Lorch 1948
Lorch 1948
Lorch 1948
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2k f +
2k 2k
2k g <
If +9 I
Ig - h 12 + If _ a 12 = 41 12+ I h 12 + If 12.
(f + 9 f) = ifI2+ (g, ) = IuI2+ (f,g) (f + g'g)
(f+ g, k) =-(h + k, k) =-(h + k,h) =(f + gh).
(f+ ,f+ k) = (f+ g,g+ h) =-(f+ g, f+ k) =0.
Hence if-h i = I 9-k I. Similarly, I 9-h i = If - ki.
I4). If one expandsthe fourtermsthat appear in the expressionfor4(fi, f2 ; g)
one obtainsthe result: 4(fK,f2 ; g) = 8(fi, f2). This is independentof g.
I5). Note that forany a # 0, a2+ a-2 ? 2 since (a- a')2 > 0. Usingthe
factthat If i = , one has
l af + ac-g 12= a2 If 2 + 2(f, g) + a-2 19 12
(a 2 + a-2) (if 12 + I g 12)/2+ 2(f,g) > If 12 + I g 12 + 2(f g)
= If+I12.
E If - i 2 = (n - 1)Z Ifi 2 + (n - 1)
i j
Ifi 2 -2,(fifj).
i,'i iri
a = e@+++ e9,0 = e0,0 + eC+.
case. Now suppose that the formulashave been establishedfor the values
n = 1, 2, , k. They will be establishedforn = k + 1.
It is clear that
1 12
I bk-f+ sk |2 + I ef? 6kg2 - (k + Ik) (f + a) 12
Using this forsubstitutionin (3) wheren is replacedby k one obtains (3) for
n = k + 1. This givesforthe variouscoefficients:
ak/+i = ak + 3VIk = 2(1 3-(k+l));
/3k+1 = Ok - Yk(Qk + 6k) = - 3 k32k = 2(3k+1 )
A,1 -k +1)
Yk+l = 3'yk = 3- ;
5k+1 = 23k + 6k = 1(3k+1 + 1);
6k+1 = 26k + k =- (3 - 1)
This establishesthe validityof the formulas(4). Now the questionof limits
will be considered. It is clear that limn-,.an = 2 and that limn-ofn/8,n =
+ { If + 1n/&a2 - If + aI21
}+ vne{ If + 1n/2n2 If + g 121
An examinationmustbe made of the termswiththe coefficients anbn and Ynfn.
It will be seen that these terms have limits as n -* o whose sum is "usually"
In what follows,f and g are arbitrarybut fixed. Let k be a variable real
numberand considerthe function+(t) If + X9I . Accordingto Lemma 2,
thisfunctionis convex, - o < t < o. Therefore it possessesa derivativefor
every value oft except at most on a denumerable set. The leftand rightderiva-
tives existat every point. They will be indicated by D_ and D+ respectively.
Now sincefn/bn = 1 - 2(3 + 1)-' and Yn n = 4-1(3f + 2 + 3-f) it is readily
seen that
(6) limnx.nb{ If + n6n/ 2 If+ a 21 = - _D( If + kg 12)for = 1.
V. Addendum
Very shortlyaftersubmittingthis paper to the Annals, it was noticed that
because of an oversightthe proof of the sufficiencyof implicationC) in the
introduction is nowhereto be foundin the paper. This proofis givenherewith.
It is based on the implicationJ1)and properlybelongsdirectlyafterthe latter.
Considerany vectorsf and g with f = I g I . Writef = f,f" = 9, g' =
9" f + g;then g' -f = gand9" -f = f. Thus one has If'I = If"I,
19'I = I9"I, Ig' - f' I " -f I . ApplyingC) this gives Ig' + f I =
9" +f"I or I2f g I
+ I= f + 2g1. Thus If lI = I Iimplies I2f + gjI =
If + 29 I. By the secondformulationof I,) the space is euclidean.