La Bugal V Ramos
La Bugal V Ramos
La Bugal V Ramos
Crown.” The Regalian doctrine extends not only to land but also to
“all natural wealth that may be found in the bowels of the earth.”
Spain, in particular, recognized the unique value of natural
resources, viewing them, especially minerals, as an abundant source
of revenue to finance its wars against other nations. Mining laws
during the Spanish regime reflected this perspective.
Same; Same; Unlike Spain, the United States considered
natural resources as a source of wealth for its nationals and saw fit
to allow both Filipino and American citizens to explore and exploit
minerals in public lands, and to grant patents to private mineral
lands; The Regalian doctrine and the American system, therefore,
differ in one essential respect—under the Regalian theory, mineral
rights are not included in a grant of land by the state while under
the American doctrine, mineral rights are included in a grant of
land by the government.—Unlike Spain, the United States
considered natural resources as a source of wealth for its nationals
and saw fit to allow both Filipino and American citizens to explore
and exploit minerals in public lands, and to grant patents to private
mineral lands. A person who acquired ownership over a parcel of
private mineral land pursuant to the laws then prevailing could
exclude other persons, even the State, from exploiting minerals
within his property. Thus, earlier jurisprudence held that: A valid
and subsisting location of mineral land, made and kept up in
accordance with the provisions of the statutes of the United States,
has the effect of a grant by the United States of the present and
exclusive possession of the lands located, and this exclusive right of
possession and enjoyment continues during the entire life of the
location. x x x x x x. The discovery of minerals in the ground by one
who has a valid mineral location, perfect his claim and his location,
not only against third persons but also against the Government. x x
x. [Italics in the original.] The Regalian doctrine and the American
system, therefore, differ in one essential respect. Under the
Regalian theory, mineral rights are not included in a grant of land
by the state; under the American doctrine, mineral rights are
included in a grant of land by the government.
Same; Same; Concession System; Words and Phrases; Under the
concession system, the concessionaire makes a direct equity
investment for the purpose of exploiting a particular natural
resource within a given area—the concession amounts to complete
control by the concessionaire over the country’s natural resource, for
it is given exclusive and plenary rights to exploit a particular
resource at the point of extraction.—Section 21 also made possible
the concession (frequently styled “permit,” “license” or “lease”)
system. This was the traditional regime imposed by the colonial
administrators for the exploitation of natural resources in the
extractive sector (petroleum, hard minerals, timber, etc.). Under the
concession system, the concessionaire makes a direct equity
investment for the purpose of exploiting a particular natural
resource within a given area. Thus, the
VOL. 421, JANUARY 27, 2004 161
U.P. Law draft proposed other equally crucial changes that were
obviously heeded by the CONCOM. These include the abrogation of
the concession system and the adoption of new “options” for the
State in the exploration, development, and utilization of natural
resources. The proponents deemed these changes to be more
consistent with the State’s ownership of, and its “full control and
supervision” (a phrase also employed by the framers) over, such
resources. In light of the deliberations of the CONCOM, the text of
the Constitution, and the adoption of other proposed changes, there
is no doubt that the framers considered and shared the intent of the
U.P. Law proponents in employing the phrase “agreements . . .
involving either technical or financial assistance.”
Same; Same; Same; Loose statements of some of the
Commissioners in the CONCOM do not necessarily translate to the
adoption of the 1973 Constitution provision allowing service
contracts.—While certain commissioners may have mentioned the
term “service contracts” during the CONCOM deliberations, they
may not have been necessarily referring to the concept of service
contracts under the 1973 Constitution. As noted earlier, “service
contracts” is a term that assumes different meanings to different
people. The commissioners may have been using the term loosely,
and not in its technical and legal sense, to refer, in general, to
agreements concerning natural resources entered into by the
Government with foreign corporations. These loose statements do
not necessarily translate to the adoption of the 1973 Constitution
provision allowing service contracts.
Same; Same; Same; Administrative Law; When an
administrative or executive agency renders an opinion or issues a
statement of policy, it merely interprets a pre-existing law; and the
administrative interpretation of the law is at best advisory, for it is
the courts that finally determine what the law means.—WMCP cites
Opinion No. 75, s. 1987, and Opinion No. 175, s. 1990 of the
Secretary of Justice, expressing the view that a financial or
technical assistance agreement “is no different in concept” from the
service contract allowed under the 1973 Constitution. This Court is
not, however, bound by this interpretation. When an administrative
or executive agency renders an opinion or issues a statement of
policy, it merely interprets a preexisting law; and the administrative
interpretation, of the law is at best advisory, for it is the courts that
finally determine what the law means.
