Prescribing in Patients With Liver Disease: Rakesh K Tandon

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Prescribing in patients with liver disease

9:8 Rakesh K Tandon, New Delhi

Liver is the hub of metabolic activity of the body. Indeed, most drugs are modified or metabolized in the
liver. Thus, drugs that are dependent primarily on the liver for their systemic clearance are likely to have
reduced elimination and subsequent accumulation, leading to excessive plasma drug concentrations
and adverse effects.1 However, the effects of hepatic insufficiency on the pharmacokinetics of drugs
are not consistent or predictable.2 Furthermore, the influence of hepatic disease on different drugs can
be variable, despite their sharing the same metabolic pathway. Problems in forecasting drug kinetic
behaviour are further enhanced by the additional impairment of kidney function which often ensues
in advanced liver diseases.
Liver disease can enhance the risk of adverse reactions by several mechanisms and therefore drug
prescribing should be carefully done in all patients with severe liver disease. The main problems
occur in patients with cirrhosis, especially those with jaundice, ascites or encephalopathy. Some of
the reasons are given below.3
Alterations in pharmacokinetics
The pharmacokinetic properties of an administered drug may be modified due to alterations in
hemodynamics and/or in the so-called intrinsic clearance (the magnitude of drug transporting or
metabolizing capacity of the liver in the absence of hemodynamic influences). The hepatic clearance
is a product of blood flow and extraction and can be estimated by a simple mathematical equation.
However, these estimations are not accurate, nor practical for use clinically since both hepatic
perfusion and intrinsic clearance can be affected in advanced liver disease to unpredictable degrees.
The situation is further complicated by shunting of blood around and within the liver, becoming a major
determinant of drug disposition, in particular, first-pass extraction. Shunting is a major determinant
of the disposition of high extraction compounds such as bile acids, which can be used as a measure
of this parameter.
The impairment of drug metabolism is proportional to the liver dysfunction4. Patients with well-
compensated cirrhosis and near-normal synthetic function will have a lesser extent of impaired
drug metabolism as compared with patients with decompensated cirrhosis with significant synthetic
dysfunction and portal hypertension. Though various tests like liver function test, indocyanine green
clearance, Child Pugh score, and Meld score are used for prediction of impaired liver function, no
tests can yet determine drug dosing in these patients reliably. Drugs with first pass metabolism require
reduction in oral dosages; for high clearance drugs both loading and maintenance dosages need
adjustment whereas for low clearance drugs maintenance dose only needs adjustment. Whenever
possible, measuring drug level in the blood and monitoring of adverse events should be done fairly
frequently. No set guidelines have however, been developed for this purpose.
Alterations in pharmacodynamics
It is important to keep in mind the pharmacodynamic alterations in chronic liver disease in relation
to certain commonly used drugs (Table 1). For example, sedative agents should be used with caution

