Emergency Response Plan

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Emergency Response Plan

The administration of Marymount Manhattan College (the College) recognizes the importance of
maintaining an integrated Emergency Response Plan (the Plan) to ensure the safety and well-
being of faculty, students, staff, and visitors in the event of an emergency.

The Plan offers guidelines and procedures for responding to defined emergencies that can
threaten the safety and well-being of the campus community and/or disrupt school programs and

Part One: The Executive Summary:

1. Explains the Emergency Notification System, ConnectED

2. Identifies the most common types of emergencies
3. Defines a leadership structure for the College in the event of an emergency
4. Defines emergency leadership roles and protocols
5. Identifies command centers
6. Provides a means for classifying the severity of each emergency
7. Provides general instructions for responding to each of the twelve (12) emergency
types covered by the Plan as defined by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA)
8. Provides general evacuation instructions

Part Two: Emergency Preparedness Operating Plan by Emergency Type classifies

emergencies generally in accordance with FEMA guidelines. The purpose of this section
is to provide a manual for specific response to emergency situations such as:

1. Bomb Threats
2. Fire and Explosions
3. Hazardous Material Release
4. Suspicious Package
5. Adverse Weather
6. Major Threat or Incident in Tri-State Area
7. Utility Outage
8. Aided Case / Person Needing Assistance
9. Death or Serious Injury
10. Workplace Violence
11. Gunfire (Active Shooter)
12. Hostage Situation

Part One: Executive Summary
Emergency Communication……………………………………………………………….4

Emergency Types………………………………………………………………………….5

Emergency Levels…………………………………………………………………………6

Emergency Response Leadership Structure……………………………………………….7

Emergency Response Leadership Procedures…………………………………………….8

The Emergency Operation Centers………………………………………………………10

Evacuation / Shelter in Place…...……………………………..........................................11

Emergency Communication

In September 2007, the College implemented ConnectED, a broadcast alert and notification
system, as part of its Emergency Response Plan. In case of an emergency, ConnectED
enables immediate communication with individual members of the College community
by text message blasts to cell phones and voicemail and e-mail messages. During the first
two weeks of September 2007, the College enrolled a vast majority of its community in
the ConnectED System. A new system for updating and retesting all numbers is in place for
2008, as part of the new secure MMCPortal page

Emergency Types

The administration has used FEMA guidelines to identify twelve (12) specific types of
emergencies as those most likely to either threaten or disrupt the College community.

1. Bomb Threat
2. Fire and Explosions
3. Hazardous Material Release
4. Suspicious Package
5. Adverse Weather Condition
6. Major Threat or Incident in Tri-State Area
7. Utility Outage
8. Aided Case
9. Death or Serious Injury
10. Workplace Violence
11. Gunfire (Active Shooter)
12. Hostage Situation

The Plan, based upon the FEMA Incident Command System, requires the
appointment of an Incident Commander (IC), generally the Executive Vice President,
Administration and Finance (or designee), who is expected to bear responsibility for the
management of each of the emergencies cited above. It also requires a Crisis Response
Team (CRT) drawn from the senior administrative and academic leadership of the
College whose role is to coordinate the campus response to major incidents. Depending
upon the classification and nature of the emergency, the Incident Commander will
mobilize the Crisis Response Team and/or request the College President to assemble
his/her Executive Council. Should the Incident Commander, or designee, activate the
Crisis Response Team, team members would immediately report to the office of the
Executive Vice President, Administration and Finance. Similarly, should the President
assemble the Executive Council, council members would immediately report to the
President’s conference room. Both areas are located on the third floor of the College’s
Main Building at 221 East 71st Street in Manhattan.

Emergency Levels

Emergency incidents are classified according to their severity and potential impact, so
that appropriate emergency response operations can be implemented.
Level One
A minor, localized department or building incident that is quickly resolved
with existing resources or limited outside help.
A Level One emergency has little or no impact on personnel or normal
operations outside the locally affected area.
Level One incidents do not require activation of the Crisis Response
Team. Impacted personnel or departments coordinate directly with
operational department personnel from Security, Facilities or other units to
resolve Level One conditions.
Level Two
A mid-level emergency that disrupts sizable portions of the
campus community.
Level Two emergencies may require assistance from external
organizations. These events may escalate quickly, and may have serious
consequences for mission-critical functions, and/or life safety.
The Incident Commander, receiving intelligence from responding
operational departments or from governmental agencies, determines
whether it is necessary to activate all or part of the Crisis Response Team
and/or the Executive Council. This is determined in part by the scope of
the incident and the extent of coordination needed to respond to the
Level Three
A major incident that adversely affects the entire campus, and may also
affect the surrounding community.
During a Level Three emergency, normal College operations could be
suspended. The effect of the emergency is wide-ranging and complex. A
timely resolution of disaster conditions requires broad cooperation and
extensive coordination.