Same; Same; Same; The President may enter into FTAAs with
foreign-owned corporation in the exploitation of our natural
resources.—In any case, the constitutional provision allowing the
President to enter into FTAAs with foreign-owned corporations is an
exception to the rule that participation in the nation’s natural
resources is reserved exclusively to Filipinos. Accordingly, such
provision must be construed strictly against their enjoyment by non-
Filipinos. As Commissioner Villegas emphasized,
which of course will directly affect the latter’s capacity to repay its
loans.—Tantamount to closing one’s eyes to reality is the insistence
that the term “agreements involving technical or financial
assistance” refers only to purely technical or financial assistance to
be rendered to the State by a foreign corporation (and must perforce
exclude management and other forms of assistance). Nowadays,
securing the kind of financial assistance required by large-scale
explorations, which involve hundreds of millions of dollars, is not
just a matter of signing a simple promissory note in favor of a
lender. Current business practices often require borrowers seeking
huge loans to allow creditors access to financial records and other
data, and probably a seat or two on the former’s board of directors;
or at least some participation in certain management decisions that
may have an impact on the financial health or long-term viability of
the debtor, which of course will directly affect the latter’s capacity to
repay its loans. Prudent lending practices necessitate a certain
degree of involvement in the borrower’s management process.
Same; Same; Same; If the Supreme Court closes its doors to
international realities and unilaterally sets up its own concepts of
strict technical and financial assistance, then it may unwittingly
make the country a virtual hermit—an economic isolationist—in the
real world of finance.—Given the modern-day reality that even the
World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) do
not lend on the basis merely of bare promissory notes, but on some
conditionalities designed to assure the borrowers’ financial viability,
I would like to hear in an Oral Argument in a live, not a moot, case
what these international practices are and how they impact on our
constitutional restrictions. This is not to say that we should bend our
basic law; rather, we should find out what kind of FTAA provisions
are realistic vis-à-vis these international standards and our
constitutional protection. Unless there is a live FTAA, the Court
would not be able to analyze the provisions vis-à-vis the
Constitution, the Mining Law and these modern day lending
practices. I mentioned the WB and the IMF, not necessarily because
I agree with their oftentimes stringent policies, but because they set
the standards that international and multinational financial
institutions often take bearings from. The WB and IMF are akin
(though not equivalent) to the Bangko Sentral, which all Philippine
banks must abide by. If this Court closes its doors to these
international realities and unilaterally sets up its own concepts of
strict technical and financial assistance, then it may unwittingly
make the country a virtual hermit—an economic isolationist—in the
real world of finance.
Constitutions; Statutory Construction; The commissioners fully
realized that their work would have to withstand the test of time,
that the Charter, though crafted with the wisdom born of past
experiences and lessons painfully learned, would have to be a living
document that would answer the needs of the nation well into the
future.—I believe that the
Concom did not mean to tie the hands of the President and restrict
the latter only to agreements on rigid financial and technical
assistance and nothing else. The commissioners fully realized that
their work would have to withstand the test of time; that the
Charter, though crafted with the wisdom born of past experiences
and lessons painfully learned, would have to be a living document
that would answer the needs of the nation well into the future.
Thus, the unerring emphasis on flexibility and adaptability.
35 Rollo, p. 22.
36 Ibid.
37 Ibid.
38 Ibid. The number has since risen to 129 applications when the petitioners
filed their Reply. (Rollo, p. 363.)
39 Id., at p. 22.
55 Ibid.
56 Ibid.
57 WMCP’s Reply (dated May 6, 2003) to Petitioners’ Comment (to the
Manifestation and Supplemental Manifestation), p. 4.
58 Philippine Constitution Association v. Enriquez, 235 SCRA 506
(1994); National Economic Protectionism Association v. Ongpin, 171
SCRA 657 (1989); Dumlao v. Commission on Elections, 95 SCRA 392
Hierarchy of Courts
Petitioners contend that E.O. No. 279 did not take effect
because its supposed date of effectivity came after President
Aquino had already lost her legislative powers under the
Provisional Constitution.