Prescribing in Patients with Liver Disease

Table1: Altered pharmacodynamics in patients with chronic Table 2 : Antibiotics to be avoided in liver disease.*
liver disease* Chloramphenicol---higher risk of bone marrow suppression (markedly in-
Altered response Example creased half life)
Increased susceptibility of patients Acetaminophen, ACE inhibitors. Erythromycin estolate; causes cholestasis
to hepatotoxic aminoglycosides, β-lactam antibiot- Tetracycline-- dose related hepatotoxicity
reactions or other adverse effects ics.
benzodiazepines and morphine, Antituberculous therapy in combinations, pyrazinamide
NSAIDs, pefloxacin Griseofulvin—contraindicated
Blunted response to vasoconstric- Furosemide, β-adrenergic agonists, Nalidixic acid
tors in portal hypertension angiotensin II, atrial natriuretic pep-
Nitrofurantoin, prolonged use
tide, endothelin
*Taken from ref 4.
*taken from ref 3.
more likely to occur in a patient who has also taken alcohol.
in patients with liver disease since they can precipitate hepatic
Pharmacodynamic interactions between alcohol and other
encephalopathy. Both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
drugs are also common, particularly the additive sedative
alterations have been noted in patients with cirrhosis of the
effects with benzodiazepines and also with some of the
antihistamine drugs. Interactions may also occur with tricyclic
Response to diuretics and vasoconstrictors is blunted antidepressants. The combination of NSAIDs and alcohol
in cirrhosis. For any given level of furosemide, there is a intake increases the risk of gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
decreased rate of sodium secretion in patients with cirrhotic
Drug Prescribing
ascites, irrespective of clinical responsiveness5. Some of
these disadvantages can be circumvented by using torsemide Gathering information from two recent reviews on the subject,
in place of furosemide, as the former also has altered I am giving below the rational use of some common drugs in
pharmacokinetics leading to prolonged delivery of the active patients with advanced liver disease.
drug to the distal tubules6. On the other hand, blunted response 1. Antibiotics
to vasoconstrictors may be due to a combination of several
factors such as upregulation of NO synthase, alteration in ion Chronic liver disease patients are known to 5-7 fold in-
channels of smooth muscles or alteration in receptor density7. crease in bacteremia because of suppressed immunity
It is important to keep these in mind and monitor the drug in them on account of several factors, the most pre-
dosage carefully to ward off any adverse effect.3,7 dominant of them being defective bactericidal opsonic
activity and neutrophil function. As a result they require
Altered susceptibility to adverse reactions in liver disease frequently antibiotics for therapeutic or prophylactic
It well known that patients with advanced liver disease are purpose. It is therefore necessary to know which anti-
more susceptible to hepatotoxicity as compared with normal biotics are safe and if they need dosage alteration in pa-
functioning liver. For example, anti-tuberculosis drugs, tients with liver cirrhosis.
aminoglycosides, NSAIDs, and β-lactam antibiotics are all
Certain antibiotics should preferably be avoided (Table
known to have an increased incidence of toxicity in liver
2). They include macrolides like erythromycin, azithro-
disease patients.1,2,8 Another cause of concern is that a patient
mycin, chloramphenicol, lincomycin, and clindamycin;
with advanced liver disease may not be able to survive a
they are excreted and detoxified by liver and hence the
hepatotoxic reaction. Drug induced hepatotoxicity is known
potential for their toxicity. Tetracycline, isoniazid and
to be poorly tolerated by patients with cirrhosis of the liver.
Rifampin have prolonged half life in patients with liver
Potentially hepatotoxic drugs should therefore be used in
cirrhosis. Metronidazole ketoconazole, miconazole, flu-
cirrhosis patients only if very necessary and no alternatives
conazole, itraconazole, and nitrofurantoin pyrazinamide
are available9. While prescribing a potentially toxic drug in
should be used with caution. Beta-lactam antibiotics can
a patient with cirrhosis, the physician therefore must keep in
cause leucopenia, while amino glycosides can increase
mind the factors that might possibly accentuate the toxic effect
susceptibility to renal failure. Vancomycin can cause in-
of the drug, e.g. poor nutritional status, renal dysfunction and
creased toxicity in patients with liver failure. Antibiot-
concomitant drugs being administered.
ics which can produce hepatitis or cholestasis should be
An example of how drug- drug interaction can become again used with caution. Certain antibiotics may even
accentuated in chronic liver disease is when alcohol and cause acute liver failure and hence their use should pref-
paracetamol are taken together. Alcohol results in induction erably be completely avoided (Table 3).
of cytochrome P450-2E1 which produces a toxic metabolite of
Giving antituberculosis (ATT) drugs in chronic liver
paracetamol. Thus, paracetamol toxicity becomes very much
disease patients poses a special challenge. Indeed, cir-

