Doi 10.15376 - Biores.5.3.1945-1954
Doi 10.15376 - Biores.5.3.1945-1954
Doi 10.15376 - Biores.5.3.1945-1954
Contact information: a: Division of Forestry and Natural Resources, West Virginia University, P. O. Box
6125, Morgantown, WV 26506-6125; *Corresponding
Cheng et al. (2010). “Cellulose Water Retention Value” BioResources 5(3), 1945-1954. 1945
behavior. The TAPPI UM 256 is a standard test method for pulp WRV to measure the
performance of pulps relative to dewatering behavior on paper machine (TAPPI 1981).
Water retention value is a measure of water retained by a material after centrifuging
under standard conditions. The WRV of many materials has been investigated, especially
cellulosic samples, such as pulp fibers (Stana-Kleinschek et al. 2002; Hubbe and
Heitmann 2007), microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) (Turbak et al. 1983; Herrick et al.
1983), microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) (Tomer and Newton 1999), and cellulosic fibril
aggregates (Cheng et al. 2007; Wang and Cheng 2009). WRV can be used to indirectly
evaluate the degree of fibrillation of the fibers for the MFC and cellulosic fibril
aggregates isolations.
The WRV of cellulosic materials can be measured under different conditions. For
pulp fibers, the standard conditions from TAPPI used for WRV measurement include a
representative specimen with 1400 g/m2 on an oven-dry fiber basis, a relative centrifugal
force (RCF) of 900 G, and a centrifuge duration time of 30 min (TAPPI 1981). A similar
European standard DIN 53 814 for assessing the water retention capacity of cellulosic
fibers is based on a determination of the quantity of water that fibers can absorb and
retain under strictly controlled conditions (fiber soaking for 2 hours and centrifuging for
20 min with 3000 rpm) (Stana-Kleinschek et al. 2002). For smaller cellulosic materials
(e.g. MFC, MCC, cellulosic fibril aggregates), however, there is no standard WVR
measurement method. Glass filtering crucibles or metal cups with fine wire screens are
not suitable for very fine cellulosic particles/fibrils. Furthermore, the RCFs and
centrifugal times vary in different references, such as 2000 G and 15 min for pulp fibers
(Rom et al. 2007), 3600 RPM and 10 min for MFC (Herrick et al. 1983), 900 G and 30
min for cellulosic fibril aggregates (Cheng et al. 2007; Wang and Cheng 2009).
Factors that may influence WRV measurements include sample weights,
centrifugal time and force, pore size of filters used in the measurement setup, and
cellulosic particle/fibril sizes. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects
of these factors on WRV of cellulosic materials, to determine an appropriate setup for the
WRV measurements of smaller cellulosic particles/fibrils.
Two cellulose sources were used as raw materials: microcrystalline cellulose
(MCC, Avicel PH-101, supplied by FMC BioPolymer) and pulp fiber (supplied by
Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.). The size of MCC air jet particles in wt % was ≤ 1.00
of +60 mesh and ≤ 35 of +200 mesh. The loose bulk density was 0.26-0.31 g/cc, and the
degree of polymerization of MCC was ≤ 350. The pulp fibers were about 30 µm in width
and 2 to 5 mm in length. Small cellulosic particles and fibrils were isolated from MCC by
using a high-pressure homogenizer (NanoDeBee, Bee International Inc., South Easton,
MA, USA) with 138 MPa pressure and 5 and 20 passes. Whatman filter paper #3
(particle retention: 6 µm), #42 (particle retention: 2.5 µm), and membrane (pore size: 0.2
μm, Whatman Nuclepore) were used to detect the influence of different pore sizes of
filters on WRVs. The scanning electron microscope images (SEM, Hitachi S-4700) of
Cheng et al. (2010). “Cellulose Water Retention Value” BioResources 5(3), 1945-1954. 1946
pulp fiber, MCC, and homogenizer treated cellulosic particles/fibrils are shown in Fig. 1.
