Civil Previous Year Questions

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PSC Grade I Draftsman / Grade II

Overseer - Civil - Public Works/

Irrigation/ Harbour Engineering /
Ground Water Examination
Previous Year Question Paper
Exam Name: Grade I Draftsman / Grade II
Overseer - Civil - Public Works/ Irrigation/
Harbour Engineering / Ground Water

Date of Test : 19.01.2016

Question Paper Code: 011/2016

Medium of Questions: English
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1. Concurenl lorces arelhoselorces whose line olaction
A) [4eet at one point B) tie on the same line
C) Meet on the sameplane D) Noneollhese

2 Th€ angle belween hlo lorces when the resultant maximum and minimum

A) o"and 180' B) 180"and360.

C) 90'and 180' D) 90'and360"

3. When lhe spring oi a walch is wound. itwillposses


A) B) Krneiicenerqy
C) Heatenergy D) Eectrcatenerqy
4. The momentot inediaota reclangularsection 3 cm wide and 4cm deep aboul

A) gcm{ B)

l2cma c) 16cm1
5. Which ollhelollowinq is no!an inlegralpail ol computer ?
A) CPU B) l\,,louse C) N4onltor
o) 2ocma

o) UPS
6. The loial motion possessed byabody, iscalled
A) hpulsivetorce B) Mass
C) Weight D) [4omenlum
7 The timber whose lhickness is less than 5 cm and lhe width exceeds 1 2 cm, is

Board Banen
A) B) Plank c) D) LoS

8. Aiine aggrcgaie is ofe urhose particle are ol size

A) 4.75 rnm B) Below4.75mm

C) 6.75 mm D) Above6T5mm

9. Seasoning ol Urnber isdone

A) To make il walef pfoofins B) Topaintlsuraces
C) To healll O) To remove water

10. Final setting time olcementshould nol morethan

A) shours A) lohoLrs C) 30min!1es D) t hour

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42. Slandard rail gauge is
A) l000mm B) 1435 mm
C) 1524mm D) 1676 mm

,13. The only lype ol sleeper 10 be provided over rait bddge

B) Caslironsleeper
O) Concrete sleeper

44. Coning ofwheels isprovided

A) To save maledat olwheets

B) To suit super elevation
C) To givs dynamic slability D) To preven! taterat stip
45. The bestprimer used lor structurat steet work |5

A) Fedlead A) Zncoxide
C) While lead D) tfonoxide
46. Rolling ol road shoutd be
A) From c€ntre to edge
B) From one edge to another
C) From edge to cenlfe with an ovedap ot minimum 30 cm
D) From edge to centre

47. The heighr oflhe cone in stump t€st is

A) 20cm B) 30cm C) 45cm o) 6ocm
€- The bncks arranged projecting in alernale courses for the pur,oose ol bonding
tuture work is call€d
A) Lacing a) ftroa0rE

C) Slooling D) Toot ng
49. The estimating, lor ptastering usuatty no de(tuction is made ior
B) Smsllopenrng
C) Ends oi €ft€rs D) A lneaoove
50. ln a delailed estmate the provision lor conflngencies is, usualy
1% A) 3to5./" q je/" D) 121015%

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preparing cemenl concrete by volumefte size ot lhe wooden bo(
Lrsed 10
51. In
measure aggregate is
A) 35 x 25 x 40cm a) 35x30x40cm
C) 40x25x30cm D) 30 x 30x 30cm
52. The siandard width oi asbestoscement corrugBledsheel
A) 1.25 m B) 1.05 m
C) 1.0 m D) 09m