Medicine Update 2012  Vol. 22

Table 3: Antibiotics causing hepatotoxicity* tionally used for this. Whilst a single dose of it is tol-
Hepatocellular injury Cholestatic injury Fulminant hepatic erated well by patients with compensated cirrhosis that
failure may not be the case in those with decompensated cir-
Chloramphenicol, Cephalosporins, Eryth- Sulfonamides rhosis. Fentanyl (opioid) elimination, on the other hand,
Clindamycin romycin is near normal in cirrhotics and can be used for sedation.
Penicillin G, Amoxixil- Penicillin G, Oxacillin, Trimethoprim-Sulfo- Patients with opioid toxicity can be treated with nalox-
lin Cloxacillin methoxazole one. Propofol is however, preferred to benzodiazepines
Trimethoprim-Sulfo- Floxacillin, Augmentin, Ketoconazole, PAS, or opioids for endoscopic sedation for patients with de-
methoxazole Clarithromycin Trovafloxacin compensated cirrhosis due to its short half life and lower
risk of inducing encephalopathy. The adverse effects of
Amphotericin, Nitrofurantoin,
propofol are hypotension, tachycardia, hypoventilation,
Hydroxystilbamidine Trimethoprim--Sulfo-
and prolongation of QT interval.
Ketoconazole, Itra- 5-fluorocytosine, A. Anesthetic Agents
conazole griseofulvin
General Anesthesia can reduce the hepatic blood
INH, Trovafloxacin, Trovafloxacin, Thia-
Oxacillin bendazole
flow resulting into decompensation. Volatile agents
and halothane should be avoided. The new agents
*taken from ref 4.
like isoflurane, desflurane are not significantly me-
rhotic patients with tuberculosis have significantly tabolized by the liver and are therefore safe. Com-
lower completion of Rifampicin + isoniazid ATT, higher bination of agents like fentanyl may greatly reduce
hepatotoxicity, and higher mortality. In compensated the need of anesthetic agents. Propofol is also a
liver disease (Child A), the usual 4 drug regime can be good agent for combination anesthesia.
given and is well tolerated. However, in decompensated B. Analgesics
liver disease patients one or more hepatotoxic antituber-
culosis drug should be withheld. Administering analgesics in patients with cirrho-
sis is tricky as they may precipitate severe com-
Hepatotoxicity requires withdrawal, modification, and plications like gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatic
sequential reintroduction to achieve cure of tuberculo- encephalopathy, hepatorenal syndrome, and mor-
sis. Using such hepatotoxic drugs in presence of cirrho- tality. Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agents are
sis or advance liver disease is a challenge. Recommend- contraindicated as they can cause GI bleeding and
ed ATT in Child class A cirrhosis is the same as a non renal failure. Opioid analgesics should be used with
cirrhosis population but strict followup is required. In caution as they may precipitate encephalopathy.
Child class B patients, pyrazinamide should be avoided Acetaminophen at a dose less than 2 gm/day is a
and Isoniazid may not be given with rifampicin. Isonia- reasonably safe option. In case of inadequate pain
zid or rifampicin with ethambutol and quinolones can relief, tramadol 25 mg every 8 hours can be used.
be used for 12 to 18 months. In Child Class C patients, For intractable pain hydromorphone orally or fenta-
none of the hepatotoxic ATT drugs should be used and nyl topical patch can be used. Combination of these
thus ethambutol, quinolones, and one second line agent drugs with tramadol should not be done. Neuro-
may be used for 12 to 18 months. pathic pain can be treated with nortriptyline, desip-
Antifungal drugs like Ketoconazole and miconazole ramine, and gabapentin, pregabalin with or without
though hepatotoxic can be used in patients with cirrho- acetaminophen. Analgesic choice in patients with
sis but close monitoring of drug concentration in serum cirrhosis should be individualized depending on the
is recommended. Metronidazole dose is reduced by etiology of cirrhosis, nutritional status, adherence,
50% in patients with severe cirrhosis and/or associated renal function, liver transplant candidacy, and drug-
renal insufficiency. There is no information of safe use drug interaction.4,9
of nitrofurantoin, chloramphenicol, sodium fusidate and 3. Anticonvulsants
pyrazinamide but they are potentially toxic hence their
use should be avoided in liver disease.4 Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, and valproate can be hepa-
totoxic. All the drugs can however, be used cautiously
2. Sedatives, Analgesics and Anesthetics in patients with decompensated liver disease. The newer
Endoscopic procedures are often necessary in patients anticonvulsants like lamotrigine, topiramate also need
with cirrhosis who may need sedation or short anesthe- lowering of the dosage in cirrhotic patients. Antidepres-
sia. Benzodiazepines like midazolam have been tradi- sant, (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) like flu-

Prescribing in Patients with Liver Disease

voxamine, paroxetine, and fluoxetine need dose modi- of liver disease. While giving a potentially hepatotoxic drug to
fication in patients with cirrhosis.9 a liver disease patient it is most important to monitor closely
the clinical and biochemical parameters and to warn the patient
4. Cardiovascular and Other Drugs
and the family of the potential toxicity. Often clinicians have
Patients with nonalcoholic steatosis-related cirrhosis to choose between a devil and deep sea. Clinical judgement
have an increased incidence of dyslipidemia, hyperten- is paramount, but it should be backed by a sound knowledge
sion, and coronary artery disease. Drugs like labetolol of pharmacology and drug interactions.
and methyldopa can cause severe hepatotoxicity and
need frequent monitoring and should be used only when
there are no other choices. Captopril, Amiodarone, and The author is grateful to Dr Deepak Amarapurkar (ref 4), Drs
ticlopidine can cause hepatotoxicity and should be used Anand and Chawla (ref 3) and National Medical Journal of
with caution. India for giving me permission to reproduce tables and some
sections of text from their articles.
The details of dose adjustments on alpha blockers, ACE
inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonist, and other References
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diabetics like second-generation sulfonylurea like Glip-
izide, Glimepiride may be the drug of choice in patients 5. Villeneuve JP, Verbeeck RK, Vilkinson GR, Branch RA. Furose-
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macol Ther 1986;40:14-20.
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In conclusion, prescribing medicines in patients with liver 9. Lewis JH. The rational use of potentially hepatotoxic medications
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More than 100 drugs are incriminated in causing fulminant 10. Sokol SI, Ceng A Frishman WH, Kaza CS. Cardiovascular drug
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in table 3 in this chapter. Furthermore, there are no clear tests stive heart failure. J Clin Pharmacology 2000;40:11-30.
which can identify altered drug metabolism in these patients. 11. Vuppalanchi R, Chalasani N. Statins for hyperlipidemia in pati-
Thus, medications should be individualized depending upon ents with chronic liver disease: are they safe? Clin Gastroenterol
the need, nutritional status, alternatives available and severity and Hepatol 2006;4:838-839.


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