The dimension and structure varied differently among the three tested materials. The pulp
fibers (~30 µm in width and 2~5 mm in length) were much bigger than the MCC (~50
µm) and treated MCC particles/fibrils (most < 10 µm).
Fig. 1. SEM images of pulp fibers (a), MCC (b), and treated MCC using a homogenizer with 138
MPa pressure and 20 passes (c)
The water retention value measurement is based on subjecting a sample of
aqueous slurry or water-saturated pulp to a standard centrifugal force with standard
conditions of time, temperature, and apparatus. WRV is defined as the percent ratio of
water contained in the sample after centrifuging at a certain force and time relative to the
dry weight of the sample. A 25-mm diameter stainless steel cap with diameter of 1 mm
holes (D) and a filter (E) were used to hold the wet sample (G) (Fig. 2). Two or four caps
were filled with wet sample of designated weight and placed inside the carriers. After
centrifuging (AccuSpin 400, Fisher Scientific) for a designated time and a designated
relative centrifugal force (RCF) at room temperature, the samples were removed and
placed onto aluminum foil, the “wet weights” were measured, and then the samples were
oven dried at approximately 103 °C until they reached constant mass (dry weights). The
WRV was calculated from Equation 1 (Cheng et al. 2007; Wang and Cheng 2009),
WWet − WDry
WRV = × 100% (1)
where, WWet is the weight of the sample after centrifuging and WDry is the absolute dry
weight of the sample.
Cheng et al. (2010). “Cellulose Water Retention Value” BioResources 5(3), 1945-1954. 1947
⎛ n ⎞
RCF = 11.18 × ⎜ ⎟ ×r (2)
⎝ 1000 ⎠
where, r is the radius of centrifugation in cm from the centrifuge center to sample mass
center and n is the speed in rpm.
Fig. 2. Scheme of water retention value measurement setup for centrifuge, A: Centrifuge bucket,
B: Adapter, C: Spacer, D: Stainless steel cap with holes, E: Filter paper/Membrane, F: Tissue for
water absorption, G: Sample
Untreated MCC was used to investigate how sample weight, centrifugal time,
centrifugal force, and filters with different pore sizes influence the WRVs of cellulosic
materials. Samples of certain weight were immersed in distilled water for 2-3 days to
make sure that the material was fully saturated before centrifuging. For the sample weight
test, five weight levels of each specimen were used: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.1, and 1.25 grams
for MCC, and 0.06, 0.12, 0.18, 0.24, and 0.3 grams for treated MCC using a NanoDeBee
homogenizer at 138 MPa and 5 passes (MCC were saturated in distilled water for 2-3
days before homogenization). Three RCF levels: 900, 1350, and 1800 G, and four
centrifugal time levels: 5, 10, 20, and 30 min. were used. The Whatman filter paper #3
(particle retention: 6 µm), #42 (particle retention: 2.5 µm), and membrane with 0.2-μm
pore-size (Whatman Nuclepore) were used for examining the effects of filters of different
pore sizes on WRV measurements. The pulp fiber and treated MCC using a homogenizer
at 138 MPa and 20 passes were also used to detect the effects of cellulosic particle/fibril
sizes on the WRV measurements. Six to eight replicates of each test were conducted to
examine the variation of the WRVs. Single parameter test of analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was used to examine the influence significance of the measurement conditions
on WRVs (α=0.05).
Cheng et al. (2010). “Cellulose Water Retention Value” BioResources 5(3), 1945-1954. 1948
Fig. 3. WRVs with standard deviations of MCC with centrifugal force of 900 G and time of 5 min
(a) and treated MCC with centrifugal force of 900 G and time of 20 min (b) at varied specimen
Cheng et al. (2010). “Cellulose Water Retention Value” BioResources 5(3), 1945-1954. 1949
Effects of Centrifugal Time and Force
Generally, WRVs of MCC decreased with the increase of centrifugal time and
RCFs (Fig. 4). For RCF of 900 G, the WRV reduction trend was somewhat linear, while
there were no significant differences between 20 min and 30 min for both RCFs of 1350
G (p=0.121) and 1800 G (p=0.087), respectively, which indicates that no more water
could be forced out from materials under these forces after 20 min. At higher centrifugal
speeds (higher RCFs), due to higher pressure forced to the materials, it caused lower
WRVs than those of lower RCFs. Similar results showed that increasing centrifugal
speed can decrease the measured WRVs of the kenaf core material because higher forces
can force out more water from the material than low forces (Lips et al. 2009).