Crisis Response Teams are activated and report to campus as directed by

the Incident Commander, or designee. Additionally, the Incident
Commander requests that the President, or designee, convene the
Executive Council.

Emergency Response Leadership Structure

Incident Commander

Executive Vice President, Administration and Finance

Executive Council
Senior Vice President
Executive Vice President, Administration and Finance
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Vice President for Institutional Research and Planning
Executive Assistant to the President
In a state of emergency, and when the Incident Commander requests its activation, the
Executive Council functions as the college-wide decision making body.
Crisis Response Team
The Crisis Response Team fulfills many operational functions during an emergency, and
is the primary vehicle for managing emergency response from an operational standpoint.
The Crisis Response Teams consist of the designated representatives from the following
• Incident Commander (IC) and Chair of the Crisis Response Team: Executive
Vice President, Administration & Finance
• Business Office: Associate Vice President of Administration & Finance/
Controller (acting (IC) in the absence of the Executive Vice President,
Administration and Finance)
• Security: Director of Security
• Facilities: Director of Facilities
• Chemical Hygiene: Chemical Hygiene Officer
• Academic Affairs: Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
• Institutional Advancement: Director of Development
• Information Technology: Director of Information Technology
• Food Service: Director of Food Service
• Residence Life: Director of Residence Life
• Student Affairs: Dean of Students

Emergency Response Leadership Procedures

In a state of emergency, the President (or designee) provides executive leadership for the
entire emergency response process. The Executive Vice President, Administration and
Finance is the Incident Commander (IC). For purposes of coordination, the Incident
Commander serves as the Executive Council team leader throughout the emergency, and
is responsible for the operational direction of the response. Incident Commander
succession is Executive Vice President, Administration and Finance, then Associate Vice
President of Administration and Finance / Controller.
The Executive Council (EC) functions as the College-wide policy making body for the
emergency. The Crisis Response Team (CRT), drawn from the College’s administrative
personnel, coordinates the operational campus response to major incidents. The Plan
identifies the specific positions and/or individuals that comprise both the Executive
Council and the Crisis Response Team.
In the event of an emergency, the incident Commander collects intelligence, evaluates the
emergency, and determines whether to activate the Crisis Response Team.
Simultaneously, the Incident Commander must determine whether to ask the President
(or designee) to convene all or part of the Executive Council. Again, this occurs after the
Security department, the Facilities department, and/or the Chemical Hygiene Officer have
assessed emergency conditions. The nature of an emergency may change over time, so
that the Incident Commander may deal with a Level 1 emergency using only internal
resources, but may have to activate the Crisis Response Team and request the activation
of the Executive Council if the nature of an emergency escalates over time.
Throughout the emergency, the Incident Commander interfaces with the Executive
Council and the Crisis Response Team. To facilitate this communication, the Incident
Commander generally designates a team leader for the Crisis Response Team with skills
appropriate to address the particular emergency event at hand.

Throughout a high-level emergency, the Incident Commander gathers intelligence from

the Crisis Response Team, headquartered in the primary Command Center, located in the
office of the Executive Vice President, Administration and Finance. The Crisis Response
Team addresses operational issues and is responsible for securing information to present
to the Executive Council.

Throughout the emergency, the Incident Commander receives information and

disseminates it to the Executive Council. The Vice President for Institutional
Advancement, with the advice of the President and the Executive Council, coordinates all
decisions regarding external communication about the emergency. The office of the Vice
President for Institutional Advancement is responsible for communication with the
College community, the public, and the media, as necessary.
When emergency conditions abate, the Incident Commander, after appropriate
consultation with the Executive Council, will determine the appropriate time to deactivate
the Crisis Response Team.
The Emergency Plan is in the relatively early stages of development. As we refine the
Plan, each area of the College will ultimately develop a departmental emergency plan.
Such plans will address departmental responsibilities during an emergency as well as
departmental coordination with the Crisis Response Team. Each department supervisor
will be responsible for ensuring periodic review of the departmental emergency plan.

College departments will be expected provide relevant information regarding food and
emergency equipment inventories to the Incident Commander at the beginning of each
Ultimately, the College will test its Emergency Plans periodically through drills and
exercises that will activate the Crisis Response Team and the Executive Council.