And they likewise claim that the WMC FTAA, which was
entered into pursuant to E.O. No. 279, violates Section 2,
Article XII of the Constitution because, among other
In its broad sense, the term “jura regalia” refers to royal rights, or
those rights which the King has by virtue of his prerogatives. In
Spanish law, it refers to a right which the sovereign has over
anything in which a subject has a right of property or propriedad.
These were rights enjoyed during feudal times by the king as the
The theory of the feudal system was that title to all lands was
originally held by the King, and while the use of lands was granted
out to others who were permitted to hold them under certain
conditions, the King theoretically retained the title. By fiction of
law, the King was regarded as the original proprietor of all lands,
and the true and only source of title, and from him all lands were
held. The theory of jura regalia
was therefore nothing more than a
natural fruit of conquest.
We having acquired full sovereignty over the Indies, and all lands, territories,
and possessions not heretofore ceded away by our royal predecessors, or by us,
or in our name, still pertaining to the royal crown and patrimony, it is our will
that all lands which are held without proper and true deeds of grant be restored
to us according as they belong to us, in order that after reserving before all what
to us or to our viceroys, audiencias, and governors may seem necessary for
public squares, ways, pastures, and commons in those places which are peopled,
taking into consideration not only their present condition, but also their future
and their probable increase, and after distributing to the natives what may be
necessary for tillage and pasturage, confirming them in what they now have and
giving them more if necessary, all the rest of said lands may remain free and
unencumbered for us to dispose of as we may wish.
conserve our mineral resources and prevent the state from being
deprived of such minerals as are essential to national defense.” (A.
Noblejas, Philippine Law on Natural Resources 126-127 [1959 ed.], citing
V. Francisco, The New Mining Law.)
84 Cruz v. Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, supra,
Kapunan, J., Separate Opinion, citing A. Noblejas, Philippine Law on
Natural Resources 6 (1961). Noblejas continues:
Thus, they asserted their right of ownership over mines and minerals or
precious metals, golds, and silver as distinct from the right of ownership of the
land in which the minerals were found. Thus, when on a piece of land mining
was more valuable than agriculture, the sovereign retained ownership of mines
although the land has been alienated to private ownership. Gradually, the right
to the ownership of minerals was extended to base metals. If the sovereign did
not exploit the minerals, they grant or sell it as a right separate from the land.
(Id., at p. 6.)
The principle underlying Spanish legislation on mines is that these are subject
to the eminent domain of the state. The Spanish law of July 7, 1867, amended
by the law of March 4, 1868, in article 2 says: “The ownership of the substances
enumerated in the preceding article (among them those of inflammable nature),
belong[s] to the state, and they cannot be disposed of without the government
The first Spanish mining law promulgated for these Islands (Decree of
Superior Civil Government of January 28, 1964), in its Article I, says: “The
supreme ownership of mines throughout the kingdom belong[s] to the crown and
to the king. They shall not be exploited except by persons who obtained special
grant from this superior government and by those who may secure it thereafter,
subject to this regulation.”
Article 2 of the royal decree on ownership of mines in the Philippine Islands,
dated May 14, 1867, which was the law in force at the time of the cession of
these Islands to the Government of the United States, says: “The ownership of
the substances enumerated in the preceding article (among them those of
inflammable nature)
Sec. 21. That all valuable mineral deposits in public lands in the
Philippine Islands, both surveyed and unsurveyed, are hereby
declared to be free and open to exploration, occupation and
purchase, and the land on
La Bugal-B’Laan Tribal Association, Inc. vs. Ramos
112 Palting v. San Jose Petroleum Inc., 18 SCRA 924 (1966); Republic
v. Quasha, 46 SCRA 160 (1972).
113 Atok Big-Wedge Mining Co. v. Intermediate Appellate Court,
114 Article VI thereof provided:
119 Id., art. 31. The same provision recognized the rights of American
citizens under the Parity Amendment:
During the effectivity and subject to the provisions of the ordinance appended to
the Constitution of the Philippines, citizens of the United States and all forms
of business enterprises owned and controlled, directly or indirectly, by citizens
of the United States shall enjoy the same rights and obligations under the
provisions of this Act in the same manner as to, and under the same conditions
imposed upon, citizens of the Philippines or corporations or associations owned
or controlled by citizens of the Philippines.
