented the application of CFS in signals and systems. In this practical appli-
cation, one of the main issue is that, how to choose a suitable model. We examined
this idea in depth and used the CFS in signals and systems by introducing an algo-
rithm using the matrix already introduced in [18] and the CFS. In this application,
we identi…ed a reference signal out of large interest signals detected by a digital
receiver. Ramot et al., in [16] introduced an algorithm to identify the unknown
signal received by the digital receiver with reference signal R and in [29] the au-
thors modi…ed the method introduced in [16]. Further, Ali and Smarandache in [3]
work on the same algorithm for complex neutrosophic sets. In all these algorithms,
the authors actually tried to …nd the highest resemblance with the known signal
R while the method we developed gives the exact value of unknown signal among
the all unknown signals received by the digital receiver. We compared it with the
known signal R and observed that both the values are exactly equal. Thus we iden-
ti…ed one unknown signal as a reference signal R among the several signals detected
by the receiver. The model that presented in this paper for identifying a reference
signal is more e¤ective then the methods previously developed. Here we used a
discrete Fourier transform matrix (DFTM) to develop an algorithm for further use
in signals processing. Moreover through this model we determined the value of
each signal separately, that detected by a digital receiver. In fact we compared
the values of di¤erent signals with the reference signal and we easily identi…ed the
reference signal. Moreover it is seen clearly that how the detected signals matched
with the reference signal. However our designed model is not a perfect one, it stuck
with a de…ciency of theoretical support. The concept of matrix for CFSs may be
useful for applications. Therefore it will be signi…cant for future work.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we have discussed some new set theoretic operations of a CFS, and
properties of a CFS with respect to standard CF union, standard CF intersection
and standard CF complement. We have presented some basic results and examples
of these operations and laws under the operations of complex fuzzy union, com-
plex fuzzy intersection and complex fuzzy complement. Moreover we have used a
complex fuzzy set in signals and systems. We have introduced a new method to
develop a new kind of matrix using a complex fuzzy set, through which we iden-
ti…ed a reference signal among several signals detected by the digital receiver. In
future the same method can be used for continuous data of signals using continuous
Fourier transform. This method can also be applied for identi…cation of signals in
geology. Moreover this work and further study of complex fuzzy sets will give a
new direction of applications in di¤erent …elds of science and engineering.
Con‡ict of Interests
The authors declare that they have no con‡ict of interests.
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