The Emergency Operation Centers

In cases of high-level emergency, the Incident Commander could direct the activation of
one or more of the following Emergency Operation Centers (EOC), which serve as the
central locations for the Executive Council and Crisis Response Team.

Primary Location Alternate Location

Executive Council President’s Conference President’s apartment, Saga
Room, Third Floor, 221 House, 74th Street off
East 71st Street, New York, Lexington Avenue, New
New York York, New York
Crisis Response Team

Event at:

221 East 71st Street Office of the Executive 2nd Floor RA office, 231
Vice President, Third Floor, East 55th Street
221 East 71st Street

231-235 East 55th Street Second Floor Lounge, 231 2nd Floor RA office, 231
East 55th Street East 55th Street

Other Residence Under the direction of local

officials of the ancillary
residence halls
When activated, the Executive Council or Crisis Response Team members report to their
designated Emergency Operation Centers, these teams can be activated to support
incident at 71st, Street, 55th street, campus-wide incidents or to support city/region wide
The Executive Council in its Command Center makes policy decisions and coordinates
the dissemination of information, as appropriate, to the media and the College
community. When the Crisis Response Team assembles in its EOC under the leadership
of the Incident Commander, its responsibilities are to:

• Determine and update information regarding the scope and impact of the incident
• Prioritize emergency actions
• Deploy and coordinate resources and equipment
• Communicate critical information and instructions through the appropriate
command chain and to the Executive Council
• Monitor and re-evaluate conditions
• Coordinate actions with government agencies
The Security department supports the Executive Council Command Center and the Crisis
Response Team Command Center with security personnel.

Evacuate or Shelter in Place

Since the residence halls are governed by their own evacuation procedures based on the
nature of the emergency, other than automatic evacuation, the Incident Commander will
decide whether the College community should evacuate the 71st street campus buildings.
Note that with certain emergencies, the Incident Commander may decide that evacuation
of a building or of the campus is not an appropriate course of action. Examples of such
incidents are:

• An armed hostage situation

• Gunfire – an Active Shooter on or in the vicinity of the College campus
• A violent incident outside the campus perimeter
• A local hazardous or toxic airborne plume or local hazardous waste spillage.
In such cases, and upon the direction of the Incident Commander, all people present
within the College buildings will be instructed through ConnectED to Shelter in Place.

Shelter in Place Procedures:

• The College will broadcast a direction to Shelter in Place via the ConnectED
emergency notification system. This same message will instruct students in route
to the school to avoid seeking entry to the College campus or residence halls,
depending upon the location of the incident.
• Upon the receipt of the Shelter in Place notification, and depending upon the
affected building, students and faculty should report to assigned classrooms
immediately. Staff and unassigned faculty should report to their respective offices
immediately. Unassigned students should seek shelter in the nearest classroom, or
other similarly protected area, such as the Theater, the Great Hall, the Cafeteria,
and so forth. Residence hall students should return to their respective rooms.
• Faculty and staff on each floor should make a reasonable effort to ensure
evacuation of all hallways and elevators, and that everyone in sight has gone to a
classroom or similarly protected area. Residence Advisors should make a
reasonable effort to ensure that all students return to their dormitory rooms.
• Close and lock all doors and windows.
• Close drapes, stay away from windows and exterior doors.
• Turn off pilot lights, air conditioners and exhaust fans.
• Do not open windows or doors and remain in protected areas until receipt of an
“ALL CLEAR” ConnectED message that indicates danger has passed.


In the event of a high level emergency, and if the Incident Commander decides
that evacuation of the College buildings is necessary, evacuation shall be
initiated through the fire alarm system. If the fire alarm sounds, members of the
College community should evacuate immediately.

Emergency Evacuation Volunteer’s:

In order to ensure the success of evacuations, individual members of the College

community have volunteered to be Emergency Evacuation Volunteers (EEV’s). Every
campus building contains pre-designated EEV’s. These individuals operate under the
direction of the Security department. The EEV’s are not first responders. Rather, the
EEV’s merely assist in helping others to evacuate. EEV’s are expected to have a
situational awareness of the workplace, and to report to the Security department anything
that seems suspicious or that may be hazardous. EEV’s along with Security Officers
assist in the overall evacuation of the occupants of campus buildings to Evacuation
Assembly Area which are located on 71st and 72nd streets at the corners of Second
Avenue and Third Avenue. In addition to assisting with floor evacuations, EEV’s are
expected to relay information concerning injured or special-needs people who require
immediate attention.