128 Id., art. 64. Article 49, R.A. No. 387 originally imposed an annual
exploration tax on exploration concessionaires but this provision was
repealed by Section 1, R.A. No. 4304.
129 Francisco, supra, at p. 103.
130 Rep. Act No. 387 (1949), as amended, art. 65.
131 Francisco, supra, at p.103.
132 Rep. Act No. 387 (1949), as amended, art. 90 (b) 3.
133 Id., art. 90 (b) 4.
134 Id., art. 93-A.
135 Id., art. 93.
136 Ibid.
137 Rep. Act No. 387 (1949), as amended, art. 94.
The concessionaire and the service contractor are required to keep in their
files valuable data and information and may be required to submit needed
technological or accounting reports to the Government. Duly authorized
representatives of the Government could, under the law, inspect or audit the
books of accounts of the contract holder.
In both systems, signature, discovery or production bonuses may be given by
the developer to the host Government. The concession system, however, differs
considerably from the service contract system in important areas of the
operations. In the concession system, the Government merely receives fixed
royalty which is a certain percentage of the crude oil produced or other units of
measure, regardless of whether the concession holder makes profits or not. This
is not so in the service contract system. A certain percentage of the gross
production is set aside for recoverable expenditures by the contractor. Of the net
proceeds the parties are entitled percentages of share that will accrue to each of
In the royalty system, the concessionaire may be discouraged to produce more
for the reason that since the royalty paid to the host country is closely linked to
the volume of production, the greater the produce, the more amount or royalty
would be allocated to the Government. This is not so in the production sharing
system. The share of the Government depends largely on the net proceeds of
production after reimbursing the service contractor of its recoverable expenses.
As a general rule, the Government plays a passive role in the
concession system, more particularly, interested in receiving royalties from
the concessionaire. In the production-sharing arrangement, the Government
plays a more active role in the management and monitoring of oil operations
and requires the service contractor entertain obligations designed to bring more
economic and technological benefits to the host country. (Dimagiba, supra, at
pp. 330-331.)
On March 16, 1967, Congress of the Philippines passed Resolution No. 2, which
was amended by Resolution No. 4, of said body,adopted on June 17, 1967,
calling a convention to propose amend
Yet another law allowing service contracts, this time for 174
geothermal resources, was Presidential Decree No. 1442,
which was signed into law on June 11, 1978. Section 1
thereof authorized the Government to enter into service
contracts for the exploration, exploitation and development
of geothermal resources with a foreign contractor who must
be technically and financially capable of undertaking the
operations required in the service contract.
Thus, virtually the entire range of the country’s natural
resources—from petroleum and minerals to geothermal
energy, from public lands and forest resources to fishery
products—was well covered by apparent legal authority to
engage in the direct participation or involvement of foreign
persons or corporations (otherwise disqualified) in the
exploration and 175utilization of natural resources through
service contracts.
174 An Act to Promote the Exploration and Development of Geothermal
175 Magallona, supra, at p. 6.
176 Declaring a National Policy to Implement the Reforms Mandated by
the People, Protecting their Basic Rights, Adopting a Provisional
Constitution, and Providing for an Orderly Transition to a Government
under a New Constitution.
177 CONST., art. XVIII, sec. 27; De Leon v. Esguerra, 153 SCRA 602
The State may directly undertake such activities or it may enter into
co-production, joint venture, or production-sharing agreements with
Filipino citizens, or corporations or associations at least sixty per
centum of whose capital is owned by such citizens.
dance with law at least sixty per centum (60%) 206 of the capital of
which is owned by citizens of the Philippines x x x.
Petitioners argue that E.O. No. 279, the law in force when
the WMC FTAA was executed, did not come into effect.
E.O. No. 279 was signed into law by then President
Aquino on July 25, 1987, two 214
days before the opening of
Congress on July 27, 1987. Section 8 of the E.O. states
that the same “shall take effect immediately.” This
provision, according
to petitioners, runs counter to Section 1
of E.O. No. 200, which provides:
SECTION 1. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the
completion of their publication either in the Official Gazette or in a
newspaper of general216
circulation in the Philippines, unless it is
otherwise provided. [Emphasis supplied.]
without such notice and publication, there would be no basis for the
application of the maxim “ignorantia legis n[eminem] excusat.” It
would be the height of injustice to punish or otherwise burden a
citizen for the transgression of a law of which he had no notice
whatsoever, not even a constructive one.