53. Awo* costing lessthan Rs 20,000 is temedas

54, The most economical section lor a column ls

A) Sqrareseclion B) CircularsectEn
C) Feclangularseclion D) Tubularseclion
is usuallv resiricied to
55. In multistoried government buildings lhe floor height
A) 4.2m B) 3.4m C) 2 4m D) 3 0m
56 The sum ol lread and rise should be lie between
A) 40to45cm B) 55to60 cm
C) 50lo55cm D) 35lo40cm
lhelemperature n was
57- When achain is used atalemperaturc moreihan
calibrated the erfor in measured lenglh wil! be
A) Obseruational B) N€ganve
C) cumubnve o) compensaling

drslances are measured

58. Any adilrarily as$rmed tevelline liomwhich vedical

A) Levelline B) Hoizonlalline
c) Verticalline D) Datum line
ol angles ?
59. Which ol the lollowing insrument is us€dlormdasurement
' A) Tellurometer B) Geodimeter
C) S€xlani o) Telescope

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60 Four wires are made of the same matsriat which o, these will have
the largest
enension when lhesamstension isapptied ?
A) Length 50cm and djameterO.5 mm
B) Length 100 cm and diamder05 mr,
C) Length 200cm and diameter2 mm
D) Lengft 300cm anddiameterg mm
61. P[or tube isa device us€d in the flowing iuid tor measudng
A) oischarge B) Velocity
C) pressure D) Kinetic energy

5? A man s ting in a troat which is
flowng ,n d pond. tt the rnan drinks some water
rrom tne ponc,, thelevetofwater In the pondw'
A) Sink tinte B) Rise til{e
C) Remain stationary D) Noneofthese
63. Ty?e ot bond in bdck masonry in which each co{Jrse consisls ol atternale headers
and sl€tchef is caled
A) Engtishbond
C) Stdcherbond
64. The extension ot wa
ET B) Ftemish boicl
D) Headerbond
above lhe roof levet is called
A) Rerainingwa[ a) Dummywa
C) Arcasrwal D) parapei watl
65. ln asingtedaythe maximum height ot masonry to be raissd
shoutd nor be more

A) 0.5m B) lm C) 1.5m D) 2m
66. Theionzontat m€mber ol a trame emptoyed ro sub-divided a window oponing
norizonta y ts caled

A) Sill B) fuulioo C) Tmnsom D) Hom

67. The tem pitch connection with pitched roots is derined as the

A) Apex tine ot rh6 slopping roof

8) lnctinarjon of th€ sides lo the hodzontalplane ot the rool
C) Hon:ontat distance beiween the interna taces ot the wa
D) Va ey rine of the pitched rc,ot

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68 A solid construction pul across lhe river 10 raise its water level and dlverl the
walerintolhe canal known as
A) Weir B) lvladnalb0nd
C) Barrage D) oam

69. ln leveling heighl ol inslrumenl is

A) Feduced level of bench mark + back sQht
B) Reduced levelol bench mark+loreslghl
C) Redlced levelol bench mark + lnkrmediale srghl
D) Back sighl +lore sight

70. Duringlevellng ifbacksighl is morcthan loresighl, then
A) Forward slatl poinl is lower than backward stall poinl

B) Backward stafi poinl is lower than loMard slall poinl
C) Ditlerence in level cannol be measured
D) None ol lhe above

71. Acoupie Produces

A) Translalol molion
B) Rohlionalmolion
C) Combined t.anslator and rolallonal motion
D) None oJ lhe above

72. A beam encastered al both ends is called

A) Simply supported beam
B) F edbeam
C) Conlinuous beam

O) Canlileverbeam

73. The slenderness rallo isth€ raiio ot

A) Area ol the column to least radils ot gyralron
B) Lenglh ol column lo leasl radius ol gyralon
c) Least radius ol gyralion lo area ol coumr
D) Leasl radius o! gyralion to lercfi dl column

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74. A reinlorced cemenl concrele beam is considerod lo be made ol
a) Homogeneous mateial
B) H€rerogeneous rnaterial
C) Composrte material
D) tsotropic malenal