General Evacuation Procedures:

When evacuating a building or work area:

• Stay calm
• Do not rush or panic
• Gather personal belongings if it is safe to do so. Reminder: take prescription
medications, keys, purse, glasses, etc. if at all possible, since it may be hours
before you are allowed back in the building
• If safe, close and leave unlocked office doors and windows
• Use the nearest fire stairways to proceed to an exit. Do not use the elevator.
• Proceed to the designated Evacuation Assembly Area as directed by Security
• Wait for instructions from emergency responders and/or EEV’s
• Do not re-enter the building or work area until instructed to do so by Security
Officers, who are acting under the instruction of the Incident Commander

Part Two: Emergency Preparedness Operating Plan by
Emergency Type
Bomb Threats………………………………………………………………………….…14

Fire and Explosions………………………………………………………………………15

Hazardous Materials……………………………………………………………………..16

Suspicious Package………………………………………………………………………17

Adverse Weather…………………………………………………………………………18

Major Threat or Incident in Tri-State Area………………………………………………19

Utility Outage……………………………….....................................................................20

Aided Case / Person Needing Assistance..……................................................................21

Death or Serious Injury………………………...……………………………………...…22

Workplace Violence……………………………………………………………………...24

Gunfire (Active Shooter)………………………………………………………………...25

Hostage Situation………………………………………………………….……………..26

Bomb Threats

Bomb threats pose a serious danger to the safety and order of MMC and are always taken
seriously by the Security department.

MMC Community
Periodically key members of the MMC community will be sent training updates
regarding this type of threat and appropriate actions to be taken. The standard procedure
is as follows:

If you receive a bomb threat by phone, try to secure as much specific information
as possible: location of the bomb, campus building, floor, room, time of
detonation, or any other descriptive information. Pay attention to your telephone
display and record the number shown. Pay attention to any background noise and
distinctive sounds such as traffic, other voices, television, music, machinery, etc.
Note the characteristics of the caller's voice such as gender, age, education, and
accent. Immediately after the call has ended call (9)911 then contact Security at
411. If the threat was left on your voice mail, do not erase it.

Initial Action
A bomb threat may come to the attention of MMC in various ways. It is important to
compile as much information as possible in order to determine the location(s) to be
searched and/or evacuated.

Most bomb threats are delivered by telephone. The caller usually calls when
someone can receive the threat. The phone offers the caller a cloak of secrecy. Each
threat MUST BE HANDLED AS IF IT IS GENUINE. Upon receiving information
regarding a bomb threat immediately contact the Police Department at (9)911 and then
contact Security at 411. The Incident Commander will ensure that MMC senior
leadership is informed of the incident. A Security Officer will be the liaison between the
first responders (NYPD & FDNY) and the Emergency Evacuation Volunteers. The
EEV’s will provide situational information about their area in order to help prioritize the
area(s) to be searched.

Security will coordinate with municipal first responders and render assistance as required.
The decision to evacuate a building is generally determined by specific information
received regarding the bomb threat. The Incident Commander will notify senior
leadership of the threat and will make a decision regarding activating the Crisis Response
Team. The Incident Commander, or designee, will determine if there is a clear and
present danger and initiate an evacuation as deemed appropriate based on available
information. In general, the default procedure is building evacuation unless contra-

Fire and Explosions

Fire and explosions present a constant threat to institutions of higher learning. The
Facilities department in conjunction with the Security department currently monitors fire
safety equipment such as sprinklers, fire extinguishers and fire alarm systems at all MMC
locations. Evacuation protocols have been developed and will be exercised with regular
fire drills.

MMC Community
In addition to regularly scheduled fire drills, periodically, key members of the MMC
community will, in time, receive training updates on how to respond to this type of threat.
General instructions are as follows:
If you observe a fire, alert those in your immediate area, evacuate the area, and
activate the closest fire alarm pull station. Call (9)911 and security at ext. 411.
When a fire alarm is activated, immediately evacuate the building following the
instructions of Security Officers and Emergency Evacuation Volunteers. The
routine fire drills conducted by MMC help to ensure an immediate and safe
evacuation of all individuals in a building. Treat every fire drill as if it is a
genuine fire, initiate evacuation of the building immediately upon hearing the fire
If an explosion occurs and overhead items are falling in your area take refuge
under a sturdy table or desk. If there are severe smoke conditions stay low to the
floor and exit the building as quickly as possible. If you are trapped in the debris,
tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can hear you. Untrained individuals should
not attempt to rescue people who are inside a collapsed building. Security will
immediately contact professional first responders who will initiate appropriate
rescue activities.
Initial Action
An explosion is caused by a rapid expansion of gas from a chemical reaction or an
incendiary device. Signs of an explosion may be a very loud sound or a series of noises
and vibrations, fire, heat, smoke, falling glass or debris.
The Incident Commander, or designee, will make a determination about activating the
Crisis Response Team. Upon being notified, the Security department will ensure
appropriate fire alarms have been activated, contact municipal first responders, and
deploy officers to direct evacuation activities. The Incident Commander will coordinate
with Facilities and the Chemical Hygiene Officer, and advise senior leadership of the