While the effectivity clause of E.O. No. 279 does not require
its publication, it is not a ground for its invalidation since
the Constitution, being the fundamental, paramount and 218
supreme law of the nation,” is deemed
written in the law.
Hence, the due process clause, which, so Tañada held,
mandates the publication of statutes, is read into Section 8
of E.O. No. 279. Additionally, Section 1 of E.O. No. 200
which provides for publication “either in the Official Gazette
or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines,”
finds suppletory application. It is significant to note that 220
E.O. No. 279 was actually published in the Official Gazette
on August 3, 1987.
From a reading then of Section 8 of E.O. No. 279, Section
1 of E.O. No. 200, and Tañada v. Tuvera, this Court holds
that E.O. No. 279 became effective immediately upon its
publication in the Official Gazette on August 3, 1987.
That such effectivity took place after the convening of the
first Congress is irrelevant. At the time President Aquino
issued E.O. No. 279 on July 25, 1987, she was still validly
exercising legislative
powers under the Provisional
Constitution. Article XVIII (Transitory Provisions) of the
1987 Constitution explicitly states:
The contract subsists for an initial term of twenty-five (25) years from the date
of its effectivity [Section 3.1] and renewable for a further period of twenty-five
years under the same terms and conditions upon application by private
respondent [Section 3.3]. (Rollo, pp. 458-459.)
236 Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, 194 SCRA 317, 325
237 III Record of the Constitutional Commission 278.
The opinion240
of another member of the CONCOM is
persuasive and leaves no doubt as to the intention of the
framers to eliminate service contracts altogether. He writes:
241 J. Nolledo, The New Constitution of the Philippines Annotated 924-
926 (1990).
242 Resolution to Incorporate in the New Constitution an Article on
National Economy and Patrimony.
243 The Chair of the Committee on National Economy and Patrimony,
alluded to it in the discussion on the capitalization requirement:
MR. V ILLEGAS. We just had a long discussion with the members of the team
from the UP Law Center who provided us a draft. The phrase that is contained
here which we adopted from the UP draft is “60 percent of voting stock.” (III
Record of the Constitutional Commission 255.)
a foreign-
a foreign-
owned corpo
250 Id., at pp. 9-11. Professor Labitag also suggests that: x x x. The
concession regime of natural resources disposition should be discontinued.
Instead the State shall enter into such arrangements and agreements like
co-production, joint ventures, etc. as shall bring about effective control
and a larger share in the proceeds, harvest or production. (Labitag,
supra, at p. 17.)
“means the extraction or disposition of
minerals.” A stipulation that the proponent shall dispose
of the minerals and byproducts produced at the highest
price and more advantageous terms and conditions as
provided for under the implementing rules and269
is required to be incorporated in every FTAA.
tions; Provided, That the mineral agreement shall only be for the
remaining period of the original agreement.
In the case of a foreign contractor, it shall reduce its equity to forty
percent (40%) in the corporation, partnership, association, or cooperative.
Upon compliance with this requirement by the contractor, the Secretary
shall approve the conversion and execute the mineral production-sharing
283 SEC. 56. Eligibility of Foreign-owned/-controlled Corporation.—A
foreign owned/-controlled corporation may be granted a mineral
processing permit.
284 SEC. 3. Definition of Terms.—As used in and for purposes of this
Act, the following terms, whether in singular or plural, shall mean:
(g) “Contractor” means a qualified person acting alone or in consortium who
is a party to a mineral agreement or to a financial or technical assistance
x x x
x x x
2Id., p. 352.
3Id., p. 355.
4 Decision, pp. 69-71.
5Id., p. 69.
1 That is, the Court of Appeals’ resolution of the petition for review—
docketed as CA-G.R. No. 74161 and lodged by Lepanto Consolidated
Mining—of the Decision of the Office of the President, which upheld the
Order of the DENR secretary approving the transfer to, and the
registration of the FTAA in the name of, Sagittarius Mines, Inc.
Finally, I believe that the Concom did not mean to tie the
hands of the President and restrict the latter only to
agreements on rigid financial and technical assistance and
nothing else. The commissioners fully realized that their
work would have to withstand the test of time; that the
Charter, though crafted with the wisdom born of past
experiences and lessons painfully learned, would have to be
a living document that would answer the needs of the nation
well into the future. Thus, the unerring emphasis on
flexibility and adaptability.
6Id., p. 840.