/5 Faclo' ot sarety is detrned as the raio ot

A) Ultimate stress to working siress
A) Working slr€ss lo ulimate stress

C) Breaking srr€ss to uttimate stress
D) Ulimate stress to brcaking stress

76. The rnercury does nol w€t rh6 gtass. This is due to the propeny

ot the tiquid

A) Cohesion B) Adhesion


C) 39.24kPa
ET D) Surtace tension
77, The pressure al a point 4 m below ihe tree surtace of water is
B) Zg.24kpa
O) 49.24 kpa
78. A wer. generaly used as spi way otadam is
A) Nanow crcsted w€ir
A) Brcad cresled weir
C) Ogee cresred weir
D) Submerged weir

79. The magnetic bearing ora tine is 55"30 and rhe magnetic dectination
is 4.30,
wesr. Thetruebearing ota tine wil be
A) 30. B) 34"30'
C) 4s O) s1"
80. kigation canats are gensralyatignedatong
A) Conlourtine B) Watershed
C) Srraighltine D) Valeytine

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81. The spacecrail launched by NASA in 20oo lo sludythodwad Planel
A) Onon B) Ne!! Horizons
c) cuiodiy D) Endeavour

82. Presenl lslaeliPime

A) Ehudohen ^Iinisler B) A/elsharon
C) Ehrd Barak D) Benjamin Nethanyahu

83. Maggiis a Producl ol

A) Hinduslan Uniliver B) Glaxo Smithkline

C) Cadbury D) Nestle
lamous lootbailer
84. Scienlist have recently nicknamed the b'ghlest galaxy aller a

B) Pele c) Messi D) l,4aradona

wdllen by
85. 'llhihaasalhinte lthalukal' a re'interprelation ot Famayana was
A) B. Sandhya B) K. R. [rleera
C) M. P. Veetendrakumar D) George Onaxkur
lsland situated ?
86. Inwhich otlhetollowing dver is the MajuliRiver
A) Godavan C) Kaverl O) Brahmaputa
A) Ganqa
87. Pal[ Stails separales IndE korn
B) Pahislan o) Maldives

88. The Banihal Pass is on

A) Grealer Himalayas B) Zaskar
C) Ladakh D) Pr Panja!

89. Namelhe riverlhal teeds the canalsystem of the Bhaka NangalProlecl'

B) Chinab c) Satlui D) Jhelum

in which district ?
90, Thelamous Soochipara eco_tourism cenlre is silualed
B) ldul'Li

91 . who led ihe Revolt ol 1 857 at Lucknow ?

A) Bahadur Shah ll B) Beeglm Hadat lvlahal
C) Naoa Saheb D) JhansiBani

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92. AGifllo t\ronolheisls' was w tten by
A) lswara Chandra Vidyasagar B) Swami Dayananda
C) Raja Ram N4ohan Roy D) Swami Vivekananda
93- The organizalion whlch is retated filh KakoriC,ons'irac'
A) Gad&pary
B) Abhinav Bha€t Sociely
C) Hlndustan Republican Association
D) Anusheetan Samithi

94. BhagatSingh was hanged in 1931 al
fi,4arch 23
A) LahoreJail A) TiharJail
C) YeruadaJait O) Ce uiafJail
95. The Vicercy at lhe rime ot Satt Satyagraha
a) trwin B) fi,rFn
C) Chelmslod ET D) Slaftodcnpps
96. The Ezhava Memofal was submiti€d lo
A) ChirhnaTjrunat B) SriMutamTirunal
C) SwathiTirunat D) Avittom Tirunat
Nam€ the booh wnnen by Brahmananda Sivayog,.
A) Lalilhopaharam B) Vrvekachoodamani
c) Ananctasutfam o) chinia Tarangam
98. Thetilsr edirorot.Swadeshabhimani C. p. covinda pilaihad
eartierworked as

A) Pachimo(hyam B) Bajyasamacharam

C) D) Kerarapanchika
99. Sadhu Jana Paripalana yooam was founded in
A) 1905 B) r9O7 c) 1&9S D) 188s
l0O. ln which year SrjNarayana Guru tounded an Advarrha
Ashram atAtuva ?
A) 1888 B) 1913 c) 1903 D) 1m6

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