What Is A Bank: Banking & Financial Awareness
What Is A Bank: Banking & Financial Awareness
What Is A Bank: Banking & Financial Awareness
and liabilities being transferred to the Kannada and Udupi district. It was the
Alliance Bank of Shimla. undivided Dakshina Kannada district. It was
renamed as Dakshina Kannada in 1947.
Alliance Bank of Simla (Shimla) Four banks started operation during the
The Alliance Bank of Simla was a British-run though period of Swedeshi Movement and so this
India-registered bank that commenced operations in was known as “Cradle of Indian
Simla 1874 under the management of Mr. James Banking.
Walker. It was established to take over the business of
the United Bank of India, established in 1866, with This was the first phase of Indian banking which was
operations in Simla (Shimla) and Umballa (Ambala, a very slow in development. This era saw many ups
Haryana). Its board put the United Bank of India in and downs in the banking scenario of the country.
voluntary liquidation on Saturday 21 March, and The Second Phase starts from 1935 when Reserve
Alliance Bank commenced operations on Monday, 23 bank of India was established. Between the periods
March. The Alliance Bank failed on 27 April 1923 due of 1911-1948, there were more than 1000 banks in
to speculation by its management. At the time that it India, almost all small banks.
failed it had 36 branches, including ones in Lahore,
Lucknow, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, and Rangoon. The Reserve Bank of India was constituted
in 1934 as an apex Bank, however without
major government ownership. Government
The first Bank of India with Limited Liability of India came up with the Banking
to be managed by Indian Board was Oudh Companies Act 1949. This act was later
Commercial Bank. It was established in 1881 changed to Banking Regulation
at Faizabad. This failed in 1958. (Amendment) Act 1949.
The first bank purely managed by Indian The Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act
was Punjab National Bank, established in of 1965 gave extensive powers to the Reserve
Lahore in 1895. The Punjab national Bank Bank of India. The Reserve Bank of India
has not only survived till date but also is one was made the Central Banking Authority.
of the largest banks in India.
However, the first Indian commercial bank The banking sector reforms started immediately
which was wholly owned & managed by after the independence. These reforms were basically
Indians was Central Bank of India which aimed at improving the confidence level of the public
was established in 1911. as most banks were not trusted by the majority of
So this bank is called India’s First Truly the people. Instead, the deposits with the Postal
Swadeshi bank. Central, Bank of India was department were considered safe.
dreams come true of Sir Sorabji
Pochkhanawala, founder of the Bank. Sir The first major step was Nationalization of
Pherozesha Mehta was the first Chairman of the Imperial Bank of India in July 1955 via
this Bank. State Bank of India Act.
Many more Indian banks were established State Bank of India was made to act as the
between 1906-1911. This was the era of the principal agent of RBI and handle banking
Swadeshi Movement in India. Some of the transactions of the Union and State
banks are Bank of India, Corporation Bank, Governments.
Indian Bank, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank In a major process of nationalization, 7
and Central Bank of India. subsidiaries of the State Bank of India were
Bank of India was the first Indian bank to nationalized by the Indira Gandhi regime. In
open a branch outside India in London in 1959 & 1960, 14 major private commercial
1946 and the first open a branch in banks were nationalized. These 14 banks
continental Europe at Paris in 1974. The Nationalized in 1969 are as follows:
Bank was founded in September 1906 as a 1. Central Bank of India
private entity and was nationalized in July 2. Bank of Maharashtra
1969. Since the logo of this Bank is a star, its 3. Dena Bank
head office in Mumbai is located in Star 4. Punjab National Bank
House, Bandra East, Mumbai. 5. Syndicate Bank
There was a district in Today’s Karnataka 6. Canara Bank
state called South Canara under the British 7. Indian Bank
empire. It was bifurcated in 1859 from 8. Indian Overseas Bank
Canara district, thus making Dakshina 9. Bank of Baroda