Hazardous Materials

The information below provides a brief summary of instructions for immediate action
following the discovery of the release of hazardous materials.
MMC Community
Immediately upon discovering that a spill has occurred or has the potential to occur,
faculty, staff and/or students should notify Security ext. 411 of the situation. The
individual reporting the incident should provide as much information as possible
regarding the type, nature and location of the spill. Certain employees are trained to
control small and incidental spills and leaks which are “non-emergencies” or “Level
One” emergencies. All persons present should evacuate the area containing the spill and
should prevent others from entering the area until a Security Officer arrives.
Initial Action
Upon receiving a call about an incident, Security will dispatch a Security Officer to
investigate. Security will notify the Chemical Hygiene Officer and the Facilities
department. The Chemical Hygiene Officer will immediately assess the reported
emergency and inform Security and the Incident Commander of the exact nature of the
incident. The assessment will evaluate the following:
• Nature and scope of the problem
• Steps necessary to protect life, health, environment, and facility operations
• Whether outside emergency responders are needed
In the case of a particularly toxic spill, the CHO will act in conjunction with
Security to contact Emergency Responders, who will immediately determine the need for
and extent of evacuation (if not already accomplished). Small and
incidental spills and leaks, which result in “non-emergencies” or “Level One”
emergencies, will be handled in-house. Larger incidents, characterized as a
“Level Two” or “Level Three” emergency, will necessitate the activation of this
Emergency Plan. The Chemical Hygiene Officer will alert Security to contact the New
York Fire Department and/or outside response contractors and ask them to respond to the
incident. The Incident Commander, or designee, will activate the Crisis Response Team
if appropriate.

Suspicious Package

A suspicious package can be dangerous, disruptive and pose a safety threat to the MMC
community. It could be delivered at any time to anyone. Generally people know what
types of packages they usually receive, and should treat anything out of the ordinary as a
suspicious package. If you notice a suspicious package, do not touch it. Immediately call

MMC Community
A suspicious package could be discovered in the mailroom or by staff, students, faculty
or visitors anywhere in any of the MMC locations. If you see a package or an envelope
that looks unusual, stay calm and do not open it. Notify Security at 411. Security will
contact (9)911. Listen for instructions. Upon assessing the situation with first responders
(NYPD and/or FDNY) the Incident Commander, or designee, will determine whether or
not it is necessary to evacuate and/or lockdown any building, or part of a building, to
protect students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Initial Action
Upon being notified of a suspicious package, the Incident Commander, or his designee,
will coordinate actions and communications among Security, Facilities, the Chemical
Hygiene Officer and the external first responders. The Incident Commander will notify
senior leadership of the threat and will make a decision regarding activating the Crisis
Response Team and/or first responders. The Incident Commander will determine if there
is a clear and present danger to the Community and will initiate an evacuation and/or
lockdown, whichever is appropriate based on available information.

Adverse Weather Conditions

Severe weather conditions can adversely affect the operations of MMC. The office of the
Executive Vice President, Administration and Finance and the Security department, in
conjunction with the Facility departmwnt, routinely monitors weather forecasts in order
to ensure that the College is prepared for and able to respond to projected weather
conditions and to make informed recommendations about whether to close the College,
or to call for a delayed opening or an early dismissal.

MMC Community
If adverse weather is predicted for New York City and surrounding areas,
procedures are in place to evaluate the likely affect on the campus, the residence halls and
access routes to MMC. Security and Facilities personnel are deployed to address and
remediate the impact of the weather condition on the campus, and to evaluate, on an on-
going basis, safety conditions. If adverse weather impacts MMC outside of normal
business hours, the MMC community has been instructed to listen to certain radio and
television stations for closure or delayed opening information. In addition, the MMC
community may visit the MMC website or call 212-517-0400 for school opening and
closure information. If adverse weather affects the campus during normal business hours,
information will be supplied through department supervisors and email notices.

