Part I. Introduction
Part I. Introduction
Part I. Introduction
Bureau of immigration and bureau of internal revenue are agencies under the republic of the
Philippines which has its own specific function, responsibility and purpose.
Bureau of immigration is responsible and committed to be regionally and internationally
recognized for the administration and enforcement of immigration, citizenship and alien admission and
registration laws in accordance with the provision of the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940.
Bureau of internal revenue under the supervision and control of the department of finance and its
power and duties shall comprehend the assessment and collection of all national internal revenue taxes,
fee, charges, penalties and fines.
To know and understand what are the composition of the organization of BIR (bureau of internal
revenue) and BI (bureau of immigration).
To have knowledge regarding the organizational structure of BIR (bureau of internal revenue) and
BI (bureau of immigration) in order for us to identify it basic management functions.
Official Gazette
Office of the President
Official Directory
Official calendar
Project NOAH
Official Calendar
Official Directory
Supreme court
Court of appeals
Court of tax appeals
Judicial bar and council
Bureau of immigration and bureau of internal revenue are created to fulfil specific task and
responsibility by its own guidelines and mandates. Each of every has its own function.
Bureau of immigration focuses on the areas they think that may help them to pursue and
accomplish their function. Those areas are the personnel management and enhancement, agency
coordination, transparency and good governance programs, refinement of rules, regulations, procedure
and policies, infrastructure improvement, organizational and structural reforms and technology
advancement.The Bureau of Immigration is committed to provide our stakeholders a culture of excellence
towards providing international recognized immigration services leading to effective, efficient and
innovative border control management.
Bureau of internal revenue shall give effect to and administer the supervisory and police powers
conferred to it by this Code or other laws. (Section 2 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997).
They collect tax through the enforcement of tax law for the nation building and to uplift every life of
Filipino. Guided by excellence with integrity and professionalism.
Part V. References