5 Minutes 10 Minutes
100 20 Minutes 30 Minutes
WRV (%)
900 1350 1800
Fig. 4. Water retention values of MCC (0.5 g) with varied centrifugal times and varied relative
centrifugal forces
Cheng et al. (2010). “Cellulose Water Retention Value” BioResources 5(3), 1945-1954. 1950
WRV (%)
5 10 20 30
Fig. 5. Water retention values of MCC (0.5 g) with different filter paper/membranes at varied
centrifugal times (relative centrifugal forces: 900 G).
Table 1. WRV of Pulp Fiber Samples with Varied Centrifugal Time, Force, and
Filter Paper/Membrane (mass: 0.5 g)
Centrifugal Time (Min.) Centrifugal Force (G) Filter WRV ± STD* (%)
30 900 #3 142.3 ± 3.8
30 1350 #3 104.6 ± 6.1
30 1800 #3 90.7 ± 0.8
20 1800 #3 90.5 ± 4.1
10 1800 #3 97.4 ± 3.1
5 1800 #3 105.7 ± 2.2
5 1800 #42 112.3 ± 1.1
5 1800 Membrane 185.8 ± 95.4
* STD: standard deviation.
Cheng et al. (2010). “Cellulose Water Retention Value” BioResources 5(3), 1945-1954. 1951
Table 2. WRVs of Homogenizer Treated MCC (HPH: 138 MPa & 20 passes)
Particles/Fibrils Samples with Varied Centrifugal Time, Force, and Filter
Paper/Membrane (mass: ~ 0.08 g)
Centrifugal Time (Min.) Centrifugal Force (G) Filter WRV ± STD* (%)
30 900 #3 523.0 ± 25.2
30 1350 #3 452.9 ± 54.4
30 1800 #3 360.0 ± 33.0
30 1800 #42 380.0 ± 22.9
30 1800 Membrane 548.1 ± 58.3
20 1800 Membrane 767.1 ± 187.2
10 1800 Membrane ---**
* STD: standard deviation; ** Not centrifuged completely, and with some water on the top of the
Cheng et al. (2010). “Cellulose Water Retention Value” BioResources 5(3), 1945-1954. 1952
retain higher WRVs because of the fibril and microfibril surface and volumetric
phenomena (Herrick et al., 1983). The smaller the particles/fibrils isolated from raw
materials, the higher the WRVs obtained.
1. A modified centrifuge setup with stainless steel cap and filters can be used to measure
water retention values (WRVs) of cellulosic materials, especially for small cellulosic
particles/fibrils or microfibrillated cellulose.
2. Lower specimen weight may result in higher standard deviations of WRVs.
3. Lower WRVs of cellulosic materials could be obtained through using higher
centrifugal speed, longer time, and larger pore size of filters.
4. Smaller MCC particles/fibrils can retain more water than untreated MCC and pulp
5. Filter membranes with very small pore sizes are not suitable for small cellulosic
particles/fibrils or MFC for the WRV measurement setup if the centrifugal force is
not high enough and/or the centrifugal time is not long enough. Higher forces such as
more than 1800 G for more than 20 min are recommended for these cellulosic
6. Same filter or membrane should be used for WRV measurement in this setup.
This study was supported in part by the USDA Wood Utilization Research
Special Program at West Virginia University.
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Article submitted: March 13, 2010; Peer review completed: July 14, 2010; Revised
version accepted: July 29, 2010; Published: July 29, 2010.
Cheng et al. (2010). “Cellulose Water Retention Value” BioResources 5(3), 1945-1954. 1954