Initial Action
Upon being informed, through the routine monitoring of weather information
systems that it is likely the College will be affected negatively by adverse weather
conditions, the Incident Commander, or designee, will escalate communications with
Facilities Services and Security personnel. Staffing levels, equipment, and overall
readiness will be evaluated. The Incident Commander will use ConnectED to notify senior
leadership to ensure that an informed decision regarding closing the College can be made.
Together the Executive Vice President, Administration and Finance, Vice President for
Academic Affairs and Vice President of Student Affairs will make a recommendation to
the President to close the school. In cases of high wind conditions, protocols are in place
to canvas the campus and resident halls and prevent any unsecured items from becoming
projectiles. The Incident Commander, or designee, will determine if the Crisis Response
Team should be activated. Departmental representatives will be notified as appropriate.

Note: The College will use the ConnectED broadcast system only in the most severe weather
conditions such as blizzards or hurricanes.

Major Threat or Incident in the Tri-State Area

A major accident or incident in New York City or the Tri-State area such as a chemical
spill, a biological/radiological release or a severe health situation (e.g. bird flu) could
pose a safety threat to the MMC community. While these types of emergencies may be
external to MMC, communications, utilities and transportation within the New York City
region could be negatively affected.
MMC Community
MMC has access to appropriate emergency management offices. The College will obtain
the latest information regarding the incident. Depending upon the severity of the
situation, a determination may be implemented by senior management to have the
campus community shelter in place or evacuate the College buildings in order to protect
students, staff and faculty.

Initial Action
The Incident Commander, or his designee, will coordinate and communicate with
the Security and Facilities departments upon being notified of an area incident. If
needed, Security Officers will be deployed to building entrances. If the incident affects an
entire section of the campus or the surrounding community, the Security department will
contact, through established communication chains, appropriate municipal first
responders and emergency management agencies. Together, they will ascertain the cause
of the incident and work to implement any incident specific course of action. The
Incident Commander, or designee, will also establish contact with senior leadership to
inform them of the incident, action taken, and to provide recommendations regarding the
cancellation of classes, and for closing the school. Based on the extent, cause and
possible duration of the incident, the Incident Commander, or designee, will make a
determination to activate the Crisis Response Team.

Utility Outage

Power failures resulting in the loss of electricity to one or more MMC locations are
disruptive and may pose a safety threat to the MMC community.

MMC Community
It is important that if power is lost in your work area, you immediately try to notify
Security. The Security department will immediately dispatch officers to the affected area
and contact the Facilities Services department to determine cause and possible duration.
Stay calm; if Security initiates an evacuation of your area, follow the instructions of the
Security Officers and the Emergency Evacuation Volunteers assigned to your building.
Security will keep evacuees informed of the status of the outage and projected time, if
known, to re-enter the building. A calm, orderly evacuation, when advised by Security,
will ensure the safety of the MMC community.

Initial Action
The Incident Commander, or designee, will coordinate with Facilities upon notification
of a power outage. Security Officers, will be deployed to the affected area. If the power
outage is more extensive, i.e., it affects an entire portion of the campus or the surrounding
community, the Security department will contact municipal first responders and the
appropriate emergency management agencies. Together, they will ascertain the cause and
work to implement any incident specific course of action. The Incident Commander, or
designee, will establish contact with senior leadership to inform them of the incident,
action taken, and recommendations regarding closing the school. Based on the extent,
cause, and possible duration of the outage, the Incident Commander, or designee, will
make a determination to activate the Crisis Response Team.

Aided Case / Person Needing Assistance

An Aided Case is any person on campus and any student on or off campus who
is in need of assistance because of, but not limited to, sickness, injury, mental
illness, or entrapment. The individual may or may not be in need of medical

MMC Community
All elevator alarms are monitored by Security at all times. Security guards perform
regular investigative rounds. High volume areas are patrolled and monitored at the
security desk via closed circuit television. If you see someone in need of assistance then
contact Security immediately. If injuries appear life threatening, call the police at (9) 911
and Security at 411. In some cases, a person may not want help or realize that he/she is in
need of assistance; if you are not certain or in any way uneasy with the situation please
contact Security immediately and wait for the Security Officers to arrive. All Security
professionals are trained to handle situations of this nature.
Initial Action
On receiving a call regarding an Aided Case, Security will dispatch a Security Officer to
investigate. Once the situation is under control, an incident report will be generated. The
report will include the following information:

• Time of Incident
• Location of Incident
• Name of Involved/Injured Party
• Title of Involved/Injured Party (Student, Faculty, Staff or other) Description of
the Incident
• Witnesses
• MMC community members that were notified
• MMC community members that were involved in supporting the Aided Case in
any way during and/or after the initial incident.
• The name, badge number and or car number of the first responders

The Incident Commander, or designee, will coordinate and communicate with Security
upon being notified of an incident. The Incident Commander, or designee, will notify
senior management if appropriate. Based on the severity of the event, notification could
range from a simple email notice to the convening of Executive Council. If the incident
involves a staff or faculty member Human Resources and/or Academic Affairs should be
notified. If the incident involves a faculty member the Dean should be notified. If the
incident involves a student the Dean of Students should be notified. If the Aided Case
results in a serious injury or death, separate procedures for these conditions should be
followed. Completed copies of all reports will be distributed to the Associate Vice
President / Controller, Director of Facilities and the department responsible for the
individual. All staff incident reports should be delivered to Human Resources, Faculty
incident reports should be delivered to Human Resources and Academic Affairs and
Student incident reports should be delivered to Student Affairs.

Death or Serious Injury

The occurrence of death or serious injury is both an emergency as well as an aided case
situation. The response may be very broad. The incident type can include a student,
faculty member, staff member, or visitors on campus. For the student population, this
includes occurrences on or off campus. This plan addresses other populations only if
death or serious injury occurs while on campus.
MMC Community
All Security Officers perform regular investigative rounds. High volume areas are
patrolled and monitored at the security desk via closed circuit television. If you find
someone who is seriously injured or if death has occurred call (9)911 and then call
Security at 411. The initial response in all cases regardless of constituency is the same.
However, the secondary response varies based on constituency. Below, the response for
each constituency is explained in detail.

Initial Action
On receiving a call regarding a Death or Serious Injury, Security will make sure
(9) 911 has been contacted and simultaneously they will dispatch a Security Officer to
investigate. Once the situation is under control an incident report will be generated. The
report will include the following information:
• Time of Incident
• Location of Incident
• Name of Involved/Injured Party
• Title of Involved Injured Party (Student, Faculty, Staff or other) Description of
the Incident
• Witnesses
• MMC community members that were notified
• MMC community members that were involved in supporting the Aided in any
way during and or after the initial incident.
• The name, badge number and or car number of the first responders
The Incident Commander, or designee, will coordinate and communicate with Security
upon being notified of an incident. The Incident Commander, or designee, will notify
senior management as appropriate. Notification will range based on the severity of the
event. Methods of notification include but are not limited to email and convening of
Executive Council. If the incident involves a staff or faculty member Human Resources
will be notified. If the incident involves a faculty member the Dean will be notified. It the
incident involves a student the Dean of Students will be notified. Once the incident report
is completed copies of all incidents will be distributed to the Associate Vice President /
Controller, Director of Facilities and the associated department. In all cases the Vice
President for Institutional Advancement will be notified of the event.


On Campus
The initial response will include the actions listed above. As soon as it is determined that
the affected party is a student, security will contact the department of Student Affairs.

Off Campus/ Residence Halls
The initial response will include the actions listed above. As soon as it is determined that
the affected party is a student, security will contact the Vice President of Student Affairs
and the Director of Residence Life.

Off Campus
The initial response will not include the actions listed above. As soon as Security is
notified that a student has been injured or death has occurred off campus, they will notify
the Incident Commander, VP of Student Affairs, Director of Residence Life, and the
Director of CAPS. The Director of Security will continue to work with New York City
officials to provide communication between the Campus community and City officials.

Faculty Members

On Campus
The initial response will include the actions listed above. As soon as it is determined that
the affected party is a Faculty member, Security will contact the department of Human
Resources and Academic Affairs.

Staff Members

On Campus
The initial response will include the actions listed above. As soon as it is determined that
the affected party is a Staff member, Security will contact the department of Human

Visitors on Campus

The initial response will include the actions listed above.

Workplace Violence

Incidents of workplace violence can occur on campus or at a residence hall, in the

vicinity of campus or a residence hall, with little or no warning.

MMC Community
MMC maintains a zero tolerance policy for violence in the workplace. Any form of
violent behavior, from the seemingly insignificant to the significant, is inherently
destructive to the fabric of the MMC community and will not be tolerated. Employees
have a responsibility to report promptly to their immediate supervisor all threats or
incidents of workplace violence, whether they are directed at the employee or at any
other member of the MMC community. The Director of Security, or designee, and the
Office of Human Resources will coordinate an appropriate response.

For the purpose of this policy, the MMC community includes, but is not limited to,
faculty, administrators, staff, students, alumni, interns, and members of the Board of
Trustees. Visitors to MMC, vendors and service-providers are also subject to this policy.
All employees of MMC should also familiarize themselves with the policy in the
Employee Handbook covering violence in the workplace.

Initial Action
Upon being notified of a workplace violence incident, the Incident Commander, or
designee, will determine the level of the emergency and initiate a response. Under very
violent conditions, the police will be contacted immediately, and based on the severity of
the situation, MMC senior leadership will be notified and the Crisis Response Team will
be activated.

Gunfire (Active Shooter)

Gunfire from an active shooter can occur on or near campus with little to no warning.

MMC Community
In the event gunfire erupts within College buildings or near the College campus or
residence halls, all members of the campus community should use the term "ACTIVE
SHOOTER" when notifying the New York City Police Department 911.

Initial Action
Upon notification of gunfire of an active shooter, the Incident Commander, or designee,
initiates the following steps.

Notifies Executive Council and decides whether to activate the Crisis Response Team.
Upon reasonable suspicion of a present danger to the campus community, the Incident
Commander, or designee:

Immediately notifies the IT Director, or designee, to send an ConnectED message that

notifies the on-site campus community to “Shelter in Place”, and off-campus
members of the community to avoid the college campus, or the location of the
incident. When classrooms, offices, or dormitory rooms are used to shelter in
place, all persons must stay away from the windows and doors, and remain as
quiet as possible. Lock all doors from the inside if possible. A situation involving
an active shooter will trigger an ConnectED message to DROP FLAT TO THE

The Incident Commander or designee will immediately notify the New York City
Police Department 911, and the campus Security department 411. He/She will
notify the police dispatcher and campus Security that there is an "ACTIVE
SHOOTER" on premises, and will give the name, location and telephone number
of the school. If the caller has a cell phone, provide the number to the police. The
Incident Commander or designee must keep an approved communication device.

Upon arrival, NYPD will assume jurisdiction over the event. The NYPD will direct the
Incident Commander, or designee, to send an all points, “ALL CLEAR” message via

Hostage Situation

Hostage situations are among the most serious and complex incidents with which to deal.
In some cases, hostage perpetrators are either mentally ill, terrorists or extremists or
fleeing criminals seeking a hiding place. In any situation the person(s) involved is/are
always agitated, unpredictable, and extremely dangerous.

MMC Community
If you become aware of a hostage situation, immediately call (9)911 and Security at 411.
Do not attempt to establish contact with the hostage taker(s). Wait for the arrival of the
police and their Hostage Negotiation Team.

Initial Action
In the event of a hostage situation, the Incident Commander, or designee, initiates the
following steps.

Notifies Executive Council and decides whether to activate the Crises Response Team.
Upon reasonable suspicion of a present danger to the Campus community, the Incident
Commander, or designee:

Immediately notifies the IT Director, or designee, to send an ConnectED message that

notifies the on-site campus community of the hostage situation and to “Shelter in
Place”, and off-campus members of the community to avoid the College campus,
or the location of the incident. When classrooms, offices, or dormitory rooms are
used to shelter in place, all persons must stay away from the windows and doors,
and remain as quiet as possible. Lock all doors from the inside if possible.

The Incident Commander, or designee, will immediately notify the New York
City Police Department 911, and the Security department 411. He/she notify the
police dispatcher and campus Security that there is a “HOSTAGE SITUATION”
in progress, and will give the name, location and telephone number of the school,
and the location of the hostage event. If the caller has a cell phone, provide the
number to the police. The Incident Commander, or designee, must keep an
approved communication device.

Security personnel will immediately cordon off the area where the hostage
situation is located, and evacuate bystanders and onlookers from the immediate

The Incident Commander, or designee, and campus Security will preclude attempts to
establish contact with the hostage taker(s). If, however, the hostage taker(s) begin to
make demands, all present will listen carefully and will not attempt to solicit additional

information. Advise the hostage taker that you will pass on demands to the appropriate

Take no further action. Await the arrival of the police and their Hostage Negotiation
Team. Upon arrival, the police will evaluate the situation and give further direction
regarding any evacuation attempts.

Upon the direction of NYPD, the Incident Commander, or designee, will notify IT
Director, or designee, to send an all points, “ALL CLEAR” message via ConnectED.


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